Fortunate Wife

Chapter 116 Dinner (please subscribe, ask monthly pass)

"What are you doing? Fishy." Li Man took a step back, staring at his wet hands in disgust.

Li Yan raised the corners of his lips and looked at her with a wicked smile, "Yo, you got disgusted so quickly? Who bit it so tightly last night? You can't even pull it out."

"You?" Li Man blushed and had a thick neck, she opened her small mouth and didn't say a word, turned her face away, and went to the pot to fiddle with the vegetables, she had nothing to say to this *.

Li Yan smiled slightly, and put the fish on the chopping board, "How do I do it?" He picked up the belly of the fish with a kitchen knife to show her, "I scraped it off as you ordered, and the gills, Washed several times."

Li Man glanced sideways, and it was indeed clean, and snorted, "Put the fish here, the rice is in the pot, you cook it first, and then heat the other pot later, I'm good at cooking." .”

"Okay." As Li Yan said, he lowered his head, kissed her hard on the side of the ear, and said with a smile, "Idiot, the blushing is almost burning."

Li Man rubbed the back of her ear with the back of her finger and glared at him, "Light the fire."

Li Yan giggled, leaned closer to her ear, and murmured softly, "I like you like this."

"Go soon." His scorching breath sprayed on her neck, making her itchy all over, and Li Man stretched out her hand to beat him in anger.

Li Yan really let her beat him a bit, and then he walked under the stove contentedly, lit the fire and cooked first.

Li Man blushed, and finally calmed down the emotion he had stirred up, put the fish into a clean plate first, then took out the washed beans and cut them into sections.

"Heat the other pot too, I'll fry the beans."

"Yeah." Li Yan responded, and quickly heated up the other pot. Since he can cook, the heat was well controlled.

Immediately, the cauldron was red hot, and Li Man poured some oil, then poured the beans and two slices of green peppers into the pan, and stir-fried repeatedly.

A burst of tangy vegetable aroma suddenly diffused from the kitchen.

Under the stove, Li Yan listened to the sound of the spatula touching the pot, and smelled the aroma of the vegetables, and his heart was filled with endless warmth and emotion.

How many years has there been a woman in this kitchen? It has been many years since there has been such fireworks, it seems that since the mother passed away, the place has become much deserted.

After a while, Li Shu came in after smelling it, "Daughter-in-law, what to cook? It smells so good."

Li Man just finished frying the beans, put them on a clean plate, and handed them to him, "Put it on the table."

"En." Li Shu took it, seeing the green color, couldn't help but feel greedy, and involuntarily picked up a bean with two fingers and put it in his mouth.

It just so happened that this scene was witnessed by Li Mo and others who just came in.

Xiao Wuyi frowned, and shouted instinctively, "Third Brother steals food."

Li Hua pursed her lips and smiled slightly, not paying much attention to Third Brother's move.

Li Mo's face sank slightly, "Third brother, have you washed your hands?"

The daughter-in-law's rule is that she has to wash her hands before meals and after going to the toilet. If the rules are broken, she will feel very uncomfortable, he can see.

"Washed, washed twice, don't believe me." Li Shu put the dishes away, and stretched out his hands to show Li Mo.

Not to mention, Li Shu, who is usually used to rough work, is really particular about it now. Don't look at the thick and strong fingers, the nails are neatly manicured, there is no mud between the nails, and the palms and backs are still moist. , It can be seen that it has been scrubbed with heart.

You can't eat vegetables with your hands, and it's not the past. Now they all have wives, so they should pay attention to it.

Li Shu shrugged, looking indifferent, but he still brought the chopsticks over.

Li Yan poked his head out from the bottom of the pot, "The meal hasn't been served yet, so don't steal it. Besides, this meal is specially prepared by my wife for my fourth brother tonight. He doesn't have chopsticks yet. Do you have the nerve to eat first?"

"Oh." Li Shu scratched his head, put down his chopsticks, and nodded with a smile, "Yes, wait for the fourth brother to eat first. Fourth brother, are you suffering outside these days?"

Li Hua smiled slightly, his eyes were full of tenderness, and he could not help but fall on Li Man's busy back.

She is so busy and dedicated to him.

Li Man was frying vegetables. Hearing the words, the spatula in his hand paused, and then continued to fry as if he didn't hear it. The vegetables should not be fried for too long, otherwise the color and luster would be old and the taste would be bad, so, After she quickly stir-fried it a few times, it was served.

Cucumbers are served cold, so there is no need to put them in the pot. After the vegetables are fried, the next step is to wash the pot to make braised fish.

However, when she turned back to take the fish, she saw the four brothers sitting firmly on the big table, and all their eyes were looking at her, her hand shook, and a fish almost slipped off.

"Be careful." The four voices spoke in unison, provoking Li Yan to poke his head out curiously, and also looked at Li Man, "What's wrong?"

Li Man quickly grabbed the fish, put it on the cutting board, and made two small cuts on the back of the fish with a knife, so that it would be easy to taste.

However, after doing these actions, she became depressed. Could it be that they have to keep staring at her cooking?

Turning around, she smiled slightly, and said in a gentle tone, "This fish still needs to be cooked for a while, you go to the east room first, there is a lot of smoke here."

"It's okay." Li Shu smiled and stared at her mischievously, only feeling that the daughter-in-law who cooks is more sultry and feminine.

Li Mo also said, "It's the same when we talk here, so we won't run away."

How far can it go? Still running at both ends? Li Man's head was full of black lines, "Then you guys chat." Don't just look at her, it makes her feel uncomfortable, as if someone is watching her cooking.

"Man'er, the pot is hot." Li Hua kindly reminded him when he heard the cauldron sizzling.

"Oh." Seeing that the bottom of the big pot was burning red, Li Man seemed to be able to see through the fire, and hurriedly said, "Li Yan, the fire should be lower." He hurriedly poured oil on the bottom of the pot. With a sound, it immediately became hot. Li Man took the opportunity to put the fish in, and only waited for one side to be browned before switching sides.

At the big table, the four brothers smiled at the same time, the daughter-in-law is very capable.

After frying the fish until both sides were browned, Li Man added some seasonings, mixed some water, covered the pot and let it simmer.

Soon, the smell of fish is tangy and mouth-watering.

"Daughter-in-law, it smells so good, are you ready?" Li Shu stretched his neck and looked towards the pot.

"Simmer for a while longer, the fish will taste better, and the soup will be delicious." Li Man replied without turning her head.

Li Shu's 'oh' made the other brothers roll their eyes.

The daughter-in-law has her own sense of cooking, so why is he urging her?

Li Shu sat down obediently. Li Man lifted the lid of the pot, scooped up some of the soup with a spatula, and then slowly and evenly scorched it on the surface of the fish. Repeated this twice, I felt that the taste was almost the same. He put the lid on the pot again, and said to Li Yan, "Li Yan, don't add any more firewood. You can fill it out after the fire in the pot hole is exhausted."

"En." Li Yan put down the tongs and stood up.

Li Man turned her head to look at the four brothers, all sitting there waiting in a hurry, right? Suppressing a smile in my heart, I also ordered, "Li Shu, why don't you serve the rice first?"

Today, because Li Hua came back, this dinner was relatively early. At this moment, the sun is slowly setting, and there is a fiery sunset in the sky, shining red in the yard, and the big black is chasing Xiao Huang all over the yard Frolicking.

Li Man just lit an oil lamp and put it on the table. She knew that lighting the lamp at this time would be a waste of money, but she just couldn't stand it, so she ate in a dimly lit place.

Therefore, other things are fine, even in the dark, only when eating, she likes to be bright.

Li Mo put the oil lamp near his hand, fearing that it would affect other people's cooking.

Seeing that Li Shu had finished serving the rice, he went to serve the braised fish himself. The fish was very big, a big silver carp weighing five or six catties. Thanks to the big pot and the firewood at home, it was cooked like this It's delicious, otherwise the modern gas stove must be made several times.

Li Man used a spatula to cut off a plate before it could be filled. It took two large plates to fill it, and brought them all to the table.

In addition, there were some sauerkraut fish left at noon, so she cleaned the oil pan and prepared to heat it up.

"Daughter-in-law, don't you come to eat?" Li Shu took the chopsticks and prepared to eat, but found that Li Man didn't have any pot, so he turned around and shouted.

Others also looked at Li Man.

Li Man cleaned the pot, poured the sauerkraut fish into the pot, and replied, "I almost forgot, there is still some sauerkraut fish left, let's reheat it together."

"There are already so many dishes, so don't heat them up. It's the same tomorrow." Li Shu said.

Li Mo also said, "Yes, there are so many dishes, don't bother."

Li Man remembered something, walked to the table, removed a plate of braised fish, and put it in the cupboard.

"Daughter-in-law, what are you doing?" Li Shuzheng was envious.

Li Man turned her head and smiled, "You haven't touched this dish, it won't break easily if you leave it overnight, if you don't have enough food, take it out later."

Li Hua nodded, "Man'er is thoughtful."

At this time, Li Yan came back after washing his hands outside. Seeing that Li Man was still busy at the pot, he asked, "Do you want to cook?"

"The leftovers at noon should be warmed up, or the taste will be ruined tomorrow. You should sit down and eat," Li Man said, and she was about to go to the stove to light a fire by herself.

Li Yan stopped her, "Forget it, you have to fight for a long time to start the fire, counting on you, you may not get it until the meal is over. You sit down and go, I will come."

As he said that, he sat down under the stove, and there were still many fires in the hole of the pot. If you put a handful of hay into it, it would start a prairie fire. Li Yan waited for the hay to burn, and then stuffed a few sticks the size of a thumb into it. The fire is not good, and it can burn for several minutes without anyone looking at it.

After finishing all this, Li Yan clapped his hands and sat down at the table. Anyway, when those sticks were burnt, the pickled fish would have rolled away.

Li Man handed him the rice bowl at hand, "Here."

Li Yan took it, and smiled at her gently, while using chopsticks to pick up the burnt fish skin, dip some soup into Li Man's bowl.

Li Hua was stunned for a moment, then looked away, put a piece of fish into his mouth, and said with a smile, "It smells so good."

"Is that so? My daughter-in-law's cooking is definitely this. I dare say that no one in Goddess Valley can compare to it." Li Shu gave a thumbs up while eating.

Li Man felt that his praise was a little too much, and what she knew was just some home-cooked dishes, but it was a good feeling that someone appreciated her hard work.

At the end, she said with a smile, "Eat more if you like it, there is still in the cupboard, I will bring it out later."

"Save that for tomorrow, that's enough." Li Mo said, while naturally holding a piece of meat from the back of the fish for Li Man.

In fact, the whole family has never eaten fish a few times, but he carefully discovered that Li Man is quite picky about food. For example, she doesn't eat fatty meat, even greasy ones, such as meat buns. She doesn't like to eat chicken skin, she doesn't want the whole piece of chicken leg either, she has to cut the meat on the leg into small pieces before she can eat it, as for fish, she doesn't like to eat the meat from fish head and belly , Shan loves to eat the browned skin and the meat on the back of the fish.

Therefore, after Li Yan pinched the fish skin, he naturally pinched the fish's back.

"You guys eat too." Li Man looked at the fish piled on the surface of her bowl, and Li Mo's chopsticks almost caught half of the half of the fish to herself. What else do other people eat?

Moreover, this meal was originally made for Li Hua, so Li Man picked up a large piece of meat and sent it to Li Hua's bowl, "You didn't eat much at noon, if you think it tastes good, eat more at night .”

Li Huamei smiled happily, "Well, you should eat more."

He naturally picked up his chopsticks and returned to Li Man.

Li Yan cut it in mid-air, and said with a smile, "Fourth brother, Man'er's bowl is piled up like a hill, and I'm going to satisfy my second brother's greed."

As he spoke, he directly put the fish on the chopsticks into his mouth.

Li Man gave him a hard look, there are so many, besides, the fish in her bowl is very big, but it didn't pile up into a hill.

Li Hua blushed in embarrassment, and said, "Second brother, eat more."

Li Yan smiled lightly, "Eat everything."

Li Mo glanced at his two younger brothers and shook his head helplessly, while he ate those vegetarian dishes silently.

Li Man saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart.

She understood very well that it is said that children from poor families are the head of the family early, and Li Mo is not only poor, but also the head of the family. Since childhood, in front of these younger brothers, he has naturally assumed the responsibility of his parents. Dad has been a mother for a while, but he has the same heart as many parents in his bones.

That is delicious, useful, fun, everything that he thinks is good, he will instinctively give it to his younger brothers, even if these things are sufficient, he will consciously hold on to his younger brothers first.

It's not that he was born with a noble character, but more of an instinct.

Li Man didn't say a word, just grabbed half of the fish head and gave it to him.

Li Mo is not picky about food, even if the bran and pickles are in his mouth, as long as it can fill his stomach, Li Man didn't put meat in his mouth, and if he put fish in his mouth, maybe he would give it to Xiao Wu if he changed hands.

This is naturally mixed with Li Man's careful thinking. People here think that fish meat is better than fish heads, and fish heads are leftovers to be thrown away. You don't know that fish heads are the nutritional essence of the whole fish. She gave him the fish head so that he could eat it openly, and also gave him the best nutrition.

Li Mo smiled naively at her, Li Man glanced at him lightly, and whispered, "Eat quickly."

"Yeah." Seeing that his younger brothers were eating with gusto, Li Mo happily ate.

Li Man watched with tenderness in his heart, and when he had almost eaten the fish head, he took another piece of fish and put it in his bowl.

Li Mo took a look, and all four younger brothers looked at him, bowed their heads in embarrassment, but were a little surprised and very happy.

Man'er only picked food for him alone, but Man'er still cared about him.

Even if she has a second brother, even if the fourth brother comes back, she still favors him in her heart.

This made him suddenly full of energy, and he ate up half a bowl of rice in just two mouthfuls. In other words, the dishes cooked by Man'er are nothing more than what the gods in the sky eat.

"Eat slowly, it's hard to digest this fast." Although Li Man said so, seeing him eating so carefreely, his eyes were full of smiles.

The other brothers couldn't stop laughing, they all laughed at the big brother eating like a big black, fast and ruthless, they just grabbed it in the end, fearing that if they didn't grab it, they would be gone.

So, the dinner ended happily amidst the hilarity and laughter of the brothers.

After dinner, Li Man put a table full of fish bones into a broken bowl with a gap, and gave it to Li Mo to feed Dahei, while she cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen.

Li Yan and the other brothers wanted to help, but she didn't let him. Li Hua had just come back and didn't let him do the work, but when he came, Li Yan and the brothers were not the material for these jobs, and the vegetable oil tonight The oil is heavy, and the dishes and bowls are all greasy. She is afraid that they won't be able to wash them clean.

And she also boiled half a pot of hot water, scrubbed carefully, and then cleaned it several times before giving up.

After tidying up, she boiled a large pot of hot water, carried some back to the house to wash, and gave the rest to their brothers.

After washing up, she sent the barrel back to the kitchen.

But Xiao Wu came to look for her, "Sister, Fourth Brother and the others are looking for you."

"Looking for me?" Li Man was puzzled. Basically, she didn't have the habit of entering the east room after dark.

"Sister, come." Xiao Wu excitedly grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the east room.

Li Man followed hesitantly, and saw that their brothers were all sitting next to the kang, as if they were waiting for her.

In the middle of the night, when Li Man entered a room full of men, Li Man's heart pounded, "What do you want from me?"

"Daughter-in-law, come and sit by my side." Li Shu was the first to wave to her.

Li Man pretended not to notice, found a small stool under the kang and sat down, looked at Li Mo suspiciously, and then fell on Li Hua again.

In this room, except for Xiao Wu who doesn't care about things, these two are more reliable.

Li Yan put his hands behind his head and leaned comfortably on the bed of the kang. Seeing her sitting so far away, he hummed, "Sitting so far away, can we still eat you?"

Li Man gouged him out and slandered him. No one else knew how to do anything but him. What could he not do?

Li Hua hurriedly helped her out, and said softly, "Don't be nervous, it's just that you ate too much at night, and the big guys want to sit and talk together to digest food."

so? What do you want her to do? She didn't eat much, "I'm fine, why don't you talk, I'll—"

"I've already sat down, how long is it?" Li Yan glanced at her and said, "The fourth younger brother said that you have a great literary talent. The few of us think that, or I will worship you as a teacher in the future and forget about studying with you."

"Huh?" Li Man looked at Li Hua in surprise.

Li Hua frowned, didn't he say so? Moreover, listening to the second brother's tone, it seems a little disgusted that he said Man'er's good?

"Second brother, what is a teacher or not? If you want to study, you can learn it with Xiao Wu in the future." Li Mo said.

"Oh, that's fine." Li Yan smiled lightly, his eyes fixed on Li Man's face, "Man'er, I will learn from you from now on, but I'm so stupid, I'm not as good as big brother With Xiao Wu, if you don’t learn well, don’t hold it against you.”

"Ah? Brother is also learning?" As soon as he finished speaking, Li Shu became surprised, "No, I want to learn too, daughter-in-law, you have to teach me too, don't be partial."

Li Man got a headache.

The same is true for Li Hua, but at night Xiao Wu showed off with the little storybook he brought back. Li Shu teased him about whether he could understand it. On the fourth brother and so on.

Li Mo praised again, saying that Man'er taught well and was serious.

He just said casually, Man'er has a good literary talent, and his knowledge is greater than he thought, and on a whim, he talked about the song "Farewell to Cambridge" recited by Xiao Wu, which has a unique style and is unique.

Li Yan suggested that it's better to ask Li Man to come over and have a chat, who knows that the chat ended like this.

"You guys have to learn, and I'll teach you later." Seeing Li Man's troubled face, Li Hua hurriedly took the matter to himself.

Li Yan glanced at Li Hua, "The fourth brother has to take the autumn exam in the second half of the year, how can we spend time with us. Just Man'er, I think she teaches the eldest brother and the fifth brother very well, plus me and the third brother , there should be no problem, Man'er, right?"

——\u003c130, Lingsi, Happy with the Fate, shsyh, Swallow 1971, Qingqingfeng 1, jeankam, yfsf0405, Xiayao Shopping, qth1969, 15381235888, battle09, gelou9, diamond purse flowers and monthly tickets sent by relatives, what? (o)~

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