Fortunate Wife

Chapter 107 Brothers (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass)

Xu felt uncomfortable, and Li Manxiu, who was in a coma, frowned, hummed a few times in pain, turned over, and lay down on the kang in a different position.

Her hair bun has long been loose, and the soft hair is spread out, and a few strands of her smooth jade neck catch the corners of her lips. Apart from the two thin belts around her neck and waist, her smooth and delicate back is in the air. Under the hazy yellow light, there is a luster like porcelain jade, and the pair of thin butterfly bones are exquisite and exquisite, as if carved.

For a moment, the room was terribly quiet, and the heavy breathing gradually made people want to be confused.

Li Yan's eyes flickered, he resisted turning his head and asked Xiao Wu to come over with a small oil lamp. When the light came on, the injuries on Li Man's body were clearly visible, the red and swollen right arm, right shoulder, most of his back went all the way down , all have bruises.

Li Moyu's deep eyes suddenly tightened, watching Li Yan's fingers slowly take off her pants, looking inside, there were bruises on the white and delicate buttocks, and her eyes were red, "Damn it."

"How is it?" Li Shu leaned on the kang, really unable to crawl over, and asked worriedly after listening to the boss's low cursing.

Li Yan's eyes hurt, but he comforted his younger brother, "It's a little swollen, so it shouldn't be a big deal. I just have ointment for reducing swelling and blood stasis at home, so I'll get it."

"En." Li Shu felt relieved.

Li Mo saw that the third brother couldn't bear it any longer, so he quickly got up and said, "Third brother, wait a minute, I'll bring you some food, you can eat a little before you sleep well."

"Yeah." Li Shu wasn't sleepy, just tired.

Soon, Li Yan went to Westinghouse, and touched the ointment from under Li Man's pillow, and Li Mo also brought a bowl of hot rice over.

Li Shu eats.

Li Yan asked Xiao Wu to hold a small oil lamp to shine on the side, while he gently applied ointment to Li Man's injured area.

I don't know if the ointment is too strong, or Li Yan's hands are too heavy, Li Man hums uncomfortable from time to time, Li Mo can't stand it anymore, so he comes directly, "Second brother, let me come."

"Can you strike harder than me?" Li Yan replied dully without raising his head.

Li Mo paused, and Li Shu said while eating over there, "Brother, let the second brother come, your fingers are thick and big, and you have strong hands, and the medicine is not suitable for you. very painful."

"Oh." Li Mo frowned depressedly. It was all because he was used to working, and he couldn't control the strength in his hand, but he heard Li Man humming twice, and he became anxious again. , "Second brother, can't you take it easy? She seems to be uncomfortable."

"Of course it's uncomfortable. She has an injury on her body. Even if the medicine is not applied, she still has to hum..." Li Yan said, his hands were unambiguous, light and fast, and after a while, After she finished wiping her back, she slowly grabbed Li Man's trouser waist, trying to pull the trousers down a bit.

When Li Mo saw it, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said, "Second brother, don't..."

"What's the matter?" Li Yan looked up at his elder brother almost provocatively, and with a force of his hand, he had pulled Li Man's trousers up to his thighs.

Li Mo's eyes turned cold, but he endured it immediately, and said, "Second brother, be gentle."

"I know." Li Yan picked up some more ointment with his slender fingers. Suddenly, seeing Xiao Wu's stunned expression, he slapped him on the head immediately, "You brat, close your eyes."

Xiao Wu staggered, and the oil lamp almost touched Li Man's body. Li Yan was so frightened that he blocked it with his hand, but the little flame was extinguished directly in his palm.

In the darkness, Li Yan hissed and gasped.

"Second brother." Xiao Wu panicked.

Li Mo has quickly found the fire folder, and lit the oil lamp again, "Second brother, are you alright?"

Li Yan spread out his hand, and there was a red spot on the palm of his right hand, which seemed to have broken the skin. It hurt a little, but he didn't care, "It's okay, Xiao Wu, I told you to hold the oil lamp, not for you to look around."

Xiao Wu pursed her mouth, feeling very wronged in her heart, obviously the eldest brother also watched it, didn't the second brother also watch it himself? But after all he hurt his second brother, he didn't dare to do anything, so he obediently held up the oil lamp and closed his eyes.

"Let me come." Seeing Xiao Wu's aggrieved appearance, Li Mo said.

"Brother, take care of the third brother." Li Yan just didn't want Li Mo to touch him.

Xiao Wu also said, "Big Brother, take care of Third Brother, I can do it."

Li Mo was a little embarrassed, looked at Li Shu, took the last bite of the meal, and handed him the bowl and chopsticks, "Brother, I'm full."

"One bowl is enough? There's still more in the pot." Li Mo took it and said.

Li Shu was so tired that he waved his hands while crawling into the bed, "Okay, I'll take a rest."

"Yeah." Li Mo didn't try to persuade him any more, he put the empty bowl on the big cabinet, turned around and walked to Li Yan's side, watched his fingers wipe the inside of Li Man's thigh, and couldn't help but sullen, "Second brother, where is it?" It wasn't hurt again."

"How do you know if you don't look at it?" Li Yan withdrew his fingers without blushing and said in a low voice, "It's not hurt."

Li Mo frowned, and stared at Li Yan angrily.

Li Yan shrugged his brows, but with force, he took off all of Li Man's pants.

Li Mo's chest trembled, and he almost threw his fist at him.

Fortunately, Li Yan pulled the thin quilt quickly, covering Li Man's whole body, then raised his eyelids, and looked at Li Mo slowly, "She has medicine on her body, so it's not easy to dress."

"Oh." Li Mo's raised fist finally fell down.

Sarcasm welled up in Li Yan's eyes, and he curled his lips into a smile, "What did big brother want to do just now? Could it be that he wanted to hit me with such a big fist?"

He said the word 'Second Brother' very seriously.

"..." Li Mo knew he was wrong, and looked at him apologetically, "I'm sorry, brother was impulsive." It was still the second brother who was more thoughtful than he thought.

Li Yan's smile deepened, "Eldest brother, don't blame yourself. It's reasonable for you to care about your daughter-in-law, but, is the second brother the kind of person who takes advantage of others? My daughter-in-law is like this, how can I have the intention to occupy her?" It's cheap."

What Li Mo said was even more ashamed, because he was too narrow-minded and misunderstood his second brother.

"Okay, Xiao Wu, open your eyes." Li Yan put away the ointment at this moment, and patted Xiao Wu's head lightly.

Xiao Wu said "oh", opened his eyes wide, but unconsciously wanted to glance at Li Man from the corners of his eyes, as if there was some magic power there that attracted him, but he didn't have the guts to look at Li Man because his elder brother and second brother were both there. Look, like this, my heart is in a mess.

Li Mo didn't bother with this topic anymore, he just turned around and said, "I'll get some hot water, and everyone should wash up and go to sleep."

"Xiao Wu go to bed first." Li Yan told Xiao Wu.

"Oh." Xiao Wu finally took a quick glance at Li Man, and then crawled into his own bed with a guilty conscience, pulled the quilt and covered his head.

"Brother." Li Yan followed Li Mo and went out of the room together, "What do you think about today's matter?"

Li Mo's face was gloomy, and he looked up at the vast night, "When something like this happens, it will definitely spread in the town outside the mountain, and the villain who hurt the third brother and snatched the vines is naturally not difficult to find."

"Yeah." Li Yan nodded, his face as cold as the night, "Brother, in two days, I will go to town with you to inquire."

Li Mo instructed, "Okay. But don't let the third brother know, and Man'er, she is timid."

"I know." Li Yan said.

In the dark of night, the two brothers discussed in a low voice, fetched water to wash their faces and feet, and finally went back to the house together and went to the kang separately.

Because Li Man also slept on the kang that night, Li Mo and Li Yan consciously left the seat next to her and tried not to touch her.

However, in the middle of the night, for some reason, I heard the choking sound of sobbing, intermittently, and the listener would be inexplicably upset.

Sure enough, apart from Li Shu and Xiao Wu who were deeply asleep, Li Mo and Li Yan jumped up almost at the same time. They looked at each other, and their gazes slowly fell on the small figure at the top of the kang.

Yes, the kitten-like cry did indeed come from Li Man, but she was still asleep and didn't know it.

Li Yan hurriedly crawled over to her, called 'Man'er' twice, but there was no response, and reached out to wipe her face, her cheeks were wet, crying...

"Girl, Man'er..." Li Yan knew that she was trapped by the nightmare, so he hurriedly picked her up.

Li Mo also walked around from Xiao Wu's feet, reached out to touch Li Man's face, and then called softly, "Man'er, wake up..."

Li Man was suffering from a nightmare. In the dream, Li Shu was beaten with blood all over her body and dying, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Just at this moment, she heard the voices of Li Mo and Li Yan, and she immediately reached out to grab them like a god of salvation.

Li Yan hugged her with one hand, and with the other, he quickly grabbed her small hand that was scrambling in mid-air. At the same time, Li Mo stretched out his palm and tightly grabbed her other hand, "Man'er, don't be afraid." , big brother is here."

"Brother." Li Man shouted with difficulty. At the same time, the heavy eyelids finally lifted, and in the dimness, she saw a vague shadow in front of her.

Although she couldn't see clearly, Li Man saw the shadow and decided it was Li Mo, so she threw herself into his arms sadly, "Brother, save Li Shu quickly, he is about to be beaten to death."

"Girl, don't be afraid, you are dreaming." Li Yan reached out and gently stroked Li Man's back, comforting her softly.

"Li Yan?" Li Man really froze. In the dark, she turned her head in a daze, and she saw Li Yan's hazy outline and a pair of bright eyes.

With a soft nasal call, as if she was about to cry, Li Yan's heart softened. Immediately, he leaned forward and put his hands on her shoulders, "I'm here, don't be afraid."

"I..." Li Man just came back from the nightmare a little bit, looked around, although she couldn't see clearly, this was clearly the east room she cleaned every day, and it was her where the men sleep.

"Where's Li Shu?" Li Man suddenly asked in shock.

Li Mo pointed at the head of the kang, "Fell asleep."

Li Man finally let go of her heart, "Is he okay? He vomited a lot of blood during the day, is there any internal injury or something?"

"I'll see the doctor tomorrow. Now that he's sleeping well, I won't call him anymore." Li Yan whispered in her ear, a fresh fragrance from her body, mixed with the herbal fragrance of ointment, slowly It lingered around his nose, making him dizzy for a moment, and when he spoke, he unconsciously clung to her body.

Hearing his tone, Li Shu should be fine. Li Man finally let go of her gripping heart. She leaned her head in Li Mo's arms and didn't want to talk anymore.

"Man'er, let's sleep again." Li Mo raised his hand to signal Li Yan to make the bed straight again, and then slowly put Li Man back into the bed.

Li Manben was tired and exhausted. She was frightened like that during the day. She fell asleep before and was still struggling with the evil young man. It was very miserable. Therefore, she calmed down and fell asleep soon. It's a lot more practical.

Li Mo and Li Yan settled her down, and went back to their beds to sleep.

* Nothing to say, the next day it was bright and bright, Li Yan got up to cook and do housework, Li Mo went to invite the doctor alone.

In the east room, among the three people on the kang, Xiao Wu was the first to wake up. He got up in a daze, and looked at Li Man who was sleeping deeply on the top of the kang, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, which made him a little scared. , especially last night he actually dreamed about it.

"Xiao Wu." Li Shu fell into a deep sleep*, opened his eyes at this moment, feeling more energetic, just sat up, saw Xiao Wu staring at Li Man in a daze, and called out.

Xiao Wu was shocked for a moment, and turned to look at Li Shu in a daze.

Li Shu raised his eyebrows and glanced at him suspiciously, "What's wrong? Hysterical?"

"Ah." Xiao Wu suddenly yelled, slipped off the kang, didn't even wear a coat, and ran out in a short coat and shorts.

"What's wrong?" Li Shu couldn't help touching his face. Could it be that his face was crippled by the beating? Look at Xiaowu who just saw a ghost.

"Hmm." Li Man also straightened her legs under the quilt, and changed to a comfortable position to lie down, but as soon as she lay down, the pain in her back made her lie down again immediately.

However, after going back and forth, most of the thin quilt on her back slipped off, exposing a small half of her body.

"Daughter-in-law, are you awake?" Li Shu hurriedly dropped his clothes and crawled towards her.

"Li Shu?" Li Man blinked her big eyes twice, "Why did you escape to my kang?"

Li Shu had already arrived in front of her, half-kneeling, with his chin resting on his hands, and smiled at her, "You are on my kang."

"Ah." Li Man stared, and sure enough...

"Daughter-in-law," Li Shu's eyes quickly shifted from her face to her back, and suddenly exclaimed, "Those bastards, the next time I bump into them, I will kill them alive."

Seeing the large bruise on his back, Li Shu was very distressed, and stretched out his hand to stroke it lightly, "Does it still hurt?"

When the slightly cool palm touched her warm skin, she trembled suddenly, and immediately realized that something was wrong. She looked down and saw that the thin bellyband was tilted to one side, not even covering half of her body. The back... ..

Without even thinking about it, Li Manshui pulled the quilt to wrap herself up, and stared blankly at Li Shu's concerned eyes.

She slept on the kang in the east room, with only a bellyband left with all her clothes off.

God, who did it?

"Daughter-in-law, what's wrong with you? Let me see where else is hurt?" Li Shu wanted to tear off her quilt and take a good look.

Li Man was so embarrassed that she grabbed the corner of the quilt tightly, "I'm fine, really, I just fell and scratched my skin."

"Really?" Li Shu was skeptical, but last night the second brother said it was all right, so it should be all right, but he suddenly became frustrated and angry, "Damn, they are all hateful beasts, otherwise, today is our bridal chamber good day."

"..." Li Man was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't laugh or cry at Li Shu's indignation and frustration. Could it be that she was a blessing in disguise, at least she didn't have to worry about dealing with men these days.

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu vented himself. Seeing Li Man drooping his brows and saying nothing, he leaned over his face with a smile and asked flatteringly, "I look at you. I'm afraid the bridal chamber will not work today. Then Let's push it back and choose a better day?"

Of course that's fine, but Li Man couldn't do it and just nodded in response to his words, that would make it seem like she couldn't wait to choose a date for the bridal chamber right away.

"Okay, what are you thinking about? The injury is so serious, it is serious to take good care of the injury."

Li Man took a look at him, Li Shu laughed instead, raised his fist and punched himself on the chest twice, and said frightenedly, "Look, I'm strong, this kind of skin trauma is nothing, even if you have to do it now Bridal chamber, I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with me, I’m afraid you—”

Li Man's face was getting hotter and hotter by what he said, so early in the morning, she quickly reached out to cover his mouth, "I'm afraid of you, stop talking nonsense."

Li Shu's eyes followed the thin quilt that had slid down, and looked into the thin apron. The pair of snow-white pigeons seemed to want to squeeze out, and the apron was bulging.

His eyes tightened, and his hands instinctively wanted to catch them, so as to free the pair of bound white pigeons.

Li Man hurriedly pushed him away, wrapped herself in the quilt, and turned her back to him.

Can't do it all at once, can't even look at it, Li Shu was in a hurry, he pulled Li Man's shoulder, and begged softly, "Daughter-in-law, let me take a look, just take a look, I promise not to reach out."

Oops, what does this say? Li Man grabbed the corner of the quilt tightly and scolded him, "Li Shu, if you continue to act foolishly, I'll call you big brother."

Li Shu froze like a deflated ball, and muttered to her snow-white nape, "Well, I won't watch it today, but on the day of the bridal chamber, you have to obey me for everything, but you are not allowed to cover it up anymore. "

It was as if she owed him, Li Man ignored his domineering words, and slowly calmed down when she heard the sound of getting dressed from behind.

Li Shu got dressed and went out, and came back soon, but he didn't enter the house, and stood at the door and said, "Daughter-in-law, second brother's breakfast is ready, do you want to get up, or bring the breakfast?"

Her body was sore and sore, and it was uncomfortable to lie down, so it was better to get up, but, where is her clothes?

She looked around and found that her clothes had been thrown on a small stool in the corner, so she said to Li Shu, "Help me get the clothes."

"Oh." Li Shu came in, picked up a pile of clothes with a big hand, but didn't give it to Li Man directly, but put it on his nose and sniffed it gently, and then smiled, "It really smells delicious .”

"What are you doing?" Li Man blushed and stared at him fiercely.

Li Shu didn't take it seriously, and gave her the clothes, while explaining, "I heard from my second brother before that a woman's body is fragrant. I didn't believe it, but now I believe it."

Daughter-in-law is the most fragrant, and even the clothes she wears have an imaginative fragrance.

Sure enough, it was the bad guy Li Yan again, Li Man bit her lower lip hard, and said to Li Shu, "Don't learn from your second brother." I've been thinking about women all day, *.

"Huh?" Li Shu was puzzled. Couldn't he learn from his second brother? The second brother is welcomed by many women in Shennvgou, almost everyone, men, women and children, likes him.

"What are you talking about behind my back?" At this moment, Li Yan's faint voice sounded from the door.

Li Man looked up, and saw him leaning against the door frame, staring at her quietly, her heart skipped a beat, she really couldn't speak ill of people behind her back, she hurriedly lowered her head, pretending she didn't know anything.

Unexpectedly, Li Shu's big mouth betrayed her immediately, and even made fun of Li Yan, "Second brother, my daughter-in-law told me not to imitate you. You too, don't keep telling me those things in the future, I am Good man, don't bring me down."

Li Man was startled, Li Shu... the mouth should be beaten.

Li Yan stared at Li Man's stiff back, and laughed sinisterly, "Really? I've told you everything, and I've brought you down?"

Li Shu pulled the corner of his mouth, looked at the expression of the second brother, and hurriedly said, "Second brother, you are not allowed to bully your wife. Besides, you told me that women are fragrant. Second brother, dare you say that you didn't touch her." Have you ever known a woman's fragrance?"

Pfft, Li Man was almost gleeful, Li Shu's counterattack is good, Li Yan, you bastard, what else do you have to say?


Thank you Moyanwu, kennistang, zbq5530)0, Mahiti, Lingsi, 13776673393, a89881575, angels also cry 3, huhulove), Princess Luluo, love Liulixin, etc. for the monthly flower tickets and purses,\\(o )~

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