Fortunate Wife

Chapter 123 Study Room (ask for subscription, ask for monthly ticket)

Li Man came to the front yard a little annoyed, and saw Li Hua leaning against the eaves alone, bowing his head silently, the slight mountain breeze blowing gently, lifting the black hair on his shoulders, and snow-white wild pear blossoms falling down on top of his head, It was like a rain of petals.

She was startled slightly, and called out to him, "Li Hua."

Li Hua looked up at her, his clear eyes shone like glass with pure brilliance, the corners of his moist lips slightly curved, and he called out softly, "Man'er."

Such a clean smile made Li Man startled again, she hurriedly stabilized her mind, she walked up to him in a few steps, and asked casually, "Why didn't you go back with them?"

Li Hua naturally helped her twist the petals that fell on the top of her head, and said with a slight smile, "Brother, I'm afraid you won't be able to take care of it by yourself, so let me help you."

"Oh?" Li Man was suspicious. After all, according to the personalities of the brothers, Li Shu must rush to stay, and Li Yan must try to stay. Li Mo may not say a word, but if he wants to stay, no one will dare to let him go.

But in the end it was Li Hua who was left behind, and she couldn't figure it out.

However, she was relieved that Li Hua stayed, at least she wouldn't be so worried that she wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

Li Hua looked at her puzzled and reassured eyes, and slightly turned his eyes away. He knew very well what the elder brothers were thinking. Eat again, so he is the only one left in the end.

But, should he be the safest one? They all forgot that Man'er was also his wife, and he also had that instinctive desire and desire for her.

"What's the matter?" Seeing him dazed, Li Man asked suspiciously.

"Oh." Li Hua looked down and twirled the delicate petals in his hands, "I was thinking about Dayong. Just now Uncle Xu showed him that he still had a fever, but his condition seemed to be under control."

"Really?" Li Hua grabbed his hand excitedly.

"Yeah." Li Hua nodded and smiled, "Dayong just woke up once, I poured him some water to drink, and now he fell asleep again."

"Oh, that's great." Li Man smiled, then thought of something, nervously grabbed Li Hua's hand again, and said, "Li Hua, don't go to Dayong's room in the future, I'm here."

"Is it safe if you go?" Li Hua looked at her pitifully.

"No, I'll be fine." Li Man firmly believed that she had already died once, and God would not bully her like this and let her die a second time.

Li Hua shook his head and stared deeply at her, "I know you are worried about me, just as I am worried about you. So, I don't care what you do, but I want to follow you, so don't refuse."

"This—" It's not the same thing at all, okay? "Anyway, you just listen to me. Next time you feed him medicine or something, just call me and Uncle Xu. The old man is in good health."

Thinking of what Aunt Xu said about what Uncle Xu wanted every night, she couldn't help laughing.

"What's the matter?" Li Hua asked curiously seeing her suddenly cover her mouth and smile.

Li Man waved his hand, "It's nothing, why don't you go back too. Do you still want to study? Anyway, I probably won't be able to stay here for too long. I'll go back when Dayong's condition stabilizes."

Li Hua shook his head, she was not at home, how could he still think about reading?

"Where are you two here?" At this moment, Aunt Xu came over from the hallway, looked at them both, squinted her eyes and smiled, "Hey, it's the first time I've seen such a well-matched couple, Auntie. People stand together, just like a pair of Bi people, how nice!"

Li Hua's face was slightly red, but his eyes were shining with joy.

Li Man was used to Aunt Xu's love of joking, so she didn't care too much, she just pulled Aunt Xu and said, "Aunt Xu, we are going to trouble you these days."

"What's the trouble? I wish you could stay with me more. You don't know. I'm usually at home with this dead old man. If he's out for a doctor, I'll be alone. I live halfway up the mountain with a lonely ghost." It seems that I have long been looking forward to having someone who is pleasing to the eye to accompany me more." Aunt Xu patted her hand and said with a smile, "Or, Man'er, why not just accept my old man and be his Forget about your disciples. When the time comes, bring all of your men here. It’s great. Let’s give up the medicine land and give you two rooms first. Do you think it’s okay? In the future, you have baby, I'll help you..."

"Cough—" The chatter was a bit endless, and Li Man brought the topic back with a smile, "Auntie, let me cook lunch for you."

"Oh, are you hungry?" Only then did Aunt Xu realize that Li Man and the others had encountered something early in the morning and rushed here. They didn't even have breakfast except for a bowl of medicine for each of them.

"Okay, Auntie will cook now." Aunt Xu said, and went to the kitchen.

"I'll help you." Just as Li Man was about to push her over, Aunt Xu turned her head and glanced at her with a smile, "It's just cooking, what do you need so many people for? Your little man is still here, please stay with me."

The sound of a little man made Li Huabaijing's face completely red, she bit her lip slightly, a little unwilling, he was obviously a year older than her.

Li Man turned her head to look at Li Hua, and saw that his face was blushing, his eyes were avoiding in embarrassment, and a gentle affection was naturally revealed in his heart.

Yes, according to her modern age, isn't he just her little man?

"Li Hua, come here." She stood on the spot and beckoned to him lightly.

Li Hua glanced around uncomfortably, then walked towards her obediently.

Li Man looked up at him. Although he was quite tall, he was still a shy boy. In modern times, seventeen was still a minor, right?

"Come with me." Li Man reached out to hold him, smiled softly, and then led him to a small room in the corner.

"Where are you going?" Li Hua's heart was beating suddenly.

"You'll know when you come," Li Man pushed open the door of the small room, and the tangy scent of medicine and books shook Li Hua's spirits, and then she looked inside. There were two big bookcases in the small room, It is full of books.

There are tables and chairs by the window, and in the corner of the room, there are some people who make medicine.

Li Man led him to the bookcase, and introduced with a smile, "This is Uncle Xu's study and pharmacy, and people are usually not allowed to enter. Today you caught up with so many books, do you want to read them?" of?"

"Yeah." Li Hua scanned around excitedly, only feeling that his eyes were not enough, and he was busy looking at the titles of the books row by row.

Li Man followed him, "Don't worry, take a look slowly, take what you like first, and later, if you want to see it, I'll bring you here. Uncle Xu is very stingy and doesn't borrow it from others." , but it should be fine if I bring you here."

The last time she went into the old man's study, she wanted to bring some books back to Li Hua, but the old man was so stingy, even if she gave him the prescription of Yunnan Baiyao, he just promised to share the money with her in the future, but he didn't The brigadier will take out the book.

"Yeah." Li Hua glanced at her gratefully, but also worried, "Where Uncle Xu——"

"Don't be afraid." Li Man winked at him playfully, she couldn't believe that the old man dared to chase Li Hua, after all, he was also his son-in-law, which he insisted on admitting.

Li Hua smiled slightly, and finally felt relieved. After walking around twice, he finally picked out a book he was satisfied with.

"Sit here and watch, the light is good and it won't hurt your eyes." Li Man pulled him to the table and pushed all the half-open windows open so that the air in the room would be much better. "Just sit and read first. Auntie is going to cook, and I will call you when the meal is ready."

"En." Li Huaben wanted to ask her to stay and read together, but he was a little embarrassed, but fortunately, he was not lonely because he had books to accompany him.

After setting up Li Hua, Li Man turned around and went to the kitchen. The kitchen was full of fireworks, and Aunt Xu was the only one working.

The rice is already cooked, and she is standing by the pot and frying vegetables.

While frying, he yelled in the smoke, "Damn old man, let him cook, but he didn't know where he went, and see if I let you eat later, oh—"

Probably because of too much force, a bean jumped out of the pot, which startled her.

Li Man hurried forward and took the spatula from Aunt Xu's hand, "Aunt Xu, let me do it."

"Oh, people are choking here. What are you doing here? Go and accompany your little man. I think he is shy and doesn't like to talk. I'm afraid he will be anxious if he stays alone." Aunt Xu said.

"He's reading a book." Li Man skillfully stirred the pot a few times with a spatula, added some water, and asked, "Is there any salt?"

"not yet?"

Li Man glanced to the side, found the salt jar accurately, picked some salt and sprinkled it into the pot, "Aunt Xu, add more fire, the beans need to be fried more, if they are not cooked well, it will be harmful to the body." it is good."

"Oh." Aunt Xu hurriedly went under the stove, and passed a lot of firewood into the pot hole, then got up, leaned against the pot, looked at Li Man and smiled, "Little girl, look at your delicate skin and tender meat." Yes, it doesn't look like someone who knows how to do work at all, but it's unambiguous at all to actually do work."

Li Man looked and saw that there was still sliced ​​pork belly on the cutting board, so she asked, "How do you cook this?"

"The old man likes to eat braised pork, let's wait for him to cook it himself." Aunt Xu curled her lips.

Li Man smiled, "Uncle Xu is probably busy, let me do it, and let him have a taste of my craft."

As she said that, she lifted the lid of the pot and stir-fried the beans again. When she felt that it was almost done, she casually picked up the plate on the side and served it up.

Then he scooped up some water to wash the pot, and ordered Aunt Xu to go down and light the fire.

Aunt Xu said 'oh', and hurriedly helped her.

One meal, three dishes, braised pork, fried beans, loofah and egg soup, if Aunt Xu left it alone, I don't know what kind of cooking it would be, but when it came to Li Man's place, it was all done in less than half an hour.

Aunt Xu moved the small table to the yard, "Man'er, I'll go to the medicine shop to find you, Uncle Xu."

"Okay." Li Man washed her hands, and she also wanted to call Li Hua over for dinner.

Li Man pushed open the door of the small room, and saw Li Huaduan sitting at the table, flipping the pages of the book with her slender fingers, Bai Xi didn't even know she opened the door to come in, the bright light reflected from the window lattice, as if there was a hazy The halo enveloped him lightly.

She stood by the door, a little reluctant to be disturbed.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Hua heard Aunt Xu shouting outside, and Li Hua turned her head to look at the door in a daze.

"Oh, the meal is ready." Li Man leaned against the door and smiled at him.

Li Hua closed the book, got up and walked towards her, seeing the fine beads of sweat on her forehead, chuckled, "What did you cook for lunch?"

"Well, Aunt Xu doesn't know how to cook very much." Li Man said.

The two of them went to the small courtyard of the kitchen. Uncle Xu had already sat down and poured himself a drink. Aunt Xu came out with two bowls of rice. Seeing him eating first, she shouted angrily, "Who will you go first?" What to eat? The dishes are made by Man'er, and the couple haven't come yet."

"Didn't you come?" Xu Bo pointed to the hallway with his chopsticks, and casually picked up another piece of braised pork and put it in his mouth, "Girl, who did you learn your cooking skills from? This meat is even better than mine." Do it even stronger."

Li Man sat down with Li Hua, and said with a smile, "Just do that, Uncle Xu, if you like to eat, I will make it for you often in the future."

"That's good, hehe." Xu Boxi took another sip of his wine happily.

Aunt Xu tapped his hand with her chopsticks, "Drink slowly, no one will grab you."

Xu Bo chuckled, didn't say anything, just ate the meat.

"Damn old man, you want to eat all of that bowl of meat?" Aunt Xu hurriedly grabbed two chopsticks and put them in Li Man and Li Hua's bowls.

Uncle Xu rolled his eyes at her, "Whoever ate them all, isn't there still more?"

"For a while, you've eaten four or five yuan." Aunt Xu picked up a chopstick of beans and gave him, "Why don't you eat vegetarian ones at all?"

"I'll eat it, can't I eat it? It's just that the braised pork made by Man'er girl is so delicious." Xu Bo glanced at Li Man resentfully as he spoke. Eat meat*his.

"Then I'll do it next time." Aunt Xu said.

"Oh no, this meat is expensive, you won't spoil it." Uncle Xu said hastily.

Li Man watched the two sing along, and it seemed that there was no business for Li Hua and himself at the dinner table, as long as they were in charge of eating, Li Man would also pick up meat for Li Hua occasionally.

When Uncle Xu saw it, he yelled, "Why don't you pinch me?"

"You've eaten so much." Li Man imitated Aunt Xu's tone, and then put some more for Li Hua. The food at home is poor. She hasn't eaten a meal of braised pork these days, so she must let her man hide. Satisfy your appetite.

"Where is it?" Uncle Xu stared at Li Hua.

Li Hua was embarrassed, "Man'er, that's enough."

"Eat more, you are so tired from studying." Li Man picked up some eggs for him, which was something she had never eaten before. Fortunately, the chickens she raised should be able to lay eggs when they grow up.

Li Hua stretched out his chopsticks to pick up food for her, with a gentle face, "Eat more, too."

"Yeah." Li Man smiled slightly. She knew that the old man had a family background and didn't care about a few meals, so of course she wouldn't treat her badly.

Uncle Xu looked at the two of them, blowing his beard and staring. Aunt Xu snatched the wine glass from him, pointed at Li Hua, and said, "Look at him, you young fellow who is very gentle, look at you again, I will tell you I have been with you for decades, how can there be a meal without drinking? There are people here today, you are not allowed to get drunk and lose your old lady."

Uncle Xu looked at Li Man and Li Hua, and curled his lips helplessly, "It's not an outsider, it's my daughter and son-in-law."

Only then did Aunt Xu smile, and she looked at Li Man and Li Hua lovingly, even if she did it, don't do it badly.

Afterwards, Aunt Xu really acted like a loving mother, she kept adding food to Li Man and Li Hua, causing Xu Bogan to stare and there was nothing he could do.

The meal was very enjoyable. After the meal, Li Man wanted to clean up the dishes, but Aunt Xu refused.

She went to the study with Li Hua to read. During the period, she visited Dayong's room again. She was pleasantly surprised to find that perhaps she had made a mistake in her judgment. What Dayong suffered from was not smallpox, but measles.

Smallpox is caused by the smallpox virus, and it will fester, and even if it heals in the future, it will leave traces, which are so-called pockmarks.

Measles is a respiratory disease, relatively easy to treat, and not easily disfigured.

Li Man was very happy, and discussed the treatment method with Xu Bo again. She felt that for ordinary adult measles, according to Dayong's current situation, the recovery period will be in the next few days.

Dayong has improved, and she can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and she can be regarded as sorry for the support and protection of the Li family brothers.

In the middle of the afternoon, Li Man read the book for a while, helped Dayong rub the medicine, and talked with Aunt Xu. In the evening, Uncle Xu brought two fish from nowhere and asked her to cook them. And I specified that I want sauerkraut fish, and said that sauerkraut is also available.

Li Man thought it must be someone from the Li family who said it, so he knew it so clearly.

However, she also took the opportunity to make a request, that is, in his study, Li Hua can borrow books at any time, of course, they will not be damaged, and they will be returned on schedule.

Uncle Xu shook his head repeatedly after hearing this, and then, Li Man reported the names of several mouth-watering dishes, which made the old man relax, and said through gritted teeth, that if there is any damage, ten dishes will be compensated.

Li Man readily agreed.

In the evening, Aunt Xu Boxu ate the fish with pickled cabbage made by Li Man. She was full of praise, and finally wished she could even drink the soup.

Li Man was very happy. Li Hua was beside her, looking at her quietly, with a soft look in her eyes.

At sunset and dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun shone gently at the foot of the mountain. After dinner, Aunt Xu Boxu was busy tidying up in the kitchen. Li Man and Li Hua went out of the yard together and sat down on a big rock by the side of the house. Quietly listening to the mountain wind, looking into the distance.

Time passed slowly, and the darkness gradually came over. Aunt Xu's voice came from not far away, as if the hot water had been boiled, calling them to go back and wash up.

Li Hua glanced at Li Man, and reached out to pull her up.

Li Man smiled at him, and naturally put her hand in his palm.

The two returned to the kitchen together. Li Man scooped up some hot water and asked Li Hua to wash first.

Seeing that she was fine, Aunt Xu asked her to follow her to the guest room*.

It is said that it is a guest room, but in fact, it is similar to the ward where Dayong lives, and it is next to Aunt Xu Boxu's bedroom.

Aunt Xu specially took out a clean bedding sheet and spread the bed properly.

"Aunt Xu, I'm sorry to trouble you." Li Man sincerely thanked her.

"Thank you," Aunt Xu also said earnestly and lovingly, "To be honest, I have hit it off with you girl, even though I can't have children, but even if I don't have a baby, I've been lazy to raise one by my side these years. I don't have that feeling, but since you came last time, I like you as soon as I see you. Uncle Xu, don't think he is usually fierce, but he is full of praise for you behind his back, and he really treats you as his own. Where's the girl?"

Li Man's heart was moved, her eyes were red, "Aunt Xu, I know, I am also happy to have relatives like you and Uncle Xu."

Aunt Xu knew about Li Man's background, and when she saw her red eyes, she felt more pity in her heart, "My good boy, you are blessed, and there are still many good days in the future."

"Yeah." Li Man laughed through tears.

After the mother and daughter made up the bed, they went out together.

"Man'er." Li Hua stood at the door after washing up, and yelled when he saw the two of them coming out.

Li Man suddenly thought that he should also arrange a room for him, "Why don't you sleep in this room at night? The beds are all made, and I will go to another room with Aunt Xu later."

Li Hua was slightly stunned, and Aunt Xu pulled Li Man off, and said in surprise, "Girl, what are you doing? This kid is gentle and gentle, and he doesn't look like someone who will make you angry. Why don't you?" Let him sleep with you?"

"Huh?" Li Man really didn't expect this, but, they want to sleep in the same room at night? ?

"No, Li Hua, he..." She glanced at Li Hua, seeing his lowered eyes, not knowing whether it was embarrassment or what, she just said, "That *is too small."

"Oh," Aunt Xu burst out laughing, patted Li Man's shoulder, and said, "Girl, don't you think it's inconvenient for two people? Haha, what should I do? Auntie only has two vacant rooms here. , one is for that child, and this one is the rest. How about you sleep with me at night and let your man sleep with Uncle Xu?"

"Man'er." Li Hua immediately frowned at Li Man.

Li Man also became embarrassed, asking Li Hua to sleep with the sloppy Xu Bo? Well, her petite heart can't take it either.


The group number of the woman in the mountain: 97073513 (please report your red sleeve id to apply, only for v readers)

In addition, everyone cast their votes in support, tomorrow the heroine will counterattack Li Hua, eat up all haha ​​o(n_n)o haha~

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