Fortunate Wife

Chapter 105 Fighting (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)

In addition to steamed stuffed buns, Li Man also boiled a pot of porridge. The brothers were talking outside. She was in the kitchen. Everyone filled a bowl of porridge and put them on the table. Then she wiped the cutting board and put it on the big table. In the center, put a cage of buns on top.

She marked the buns with three kinds of stuffing, so everyone can take whatever they like.

After getting ready, seeing that no one had come in, she lit the small oil lamp, then walked to the door and shouted, "It's time to eat."

"Oh, here we come." Li Shu responded, patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder, and entered the kitchen.

Afterwards, Li Mo and Li Yan followed into the house.

"Daughter-in-law, your buns are really delicious, even better than those sold outside." Li Shu reached out and took a meat bun, and he couldn't wait to take a bite. It was hot, but he couldn't bear to spit it out. While chewing, he couldn't help but praise his wife.

Li Man hurriedly handed him a pair of chopsticks, "Eat with the chopsticks, it's just out of the pot, it's hot."

"Third brother, slow down, there are so many, and no one will grab you." Li Yan couldn't get used to the youngest's potential, and his mouth was almost blistered to please his wife?

As he said that, he took the chopsticks, picked up a meat bun slowly, put it in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully, as if he wanted to find out what was wrong. After a long while, he said something neither salty nor bland, " It looks okay, but it's a bit small, and the third brother gets one for two."

"No way." Li Shugang wolfed down one and was about to grab another one with his chopsticks. Li Yan felt a little embarrassed when he said this. Is he so edible or delicious?

Li Man knew that Li Yan was referring to Sang Huai, so she personally picked a bigger bun for Li Shu, "Come on, just eat it, I made so much because you like it, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish the leftovers." Woolen cloth."

When Li Shu heard his wife's words, he immediately beamed with joy, and raised his eyebrows at Li Yan in embarrassment, and snatched the unmoved bun on his chopsticks, "If the second brother thinks it's okay, don't Eat well, anyway, my wife made it for me."

Li Yan was stunned for a moment, his eyes darkened, he really didn't move his chopsticks to pick up the steamed stuffed bun, he just lowered his head and took small sips of gruel from the bowl.

Because there are steamed buns at night, the porridge is really thin. Li Man only grabbed a small handful of rice, most of which are rice soup. At this moment, seeing him sipping silently, everyone else Eating buns made him look extremely pitiful.

"Second Brother, this steamed stuffed bun is delicious. Man'er knows that you have a bland taste, so she deliberately omitted a spoonful of salt." Li Mo put a piece of steamed stuffed bun into Li Yan's bowl.

Is it? Li Yan looked at Li Man suspiciously.

Li Man ate the steamed stuffed bun with a dull head, annoyed at Li Mo's talkativeness, and he would really think that she was afraid that the salt would be too salty, so she withdrew the last spoonful after hesitation. To cater to Li Yan?

Seeing that he was silent, Li Yan took what the elder brother said to be true, and accepted the steamed stuffed bun happily, took a bite, and frowned slightly, "There's not much salt, it's quite bland."

Almost at the same time, several people on the table stared at him at the same time.

Li Man took a bite of the steamed bun with green vegetables, "Don't eat it if you don't like it." Obviously Li Shu and the others said it was delicious, much better than the ones you bought.

Li Mo sighed helplessly, what happened to the second brother? A person who is usually so smart, why does he choose to do stupid things today? In this way, can the daughter-in-law still like him? Look at him thinking about his wife and calling out her name in his dreams at night, and now it's like this again, I really can't figure out what is going on in the second brother's mind.

Li Shu was stunned at first, and then tried to repeat the old trick, "Second brother, if you really don't like it, don't eat it. I'll save it for tomorrow. Anyway, my wife makes it, and I won't get tired of eating it every day."

Look, they are both brothers, why is there such a big gap? Li Shu's words are heart-warming.

Sure enough, Li Man's expression softened a little, she smiled gently at Li Shu, and said softly, "You can't eat it every day, or if you don't get tired of it, I will too. However, I see that you like pasta, and I can make dumplings. Make wontons, next time, I will make them for you."

"Yeah." Li Shu nodded heavily, and in front of everyone, he couldn't help but kissed Li Man's cheek hard.

The sound of the wave shocked everyone, Li Shu was delighted, and Li Man blushed like a boiled shrimp, but fortunately, she could still pretend to be calm at this time, and ate a bun without saying a word.

After one bun was eaten, the others came back to their senses.

Li Mo glanced at Li Yan naturally, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, that is, look, he should learn from his third brother.

Xiao Wu is smart, and he secretly despised Li Yan. He taught him a lesson at noon, so he forgot about it after a while. Well, he will demonstrate again.

"Sister, I like food too, can you cook for me too?" Sitting next to Li Man, Xiao Wu raised her face slightly, blinked her big clear eyes, and looked at her obediently and flatteringly, eagerly. The small eyes immediately made Li Man's heart soften like a puddle of water.

Li Man stretched out her hand and gently touched Xiao Wu's cheek, "Here, my sister will cook whatever our Xiao Wu likes to eat."

"Sister, what are dumpling wontons? I've never eaten them, and I want to." Xiao Wu licked his lower lip like a greedy cat.

Li Man was amused by his expression, and affection welled up in her heart, "If you like to eat, I'll make it for you tomorrow, and there's still some stuffing left."

"Well, my sister is so kind." Xiao Wu said, pouted her mouth suddenly, and pecked lightly on Li Man's cheek.

This time, the three brothers next to him aroused unanimous envious and jealous eyes.

But Li Man laughed this time, not only did not have the embarrassment before, on the contrary, she rubbed Xiao Wu's head indulgently, and said with a smile, "Okay, don't be so good, I will make it for you tomorrow morning, and you will have a meal." Enough, eat the steamed stuffed bun now, don't let it get cold."

"Yeah." Xiao Wu nodded with a smile, and then cast a meaningful glance at Li Yan.

Li Yan suddenly felt jealous.

It's not that he hasn't tried to please her, but she just doesn't like him.

Should he do the math with the two of them? Tek or what? He was sure that if he was like the third child and the fifth child, it would definitely be her rolling eyes.

"Man'er, don't just talk, eat quickly, the steamed stuffed bun is cold." Li Mo said, put the already cold steamed stuffed bun in her bowl into his bowl, and then took out a warm piece from the bottom of the drawer for her.

Li Man smiled sweetly at him, and lowered her head to eat the buns.

Li Yan felt like his blood was flowing backwards. Has even a dull man like his elder brother learned to please women?

Should he hit a piece of tofu?

In the end, perhaps unwilling, Li Yan was also under the contempt of all eyes, and gave Li Man a piece of meat bun, "No... don't just eat vegetables, eat some meat too, look at you thin a handful."

It was originally a good intention, but the last sentence was added, and a little disgusted look was added, which seemed to imply something.

This made Li Man unable to eat anymore. She picked up the meat bun and threw it back into his bowl, "I can pick it up myself."

Li Yan was choked, looked at her puffy little face, and immediately explained, "I love you too, I didn't say you're not good-looking when you're skinny."

This explanation was meant to cover up the obvious, but it seemed that he disliked her for being thin and ugly.

Li Man's face turned even darker, which woman doesn't want to be liked beautifully.

"Yes, a daughter-in-law is good-looking no matter what." Li Shu ate and kept looking at Li Man. It seemed that the daughter-in-law had a good figure, with a bulging chest and a thin waist, but if it was bigger... ...Li Shu nodded suddenly in his heart, he should eat more meat and grow more meat.

Li Mo glanced at Li Yan, wanting to help Li Man get ahead, and then said, "You look thin, but I actually think it's pretty good. If you're fat, then..." Before he finished speaking, facing Others cast suspicious eyes, his face flushed suddenly, damn it, where did he go?

This meal was too much to eat, Li Man swallowed the last mouthful of buns, put down her chopsticks, got up and left in a hurry.

"Man'er." Li Mo was very annoyed, and yelled at her with a guilty conscience.

"I'm done eating." Li Man replied, and went out of the door without looking back, heading for her own room.

The brothers looked at each other in blank dismay, each with the intention of accusing them.

Xiao Wu glanced at the three brothers, heaved a long sigh, and continued to eat the buns with his head down. Anyway, no matter how angry my sister was, the object of anger must not be me, and it has nothing to do with him.

As soon as Li Man left, the brothers immediately felt that the steamed stuffed buns were tasteless, so they finished the bowls by themselves, and that's all.

*No words, when I got up the next morning, Li Manguo really made some noodles, made dumplings with the leftover stuffing from last night, and put them directly in the pot.

Thirty or so dumplings, there are not many for a few people. Fortunately, there were a lot of dumplings left last night, and everyone was full.

After breakfast, Li Shu urged Li Man to go to the market together to sell the leftover wild garlic from yesterday. In other words, tonight is a good day for the bridal chamber as the elder brother said. Should he cultivate a relationship with his wife alone during the day?.. ....

Thinking about it, Li Shu thought it was pretty.

Li Man packed a few steamed buns in a clean cloth bag, brought some water, and set off with Li Shu.

As soon as he left the village, Li Shu asked Li Man to get into the car.

Li Man didn't sit down, but he pushed her into the car in the end. He had his own idea. The bridal chamber at night was a labor-intensive job. Although the wife was not required to work hard, if the daughter-in-law was tired during the day, she couldn't bear it, it was hard It's him too.

Therefore, he will never tire Li Man.

Not only that, but Li Man also found out, is Li Shu a superman? On such a difficult mountain road, he was still pushing the cart. There were two baskets of wild garlic on the cart, and she was there. How could he walk like flying?

Therefore, this one-way trip arrived about an hour earlier than usual, so when the two arrived at the market, there were still many people shopping for vegetables.

With Li Shu around, there was nothing wrong with Li Man. With his sexy and high-pitched voice, he yelled so loudly that he immediately attracted many people.

The grocery buyers are all from nearby towns. They come here every day, and some of them bought from Li Man the day before yesterday. Seeing her coming again today, they all surrounded her happily.

"Girl, are you here to sell garlic again? Why didn't I see you yesterday. I want to buy another two catties. This wild garlic is really fragrant, much more delicious than the garlic bought in this vegetable market," an old lady smiled and grabbed After taking two handfuls of garlic, let Li Man weigh it.

Li Man didn't recognize this kind of steelyard, so after taking it, she asked Li Shu to weigh it.

After we said it, Li Shu reported the cash, and Li Man added another one to the aunt.

The aunt was very satisfied, and kept boasting, "This girl is really nice."

Other people around also gathered around to buy garlic, and they all praised Li Man for her good looks. It would be great if such a good girl could marry into her family.

Immediately, someone asked curiously, "Girl, why didn't your man come with you today?"

"He..." Li Man just wanted to vaguely say that Li Mo was at home.

Li Shu raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and replied loudly, "Why didn't you come, I am."

"Yeah?" The old lady hadn't left before, she looked at Li Shu up and down, "You are? I don't look like it."

"Not like? What's not like?" A man who doesn't look like a wife is an insult to Li Shu. In his own opinion, he is handsome and his wife is pretty. He is tall and strong, and his wife is a little bird. Man, no one is more compatible than the two of them.

"Yeah, I don't look very similar, young man, is it really you? My eyes are blurred?" Another old lady narrowed her eyes and looked carefully.

"Grandma, how much do you want to buy? I'll weigh it for you." Li Man didn't want to get entangled in this topic, so she helped the old lady pick some fresh garlic.

But the old lady was still staring at Li Shu, "Oh, I haven't seen you for two days, but the young man looks even more handsome."

"Of course." As soon as Li Shu got flustered, he laughed and said, "The former son is my elder brother."

"Your elder brother? No wonder you look younger." The aunt nodded and smiled, "Why didn't your elder brother come today? Let you accompany your sister-in-law to sell vegetables?"

"What sister-in-law, she is my wife." Li Shu said with a big grin, while weighing the old lady's garlic, "Grandma, it's exactly three catties, I'll add some more for you."

"Wait." The old lady's face darkened, her voice was not quite right, and she stared at Li Man almost sternly, "Girl, whose daughter-in-law are you? Isn't that your man? Why did another one come here today?" .”

Li Man was taken aback by her questioning tone, "Grandma..."

"Girl, what's going on?" The old lady looked at her suspiciously.

How does this make her explain? Li Man was depressed, besides, this was a private matter.

"What's going on?" Li Shu became angry when he saw some old women making things difficult for his daughter-in-law. He waved the crowd away, "Do you want to buy garlic? If you don't, go away."

"Hey, why are you so bad-tempered, young man?" Someone glared at Li Shu displeased.

"What's wrong? Are you here to buy garlic or to be a gossip? Ask around." Li Shu accused angrily.

The women next to me felt uncomfortable, and suddenly, one of them pointed at the two of them and said, "Oh, I see, you are from Shennvgou, right?"

"What's wrong with Goddess Valley? Don't let it come." Li Shu said angrily.

"No wonder." Contemptuous expressions immediately appeared on the faces of several women, including the aunt who praised Li Man before, who also threw the garlic in the basket back into the basket, and said regretfully, "Daughter, you are a good girl, Why did you get in there? You even gave the family a couple of men to be daughters-in-law, and you don’t want any honor? If you do this kind of thing, you will go to the underworld after you die, and you will be sawed by the little devil with a saw."

Festival? Li Man was stunned. Many families in the Shennvgou were like this. If they want to be famous, these women should stop living.

However, what she didn't know was that Goddess Valley was like this, but other places were completely opposite. Even in small towns not too far away from the mountains, women's concept of chastity was very strong.

Therefore, in the eyes of all people outside the mountains, Shennvgou is an uncivilized, low-level, and despicable place, and so are the people who come out of it.

"Go, go, I have something to do with you guys." Li Shu hurriedly chased away the gossip-loving women like flies, and then turned around to comfort Li Man, "Daughter-in-law, don't be as knowledgeable as them."

Li Man has gone through these things these days, and she can almost accept the matter of having a wife together. What she can't accept at the moment is that everyone's frivolous eyes when they mention Goddess Ditch, and their sudden change of attitude towards them, as if they are a plague , will dirty them like?

After being bombarded by Li Shu, several women dispersed with disdain, regret, and even anger.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be angry, these women are like this, they love to chew their tongues, don't pay attention to them." Li Shu hurriedly comforted Li Man in a daze.

Li Man shook her head, "I'm fine." It was the first time she was stared at like that, and she really felt uncomfortable, just like when she was a child, when she went to a big city with her mother to see a doctor, she was also treated as an inferior person. Looking at her with those eyes, that kind of eyes are really piercing.

"Really?" Li Shu was not at ease, and comforted, "Daughter-in-law, really, don't listen to what they say. Whoever dies will die, what kind of ghost is the king of Hades. With our brothers by our side, even the King of Hades will never touch you."

Hey, seeing Li Shu's fists clenched, as if she was about to be dragged away by the king of hell, she couldn't help but chuckled, "Okay, the king of hell is busy, so how can he have time to take care of this shit."

If a woman marries several men, she has to be sawed. How about a man marrying so many wives? Especially the ancient emperors, so they must not be chopped into meat sauce?

"Daughter-in-law, aren't you afraid?" Li Shu stared at her suspiciously.

Li Man looked at him, pursed her lips and smiled, "Isn't there you?"

Li Shu was now happy, "Well, daughter-in-law, don't be afraid, our brothers won't let anyone bully you, not even the devil of Hades."

"Okay, it's so scary to talk about it in broad daylight." Li Man rubbed her arms, then looked at the messy wild garlic in the basket, a little frustrated, "It seems that we can't sell it here."

"If you don't sell it, don't sell it. Let's take it back and eat it by ourselves." Li Shu said angrily.

Li Man was helpless, "That's the only way."

The two of them packed up and were about to leave when some rogue-like men walked in in twos and threes near the entrance of the vegetable market. When they saw Li Man's appearance, their eyes turned green.

"Master, the little beauty is here." One of them turned around and shouted, and after a while, a few thug-like men came in, surrounded by a skinny middle-aged man.

The man waved a folding fan in his hand, and when he came in, he covered his nose with the folding fan as if in disgust, and then followed the servant's hand to see Li Man, his triangular eyes widened, and lustful lust filled his eyes , "Yo, Mrs. Wang didn't lie to me this time, there is indeed a beauty like a fairy here."

"Master, shall we tie him back directly?" the boy asked fawningly, his eyes were straightened when he saw Li Man, and the corner of his mouth was drooling without knowing it.

The skinny man put away his folding fan and hit him hard on the head, "What is tied? If you damage my beauty, I will dry you. You all spread out, and I will come in person."

Saying that, the boys who were leading the battle before made way out of the way, and the skinny man stepped forward, sizing up Li Man with lewd eyes, and introduced elegantly, "Girl, Xiaosheng This room is polite. Xiaosheng is from the capital, and my father is..."

"Go away." Li Shuben didn't want to provoke these rascals, but until this man came to provoke Li Man so disgustingly, suddenly, he was so angry that he raised his foot to kick the man's lifeblood.

Li Man hurriedly hugged him, and abruptly stopped him. The people in front of him were obviously not good people, but they were hard to beat with one punch. This skinny man was surrounded by a dozen strong men who looked like bulls. She was afraid that Li Shu would suffer.

"Young master, can you please make way for me?" Li Man said as politely as possible, hoping that someone would see this situation and report to an official or something. By the way, there is no one in the market to maintain order. of it?

"Miss, where do you want to go? Why don't you come to my house while it's still early? Xiaosheng will be a good student to serve the girl, and will definitely make her comfortable..." Not only did the skinny man not let go, He reached out to grab Li Man's hand.

Li Shu's blood flowed back, he pulled Li Man over, shielded himself behind him, raised his foot and slashed fiercely, and slapped the man directly in the face.

The man was knocked to the ground, touched his face with his hand, not to mention it was swollen, he chewed on his mouth, and spat out two mouthfuls of blood in pain.


Who said that the third child has few roles and is pitiful who has never kissed or touched? No, here comes the opportunity to perform. Although the hero saves the beauty is a bit bloody, it can touch the hearts of the beauties the most.

Everyone cast votes, support the old three and one husband to be a passerby, and beat the bastards all over the floor, so that they can look good in front of our man'er.

Thank you litxiang521, Ouyang Xueyao, liu5 liu5, Xiaoying 602, Qingqingfeng 1, favorite sour apple, 13671308800, run, 475381939, hrx01, 138 8444 (, xialinye, yanzi_059, Feiyue Xiaoyao and others for their flower monthly tickets and Purse, group?\\(o)~

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