Forge An Eternal Kingdom

Chapter 738: Temporarily Overwhelmed

"I will die together?" Han Qiming seemed to hear the best joke in this world, "With you, you want to die with me? Even if the four of you, The Underworld, are destroyed at the same time, I will not die? You already know me. With the mark of the true demon, this is the existence blessed by the supreme true demon. How can you die with me? Say!"


The lord of Maha The Underworld was taken aback. He knew that it was a joke to be with Han Qiming.

"Okay, I won't be long-winded with you."

Han Qiming said directly: "If you don’t surrender to me, I will directly kill. Anyway, half of this time is to see your performance. Your performance is good. I can help me kill the Four Emperors of Heaven Court. I can reward you. If you don’t get it right, you’ll have to die! Now, I count to ten. If you are still stubborn, I’ll do it right away. You can run. Whoever runs first, there is no chance, just kill!"

Murderous, absolute threat.

For hundreds of millions of years, only the Lord of The Underworld has threatened others, and no one has ever threatened the Lord of The Underworld, but now the four major Lords of The Underworld have gone from head to toe.

They saw Han Qiming’s profound arts just now. It was really like the wrath of the ancient gods. In a single blow, God’s majesty rolled over, and they also saw the power of dragons, snakes and snakes. They couldn’t resist it, let alone people. Everyone knows that Han Qiming now has Shura Wang Fulu on his body, urging the God of War catalog.


Han Qiming didn't care about everyone's thoughts at all, and counted them. It was like a reminder, with a sound of urges, resounding in everyone's ears.

"Two, three, four...five,"

The four lords trembled and seemed to be suffering. They wanted to run, but did not dare. Han Qiming's majesty deterred them. Originally, the immortal demon body had a natural shock to the lord of The Underworld. They had a deep heart. Chu is very afraid of idols.

"Eight... Nine..."

Han Qiming shouted to the ninth, murderous intent had already emerged. If these people still don’t surrender, he must kill them, even if they use all the God engine energy at all, these people have to deal with him anyway. After killing four, the Heaven Court four emperors could hardly scream. They used the Blood Essence vitality that killed the four to condense into four incarnations, and they can still compete with the Heaven Court four emperors.

"We surrender, we surrender, son Han Qiming, let’s talk about a statute. We only put forward one point, that is, we can’t let go of our hearts to believe in you. Once we believe in you, life and death are all in your control. We die if we die, we would rather die than accept."

The Lord of Freedom spoke suddenly.

Han Qiming clapped his hands: "Okay, those who know the current affairs are handsome. As long as you speak a little later, you are dead. Believe, I won't want you for the time being. You swear to be loyal to me."

He knows that things are slowly coming, and he is still unable to make these people believe in himself, although once they believe, the power of belief in the giant can almost shatter the entire world, and the Shura clone is advancing again by leaps and bounds, even the seventy-one ancestors. The Cultivation Base can make great progress, and everyone has been promoted to Realm.

However, the persecution of these four lords does not work. Belief is fundamental, and their Cultivation Base must know that once they believe in others, they will perish forever and never recover.

Moreover, Han Qiming's own Cultivation Base has not yet reached its peak.

As long as there is a period of time, the God engine is full of energy, and the insight into the ancient gods, all kinds of Cultivation Bases are melted in one furnace, these four lords can force them to believe in themselves.

All of this is carried out in an orderly manner in the plan.

"I swear! I am at ease, Bo Xun, and I will definitely be loyal to the son. If there is a wrong heart, I will never be able to ascend to the highest position of the gods." Bo Xun said: "At that time, the son killed me, and I have no complaints. "

"Yes, we also swear." Then, the four lords swore at the same time.

However, Han Qiming knew that their vows were of no use. The common demon Heart's Demon would be useful, but these demons among the demons can be completely restrained.

But now it can only be so, waiting for the opportunity, completely surrender the four, or kill!

In this way, Han Qiming conquered the four demon in one fell swoop.

However, it is only for temporary conquest. These four demon heads are absolutely unwilling to be servants and courtiers of human beings. One day, they will surely rebel. The demon heads are basically unreliable unless they are summoned by the gate of The Underworld. After the baptism of The Underworld, people will be absolutely pious.

But Han Qiming couldn't summon a nightmare of such a high level at all.

In fact, he can now summon Realm's Ninth Stage Devil, which is already the limit, and even his Realm Ninth Stage's Realm can summon up to three or four Devil characters on the small steps. Now the four lords are already figures on small steps, Immortal's ladder climbed extremely high, touching the edge and breath of Immortal's throne, it was impossible to summon them.

Unless Han Qiming is also promoted to reach their Realm of the same level.

Moreover, these Devils are the pinnacle of summoning.

If you go one step further, you will summon the fallen evil god. It’s a pity that it’s impossible, unless Han Qiming’s cultivation reaches the Realm of his own gods, and now in The Underworld, there seems to be no fallen evil gods, because in the Primordial Era, there was a catastrophe, and all the gods were all. Perished, Nirvana is gone, and disappeared.

Even the Brahma, the godhead is now broken, the limbs are suppressed in all directions, lingering and panting, like lights in the wind, they will perish at any time.

"My son, what are your orders now? Now we are going to siege and kill the Four Heaven Court four emperors or what?"

With a vow, the whole person became respectful, but deep in his heart, he was still deeply cunning. Han Qiming could see that this person was absolutely untrustworthy, but he could use it temporarily.

"It's not working for the time being. Waiting for the opportunity. On the day of the decisive battle between Jiuyang Sect Leader and I, you will immediately turn back. I will conquer the Heaven Court Four Emperors in front of all the guardians of the Alliance, and use absolute means to display them. To lay the foundation for the everlasting foundation of our Guardian Alliance."

Han Qiming waved his hand, "Such a secret move, even if you kill the Four Emperors of Heaven Court, many people don’t know it, it’s a night walk in Jinyi. It doesn’t make much sense, and many people will leave behind their possible shadows, only in the eyes of the public. Only by defeating them thoroughly can you establish invincible prestige."

"My son is supernatural, unpredictable." The big lord Xiaoxiao slapped a flattering, they are Devil, all of them are killed in the depths of the blood sea of ​​the corpse mountain, and they have a deep understanding of the way to adapt at any time, in the eternal years , Benefits and survival are everything, and other things have been smoothed out.

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