Fortunate Wife

Chapter 112 Rejection (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)

"She also has a pair of beautiful big eyes, which are clean without any impurities. When she smiles, her eyes are bright, like countless sunshine, and the heart of the person who looks at it is warm. There is also this small mouth, Red and tender, when she becomes gentle, the words she speaks are really sweet, but when she becomes fierce, the words that come out of this little mouth are like knives, very annoying."

Li Man couldn't help frowning, "Li Yan, have you had enough?" Why are you saying these love words to her gracefully? What a mess in her heart.

"Heh, look again, is her pretty face red again?" Li Yan smiled lightly, stroking her cheek with his big palm, "She is such a shy little girl who can't hide it."

"Who, who is shy?" Li Man held back her heartbeat and gave him a blank look.

"That woman, the woman in my eyes." Li Yan stared fixedly at her.

Li Man turned her face away, but she always felt entangled by his gaze, so she had no choice but to raise her head to meet his gaze, "I'm not shy."

"Heh." Li Yan smiled, and gently pinched her cheek with two fingers, "I said the woman in my eyes, but not you, what are you in a hurry for?"

"You?" Li Man suddenly felt like being played like a monkey, and turned around angrily to leave.

"Haha." Li Yan laughed loudly, let her turn around in his arms, then hugged her back, and simply sat her on the pot.

Li Man was stunned, kicking her feet and was about to come down.

"I'm joking with you, I'm in a hurry again." Li Yan gave her an angry look.

He was tall, even though Li Man was sitting on the pot, and he was standing by the side, he still looked down at her.

"I want to come down." There was no place to sit, so I sat on the pot and passed out.

"Let you down later, listen to me first." Li Yan put his hands on her waist, pressing firmly, just not letting her move.

Li Man had no choice but to stare at him fiercely, "Then you should say it quickly, don't say anything like the useless ones just now."

After talking for a long time, it didn't mean her, so why did you say it to her? What are you doing?

"Oh, fool, that's all for teasing you, why don't you take a look at how ugly you look when you are puffed up in my eyes?" Li Yan raised her chin with a single finger.

Li Man didn't break free, but just stared at his eyes curiously. There were indeed two small people in those clear and deep eyes, and they seemed to be looking up with their heads up, looking around curiously.

That was her, the woman who lived in his eyes.

Mou Ran, the softest part of her heart seemed to be touched by something, she felt that she was really dizzy, and she actually felt that this feeling was quite good.

She even wanted to occupy those affectionate and charming eyes all the time.

"Peony, I will make it clear to her, the last time, I will not ask whether she is dead or alive in the future." Li Yan said suddenly.

Li Man said 'ah', still unable to react to his previous love words.

"Fool, really stupid." Li Yan poked her forehead lightly with his fingers, and said with a low smile, "I didn't eat dinner well, so that's why? If you care, just ask me, why hold back?" In your heart?"

"What do I care about?" In fact, she herself was confused, she obviously didn't want him to get too close, but why did she know that he was going on a date with Peony, and her heart seemed empty, lost.

Li Yan pointed at her nose and smiled, "You don't know what you care about? It's written all over your face, idiot."

"Me?" Is it that obvious? Li Man felt guilty.

Li Yan put one hand around her waist, pulled her into his arms, and pressed her closer to his chest. Li Man panicked, and reached out her hand to his chest, so as to keep the distance between the two of them. a little distance.

"Still pretending to be with me, I'm not going to eat you now." Li Yan said, then pulled off her little hands, and wrapped them around his neck, so that it seemed that Li Man took the initiative to hook his neck. hold him.

Just as Li Man was about to move her hand away, Li Yan pinched her waist hard, "What are you doing?"

"Hmm." Li Man snorted and scolded angrily, "Li Yan, you bastard."

"Hush." ​​Li Yan quickly covered her mouth with his hands, "Do you want to call them all over?"

Li Man glared at him, and suddenly, viciously, her fingers pinched the back of his neck fiercely.

Li Yan frowned, and cursed with his lips, "Damn girl." But there was a bright and happy smile in his eyes.

Can you still laugh? Li Man was frustrated, she pinched hard.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Li Yan surrendered first, and then said, "I've told you everything I need to say."

"What did you say?" Except for the specious love words at the beginning.

Li Yan sighed, held her face in his hands, stared deeply into her eyes, and said, "I like Li Man, I don't know when it started, anyway, I just like it, and I feel that I don't like you if I don't see you for a day." It’s like, I’m happy when I see you laugh, I’m sad when I see you cry, I want to make you happy. The only wife in my heart is you. If you don’t want me, I will pester you until I want me .Anyway, a lifetime is very long, we are still young, I can afford it. Besides, I am a man, and I am a normal man from heart to physiology. I like you in my heart, so naturally I hope you can like me. My The body wants you, so don't expect me to endure it all the time. You have to be prepared mentally. In fact, you should have prepared for this long ago, that is, I will definitely want you. Moreover, the time will not be too long, because the elder brother has already Eating you is a blow to me, it is also a torment, and it is an encouragement, so I will eat you, whether you want it or not. It is useless even if you don’t want to, you are my wife, I like it woman, you have to be responsible for me."

"..." Seeing that his upper and lower lips touched, he babbled a lot of words, but Li Man opened her small mouth, but didn't insert a word.

Moreover, there were too many things in his words, which made her dizzy. It seemed that there were only two important points. One was that he said he liked her, and the other was that he had to have her, and he didn't want to wait any longer.

"Okay, I'll take care of the peony issue myself, I won't cuckold you, go, I'm going to boil water for a bath."

After finishing speaking, Li Yan carried her off the pot and pushed her out of the kitchen.

Li Man walked out of the kitchen door, only to remember that he said so happily, she didn't even say a word of opinion.

I want to go back and find him for a theory.

Li Yan sat under the stove and raised his eyebrows and smiled at her, "What? Can't bear it? Then I'll give you a hug when I come back."

As he spoke, he stretched out his arms towards her.

*, Li Man spat lightly, and hurried back to her room.

There is no light in the house, but the moonlight is very bright tonight, and she can see it even if it is hazy.

Groping back to his kang, he took off his clothes and lay down under the quilt, but the scene just now involuntarily popped up in his mind.

Regardless of whether Li Yan's words were true or not, there was no doubt that every sentence went into her heart.

Looking at the dark roof, Li Man felt blushing and heart beating, and couldn't help sticking out her tongue secretly, women, women, no matter what era or age they are, they always lack immunity to sweet talk.

After a while, she heard movement in the kitchen next door. She guessed that Li Yan had boiled water and was about to take a bath.

There are only three rooms in the house, and there is no bathroom. She takes a shower in her own room, and the men, except for showering in the yard outside, if they take a bath in a hot tub, they basically take a bath in the kitchen.

When she heard the sound of splashing water, her mind became hot, and she gradually remembered that he was charming and charming when he took a shower in the courtyard that day.

"Hmm." Suddenly realizing what she was thinking, Li Man was startled and ashamed, turned over, buried her face in the pillow, and tried not to listen to the sound of the water next door.

But for some reason, the more she didn't want to hear it, the louder the sound of water seemed to be. She pouted secretly, thinking that it was Li Yan's intention, a guy who wouldn't even take a bath.

She simply pulled the quilt over her head.

Consciousness gradually blurred in the darkness, and I don't know how long it took, and the moon didn't know when it was lazy and hid in the clouds.

There was a bit of wind outside, and the blowing windows made a knocking sound from time to time. Li Man was woken up, and seeing that the front window was not closed properly, she got up to close it.

But just after closing the window, I heard the sound of the door opening next door, which seemed very cautious.

She suddenly remembered that Li Yanyin was going to meet Mudan in his old place.

Could it be that the time has come? She quietly opened a slit of the window and looked inside, and she saw a slender figure running towards the outside of the courtyard under the dark sky.

Although it was only from the back, Li Man recognized Li Yan at a glance.

For no reason, she became nervous, turned around and walked to the side, picked up the coat, put it on her body, and chased outside.

It was very windy outside, and she was sober after being shaken by the cold wind, but she had already left the yard. Was she really willing to go back like this?

Seeing the figure in front of him walking faster and faster, Li Man didn't have time to think about it, and trotted behind.

Didn't Li Yan keep saying that he likes her? As long as she is a daughter-in-law? Well, she wants to see if this is the truth, otherwise, she will have to live in suspicion every day from now on.

There was still about an hour before the sky would light up, but at this time, the village was completely silent, not even a dog barking could be heard.

Li Manhe's little heart was thumping, she was used to the neon lights of the metropolis at night like day, and the darkness and tranquility in the mountains at midnight even brought a little awe-inspiring solemnity, she was a little uneasy, as if something was about to happen.

Moreover, walking at night was not easy, she almost sprained her foot a few times, so she quickly got up and went up.

Fortunately, Li Yan didn't walk too fast. When she thought she couldn't keep up, or lost track because the sky was too dark, he would suddenly appear in a particularly conspicuous position.

This made Li Man pluck up her courage again. She always felt that God was helping her, and she had to take a good look at Li Yan's true face, but to be honest, she was nervous and ashamed when she did this kind of voyeurism for the first time.

She even thought about how she would deal with herself if she saw him making love with Mudan secretly. Can you really be happy?

No, no, she has had this kind of experience before. She has been a wife for ten years, and she has lived an ordinary life for ten years. She has also thought about a man having other women outside, but if she doesn't see it, she can treat it as nothing. Once she sees it with her own eyes See, things have completely turned sour.

She thought that she would never forget the scene of her man accompanying another woman in the birth checkup for the rest of her life.

She didn't know how long she had been following, but suddenly, a small light came on somewhere in front of her, and she saw Li Yan walking towards that small light, she hurriedly bent over and followed lightly, then, she found a person close to the side and looked at it again. Hide in the thick grass.

Looking up again, she saw that in front of a melon shed, Peony held a small oil lamp and looked forward to shine a light on it. When she saw Li Yan, she greeted him in surprise, "Brother Li Yan, I knew you would definitely come."

Li Yan stood still, glanced back slightly out of the corner of his eye, and then said, "If you don't come, I will never see you. Peony, are you looking for death?"

Mudan was taken aback. Although she couldn't see Li Yan's expression clearly, she could hear his cold voice, and she felt aggrieved immediately, "What can I do, otherwise, can you come to see me?"

"What's the matter? Do you have to make an appointment here at this hour? Does your family know?" Li Yan asked coldly.

Mudan shook her head, "Ever since I brought you chicken soup last time, my parents didn't allow me to go out after they found out. I still sneaked out yesterday and was scolded by my mother just for a while. Now, They watch me closely during the day, and only at this time, when they are all asleep, can I slip out."

She said it was pitiful, but Li Yan's eyes were full of coldness, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Brother Li Yan." Peony raised her eyes, staring at him with tears in her eyes, and suddenly threw herself into his arms, crying, "I don't want to marry anyone else. I have dreamed of marrying you since I was eight years old."


Peony's voice was crying, full of grievances and didn't know how to vent, she just hugged him tightly and kept repeating, "Brother Li Yan, I really only want to marry you. In this life, I will never fall in love with you again except you. Anyone."

Behind the grass, Li Man watched this scene, stunned, her hands tightly grasping the weeds on the side, entangled in her hands and almost tied into a knot.

"Have you cried enough?" After a while, when her mood stabilized a bit, Li Yan pushed her away, and with his right hand, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and lightly dusted the clothes that had been crumpled by her.

Mudan covered her heart with her hands, and stared at him hurtingly, "You don't care at all? Don't you dare to say that you have never been tempted by me in all these years?"

Li Yan frowned, and stared at her almost coldly, "Peony, you have always been smart, how many times do I need to say these words again? It's hurtful to say it."

"Not at all? Just once." Li Man's body trembled like a fallen branch in the night wind, ready to break at any moment.

Li Yan shook his head, "If I have any feelings for you, I only treat you as a younger sister. I am here today not because I am in love with you and can't bear to part with you, but as an elder brother, to advise you, don't be stubborn. You are the only one who is harmed. As an older brother, I hope to see you happy."

"No, how can I be happy without you?" Peony suddenly shouted at him angrily.

Li Yan looked at her quietly, and when she calmed down, Fang said lightly, "I have already said what I should say, so you can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left. Mudan was stunned for a moment, and immediately called to him, "Brother Li Yan, stop."

But Li Yan didn't listen to her at all, striding forward with long legs, almost passed by the bushes where Li Man was hiding.

Li Man's heart shrank in fright, she quickly shrank her neck and lowered her head, for fear of being seen by him.

Seeing that he wouldn't listen to him, Mudan ran after him and hugged him from behind, "Brother Li Yan, don't go."

Li Yan frowned, and opened her fingers, "Peony, don't make trouble anymore, go home."

"Brother Li Yan, I have one last request." Mudan stared at his generous back infatuatedly, and said in a daze.

"What?" Li Yan asked in a deep voice.

Peony took his hand carefully, and said softly, "I made two small dishes with my own hands, and I want you to try them."

Hearing this, Li Yan shook off her hand, "At this time, the dishes are probably cold. I don't like cold dishes, so I'll go back first."

"Don't." Peony rushed to catch up and shouted, "Then have a drink with me, one last time."

Li Yan paused.

Only then did Mudan say quietly, "Tomorrow someone from the Shen family will come to discuss the marriage. This glass of wine should be your blessing to me. With just this glass, I will never pester you again."

Li Yan hesitated.

Mudan hurriedly persuaded, "Brother Li Yan, please, can't I let you give me a glass of blessing wine for my love for you all these years? Even if you are a brother, you will drink for your sister's happiness, right?"

Li Yan turned around and looked deeply at Peony, feeling a little helpless, "Okay, just a glass of wine, I'll drink it."

"Yeah." Peony immediately smiled and hurriedly led the way.

Have you been drinking? Li Man nestled in the grass and frowned unconsciously.

The words of refusal are so straightforward, why go to drink? Sex after drinking, doesn't he understand? Still, he didn't want to...

It was a little far away from the melon shed, so she had to move forward lightly.

There are oil lamps hanging beside the melon shed, the light is dim and hazy, but it can just create the best atmosphere for a couple to talk about love.

"Brother Li Yan, here it is." Mudan poured a glass of sake herself, and held it to Li Yan with both hands.

Li Yan twisted the wine glass, looked at Peony, "Peony, brother, I hope you will be happy."

After speaking, he raised his head and drank it.

"Take another dish." Peony hurriedly picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of dish and handed it over.

Li Yan glanced at her and put the wine glass back into her hand, "Okay, I've finished the wine, I should go back."

"Wait." Peony called him again.

"What else is there?" Li Yan was a little impatient, and looked forward with his deep eyes, and finally landed behind a thick weed, his eyes were slightly fixed.

Mudan plucked up her courage and said, "Brother Li Yan, you can't leave."

Li Yan's eyes were slightly cold, and he didn't speak.

Mudan rushed over suddenly, hugged his waist, put her face against his generous back, and said in pain and excitement, "Brother Li Yan, you have pity on me just once, please love me."

"Let go." Li Yan seemed to realize something, and angrily shook her off, without looking at her, he was about to leave.

"Li Yan." Mudan chased him out of the melon shed, and shouted at him, "I said you couldn't leave and you couldn't. Didn't you realize that the wine just now tasted bad?"

As soon as she said this, Li Man's heart trembled in the grass. Could it be that Mudan had poisoned the wine and wanted to die in love with Li Yan?

She almost rushed out of the bushes in shock, but at this moment Li Yan sneered, "You want to poison me?"

"No." Peony ran over, "I don't want to hurt you, I just want you to love me once, just once, okay?"

Mudan wanted to jump into his arms again, but was pushed away by Li Yan, "What medicine did you give me?"

"Brother Li Yan, don't be angry." Mudan hurriedly explained, "It's not poison, it''s medicine that can make you happy. Brother Li Yan."

The sky was dark, but it was not far from dawn, she was still worried, and looked around nervously, expecting that there would be no one, so she boldly took off her clothes quickly, revealing her snow-white skin.

Li Yan was horrified, but Mudan jumped at him with her upper body naked, "Brother Li Yan, you want me. My body is clean, I just want to give it to you, please, take me?"

Li Yan was startled, and pushed Mudan away suddenly, "Mudan, are you crazy? You gave me this kind of medicine?"

After speaking, he was so angry that he wanted to leave without looking back.

Mudan yelled anxiously, chasing him and saying, "Brother Li Yan, don't go, this medicine is very overbearing, and it requires the harmony of yin and yang to detoxify. If there is no woman within half an hour, you will definitely die."

Li Yan didn't speak, just strode forward.

Peony cried anxiously, reached out and grabbed his arm, but her strength was weak, and she was almost dragged forward by him, "Brother Li Yan, I didn't lie to you, it's all true. Don't even think about going back to find Li Man to detoxify you , It’s too late. The further you go, the faster the effect of the medicine will take effect, and before you get home, I’m afraid you’ll die from backflow.”

Blood backflow and die? Li Manxin was picked up so hard that she almost rushed out and grabbed Mudan's hair to beat her up. How could she be so vicious?

Li Yan also stopped abruptly when he heard the words, turned his head to look at the embarrassed Mudan, and frowned, "So, you are so sure that I will want you?"

Mudan burst into tears, and the hatred and contempt in his eyes made her almost unbearable, "Brother Li Yan, I don't want to do this either, I just want to love you well. Don't worry, I will detoxify you, and you will be fine."

She probably thought that Li Yan would just give in when he stopped, so she choked up and stepped forward, reaching out to untie Li Yan's clothes, but she was swung away by his palm, her whole body was unstable, and she fell directly to the ground.

"Brother Li Yan." Mudan was horrified, staring at him in disbelief.

Li Yan's whole body was gloomy and cold, he didn't look at her lazily anymore, and wasted some more words with her, he raised his feet and strode forward.

Mudan was stunned, her face blurred by tears was full of despair, "Brother Li Yan, come back, come back, woo woo..."

She sat on the ground, crying sadly and desperately.

Suddenly, Li Man couldn't hate her anymore. How could she bear the heart of a girl who could wrong herself like this for love?

She really wanted to step forward to help Peony, but it was obviously better for her to calm herself down at this time. Perhaps, a heavy blow and injury could make her fully awake, and then embark on another happy road again.

Just like her, the modern blow has gained a new life here, and she knows how to cherish it even more.

In front of him, Li Yan's figure gradually blurred. Does he still have poison? Li Man was startled, and immediately trotted up from the grass.

When he was about ten feet away from Li Yan, he slowed down his pace.

She didn't dare to go forward, and she was also afraid of being discovered by him, but she didn't trust him in the end, so she had to follow step by step.

Li Yan walked out of the melon shed, but he didn't go to the village, instead he seemed to go to the mountains.

What is he doing? Could it be that there is a female fairy in the mountains who can help him cure it?

She was about to call him, but when she saw him kneeling on the ground in front of her suddenly, her heart shrank in fright.

"Idiot, what are you still doing in a daze, help me up quickly."

Li Yan's strenuous voice sounded in front of her. Li Man stood up, a little dazed, and looked around. There was no one. Could it be that he was talking to herself?

"Damn girl, if you don't come here again, I won't be polite." Li Yan suddenly turned his head and glared at Li Man fiercely.

Li Man crouched instinctively in fright, buried her head in her knees, and wanted to hide away, after all, peeping is a shameful thing to see.

Li Yan had no choice but to laugh again, "Do you think you are a turtle? If you shrink your head, others will have nothing to do with you?"

Li Man raised her head in shock. In fact, she was also instinctive just now. When the voyeur was suddenly caught, her instinctive reaction was to hide.

"Li Yan, are you okay?" Thinking of the poison in his body, she hurried over.

Li Yan put one hand on her arm and squinted at her, "What do you think? I can't stand still without seeing me?"

As he spoke, he pulled her up, and then leaned most of his body on her.

The sudden intensification of weight made Li Man stagger a few steps unbearably, and managed to stabilize him with all his strength.

"We'll go home and see the doctor."

Li Yan didn't move, he just asked quietly, "Did you hear what you said just now?"

Li Man's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly explained, "I didn't overhear."

"Oh," Li Yan nodded, supported her shoulders and slowly moved forward. Suddenly, he asked again, "You came here in the middle of the night just to listen to these words?"

Li Man felt guilty and hurriedly said, "Li Yan, you are poisoned, stop talking, let's go home and find a doctor."

"Doctor have a fart, didn't you hear it just now? If I don't have a woman for half an hour, my blood will flow back and die. Do the math, how long has it been?" Li Yan poked her forehead angrily. , "Or do you simply want me to burn myself to death?"

Li Man felt wronged, if she wasn't worried about him, why would she follow him all the way?

"You know how to get angry with me. I'm so stupid that I'm going to die. If I insist on drinking other people's wine, I deserve it if I get poisoned." It was just a fun thing, if it was really fatal, who would dare to use it, at most it would just be a period of physical discomfort.

However, thinking of Li Yan going to drink that glass of wine by himself, Li Man felt that he deserved it for making him feel uncomfortable.

Anyway, she won't give him an antidote, she's too aggrieved.

"What did you say?" Li Yan suddenly stopped, staring at her suspiciously.

At this time, Li Man didn't dare to add fuel to the fire, so she softened and said, "I said that you are poisoned, you should go back to the doctor immediately, otherwise—"

"Didn't you hear what I just said? Can we get home in half an hour? Do you want me to die in embarrassment at the entrance of the village?"

"How come? It's just that kind of medicine. Go back and take a cold shower, maybe you'll be fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yan's body trembled and he let out a muffled cough, blood flowed from his nose.

Li Man was shocked, "How come?"

"Let's go." Li Yan suddenly pushed her away, then became unstable, staggered a few times and almost fell.

Li Man hurriedly stepped forward to support him, terrified, "Why did you have a nosebleed? The internal fire is too strong? Or is the medicine really so powerful?"

Can you die without a woman? She was terrified, she didn't feel anything just now, but seeing Li Yan's body hot and nosebleed now, and thinking of Mudan's decisiveness, she was terrified.

She doesn't understand ancient things, is it possible that there is such a secret medicine that can kill people if you don't teach it?

"What should I do?" Li Man cried anxiously, "Then I...I..."

If she wanted to take the initiative to make an antidote for him, she couldn't say it.

"Help me into the mountain, there is a small stream there, I'll go in and soak, maybe it can slow down a bit." Li Yan pointed to the darkness behind the mountain.

"Soak in cold water, oh, yes, there is a pond over there, we often do laundry."

"The water is so deep, you want me to drown?" Li Yan gave her an angry look, and dragged her arm to the back of the mountain.

Li Man was wondering why he had the strength to walk so fast again, Li Yan yelled at her again, "If you don't hurry up, I will die on the road."

"Oh." Li Man didn't dare to say a word anymore, her whole body was tense, and she supported him beside him nervously.

Regardless of whether this matter is really so serious, but human life is at stake, and she will not allow herself to be negligent in the slightest, if it is true.

She will regret it in the future and cry without finding a place to cry.

The originally difficult mountain road became easy to walk with her special perseverance. After a while, they entered a forest.

The light was not very bright yet, and there was silence in the woods, but Li Man still felt familiar. When she looked around again, especially the gurgling stream in front, she suddenly realized that this was the last time Li Mo took her to the forest. The place she came to, that is, here, she finally made up her mind to become the mistress of the Li family willingly.

Before Li Man could say anything, Li Yan couldn't take it anymore, and jumped into the creek with all his clothes on. His whole body was buried in the water, only his head was exposed.

Li Man stood by the water, staring at him nervously, "Do you feel better?"

Li Yanning closed his eyes, not knowing whether it was due to the color of the sky or because he was too empty, his face was a little pale.

He didn't speak, and in this situation again, Li Man hurriedly walked back and forth on the bank, and after a while, asked worriedly, "Li Yan, are you feeling better? How about—"

"What else?" Li Yan suddenly opened his eyes, under the dim light, he could still see the dark eyes, stained with a strange color.

Li Man suddenly became a little scared, and instinctively took two steps back. What would it be like if a man who had been drugged with love had a fit? She didn't know, but looking at the evil spirit exuding from Li Yan's body, she felt that she couldn't bear it at all.

She flinched, feeling an urge to run away home and find someone.

But Li Yan closed her eyes quietly again, so helpless and disappointed that she couldn't move back anyway.

She stared at him closely, for fear that he might make a mistake.

But amidst her anxiety, Li Yan's body suddenly fell into the water.

"Li Yan." Her heart twitched, she rushed into the water and hugged him up.

"Man'er." He leaned on her and called softly, his voice was unusually hoarse, but it also had a unique magnetic charm, sexy and *under the dim light.

"Li Yan, you seem to be very serious." He was very hot, almost burning her.

He didn't seem to be able to hear her words, he buried his head deeply in the socket of her shoulder, nudged lightly in discomfort, and greedily inhaled the faint smell of her in the air.

Holding her waist with one hand, the other nimbly got into her clothes, reluctant to let go: "Man'er... I want you..."

Li Man was stunned immediately.

"Man'er, daughter-in-law, give me... want you..." A low murmur came into her ears, her voice was hoarse and confused.

"Hmm." Li Man trembled all over, seeing him enduring the pain, her heart softened a little bit, but it was still in the water, "Li Yan—"

Before she could say what she wanted to say about going ashore, his fiery lips reached out, sealed her small mouth accurately, and kissed her heavily.

He demanded desperately, making her dizzy, and the hands that were originally pushing back gave up resisting at some point.

"Man'er." Suddenly, he stopped, looked at her confused eyes, panted and smiled, "Do you want it?"

His slender fingers brushed the hair that had fallen from her cheeks, and his eyes were extremely affectionate and sentimental.

"Daughter-in-law, give it to me, huh?" He lowered his head, his forehead pressed against hers, his handsome face was so close to hers, Li Man could clearly hear his rapid breathing, and feel his frenzied longing.

She widened her eyes uneasily, and nervously crumpled his clothes into a ball, to be his antidote? Do you want it?

"Man'er, I'll give you one last chance, are you willing? If you don't speak, I'll take it as if you agreed, huh? Did you hear that?" His voice was hoarse, whispering in her ear.

"Li Yan." Li Man's whole body tensed up, her heart beat out of rhythm in his hoarse voice, but she still used the last bit of reason to say, "Have you thought it through? Do you really want me? Or drugs. …”

"Fool." He lifted her chin, looked at her with burning eyes, his dark eyes were deep and deep, rippling with watery light, and immediately kissed her forehead emotionally, "If it is controlled by drugs, why should I Leave Peony behind."

Li Man was stunned, his heart skipped a beat, he was poisoned, and he wanted to go back to find him even if he died?

"I can't take it anymore, Man'er, I want it now." His hot body suddenly pressed closer to her.

Li Man was embarrassed, she blushed and shyly resisted, "Go back to the shore."

"Okay." He picked her up horizontally, waded through the stream, and quickly returned to the shore.

As soon as he laid her flat on the grass, his muscular body impatiently covered her up.

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