Fortunate Wife

Chapter 102 Going Home

The rain didn't know when it stopped, and in the middle of the afternoon, Li Man was sore and limp. Li Mo carried her to the small cart and slowly drove down the mountain.

When I got home, it was completely dark, and a small oil lamp was lit in the kitchen, and Li Yan, Li Shu, and Xiao Wusan brothers were all inside.

Hearing the sound of the door, the three brothers ran out together.

"Brother, you are back." Li Shu rushed over, seeing Li Mo pick up Li Man from the cart, his heart sank, and he asked urgently, "What's wrong with my daughter-in-law?"

"It's okay, it's raining on the road, third brother, go and boil some hot water and send it to the Westinghouse." Li Mo ordered Li Shu, and carried Li Man into the Westinghouse.

Li Yan quickly came over with a small oil lamp, and seeing Li Mo put Li Man on the kang, and then took a *quilt and covered her thoughtfully, his heart jumped wildly.

"Brother." Li Yan put the oil lamp on the window sill, looked at Li Mo carefully, his eyes slowly fell from his face to his naked upper body.

"Huh?" Li Mo's thoughts were all on Li Man, and he didn't notice anything strange about him.

"Where's Big Brother's gown?" Li Yan asked casually, but his eyes were fixed on several thin and long finger marks on Li Mo's shoulder.

Needless to say, it was caught by a woman.

And under what circumstances would a woman catch a man like this? He can think of it with his toes.

Li Mo paused, and then saw the cool gaze of his second brother, felt guilty, and replied vaguely, "It rained suddenly on the way back, I took Man'er in the shack to avoid the rain for a while, Man'er's body My clothes were all wet, so I lit the fire..."

"Heh, big brother's clothes won't be used as an introduction to be roasted?" Li Yan leaned on the kang, squinted at Li Man who was sleeping, her tender lips were red and kind, and if you looked closely, you could still see Clear teeth marks.

He knew that she liked to bite her mouth when she was in trouble, but what kind of situation did she have to bite like this?

Suddenly, Li Yan's heart ached, as if being torn apart by something.

"Yes, it was burned." Li Mo lowered his head, a little afraid to look into his second brother's eyes.

"Oh, warming up? Why is Man'er's clothes still wet, and so are my brother's pants?" Li Yan said bluntly, then leaned forward, carefully looked at the scratches on his shoulders and back, and sneered , "Brother, which woman did you fight with? Was he caught like this? How is our daughter-in-law, won't she be beaten too? Let's see."

As he said that, he reached out to lift the quilt.

Li Mo hurriedly stopped him, and he knew that nothing could fool his second brother's eyes, "Second brother, I—"

"Brother, you said the day after tomorrow will be a good day." Li Yan stared at Li Mo with red eyes, clenched his hands into fists, wishing that the man in front of him was not his elder brother.

Li Mo bowed his head and remained silent, but he did not regret having her, and he would treat her well for the rest of his life.

"Brother, here comes the water." Li Shu carried the wooden bucket, and Xiao Wu followed behind, carrying a bucket of hot water, and the two came in one after the other.

Li Yan leaned back consciously, and told Li Shu, "Let's put the tub here."

"Oh." After Li Shu put the bathtub away, he took the bucket from Xiao Wu's hand, poured all the hot water into it, looked at Li Man who was sleeping on the bed, and asked Li Mo in a low voice, "Brother, what's wrong with your wife?" Sleeping so heavily? Do you want to wake her up and take a shower? It's raining or take a bubble bath."

"En." Li Mo didn't dare to look at Li Shu, so he only responded, and then looked at Li Man tangled.

Li Shu came over, stretched out his hand to brush the wet hair on Li Man's forehead, and called a few times, "Daughter-in-law, get up and take a shower."

"Third brother, go out." Li Yan stretched out his hand to block Li Shu.

Li Shu was startled, "What's wrong?"

Suddenly, he seemed to smell something wrong, and then, he approached Li Mo, sniffed his nose hard, and asked strangely, "Brother, what does it smell like on you?"

"What's the smell?" Li Mo was startled, and subconsciously lowered his head to smell it, his face flushed immediately, the fragrance of Li Man's body, and the smell of the two people afterward, unexpectedly it was so strong.

"Third brother, go out with Xiao Wu, I have something to say to elder brother." Li Yan obviously didn't want Li Shu to know too much, so he pushed the two younger brothers out with a cold face.

Li Mo could see that Li Yan was really angry this time. His second younger brother seldom gets angry, or in other words, even if he is angry, he doesn't express it easily. smile.

"Second brother—" Li Mo wanted to explain.

"Brother, go out too." Li Yan also gestured to him to go out at this moment.

Li Mo was worried, "Second brother, what do you want to do?"

Li Yan stared at him expressionlessly, "Brother also got caught in the rain, so he should wash and change into clean clothes. Besides, the meals are all ready, and I'll keep them for you. Brother, eat something after washing."

"Second brother?" Li Mo suddenly felt guilty. He was happy in the shack, but he forgot that his younger brothers were worried at home.

"Go." Li Yan smiled lightly at him, "Leave this to me."

Could it be that the second brother wants to help Man'er wash it? Li Mo became nervous, "Second brother, have you eaten yet? Let's go eat together."

"I—" Li Yan was about to speak, but Li Man moved her eyes, her long eyelashes fluttered twice, and her eyelids finally opened.

Under the hazy yellow light, I first saw Li Mo's face, which blushed unconsciously, "Brother, where is this?"

"You've only been out for a day, have you even forgotten your home?" Li Yan stood at the top of the kang with a half-smile.

"Ah." Li Man was startled, hugged the quilt and sat up, staring blankly at Li Yan, "Li Yan, why are you here?"

"Why am I not in my own home?" Seeing her attitude, Li Yan had the urge to push her down and give her a hard spanking.

Li Man lost her voice, and it was only because she woke up that she realized that she was feeling uncomfortable, and only when she was feeling uncomfortable did she remember all the scenes with Li Mo in the afternoon. At this moment, facing the second man who can also be regarded as her man, she felt guilty.

She didn't say anything, but Li Yan's anger grew even stronger. He gritted his teeth and stared at Li Man viciously for a while, then walked away without saying a word.

Li Man stared at Li Yan's back, saw him go out, and then glanced at Li Mo quietly, "Brother, Li Yan—"

"It's okay." Li Mo hurried over, rubbed her hair gently, and said, "The hot water is ready, you can wash while it's hot, change into clean clothes, and I'll bring you the food later."

"Oh." Li Man responded, watched Li Mo go out, and then lifted the quilt and got down.

However, as soon as the toes landed on the ground, his legs were numb and couldn't hold on. After walking two steps, the rubbing of his lower body was even more painful.

She tried her best to find clean clothes from the big cabinet and put them on the kang. Then, she took off her wet clothes and got into the bathtub.

The warm water spread over her skin, so comfortable that she almost wanted to scream.


Li Mo closed the door, seeing his second brother still standing under the eaves, looking up at the sky, feeling unspeakably melancholy and lonely.

"Second brother, today I..."

"Don't say anything, only I know about this matter." Li Yan replied blankly.

Li Mo was stunned, "What?"

Only then did Li Yan turn his head and glance at him, "Brother also knows the temperament of the third brother, if he knows that you have consummated the marriage, he might not be able to survive tonight, according to the current situation of that girl, do you think she can bear it? "

Li Mo was full of shame, and finally had no choice but to say, "What the second brother said is true."

"Brother, change your clothes quickly, the smell is quite strong." Li Yan urged with a brow.

Li Mo smiled helplessly, "I'll go right away."

When Li Mo left, Li Yan leaned against the corner of the room again, quietly looking at the dark gray sky. In fact, the elder brother enjoys the rights of his wife. This kind of thing came suddenly, he was not as magnanimous as he imagined.

However, just because the elder brother had what happened today, he doesn't have too many scruples in the future.

Even if it was the turn, it was his turn.

Thinking of Li Man's ghost-like expression when he woke up just now, the corners of Li Yan's mouth curled up coldly, and a wicked arc was drawn across.

Little girl, he must let her have a good taste of this ass board.


Li Man was greedy for the comfort brought by the hot water, and waited for the water to cool before getting up reluctantly. Just after changing her clothes, she heard a knock on the door.

"Man'er, are you ready?" Li Mo asked standing at the door holding the meal that had been reheated twice.

"Well, it's all right." Li Man brushed her hair back to her shoulders, feeling that there was nothing wrong, so she came to open the door.

Li Mo handed her the rice bowl, "You're hungry, eat it while it's hot."

"Have you eaten?" Seeing that he had also changed his clothes, Li Man felt a bit more at ease, but she still didn't dare to glance at him too much.

Li Mo hummed, seeing her blushing cheeks, his heart was turbulent again, thinking of the feeling of the bone-crushing pleasure in the afternoon, his lower abdomen began to tighten again, and his throat became dry.

He hastily withdrew his gaze from her, bypassed her, and brought out the big basin of bath water.

"Slow down." The wooden bucket and the bucket of hot water are very heavy. Li Man was afraid that his waist would not flash, but when she thought of his waist, people couldn't help but think of other places. Her face burned with embarrassment. Busily carrying the bowl to the Kang, sat down to eat quietly.

Li Yan leaned against the door, seeing her walking with her legs spread apart and trembling, he couldn't help furrowing his brows deeply.

With her like this, it seems that he has to wait for a few days.


After eating a full meal, Li Man closed the door again, turned on the lamp by herself, lay on the kang, looked out the dark window, and couldn't fall asleep.

After taking a bath, my body became more and more sore, as if all the parts of my body had been dismantled, and it was uncomfortable to sleep in any position.

In addition, after such an intimate incident with Li Mo, she had more things to think about.

After all, the brothers of the Li family, not only Li Mo, are her husbands.

However, she couldn't bear just one Li Mo, so what would she do if she wanted to add a few more?

In the dark night, Li Man vaguely saw the tragic scene of a little sheep being torn apart by several hungry wolves at the same time, and she was the innocent sheep.

Thinking of the Li family brothers pulling on her body, she broke into a cold sweat with fright, and quickly shook her head to shake off these weird and terrifying thoughts.

I can't help comforting myself, no.

They are all her men, they should know how to love her.

*Tossing and turning, Li Man woke up at dawn the next day. She remembered* making breakfast, but her body was as soft as a puddle of mud, and she didn't want to move at all.

Fortunately, it's not the first time she sleeps in at Li's house. Even if she doesn't make breakfast, others will do it by themselves.

Simply, she hugged the quilt and lay down to rest.

Soon there was movement in the yard. She knew that someone at home had gotten up, but she didn't know who it was, and then heard two coughs.

She heard that it was Li Mo's, and she was startled. Could it be that she had been exercising violently after the rain yesterday, and she was sick again?

She hurriedly lifted the quilt, got off the bed after getting dressed, opened the door, and saw Li Mo holding a bundle of firewood in the yard, so she wanted to go over and ask.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she lifted her leg across the threshold, it was involved somewhere in her body, and the place where it was torn yesterday was hot and painful again. She leaned forward and held the door frame with her hands, and then, not daring to take a big step, her legs He walked cautiously with a somewhat uneasy attitude.

"Hey, girl, what's wrong with your leg?" Suddenly, Li Yan's sinister voice came from behind him.

Li Man suddenly straightened her body, but she didn't dare to look back at him, she just froze on the spot.

If she didn't look back, it doesn't mean that Li Yan won't come over. He slowly walked in front of her, put his arms around his arms, and looked her up and down slowly, "Did you walk a lot yesterday?"

"What?" Li Man was taken aback for a moment, but immediately understood what it meant. Did he see something strange about her?

She blushed and nodded guiltily, "It rained yesterday and the road was difficult to walk." While thinking, no way, since he didn't bump into him, how could he know.

"Oh, Brother Ganqing didn't ask you to make a pushcart?" Li Yan's lips curled up, a half-smile, and he looked back at Li Mo behind him, and said, "Brother, this is your fault, Man'er is a girl , how can you let her walk by herself?"

Li Man didn't expect to involve Li Mo again, and hurriedly said, "I sat down."

"Oh~~~~~~~~~" Li Yan's puzzled voice made Li Man's heart pound.

Li Mo couldn't see the second brother bullying his wife like this, so he had to come over, "Second brother, don't talk about it, what happened yesterday is my fault."

"What's the matter? What happened yesterday?" Li Yan pretended to be confused, "Didn't you sell wild garlic for money yesterday? The third brother also said that he would go pick more later."

Seeing that the topic had been successfully changed, Li Man hurriedly echoed, "Okay, there were quite a few people who wanted to buy it yesterday."

"Really?" Li Yan glanced at her quietly again, "Are you sure, you can still go today?"

"Eh?" Li Man's heart was suffocated, she really couldn't move anymore, but did Li Yan notice something?

She stared at Li Yan suspiciously, but Li Yan, as usual, took the firewood from Li Mo, and said, "Brother, leave the breakfast to me, the little five you cook don't like it."

After speaking, he smiled and went to the kitchen with the firewood in his arms.

Li Man looked at his back in a daze, did she really find nothing? But why, she would feel very uneasy.

"Does it still hurt?" Li Mo's gentle and low voice suddenly came from above his head.

"Ah?" Li Man came back to her senses in a daze, met his gentle and burning eyes, immediately understood, blushed, and nodded slightly, "There is still a little more."

"I saw that your walking was not natural just now." Li Mo looked at her distressedly, blaming him for not controlling well yesterday, "Why don't you just rest in the room today."

"No need." Li Man hurriedly shook her head, it was strange to rest in the room.

"Brother, daughter-in-law." Li Shu walked towards this side while putting on his coat, saw Li Man intact, and said with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, why don't you sleep more? Seeing how sleepy you were yesterday, I told you to get up and take a shower None of them woke up."

"Ah, is there?" Li Man was taken aback, why didn't she know about this.

"Yes." After Li Shu got dressed, he gestured with his hands, Li Man looked like a sleepy cat yesterday.

Li Man glanced at Li Mo unconsciously, thinking that it was not all because of his torment, and Li Mo was also looking at her, his eyes were warm and gentle, almost overflowing with water.

She hurriedly looked away, "Come on, brothers, I'll go back to the room."

She turned around and left, because she was afraid that people would see that her walking posture was wrong, so she endured the discomfort and walked with big strides.

"What's wrong with my daughter-in-law?" Li Shu stared at Li Man suspiciously, always feeling that something was different.

Li Mo stared at Li Man closely, and said casually, "I was exhausted yesterday."

"Ah?" Li Shu was startled, "Brother, why are you tired of your wife? Didn't you bring a car?"

Embarrassed, Li Mo hurriedly replied vaguely, "If she wants to go, she can walk more, and let her take the car next time."

"Well," Li Shu responded, but he was still worried, and said, "I'll go with you next time, my wife likes to ride in my cart."

Li Mo smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Afterwards, Li Shu suggested to pick some wild garlic with his eldest brother, and he will sell it with his wife today.

But Li Mo thought that Li Man was unwell, so he refused decisively.

Li Shu was very depressed, so he took the initiative to find Li Man.

Li Man didn't refuse, she just let the two brothers sell it. In addition, she remembered that Li Hua was going to travel a long distance in the near future. She is really worried about being such a clean and gentle person.

So, after breakfast, she called Li Mo and asked him to tell Li Yan to go to the old doctor's house and bring some medicine for cold and bruises and sprains. She wanted them to bring them to Li Hua.

Li Yan did a good job this time, so he went directly without asking any questions.

And because of Li Man's words, Li Mo had no choice but to take Li Shu again, and the two went to the back mountain together, and came back with two baskets of wild garlic.

After the matter was settled, Li Yan also came back, took a large package of medicine, and said that it was given by the old doctor, and he would not charge a penny.

Li Man smiled and nodded, then stuffed the medicine into the wild garlic basket and asked them to give it to Li Hua.

"Daughter-in-law, you really don't want to go?" Li Shu suddenly lost interest, and his daughter-in-law didn't follow. He ran these two mountain roads, and he was wronged. He knew he had listened to his elder brother.

"You guys go, I'll accompany Xiaowu to write today." Li Man said to Li Shu with a smile.

Li Shu was sad, but when he saw his daughter-in-law's smile, he reluctantly responded.

The two brothers set off pushing the cart, and Li Yan also wanted to do part-time work for others, so they left together.

Li Man and Xiao Wu are left at home.

While tidying up the house, Li Man urged Xiao Wu to write.

Xiao Wu is very smart, and she is making rapid progress. In a few days, she can not only write the names of several family members, but also recite the poems she taught.

What is spring sleep without dawn, what is hungry goose, what is singing to the sky, what is the day and the end of the mountain...

Now, he is silently writing on the sand table that Chun Mian does not know dawn.

After tidying up the house, Li Man moved a small stool and sat under the eaves, lazily basking in the sun.

Looking at the bright sunshine, she wondered why it rained so strangely yesterday?

What's even more ridiculous is that it only fell on the other side of the mountain, and there was no rain on the side of Shennvgou after a mountain.

God, Li Man thought to himself, God deliberately arranged for her to have that passionate love affair with Li Mo, right?

However, thinking of yesterday's scene, how can a blush and a heartbeat be described? She never knew that she also had such an emotional moment.

"Sister, do you think what I wrote is correct?" After a while, Xiao Wu came over with a sand table and asked.

Li Man hurriedly gathered his mind and checked carefully, "The word Mian is wrong, it is next to the word "mu", not next to the word "日". There is an extra horizontal line here, you know?"

"Oh." Xiao Wu snorted, and gave Li Man a strange look, "Sleep means sleep? Sister, did you sleep well last night?"

"Ah?" Li Man was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect him to use the word 'mian' to ask, so she couldn't help laughing, "Xiao Wu, you can't say that, Mian means sleep, but if you want to ask questions, you have to ask. How about a good night's sleep?"

"My sister didn't sleep well last night." Xiao Wu said with a smile.

"Ah, how did you see that?" Li Man touched her face in panic.

Xiao Wu grinned, "I see my sister has been dozing off."

Li Man was a little embarrassed, she was dozing off, she was just squinting her eyes and thinking.

Just about to explain to Xiao Wu, at this moment, Xiao Wu looked towards the gate of the courtyard, smiled and called, "Second Brother."

Li Yan is back? Li Man's heart skipped a beat instinctively, and when she looked back, she saw Li Yan walking over gracefully.

That pair of deep bottomless eyes twisted her tightly, causing her to turn her head back in a panic, with her back facing him, her heart beating wildly.


Ha, the second child has overturned the jar of vinegar, please comfort me, please spread your tickets 8444(, yuelianyue, Mo Yanwu, My One, 811223060815, Liu Zihan 60, ahbzyxc, Yican, Ouyang Xueyao, Nature Comes True, elvis_08, 13821561993, 13821561993, luowanglcy, xiu83, preserved egg-andy, Xixiwa . The flowers purse, diamonds and monthly pass sent by qiao18 and others, group meme da\\(o)~

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