Chen Afu felt distressed for a while and stretched out his hand to touch his little face. Chen Dabao was touched and woke up. He opened his eyes and gave her a big smile, "Mom, I'm awake." Then he stretched out his thin paw and wiped the drool from the corner of Chen Afu's mouth.

He was so engrossed in watching just now that he didn't even notice that he was drooling. Chen Afu then reached out and wiped the corners of his mouth without realizing it.

Chen Afu said, "Dabao, from now on, let mother do these things by wiping her saliva."

Dabao grinned and said "Okay" at first, but then his mouth dropped, and a layer of mist filled his eyes as he asked, "My mother's illness is going to be cured, so why don't I need Dabao?"

He is indeed a thoughtful child.

This kid is good at everything, but a little too cautious. From now on, he has to develop his self-confidence.

Chen Afu quickly said, "No, Dabao will always be mother's son. But mother's illness is better, and it is mother's responsibility to do these things. Otherwise, people will still say that mother is a fool. Dabao wants a fool ——Are you going to be a mother?" When he is nervous, he speaks very fluently.

Dabao was right when he thought about it, he grinned again and said, "No matter if my mother is stupid or not, Dabao still wants my mother."

Chen Afu felt tender in his heart and leaned forward to kiss his handsome face.

Dabao was stunned for a moment. He has grown so big and no one has ever kissed him. He was shy and happy at the same time, his face was red and his eyebrows were creasingly smiling.

Chen Afu saw him and kissed him again. He said, "My son likes it, and my mother will kiss him every day from now on... before you are seven years old." In ancient times, after the age of seven, men and women had great defenses.

Dabao also mustered up the courage to come over and kiss Chen Afu, and said Nuonuo, "My son likes to kiss his mother." After that, he lay on the pillow and looked at his mother, his face getting even redder. The red ears looked like small pink ingots in the gradually brightening morning light.

Chen Afu saw that the love was not enough, so he leaned over and kissed him again. It's just that this time she didn't control the strength well and hit his face with her head, and heard him groan.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Chen Afu raised his head and rubbed his sore nose.

The mother and son were tired for a while, and heard some movement in the kitchen. It was Mrs. Wang who came out to cook.

Because their family doesn't need to work in the fields, and Wang's work is done late, they don't get up before dawn like other farm families.

Chen Afu put on his shirt and skirt by himself without Xiao Zhengtai's help. After putting it on, I saw Mr. Shota standing in front of the table holding a comb.

Chen Afu was surprised and said, "No, my son can still help his mother comb her hair, right?" He was so surprised that he didn't stop talking and didn't drool.

Chen Dabao said embarrassedly, "My son can only help his mother comb her hair, and ask grandma to hold her hair." He pointed to the stool and said, "Mom, sit down quickly."

Well, I can't raise my arms yet, and I don't want to continue to hold up the chicken coop, and I'm too embarrassed to trouble Mrs. Wang any more.

She sat obediently on the stool and let the four-year-old young lady help comb her hair.

No matter how smart the young lady was, she was still only four years old. His hands were not heavy-handed, and they would pull her head back from time to time, causing Chen Afu to gasp in pain.

Chen Afu added, "Dabao, please teach me to recite "Hundred Family Surnames". I want to exercise my mouth, so that my mouth becomes flexible, so that when I speak, it won't sound like a broken gong, so I won't stutter."

Chen Dabao said yes and started to recite it loudly. He recited one sentence, and Chen Afu followed it loudly.

As soon as her hair was combed, Wang came in. She smiled brightly and said, "You endorsed it so early in the morning. Ah Fu also wants to be a female scholar?"

She gave Chen Afu a double bun and tied up the hair on Chen Dabao's head.

After leaving the east room, I washed my face with willow branches and tooth powder Seguchi. In addition to deliberately getting Chen Afu's face dirty, everyone in this family loves to be clean, which Chen Afu is very satisfied with. She was sitting on the bullock cart yesterday and saw a few people who had no dust on their faces but were dirtier. They had big yellow teeth when they smiled and there was a smell on their bodies. As for this family, when they smile, their teeth are white, and their bodies smell refreshing. If we ignore Chen Ming's frailty, Chen Alu's lameness, and Wang's frequent squinting, this family is very good-looking.

Breakfast is polenta, pickles and dumplings, eaten in the kitchen. Because Chen Ming is still resting.

Afterwards, Wang and Chen Alu went outside to water the vegetable fields. Chen Dabao chopped chicken food and fed it to the chickens. Then he drove the chickens out of the yard to find food for themselves and picked up two eggs.

Before Wang left, she also told Chen Afu, "Afu is good, just stay in the house and play."

Chen Afu didn't like to stay in the house because it was small, dark and smelled like urine.

She crossed the threshold holding the doorpost and went to the yard to circle around and do stretching exercises and oral exercises. Of course, the mouth movements should not be too big for fear of scaring people. This fence cannot block privacy.

The air in the ancient countryside is so good. Take a deep breath and it is extremely refreshing. It is also mixed with the fragrance of grass, leaves and flowers. This season is neither too cold nor too hot, so bathing in the bright morning sun is so pleasant.

Looking around, the houses around them were the smallest and most dilapidated. One house is a brick house, and the other house is also a tile house, but the walls are made of mud bricks. The house next to it is a thatched house, but it is larger than theirs and has a side room.

Their home is at the northeastern entrance of the village. There are no homes to the east or north. Through the bamboo forest and some trees, you can see the vegetable field and large fields in the distance. The vegetable patch at home is to the east, and Wang and Alu can still be vaguely seen.

Chen Afu looked out, and occasionally men passing by looked in. Chen Dabao went into the kitchen and put away the eggs he picked up, and then touched them under the stove.

Chen Afu consciously bent down and wiped his face with his little black hand a few times.

Chen Afu, who had a big painted face, continued to spin in circles. After the activity, she felt that her body bones were much more flexible than yesterday, at least not as stiff.

After Wang and A Lu came back, Wang went into the house to help Chen Ming get up and have dinner. Chen Alu and Chen Dabao went out to collect firewood and dig some wild vegetables.

Before leaving, Chen Alu also told Chen Afu, "Sister, stay well in the yard and don't go out. Don't go out even if someone asks you to."

Chen Dabao also said, "If someone gives my mother candy, fruit or something, I must not ask for it. Those people have bad intentions."

Chen Afu's face turned red and he was still speechless. He smiled stupidly.

Watching the two little boys walking to the west, there is a large hillside to the west of the village with many trees and shrubs, where most of the villagers collect firewood.

Seeing the two little boys disappearing behind the fence, Chen Afu, who was standing by the fence, was about to turn around when he saw a slovenly man in his forties walking over.

He looked Chen Afu up and down with his sticky eyes and whispered, "Afu girl is getting taller and slimmer. She has a good figure, big breasts and big butt. My brother likes her."


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