Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 228 Green Leaf Agarwood

Chen Afu went to the Zen room. A table of vegetarian food had been placed in the room, and Liao Chen led several children to sit at the table. She sat down at the table and ate the meal together.

After the meal, the children went to take a lunch break, and Chen Afu chatted with Abbot Liao Chen. She heard that Chen's health had not been very good and he often suffered from insomnia, so she took out a piece of swallow-leaf agarwood and gave it to Chen.

When Liao Chen heard that this was Yanye Agarwood, he was so surprised that his eyes widened. He was surprised and said, "Oh my god, is there really such a strange fragrance as swallow leaf agarwood in this world?" He then replied by himself, "It was sent by Master Wu Zhi, it must be true."

She took the incense, smelled it, and then sniffed it again with great enjoyment with her eyes closed. He opened his eyes and said happily, "It's really beautiful and long-lasting, elegant and fragrant. It's never been more wonderful."

Seeing her like this, Chen Afu was a little stunned. Yanye agarwood, as the name suggests, contains the leaves of Yanye agarwood. If he didn't take it out himself, the old monk wouldn't be able to make this kind of incense. But after hearing what Chen said, it seemed that there should be Yanye Agarwood in this world, but it was just very scarce.

Then he asked, "Abbot Liaochen, is this swallow-leaf agarwood very scarce?"

Liao Chen smiled and said, "No wonder you don't know how precious this kind of incense is. The poor nun also saw the swallow-leaf agarwood in an ancient book, and said that to make this kind of incense, you must find a tree called agarwood. , and its leaves are used to make incense. But this kind of tree grows in the mountains where there are few people, and it is impossible for ordinary people to find it. Before, the poor nun thought that this kind of incense did not exist at all, because this and the previous dynasty had not heard of anyone making it. This kind of incense has been produced... Master Wu Zhi is really an eminent monk. He is so amazing. He actually found this kind of leaves and made this kind of strange fragrance." He took Chen Afu's hand and smiled and said, "Afu, you You are so respected by the master that he can give you three of them, you are truly a blessed person."

It turns out that there is such a record in ancient books, and they also cleverly say that Yan Chenxiang grew up in the mountains. In this way, this kind of fragrance will not be so feared by people.

Chen Afu pretended to be surprised and smiled, "It turns out Yanye Agarwood is so precious. Next time, I will definitely send more halogen flavor to Master Wu Zhi to thank him for being so generous."

Liao Chen chuckled and said, "This kind of incense should be used sparingly. If it is wasted, it will be a waste of resources. Ancient books have said that not only does it have a particularly pleasant fragrance, it can also prevent and treat many kinds of diseases, and it is also very useful." It can emit a faint fragrance without burning it. It can be placed in the room to purify the air, or placed in the wardrobe to smoke clothes. The fragrance will slowly disappear after one month, and then it must be lit to distribute the fragrance. So , only break off a small section at a time and use it, which can be used for more than a month. The rest of the incense should be put into a sealed copper vessel so that the aroma is not easily distributed..."

It turns out that it is so durable, two sticks of incense can last for a long time.

Abbot Lochen solemnly put the incense into a copper box and closed the lid. Then, he took Chen Afu's hand and talked about home affairs. Her manner was gentle and her tone gentle. Chen Afu was pulled by her to sit on the kang, feeling as if he was being pulled by Mrs. Wang, with a kind of warmth of maternal love inside.

Chen Afu was also moved, leaning next to her and telling all kinds of interesting things about Chu Hanyan, making her laugh. At this time, her smile reached her eyes, as if she was truly happy.

When the children woke up, everyone was going home again. With tears in her eyes, Chu Hanyan pulled on Lochen's clothes and said, "Grandma and sister, please go home. It's so uncomfortable to live alone in this big yard, just like the original sister."

Liao Chen also had red circles in his eyes, and he lowered his head and said to her, "Grandma can't go home with my sister, because grandma is no longer a foreigner and must live in the nunnery."

Chen Afu also gave Miss Chu some words of advice, then picked her up, and they all got into the carriage together.

When the carriage walked a certain distance and turned around to go down the mountain, Chen Afu opened the curtain and saw Chen standing in front of the nunnery looking at them.

There were only her and two little nuns in the huge mountain gate, which made her even more lonely and helpless.

She had such a powerful husband's and natal family, but she ended up like this just because her husband was coveted.

Chen Afu felt a little sad, and said "Hey" heavily, and his arms around Dabao became a little heavier. I hope Master Wu Zhi can really resolve Dabao's disaster.

Thinking of what Master Wu Zhi said last time, he said that Dabao was among the dragons and phoenixes, and had a strange destiny. He also told him to live in seclusion, not to see people he shouldn't see, and not to leave within a hundred miles of his home for two years...

Chen Afu had long felt that Dabao would not be born into an ordinary family. Now it seems that it is not only unusual, but also very extraordinary, and there must be a deeper reason why he was thrown away than the shady secrets in the inner house.

Such a child, if there is a bloody disaster, will definitely be a life-and-death trouble. Can I, a peasant girl, or the prefect's illegitimate daughter, protect him from harm?

It's easy to handle Jinbao outside, but I'm just worried that something might happen to Jinbao in winter...

Chen Afu was worried and watched the children laughing in silence.

When they arrived at the door of the house, everyone got off the carriage.

Zhuifeng, Wangcai, Qiqi and Huihui were waiting for them at the gate. The children ran over to play with them, and the place immediately became noisy and lively again.

When Mrs. Wang heard that they were back, she came out and said, "I'm going to Luyuan for dinner tonight. I made mutton dumplings today." Then she smiled at Manager Luo and said, "I also invited a few of Sister-in-law Luo to come and eat dumplings together in the evening."

Manager Luo smiled and nodded his thanks.

Chen Afu led the children back to Fuyuan, washed up, and then went to Luyuan.

Chen Afu whispered to Wang in a low voice what she asked the old monk about her uncle. The old monk meant that they could be reunited with their uncle, but they didn't know when they would be reunited.

Mrs. Wang's eyes were red with excitement. She clasped her hands together and chanted the Buddha's name and said, "Thank you Bodhisattva for blessing me. If I can really see your uncle again, I will be able to close my eyes even if I die."

In the evening, Chen Afu asked Xia Yue and Qiu Yue to play with the children, while she hurriedly made a beautiful thumb doll to give to Golden Swallow.

At night, she entered the space again and brought two mutton dumplings. There was no gold treasure under the agarwood tree, and it didn't go out. It must be sleeping in a gold house somewhere.

Chen Afu put the dumpling plate and thumb doll on the ground and began to pick up the jewelry again. She thought about going to Dingzhou Prefecture in a few days, selling her jewelry, and buying a larger shop to be the address of Fuyunlai Trading Company.

Apart from the jewelry that Jin Bao stole in this world, there is still one emerald, three pearls, three sapphires, three pieces of jade and jade carved with flowers and birds.

Perhaps after staying in the space for a long time, these jewelry have excellent luster and are much more valuable than jewelry of the same size and quality.

Chen Afu guessed that the pearls and sapphires together could be sold for at least two hundred taels of silver. And this emerald is even better. Last time the emerald was sold for 320 taels of silver, this one can be sold for at least 500 taels of silver.

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