Forge An Eternal Kingdom

Chapter 511: Immortal Venerable

At this moment, Han Qiming reached the sixth-layer Xuanxuan Realm, and the form of Cultivation Technique changed again in his body.

But everyone did not notice the breath of his Transcends Tribulation. They only saw him move a little, which seemed to be performing some taboo technique, which aroused the anger of Heavenly Dao, but then a stronger breath came out on his body. , So that Heavenly Dao's anger was wiped out.

"Okay... I am actually a wizard. I can't think of it. There are such characters in the lower realm. It's very good..." The tall figure can be seen clearly, revealing the true face of the owner: "You are just a six-layer broken Profound Immortal Venerable Realm can slay characters in the myth realm. Even the tearer of the realm refinement is not your opponent. It is a pity that people like you will be the first to be wiped out by the calamity."

This tall figure is actually a middle-aged man, the supreme powerhouse of Realm. Looking at Han Qiming on his face, there seems to be an eyeball in his eyebrows turning to observe.

"Which tenth-class immortal world are you from? Realm invincible master, why come down and control the seventh-class immortal world? What can be controlled in the seventh-class immortal world." Han Qiming looked at this person, cautiously.

This middle-aged man, wearing a large robe with chaotic colors, could not see any signs of cutting at all. It seemed that he had torn a piece from the chaos and put it on his body. Human and chaos cooperated with each other.

Han Qiming knew that in today's battle, it may be difficult to deal with the aftermath. There was a figure of transformation from the gods. Obviously, there were more than ten levels of immortal manipulation, and he was still reckless.

"Huh! Seventh-class immortal realm is also my subordinate. What's wrong with my control of subordinates?" The middle-aged man in the chaotic robe laughed: "It's you, which immortal realm is from, see if the subordinate belongs to In the scope of my jurisdiction, such talents are rare in our tenth-level and above immortal world. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you. You are much more valuable than the Ripper. Waste, it is only natural for you to absorb him. However, if you don't turn to us, it will be difficult to resist the catastrophe in the future."

"Hahaha..." Han Qiming laughed: "Great disaster, what kind of disaster? I'm not even afraid of Heavenly Dao's anger. I'm also afraid of what kind of disaster, what kind of disaster can get me? You just saw it, this Heavenly Dao is crying."

"The ignorant is fearless..." The middle-aged man in Chaos Robe smiled again: "You know what this catastrophe is. It is from the future. There will be countless characters in the future who will cross the long river of time and come here to invade all the fairy world. Even the planes of the gods get what they want. In the future, as long as someone opens the ancient time tunnel, even an ordinary person who arrives here, after being baptized by the rules, will turn into the future. People, special physique, overwhelming future person, can you resist? Or take refuge in us, only we can resist the catastrophe..."


Han Qiming heard this, in the eyes of others, it was a headless word, but he was like thunderous Nine Heavens, which shook his head buzzing.

He had seen the scene of the future, and it was very scary. If people in the future appeared one after another and invaded here, it is likely to come for his true magic mark.


Han Qiming's head understood many things in a flash. In fact, he always knew in his heart that there must be a great calamity coming down between heaven and earth recently, but he couldn't figure out the specific calamity at all. I always feel heavy in my heart, as if there is a stone oppressing, there is even a sharp sword hanging, and it will fall down anytime and anywhere.

But no matter how the calculations were made, it was calm and without warning.

Now he was actually explained by this invincible master.

It turns out that in the near future, many masters of the future world will come to invade! The past, the present, and the future are three different points in time, which cannot be traversed because there will be a Karma relationship between each other. This is the principle of the Dao. Once the Karma ethics is disturbed, the whole world will collapse.

This is the avenue and the law.

Only the gods can cross the past, present and future. Those who occasionally appear in the future, the past, are a great opportunity, and the number is too small. For the entire history, the entire time and space will not have any impact, but if the number is one Too much is not enough, it will collapse as a whole, the whole time period, all chaos, turned into the scene of the Primordial Chaos, everything will be vanished.

However, Han Qiming knew that this situation would happen sooner or later.

Not because of anything else, but because of the Mark of True Demon.

The supreme mark of the supreme true demon, the artifact of the true demon, is divided into three pieces. The first piece is left in the ancient times, belonging to the past, the second piece is in the present, on its own body, and the third piece is in the future, in one piece. Invincible hands.

With the passage of time, these three imprints will be united sooner or later, and it is necessary to cross the long river of time, so that people come to the depths of the breakpoints of the past, present, and future in this unexplained overlap.

"No wonder, it's no wonder that Long Aotian will create the Brahma Party, transform the Brahma Realm and make waves everywhere, and even transform the Brahma Realm into an existence that looks like a future world. It turned out to be a kind of fire created for the future world invasion." Han Qiming is almost there. In an instant, he knew the ins and outs of the whole thing, that Long Aotian was the future.

"That's it, that's it... I can't find the ancient magical powers of the master, and even the wheel of fortune can't calculate the breath that reaches them. There is only one possibility. They are not in the present, and I are not in the same time fault. In the future, it is possible in the past to become the possessor of a special physique. It is a pity that I know too few secrets now. If I cooperate with the person in front of me, it is possible..."

In an instant, Han Qiming felt that the person in front of him had some possibility of cooperation. The supreme master of Realm in front of him, the middle-aged man in Chaos robe, had a kind of inciting ability for him, which made him unconsciously, Want to work with this person.

"No!" Just as Han Qiming's mind changed unknowingly, suddenly the real magic mark on the eyebrows jumped a little, and his whole person suddenly became sober: "My mind, how firm, how can it be like this, even this If the origin of the person’s name is not clearly asked, the idea of ​​cooperating with him will arise. Could it be that he has been incited by someone. This person is a special physique, an instigator, the supreme master behind the tearer, cracking Wuhen, manipulating The supreme existence in the Celestial Immortals world of the Holy Sword, a senior figure in the tenth-class immortals world."

Han Qiming understood that this person has a special constitution, not an ordinary person.

It must be the instigator.

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