Yan Shiting suddenly smiled, "Yang family is convinced that you can't solve this technical problem. If you know that you can solve it, they will give you a lot of momentum. The bigger the public opinion, the more famous you will be after you solve the problem of the blue ghost building. The Yang family must be mad."

Cheng Yingxuan also smiled, "Just let them do white work and live alive."

"Little villain!" He stroked her cheek.

She sat in his thigh and moved slightly, preparing to get up, "I'm going to work."

"Hugging for a while." His voice was an overbearing bully.

She glanced at the time on his watch, "One minute."

"Ten minutes, no bargaining is allowed." He gave no room for discussion.

"..." She kept silent.

I want to tilt my body and lean my head on his shoulder. I'm afraid he will react if the body is too close to him.

In fact, his breath was deeper than usual, and he was already enduring desire.

As long as he did not move further, she would not care.

She had been sitting on his lap for a while, and she was a little tired with her waist straight, but she could not bear leaning on him.

There was no trace of smile on his lips, and she would eventually compromise... including, marry him!

The office is quiet and the door is open.

Special Assistant Li Ze was guarding the outside, and several people came to find the president. He was also told to choose another time.

Cheng Yingxuan sat in his arms, feeling very warm, and a moment of peace in his heart.

Yan Shiting hugged her tender body with no bones in her arms, and really hoped that she could stay at this moment.

"Chief Engineer Cheng, please call you at the construction site." Assistant Zhang Jing knocked on the open door of the president's office and saw the two men sitting together on the sofa, his face turned red, "Urgent, there is a technical problem on the construction site waiting for you urgently. solve."

Then, the improper light bulb quickly disappeared.

Cheng Yingxuan looked at the time, "Ten minutes are here, I'm really busy."

Seeing her serious face, he couldn't give up anymore, and he could only let go of the hand that held her around reluctantly.

She could finally leave his arms, but her heart lost for a moment.

Without showing it, she only left him with a back that quickly left the president's office.

Yan Shiting watched her almost run away, frowning.

Until now, she still wants to escape from him so much?

He will not allow it, never!


In the afternoon, the Yang family was in a ‘meeting’ again.

"Dad, why did Cheng Yingxuan not respond there?" Yang Qian kept brushing her mobile phone. "Did not listen to the company's colleagues, whether she is going to solve Lan's technical problems."

"This is a good thing, which shows that she can't solve it. Then we create a bigger trend, so that once she can't solve it, or if she doesn't shrink, she can't continue to work as the chief engineer of the Thunder Group!"

"She must be stepped down!" Yang Qian said viciously. "The surnamed Cheng is based on the position of the chief engineer. Without this job, she is not even a fart!"

"Okay, since your father and I have intervened in this matter, I will inevitably force Cheng Yingxuan to come forward." Yang Father looked at her. "It's you, don't put your mind on Cheng Yingxuan."

"You won't let me go to Yan Shiting?" Yang Qian said dissatisfiedly, "Cheng Yingxuan didn't know how much bad things I said at Brother Shi Ting, so that Brother Shi Ting wouldn't wait to see me now. If I could not surpass Cheng, Why did Shi Ting glance at me?"

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