Fortunate Wife

Chapter 121 An Accident (Seeking Subscription, Monthly Pass)

With a tense and tangled mood, Li Man didn't sleep very well this night. When it was dawn, she was still in a daze when she heard a woman's scolding from the yard.

"Little goblin, come out to my old lady, you have made our children unable to get off the kang, you vixen."

Li Man listened in a daze, and then heard the sound of the door opening next door, and then Li Mo asked, "Dayong Niang, what are you doing this early in the morning?"

"Da Lang, this matter has nothing to do with you. You call your mother-in-law out. I want to ask her how she harmed my family's Dayong."

"What happened to Dayong?" Li Shu also put on his clothes and came out to ask.

"What's the matter? I, Dayong, was fine during the day yesterday, but I developed a fever at night. I talked nonsense all night, and I am still confused. He still called teacher teacher over and over again. I have asked, yesterday When he came to your house, he told your mother-in-law what it was to study. In my opinion, she is a vixen. She didn’t absorb your yang energy enough, and she came to harm us Dayong again. Woohoo, pity that I was thirty years old. Let us be brave. Third child, call that vixen out quickly, the old lady will definitely skin her."

As the woman spoke, she rushed into the house with a mallet.

Li Shu was in a hurry, pushed the woman away, and shouted, "Smelly woman, why are you scolding so dirty? My wife is kind enough to teach Dayong and his children to study. Don't be ignorant."

"Good intentions? Who told her to be kind? She is a vixen, who only sucks men's yang energy, hollowed out you, and now she is here to harm our children. I will not let her go." He hit Li Shu on the arm, vowing to go into the house and skin Li Man with cramps.

Li Shu could have blocked it with his arm, but the expected pain did not come. He looked up and saw his elder brother Li Mo reached out to stop the mallet, and threw it out of the yard.

"Dayong Niang, if you have anything to say, just talk about it. If you continue to curse like this, don't blame me for being rude."

"I'm scolding that vixen." Dayong Niang said angrily, "Da Lang, you were not like this before, why are you being harmed by that vixen now? You still want to beat your aunt?"

Li Shu raised his arm and really wanted to slap her, "Who are you calling a vixen? I will slap you back to your hometown."

"The third child." Li Mo stopped Li Shu, and said with a serious face, "Dayong mother, please calm down first, what's wrong with Dayong?"

Dayong Niang immediately burst into tears, "What can I do, I, Dayong, are useless, I was playing outside during the day and went home to eat at night, and suddenly foamed at the mouth after eating and passed out. , I haven't been rescued until now, woo woo, it wasn't your fox who killed it, who else did it."

Li Mo said with a sullen face, "Have you invited a doctor? You can't talk nonsense about this matter. The child who went to school with Man'er yesterday didn't know that Dayong was the only one. Aren't everything else fine?"

"That's because she didn't have time to harm her. I was unlucky for Dayong, and I got the first one." Dayong's mother cried with snot and tears, and then begged, "You call that vixen out, and I will give her Kowtow, tell her to let us go, Dayong, I'm just such a son, woo woo, if there's anything wrong with him, I won't live anymore."

As she spoke, she really knelt down on the ground, crying and howling.

In the west room, Li Yan and the others also came out.

In the east room, Li Man also put on her clothes and opened the door to come out. She never expected such a thing to happen, but, no matter how ridiculous things happened because of her, she should be responsible. Besides, that child Dayong must be real Something happened, otherwise this woman wouldn't cry like this?

"Ma'am." Her whisper immediately caught the attention of others.


"daughter in law."

The brothers hurriedly surrounded her, protecting her behind, for fear that Dayong Niang would be impulsive and come up and bite someone again.

However, after all, Dayong Niang is not the kind of person who can be too aggressive. Before, she came here to scold people because she was confused and didn't know what to do. Now, when Li Man came out, she was such a handsome and unparalleled Miao Ren, at first, he was stunned, and after that, he couldn't stop touching his head to the ground, and kowtowed vigorously.

"Girl, no matter what kind of god you are, please let my family Dayong go. Take whatever you want from me. I am willing to exchange my life for my son's life. Please, let him go."

"Dayong Niang, you—" Li Mo was helpless.

Li Man grabbed his arm, and hurriedly stepped forward to help the woman, "Mother, don't worry, is Dayong sick? I'll accompany you to have a look."

"You?" Dayong Niang was startled.

Li Mo and others have come over.

"Second brother, you and fourth brother go to the doctor first, and third brother and I will accompany Man'er to Dayong's house to find out what's going on."

"Okay." Li Yan walked to Li Man's side, gently squeezed her hand, and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, we are here."

"Hmm." Li Man snorted softly.

Li Hua also looked at her with pity, and then went out with Li Yan.

Li Man helped Dayong Niang up, "Mother, take us to see."

Dayong Niang was startled, but if the opponent is really a vixen, how can she fight like a commoner? She was afraid and hated Li Man at the moment, "Girl, you forgive me for being rude just now, and you just let my family Dayong go? I'll kowtow to you."

"Don't." Li Man was helpless.

But Dayong Niang was afraid that she would harm her child again at her own home, so she refused to move for a long time.

Finally, Li Shu couldn't help but reached out and grabbed her arm, dragging her outside.

Dayong's family lived in the middle of the village, not far from Li's house, and arrived there after a short walk. However, because of Dayong's mother's disturbance, there were quite a few people around her door at this moment.

As soon as they saw them coming back, they all shouted, saying that Dayong was bewitched by evil spirits or something, and that it must have been caused by the vixen of the Li family. After seeing Li Man, Li Mo and others behind him, Fang shut up one by one to avoid evil. They all seemed to step aside.

Dayong Niang cried again, and was pushed into the house by Li Shu, and Li Man followed.

Dayong was lying on the bed in the bedroom, taking care of his two older sisters beside the bed, and they were also wiping tears with red eyes at the moment.

"Mother." When the two girls saw their mother came back, they immediately cried out, saying that the younger brother was useless.

Li Man ignored the crying three people, and only moved to the side, wanting to check for Dayong.

"Daughter-in-law." Seeing her stretching out her hand, Li Shu hurriedly stopped her, he was worried, what if it was an infectious disease or something?

Li Mo was also startled, seeing Dayong's blushing and weak breathing, he seemed to be seriously ill.

Li Man glanced at the two of them, waved her hands and said, "It doesn't matter."

However, when she lifted Dayong's quilt slightly and saw the rash all over his body, she was also shocked, and took two steps back in a daze, "He has smallpox."

"Smallpox?" Li Mo didn't understand.

When Dayong Niang heard it, she rushed over, "Girl, since you know, please save our family Dayong, we kowtow to you."

As he spoke, he pulled his two daughters to kowtow to Li Man.

Li Man quickly helped them up, smallpox is not terrible in modern times, and there is already a vaccine in modern times, which can basically prevent the epidemic, but here——

As far as she knew, there were many people who died of smallpox in ancient times, and this thing was also contagious.

"Auntie, please come out and speak." Li Man dared not say the contagious words directly, for fear of causing panic, so she only let Dayong Niang and the others speak in the main room.

However, all the talents came out, and a group of villagers surrounded the village head and arrived at Dayong's house.

As soon as she saw the village chief, Dayong Niang felt as if she had seen a savior. She knelt down in front of him and cried, "Master Village Chief, please save my family Dayong. I am just such a child. If he dies I'm not alive either."

"Village chief, it's this fox spirit that hurts. Yesterday, Dayong came into contact with her." Someone in the crowd said so much, and everyone pointed their finger at Li Man.

Li Man was very innocent, and just about to explain, Li Mo protected her behind her, and said sharply, "Zhao Er's family, what are you talking about without evidence? Dayong played with your Huzi yesterday. "

"My Huzi is a boy, what else can I do? Huh, Dalang, a vixen has come to your family, you are still a treasure, don't regret it when you are sucked dry." The woman was very angry. gloat.

Li Shu raised his foot and kicked the woman's calf, "You have a fucking mouth that eats shit—"

The woman fell to the ground with an ouch, and was about to let go, when the tiger squeezed in from the crowd, grabbed the woman's clothes and shouted, "Hurry up and come home with me, it's a shame to run away. "

On the one hand, he looked at Li Man apologetically, and wanted to say something to apologize, but in the end he didn't have the nerve to say it, and only dragged his mother away.

Here, the village chief stared at Li Man suspiciously. He also thought of one thing. He did not detect her breathing under the goddess tree that day, but she opened her eyes later.

Later, some outrageous things were spread. She was beautiful and intelligent, and she could read and read. She was so capable that people were suspicious.

Li Man's heart skipped a beat, the village's sharp eyes were a bit scary, she unconsciously leaned on Li Mo.

Li Mo held her little hand, nodded to her, and said softly, "It's okay."


Li Mo held Li Man's hand tightly, looked slowly at the village chief, and said solemnly, "Village chief, Dayong is ill and has not been diagnosed by a doctor, so you can't jump to conclusions, let alone make up a crime at will. Framed and harmed my daughter-in-law."

"It's hard to say whether it's a framing or a disaster." The village head stared at Li Man coldly, "After all, the boy Dayong has always been in good health. After returning from your house yesterday, he suddenly fell ill. Suspect."

"That will be discussed when the doctor comes." Li Shu said dissatisfied, "Besides, there were so many children who came to our house yesterday, but Dayong was sick, and it was ridiculous for you to say that my daughter-in-law was a disaster. Don't you Don’t other people usually get sick? Sickness is sickness, and it has nothing to do with other people. Don’t frame my daughter-in-law just because you are jealous of her goodness. I warn you, if anyone dares to say a word about my daughter-in-law, I, Li Shu But don’t rely on it.”

As he said that, Li Shu raised his fist at the crowd very impolitely. When it comes to fighting, he has never been afraid of anyone since he was a child.

Everyone in this village also knew Li Shu's violent temper, and no one wanted to get into trouble at this time, let alone this matter had nothing to do with them.

The village chief frowned, and stared at Li Mo displeasedly, "Boss, you don't care if the third child is so presumptuous?"

"Although my third brother has a bad temper, he is not a reckless and unreasonable person. If he really beats someone up, it's because of the other person's fault first." Li Mo looked at the village chief and replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"You?" The village chief's face trembled from choking, "Is he being reasonable to the villagers like this? Just now he beat Hu Ziniang with his hands, and that's your elders."

"That's right, that's right—" Someone beside him cheered for the village chief.

Li Mo sneered, and unconsciously tightened Li Man's hand, "Fellows from the village? Man'er married to my Li family, she is from my Li family, and also a fellow from Shennvgou. Are you people being polite to her?" ? Scolding her indiscriminately, accusing her indiscriminately, dare to ask you are these against the folks?"

Everyone choked and pursed their mouths. It was really hard to answer. After all, even if you say someone is a vixen, you have to show evidence.

Li Man secretly applauded when she heard this, never would have thought that Li Mo, who is usually taciturn, would be very talkative at a critical moment, and his words were so loud that even the village chief was so shocked that he had nothing to say.

There was silence in the room, Li Man only thought that these people were restrained, but suddenly some woman yelled, "I heard that foxes are afraid of fire, let's burn her to show her original shape."

Li Man's heart sank, her whole body felt as if it had been doused with hailstones, it was cold and painful, how could someone be so vicious?

"You dare." Li Shu glared at the woman fiercely.

At this time, another woman said coldly, "Sanbao Niang, who told you that foxes are afraid of fire and want to burn them with fire? If you can't burn the original shape and kill the girl for nothing, can you afford it?" ?”

Li Man took a look at the group of people who were talking to her, it was Aunt Li whom she had met several times, and couldn't help but look at her gratefully.

Aunt Li gave her a reassuring look, then squeezed through the crowd, walked over, took Li Man's hand and said, "Girl, don't be afraid, these people are all deluded by lard, they don't even know good from bad."

"Aunt Li, you are kind," Sanbaoniang looked at Aunt Li with a sly look, and mocked, "But how do you know that she is not a vixen? Now it is Dayong. If one day, everyone in our village is harmed by her, I think you will be punished by God together."

These words were quite vicious, and Aunt Li's face immediately sank, "Sanbao Niang, you don't have to curse me. If God has eyes, the one who was condemned by God must be you and not me. She is a good girl, you have to call me a vixen!" , you still want to use fire? Then let me ask you, as stupid as you are, your man scolds you every day for broomsticks and swine fever, do you think we will burn you and bury you on the mountain?"

San Baoniang was immediately blocked, and after a long while, she blushed and said, "Well, that's just my damn man scolding me when he was drunk, it can't be true."

"It's not true, we mortals don't know too well, so we might as well burn it to see if we can show a pig shape." Aunt Li sneered.

"Yes, if you want to burn, you must be burned first." Li Shu echoed and shouted.

San Baoniang panicked immediately, and stepped back, "What are you talking about me for? I didn't harm anyone, I—"

Before he finished speaking, he got out of the door and ran away in a hurry.

"Stupid." Aunt Li scolded with a smile, then looked at Li Man, "Daughter, don't be afraid, these women love to chatter when they are idle."

"Thank you, auntie." Li Man said politely.

"Thank you, I haven't thanked you for teaching our eldest and second daughter to learn." Aunt Li smiled.

"Oh, it turns out that the eldest and the second are the children of your family." Li Man said in surprise.

"Yeah." Aunt Li said, "Yesterday when they went back, they all told me how wonderful their teacher Man'er was. The two children were so excited that they didn't want to sleep all night. No, they couldn't get up during the day. , and now she’s still asleep on the bed.”

Li Man smiled shyly. She was also happy that the children liked her.

Li Mo nodded gratefully to Aunt Li. As soon as she interjected, the atmosphere became much more relaxed, and Li Man became much more relaxed.

It's just that the village chief sitting in the front seat has an ugly face.

Not long after, Li Yan and Li Hua came back, followed by the panting doctor.

"Man'er girl, are you alright?"

After squeezing into the room, the old man seemed to be more worried about Li Man than Li Yan and Li Hua, busy searching for her figure in the room.

"I'm here." Li Man greeted him hurriedly, and before he could ask a question, she led the old doctor into the back room and introduced, "Please take a good look at that child. I just looked at him. It seems to be a rash, but I didn't dare to look carefully, I suspect it is smallpox."

"Smallpox? What is that?" The old doctor asked suspiciously.

Li Man was surprised, "You don't know what smallpox is?"

The old doctor really didn't understand, and led by Dayong Niang, he walked to the side of the bed, leaned down, checked Dayong for a while, and backed away in shock, "It's amazing, it's amazing."

"Doctor, don't scare me, what's the matter?" Dayong Niang's face turned pale with fright, and she trembled when she asked.

Li Man's heart was also pounding, the child who was still alive and kicking in front of her yesterday, became like this today, she was really sad, "Uncle Xu, how is it?"

"Get out, all out." The old doctor stretched out his hand to drive the crowd away, and led them all out of the back room.

The village head and others were also waiting at the door of the room. When they saw him coming out, they immediately asked, "How is it?"

The old doctor glanced at the crowded villagers in the room, and said directly, "It's none of your business, why are you doing what you should do, what are you doing here?"

Then, the village chief also waved his hand, "Go back, don't mess around with this."

Only then did the villagers leave each other reluctantly and unwillingly.

"Doctor, tell me, what's the matter with that boy Dayong?" Seeing that everyone had left, the village chief asked again, and couldn't help but cast a glance at Li Man.

Li Man pretended not to notice, and only looked at the old doctor worriedly.

The old doctor's face was heavy, he just sighed and said, "It's the plague."


Not only the village chief, everyone present was stunned. Dayong Niang said 'ah', rolled her eyes, and passed out. The two daughters immediately helped her sit on the ground and cried.

The village head was also terrified. Shennvgou was most afraid of the plague, but this plague came every two years, and every time it would take away many lives.

"Then, we can only drag it to the mountain and burn it?" This is the safest and most trouble-free method, and it has been done this way before. People who have the plague are sent directly to the mountain, and they are burned on a log. Gray is not afraid.

Li Man was so stunned that he almost couldn't recover, "Burn, burn?"

"Man'er, don't be afraid." Li Mo hurriedly hugged her who was on the verge of falling, comforting her in a low voice.

The old doctor looked at Li Man and sighed, "There's nothing I can do about it, it's just that the child's life is bad. Also, let her three mothers look the best and observe for a few days, lest they get infected too. "

With this said, the three mothers below cried even more fiercely, and the two sisters hugged the mother who had just woken up, crying and shouting that they did not want to die.

Li Man's heart was clenched in one place, she grabbed the old doctor and asked, "Uncle Xu, how could it be a plague? Let me see—"

Speaking of this, Li Man suddenly thought of something, yes, Uncle Xu didn't know what smallpox was, maybe the smallpox she was talking about was the plague he was talking about.

The plague is contagious and can kill people, and so is smallpox.

Therefore, the meaning in the mouth of the two people should be the same, but the way of saying it is different.

But if it is smallpox, although it is serious, it is not completely lifeless.

"Girl, don't worry about it," the old doctor looked at the village chief again with a solemn expression, "This matter must be done quickly, the infection is terrible. We people have to wash well when we go home. I’ve also changed my clothes, so it’s best to boil them in water and dry them in the sun. By the way, I’ll bring some herbal medicines later, and you will distribute them from door to door, and boil them to see if you can prevent them.”

"Then thank you Doctor Xu, I'll find someone to come over immediately." The village chief said.

"No." Dayong Niang hugged the village chief's leg, crying and begging, "Village chief, you can't burn my family's Dayong, I am just such a son, if you burn him, who will I rely on in the future?" Ah. His father is still outside now. If he knows that his son is gone, he won’t beat me to death. Please, village head, please do me a favor.”

"Mother Dayong, you have to understand that it's useless to ask me about this matter. If Dayong hadn't stopped burning, the three of you wouldn't be able to keep it, nor would the people in our village." The village chief threw off Dayong's mother.

Dayong Niang wailed, and suddenly hugged Li Man's thigh again, "Girl, save my Da Yong, I know you are not a mortal, please save him, or you will take my life and trade me for my son's." Fate, okay?"

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu bent down and opened Dayong Niang's fingers, and said helplessly, "We all want to help with this matter, but there is nothing we can do."

Li Mo was afraid that Li Man would be sad if he stayed any longer, so he took her to go out.

But Li Man suddenly stretched out her hand to support the door frame, and said back, "You can't burn the child, he's not dead yet."

Da Yong Niang was startled when she said this.

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