Fortunate Wife

Chapter 136: Misunderstanding

"It's the tenth day of the lunar month today." Li Hua replied that every tenth day of the month, he would set up a writing stand at the alley at the end of the town to write letters for others.

"Oh." Everyone nodded, and Li Mo said, "Then let your second brother accompany you."

Li Hua shook her head, "No, I'll be back early today."

The others didn't have much objection, but Li Man was confused and looked at him suspiciously, "Li Hua?"

Li Hua smiled at her, "It's nothing serious. When Master was here, he would write letters for others for free on the street on the tenth day of every month. Now that he's gone, I'm afraid that if someone wants to write a letter again, I won't be able to find him again." People, I just want to go and have a look."

"Oh." It turned out to be a good thing to help others, "May I go and have a look too?"

"What are you going to do? Back and forth twice, can you walk down?" Li Yan immediately objected.

"Why not?" Li Man said, looking at Li Hua anxiously, "You can bring me one, I can also help write letters."

Li Hua's heart moved, and she nodded immediately, "Okay."

"Girl." Li Yan gritted his teeth and stared at Li Man, "Good boy, stay at home and teach Xiao Wu to study, those students of yours have missed you a long time ago."

Li Man thinks about it too. I have only taught those children one lesson so far. I am really sorry for them. She couldn't help but look at Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, if you are fine today, go ask Hu Those who are willing to learn can still come to me, and we will still be the same as before."

"Yeah." Xiao Wu nodded happily, "They told me yesterday that they were afraid that my sister would not want them."

Li Man smiled, "Why? They are all so smart and eager to learn, I like it too late, but I don't have time today, you organize them to practice the calculation formula I taught last time, before the formal class tomorrow, I want to checked."

"En." Xiao Wu nodded seriously.

"Girl, you're leaving, who will cook for Xiao Wu and me today?" Li Yan looked at her resentfully.

Li Man's heart trembled because of his small eyes, and when he remembered what he said last night that he wanted to make up, she panicked and became more determined not to stay at home, "Do it yourself, just have lunch, I'll be back in the afternoon."


"Second brother, let Man'er go." Li Mo said.

Li Yan ate the porridge in suspense, Li Man pursed her lips and smiled, but, looking at Li Mo again, she became worried again, "Do you really want to go into the mountains?"

"I promise you." Li Mo raised his head and looked at her seriously, "We will be back within three days at most."

"Three days?" That's worrying, "What will you eat and drink in the mountains? Where will you sleep at night?"

Li Shu laughed when he heard this, "Daughter-in-law, do you think we are going to play? Are you still eating, drinking and sleeping? Are you hunting? How can it be so good? It is possible to meet a wolf's den in the middle of the night."

"That's right, it's so dangerous and hard work, don't go." Li Man hurriedly took advantage of the situation to persuade her.

Facing her big watery eyes, Li Shu's heart softened, and he didn't want to be separated from his wife for three days, but he also knew the situation at home. At this time of the year, he and his elder brother were almost soaking in the mountains. If wild boars and wolves can be hunted, the flesh can be exchanged for a lot of money, and now is the best time for hunting. In winter, the prey in the mountains is almost extinct. Coupled with the weather, it is difficult to go hunting in the mountains. Now is a good time to hunt more and save some money to survive the winter.

"Daughter-in-law, I promise that nothing will happen, don't worry." Li Shu comforted softly.

Seeing their insistence, Li Man had no choice but to compromise, "Then be careful." A thought suddenly flashed in her mind, is there no other way to make money?

"En." Li Mo and Li Shu both nodded.

After breakfast, Li Man cleaned up and left with Li Hua. She deliberately didn't read Li Mo and Li's books. She couldn't persuade them not to go hunting in the mountains, but she couldn't just watch them go. I'm worried at home alone, so it's better to go to the town with Li Hua to help others.

Along the way, Li Man followed very quickly. If he encountered an uphill, Li Hua would take the initiative to pull her. When he was tired from walking, he would stop and rest with her.

"Li Hua, have the family been relying on big brothers and others to hunt for a living all these years?" During the break, Li Man couldn't help but whisper.

Li Hua nodded, "Almost."

"I haven't thought of any other way...well, to make a fortune or something?" Li Man asked tentatively.

Li Hua stared at her, "Get rich?"

"Yes." Li Man saw that he didn't seem to understand, so she simply explained, "There are so many people in the family, it is impossible to hunt all the time, not to mention, it is so dangerous. Have you ever thought about doing something else?"

"Other?" Li Hua looked at her suspiciously, "What does Man'er mean?"

Li Man's mind was actually vague. If Li Mo and Li Shu were not going to go hunting in the mountains today, she would not have thought of such a level, "At least, we have to make our lives better. I don't think it is a good thing to go hunting in the mountains. "

"Are you still worried about the third brother? The third brother and the others are more familiar with the mountains than at home, so it's fine." Li Hua comforted her.

Li Man shook her head, "It's not exactly like this." Seeing the man in the family working so hard for a living, she was sad, and she always felt that life should not be like this. While enjoying the plain and warm happiness now, she felt that material life is also worthless. It should be improved.

"I made you suffer." Li Hua looked at her with distress and guilt.

Li Man bent her lips and smiled, "No, actually I'm fine, but it's just the big brother and the others, it's too hard."

"Well, I know." Li Hua secretly made up his mind that he would definitely pass the examination in autumn, and at that time he could at least find a school to become a master, and reduce the burden on his family.

Li Man got up suddenly, and said with a smile, "Let's go, or we won't be there until noon."

"Okay." Li Hua got up and followed her with a book bag on his back.

The two of them didn't talk much along the way, they were busy on their way, and it was not too early to arrive in the town, probably around ten o'clock according to the modern time.

Li Hua was very familiar with this area because his master used to set up stalls in that area, and the tables and chairs were all brought directly from the people nearby.

As soon as he sat there, people came to write letters.

Li Man sat at the side, watching quietly. Most of the people who came to ask Li Hua to write letters were old people, or to relatives or children who were away from home. You can also say half a day.

However, Li Hua took the trouble to describe what they said in his own vocabulary, read a letter to someone after it was written, and take it away when the person was satisfied.

"Are you hungry?" He wrote four letters in a row, and it was noon in a flash. Li Hua put down his pen and hurriedly packed his book bag.

Li Man also got up to help, "It's okay, I ate a lot in the morning, but do you still have to write in the afternoon?"

"It shouldn't be necessary. Generally, if you have to write, you will wait early." Li Hua carried the book bag on her back, and then moved the table to send it to that house, and Li Man followed with two stools.

After thanking him, Li Hua took out a few pennies from his book bag and said with a smile, "Go eat buns?"

"Yeah." On the way, Li Man said with a smile, "Li Hua, I found that you are really patient." Seeing him earnestly writing is really amazing... How should I put it, blushing to the end is pleasing to the eye It is not an exaggeration to describe it.

Li Hua smiled, and the two of them arrived at the steamed stuffed bun after a while, because he didn't bring much money, so he only bought three vegetable buns in the end.

Li Man was given two, and Li Hua kept only one for himself.

After Li Man finished eating one, she broke the remaining one in half and stuffed it into Li Hua's hand, "Here."

"You eat, I'm not hungry."

"Half for each person." Li Man stuffed the other half into his mouth childishly.

Li Hua was stunned, then chuckled, and ate obediently.

"Do you know the busiest place in town?" Li Man asked while eating.

Li Hua had already finished his last bite, pursed his lips, and asked with a smile, "Do you want to go shopping?"

"En." Li Man nodded, but she had another idea in her mind.

She is not like the heroine in the time-traveling novels, she knows skills and farming, and she has supernatural powers and so on. She can exchange for tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land by just sowing a seed, and can make money by just doing business. That kind of thing is too mythical , for her it is a fantasy.

The last time she was sold garlic and had a rape, she was afraid for many days when she thought about it, so that she didn't dare to go out alone.

Now, being forced to come here, she thought about looking around to see if she could have a suitable small business to do, which could not make a lot of money, but could feed and clothe the family without Li Mo and the others taking risks in the mountains.

The busiest place turned out to be in another town a mile away, where there was a very lively street called Xingrong Street.

There are restaurants, dim sum shops, silk and satin shops, jewelry shops, etc. on Xingrong Street. It is basically a place where rich people with a radius of hundreds of miles love to shop.

Walking along the way, Li Man obviously found that the shops on this street are much more high-end, and even the people walking on this street are dressed in a lot of wealth, and there are many small sedan chairs.

Li Man was a little discouraged. To build a shop here, it would definitely need a lot of money, but if he wanted to make a lot of money, he really needed such a place with a lot of people and traffic.

Li Hua followed quietly, watching Li Man look here and there, feeling very uncomfortable. She didn't bring any money when she came out in the morning, only enough to buy three vegetable buns, and now she would stop and stare at the seller of candied haws After a long while, I felt even more guilty because he couldn't even buy her a bunch of candied haws.

In fact, Li Man doesn't like eating candied haws, but she thinks it's necessary for the scenes of ancient TV dramas, and she really saw it in reality, and it's just interesting.

After looking at it, she took Li Hua to continue walking, and entered a jewelry store in the middle, and found that there were a lot of silver jewelry here, and the workmanship was not bad. There were a few pieces of jade and gold jewelry here, and the shopkeeper probably saw that they were not rich. , before Li Man could see, she stretched out her hand and waved them away.

Because of this, Li Man was very depressed, and Li Hua was even more depressed, his face flushed with anger, and he was almost theorized by the boss.

Li Man pulled him out and said with a smile, "Okay, it's not worth being with that kind of person."

Li Hua looked at her very distressed, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Li Man looked at him inexplicably, and suddenly smiled, "You don't think I'm interested in those jewelry, do you?"

Li Hua didn't speak, he just felt that he couldn't even buy him a silver hairpin, and he never felt incompetent at this moment.

Li Man saw the frustration in his eyes, and hurriedly said, "Don't think about it, I'm not interested in those things, I really want to go shopping today, or to learn about the market here, maybe our family can do it in the future It's a small business."

"You?" Li Hua looked at her suspiciously, "Do you want to do business?"

Since ancient times, scholars, farmers, businessmen, and merchants have been looked down upon the most.

"Yeah." Li Man didn't know what he was thinking, but nodded excitedly, "I used to, I wanted to open a shop when I was bored, but..."

Halfway through the conversation, knowing that he had made a slip of the tongue, he quickly grabbed Li Hua and said, "Let's go, let's go shopping again, maybe we can find a project that suits us."

Li Hua's expression was serious, it was the first time he knew that Li Man had such thoughts, a woman wanted to show her face to do business?

At the same time, she felt even more sad. If it wasn't for their brother's incompetence, how could she have such an idea?

"Man'er, let's go back." Li Hua couldn't stay longer for a quarter of an hour. He wanted to go back immediately and discuss the future with his brothers. Although Li Man's idea was too bold, the brothers really needed to be flexible. Work around.

Li Man paused, "Why do you want to go back all of a sudden?" She just got excited about shopping, no matter whether it is useful for her future or not, women's natural instinct to love shopping is also present in her.

So, when he was silent, she went into another clothing store to look at the materials and styles.

"Hey, do you want to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, don't touch it. If you touch it, can you afford it?" Suddenly, the waiter came over and pushed Li Man away.

Li Man staggered, and Li Hua hurriedly stretched out his arms to circle him, and yelled at the waiter in the shop, "What are you doing? She is my wife, and you can afford it if you fall and touch her?"

"Hehe, where did the poor beggars come here, and come here to play tricks?" The shop waiter looked Li Man and Li Hua up and down, and sneered contemptuously.

Li Man was annoyed, and looked at the waiter in the shop very contemptuously, and said coldly, "You are just doing odd jobs for others, so you have to play tricks on us? Aren't your clothes hanging there just for sale? I If you don’t touch it, how do I know how the clothes are? Could it be that your clothes are made of paper and will be broken when I touch them?”

"You?" The waiter obviously didn't expect that Li Man looked soft and weak, but she was also eloquent, and immediately choked and couldn't speak. Just at this moment, two beautifully dressed women walked in, and he Hurriedly went up to meet them, while still staring at them, shouted, "Hurry up."

Li Hua was upset and pulled Li Man to leave.

However, Li Man became somewhat interested in those two girls.

Looking at the attire of the two women, one could tell that they were not serious girls, "Man'er." Li Hua hurriedly dragged her out.

"Are those two girls from rich families?" She looked very well dressed, but her bearing was a little bit off, and she was different from the image of a lady who didn't leave home and didn't leave home as she imagined.

Li Hua's face was dark, "I don't know, Man'er, let's go home." Her eyes were so clear and clean, he didn't want his wife's eyes to stare at that kind of woman.

Li Man looked at Li Hua suspiciously, and suddenly smiled, "What? I can't stand being teased by that little girl? Don't worry, he just looks down on people, so what are we afraid of if we don't steal or rob?"

"It's getting late." Li Hua regretted bringing her here.

"Let's go after shopping." Li Man said, at this time, the two women also came out of the tailor shop, and one of them was holding a peach-colored cloth in his arms.

When the two came out, they looked at Li Man, and then their eyes fell on Li Hua's face. Little stars appeared in their eyes, and one of them flew towards Li Hua regardless of Li Man's presence. glance.

Li Huajun blushed, stomped his feet angrily, grabbed Li Man and walked towards the street.

Li Man instinctively grabbed his arm, and kicked his feet backwards, "Li Hua, take me to see it again, okay?"

"Man'er, what do you want to see?" Li Hua's face was very bad, but he still coaxed in a slow tone, "Hey, come home with me, and when you earn money, you can buy whatever you want, okay?"

"No." Li Man's eyes sparkled, just for a moment, she seemed to have thought of a coup to make money, and it was purely empty-handed.

"Did those two women just... do that kind of thing?" She asked a little shyly.

Li Hua blushed and looked at her, "Why are you asking this?"

"Are there chickens and courtyards around here?" She asked with a blushing face.

Li Hua became completely irritable, grabbed her hand, and hurriedly dragged her forward again, "Come home with me." After a while, he knew that a prostitute and a prostitute were serious.

"Li Hua, wait a minute," Li Man howled as she was being dragged away, "I just want to go in and have a look. By the way, I thought of a way to make money."

"No." As soon as he arrived at a turning alley, Li Hua suddenly dragged her in, leaned her small body against the wall, and kissed her chattering little mouth fiercely.

Still want to go to that place? Still thinking of a way to make money? What is she trying to do?

Li Hua was angry and hurt, but he couldn't control the strength of the kiss.

Li Man hurt from being bitten, and also annoyed, so she beat his shoulder vigorously with her hand.

Finally, he let go of her, panting with red eyes, "Listen up, don't look around, don't think about it, come home with me."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and squatted down, pulled her directly, and carried her on his back.

"Hey, Li Hua." Li Man suddenly realized his abnormality, whether he had misunderstood something, and hurriedly explained, "Listen to me, the way I said to make money——"

"Don't tell me."

"What are you thinking?" Li Man slapped him on the shoulder angrily, her eyes turned red, "Who do you think I am?"

Hearing her voice choked, Li Hua panicked and let her down hastily.

Li Man suddenly squatted on the ground, buried her face in her knees, and began to cry.

"Man'er, that's not what I meant. That kind of place is dirty, so why don't we go?" Li Hua squatted beside her, coaxing softly.

Li Man just cried, and uttered muffled complaints from time to time, "Did you think I would do that kind of dirty thing too?" Damn boy, thinking of her like that, even if she was short of money, she wasn't stupid enough to act like that. myself.

"No." Li Hua also felt that his reaction just now was a bit harsh, but Man'er was as pure as water in his heart, and he didn't even want her to touch such a dirty thing, but she actually offered to see it, How could he not have a seizure?

"Then what do you mean?" Li Man raised her head suddenly, her eyes blurred with tears, her big eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and she became more and more pitiful.

Li Hua's heart softened instantly, and she reached out to wipe her tears, "It's my fault, I shouldn't have brought you here, let's go home."

"No." Li Man felt stubborn, wiped her tears, and said, "You don't listen to me, why should I listen to you and go home?"

Li Hua got a headache, and it was the first time she encountered her being petty, so she was at a loss for a while, "Man'er..."

Seeing him like this, Li Man also softened, and patiently explained, "Li Hua, the way to make money I just mentioned is related to that kind of place, but it doesn't mean that we have done some dirty things, such as the clothing store just now. The store also sells them materials, so are they dirty?"

"..." Li Hua retorted speechlessly, "Then what do you want to do?" Instinctively, he still didn't want her to be contaminated with worldly things.

Seeing that he asked, Li Man smiled slightly, with rare cunning and mischievousness in her eyes, and asked him in a low voice, "What do you think of the two girls just now?"


The second watch arrives, please support me with flowers, ask for monthly tickets \\(1981, Youlanfangcao, huhulove), xuelian35, ls2126251, 15241306704, 181766, jeankam, shgudd007, love to eat sandwich bread, harriet0425, Guo Dagu, 186959 674, Li Zhi, Little Lazy Cat 0713, q and others sent flowers purse monthly tickets and diamonds, \\(o)~.

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