Fortunate Wife

Chapter 143 Dispute (seeking subscription, monthly ticket)

Li Man carried the basket and hurried home, saw Li Mo coming from the corner of the room with a hoe, hurriedly quickened her pace, and ran into her room.

Li Mo was taken aback for a moment, then put the hoe in the corner of the wall, and hurriedly chased him here.

The door was bolted, and he quickly knocked on the door, "Man'er."

"Oh, wait a minute." Li Man shouted while quickly changing clothes in the room.

"What's wrong?" Li Mo stood at the door and asked worriedly.

After a while, Li Man changed her clothes and shoes, combed her hair again, and then opened the door and came out.

Li Mo looked at her, and thinking about what he caught a glimpse just now, he became more and more puzzled, "What's going on? What kind of clothes should I change into?"

"Oh, I accidentally slipped on the water's edge just now, and my clothes got dirty." Li Man didn't want him to know about his fight, so she answered vaguely.

Li Mo frowned, pulled her out, looked her up and down, and asked worriedly, "Where did you fall?"

"It's okay, I just slipped and fell." Li Man blushed a little from the look, "I'm not so delicate, I went to dry the clothes."

That's not good for people who can't lie. She hurriedly got rid of Li Mo and picked up the basket to dry the clothes.

Li Mo followed behind her, and asked suspiciously, "Is there really nothing wrong? Where's Xiao Wu?"

"Oh, let's play." Li Man said casually.

Li Mo only stared at her dodging expression, and was even more puzzled in his heart, washing clothes and wrestling? oh no...

He suddenly recalled the momentary scene just now, Li Man hung her head and entered the room eagerly, but her hands were tightly clutching the skirt of her clothes.

Immediately, Li Mo turned around and went into the West Room, picked up the coat that Li Man just changed at the top of the kang, and took a look, there was no dirt at all, but... when he unfolded it, he found that the two belts on the front were gone .

This kind of clothes, what would happen if the belt is gone, Li Mo can imagine without guessing, but how could the good belt be broken? Unless it is ripped off abruptly.

Mou Ran suddenly felt cold, Li Mo became inexplicably terrified, took the clothes and came out, "What's the matter with this clothes?"

"Ah?" Li Man was bending over to pick up the clothes in the basket, when he suddenly asked, she was stunned.

"The belt is broken, who did it?" When the daughter-in-law came back, her clothes were torn, which made him hardly dare to think about it, but he had to ask clearly, who gave the daughter-in-law such humiliation?

Li Man was a little embarrassed, and muttered, "I was not careful..."

"Both straps are broken, obviously they were pulled vigorously." Seeing that she was still covering up, Li Mo's eyes turned red, strode forward, grabbed Li Man's arm, and asked sharply, "Who bullied you?" you?"

"Brother." Li Man was terrified by his appearance.

Li Mo put the clothes in front of her eyes, "Who tore it? What else did you do to you?"

Li Man's beauty is outstanding in the entire Goddess Valley. Damn it, he shouldn't let her do the laundry alone.

"..." Li Man blinked her eyes, and suddenly realized, did he misunderstand something? "That... Lianhua and Chunni—"

"Lianhua Chunni?" Hearing that there were two girls, Li Mo's heart sank slightly, "Is it the two of them who made things difficult for you?"

"Yeah." Li Man just nodded, and Xiao Wu's anxious voice came from the gate of the courtyard, "Sister."

Then came running profusely in sweat, and saw Li Man asking worriedly, "Sister, are you alright?"

"Where did you go?" Li Mo stared at Xiao Wu displeased, didn't he let him accompany Li Man? As a result, people were bullied.

Xiao Wu's eyes were red, and she walked around Li Man, and asked uneasy, "Sister, where did they beat you?"

"No." Seeing that Xiao Wu was about to cry, Li Man's heart softened immediately, and she hurriedly said it was fine.

Li Mo grabbed Xiao Wu and asked sternly, "What's going on?"

Xiao Wu was full of guilt, "It's all my fault, I should stay with my sister."

In fact, he was not very clear about the specifics, but he forgot about chasing butterflies and chasing butterflies. Later, he saw Huzi and the others digging bamboo shoots at the foot of the back mountain. Let me explain.

When they came back together just now, he heard a few women talking about this matter at the entrance of the village. Only then did he know that his sister had been bullied. He didn't even want any bamboo shoots, so he ran back directly.

Li Mo heard the general idea, it turned out that the two dead girls, Lianhua and Chunni, bullied his wife.

Seeing Li Mo's gloomy face, Li Man hurriedly comforted, "Forget it, I didn't suffer."

Didn't suffer? The clothes were all torn. Thinking of what might happen, Li Mo clenched his hands into fists unconsciously, "It's fine, you hang the clothes, I'll go to the field to have a look."

"Wait." Li Man hurriedly grabbed him, seeing his expression, go to the field? It's because she wanted to show her off, "Your leg is not healed yet, so why not run around, just stay at home."

"I'll go back as soon as I go." Li Mo couldn't hide his resentment in his heart. He knew very well what kind of person Man'er was, and she was by no means the kind of person who would dispute with others. Lianhua Chunni made things difficult for her daughter-in-law this time. never mind.

"No." She didn't want Li Mo to meddle in matters between women, not to mention, even if he found Lianhua Chunni, what could he do? Beat them both up to vent your anger on her? Then she might as well have beaten herself back then, to save him from getting a bad reputation for beating women.

"Man'er." Li Mo felt guilty and distressed towards her. His daughter-in-law was bullied, can't he help her get justice?

"Okay, if you're bored, pick some food for me. By the way, pick more peppers, I like to eat." Li Man said, let go of him, shook the wet clothes in his hand, and continued to dry the clothes.

"Brother." Xiao Wu was next to him, and touched him cautiously. He knew that he had done something wrong today, and he was afraid that his elder brother would be angry.

Li Mo knew that Xiao Wu could not be completely blamed for this matter, after all, he was still a child, he should have accompanied him long ago, "Okay, let's go back to the room to write after playing all morning."

Big Brother isn't angry with him yet? Xiao Wu went back to the house a little nervously.

Li Mo turned back to the kitchen, took a small vegetable basket and went to the backyard to pick vegetables. He knew that Man'er was trying to stop him, but this matter couldn't be left alone. His daughter-in-law was treated rudely by the villagers one after another. a statement.

At noon, Li Man made a simple lunch. After the meal, she was afraid that Li Mo would go out and make trouble again, so she forced him to take a nap with her.

The weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently, and people get tired easily. In addition, they were disturbed by mosquitoes a few nights ago. Li Man didn't sleep well at night, so she had to make up for it the next day.

Li Mo felt sorry for her, so he lay beside her, fanning her with a cattail fan.

After a while, Li Man really fell asleep, but she habitually used Li Mo's arm as a pillow, and the little bird nestled in his arms, which made Li Mo unable to move, not to mention, she was so cute Sleeping peacefully in his arms, how could Li Mo still think about anything else.

After taking a good nap, Li Man felt much better. She almost forgot about being harassed by Lianhua Chunni in the morning. In the middle of the afternoon, when the sun was not so strong, the children came to her for lessons again. .

She has already divided the time, the older ones and the younger ones are in different time slots, so that there will be no class here and waiting there.

The older children came to class today, and the yard was still very stuffy, so Li Man took them all to the east room and taught them calligraphy.

She learned from Li Hua that their handwriting was copied from the master's post, but the children here couldn't afford it, so she used her method to teach.

Write in the sand table every day, and the children also have a sand table. They teach five characters and two arithmetic formulas every day. In this way, little adds up, and smarter children can already write simple diaries like Xiao Wu. Can introduce myself in simple sentences.

Of course, all she taught was vernacular, which was very different from the ancient classical Chinese.

So, one day, when she arranged for the children to write diaries and then read a few good ones aloud, Li Hua was very surprised.

It was not easy for her to introduce it to him. It was an inevitable product of the development of civilization to a certain extent. She only vaguely said that she had not received orthodox education and didn't know much about it, so she taught it according to her own ideas.

Fortunately, Li Hua leaves early and returns late every day, so she has less time to talk to her, and she doesn't have to rack her brains to explain.

On this day, after attending the children's class, Li Man sent them away, and asked Li Mo beside him, "How are you doing? Have you learned everything?"

A shy smile appeared on Li Mo's face, and he nodded.

The sun was setting on the west mountain. On this day, Li Yan and the other three brothers had to come back earlier than usual. When they came back, they had very excited expressions on their faces.

"Girl, come in." Li Yan dragged Li Man who was washing vegetables in the yard back to the house.

Li Man was inexplicable, "What are you doing?"

"Daughter-in-law, go and have a look." Li Shu blinked at her excitedly, then, facing the water from the well, he opened his mouth to drink as soon as he lowered his head.

Li Man hurriedly grabbed him, "How many times have I told you that you can't drink raw water."

"If you're thirsty, just take a sip." Li Shu took off his coat and used it to wipe the sweat off his face.

Li Man glanced at him, "There is cold boiling water in the kitchen."

Li Shu smiled immediately, hugged her head, and kissed her hard on the forehead, "Daughter-in-law, you are so kind."

After speaking, he ran towards the kitchen.

Li Man blushed and cast a shy glance at him.

Li Yan smiled, took her hand, "Come with me."

"What are you doing?" Li Man was puzzled.

Behind, Li Hua also followed after washing his hands.

When he arrived at Li Man's room, Li Yan opened a cloth bag, and a piece of clean and soft green gauze came into view.

"This is?" Li Man's eyes lit up, and she happily picked it up, "Can it be used as a tent?"

"Yeah." Seeing her happy, Li Yan was also very excited. Their hard work these days was finally not in vain.

Li Man couldn't be more excited. With a tent, she wouldn't be afraid of being harassed by mosquitoes at night. However, she looked at him suspiciously, "You bought it? Where did you get the money?"

Li Mo has always been in charge of the family's money, and I have never seen them ask Li Mo for it. Is it true that they are doing the work for others, as Li Mo expected?

At this time, Li Mo and Li Shu also came in one after the other.

Li Mo also asked, "Where did you get the money? After all, you are still doing the work for others?"

"Don't worry, brother, how could we do such a thing." Li Yan comforted.

Li Mo didn't believe it, "Then why have you been there these days?" He glanced at the three brothers. Although he didn't come back every day sweating profusely, he was still in good spirits, and his body...

Li Mo suddenly saw the indentation on Li Shu's shoulder, pulled Li Hua's clothes again, and found that the indentation on his shoulder was even heavier, showing traces of bruises, and his face immediately sank, "What did you guys do?"

Li Hua couldn't prevent his elder brother from pulling his clothes, so he felt a little embarrassed, but he still replied, "Brother, don't worry, we didn't go to work, it's recently——"

"Last month, there was a big family in the town who wanted to build a house and needed stones as the foundation. The three of us happened to be fine, so we went to work for a few days." Before Li Hua could finish speaking, Li Yan interrupted his explanation.

"Well, that's it." Li Hua also nodded in agreement.

"Lifting stones for someone?" Li Man looked at the bruises on Li Hua's immature shoulders. How many stones did he have to lift to make it like this? She stretched out her hand to touch it distressedly, "Does it hurt?"

With her distressed eyes, Li Hua glanced at the hard work of these days, shook his head and smiled, "It doesn't hurt, it's better, it's just that it hasn't changed yet."

"You really, what kind of stones are you lifting for people? How tiring." Although forced by life, Li Man still instinctively doesn't want her men to do these heavy jobs, especially Li Hua, who is still a half-hearted man after all. As for the big boy, he hasn't even changed his voice yet, and he's growing his body.

Li Mo also knew that the younger brothers wanted to earn money for the family, but seeing the younger brothers were tired, he felt uncomfortable, "The family is not short of money now, have you sold the ginseng I brought back last time?"

"The ginseng..." Li Shugang wanted to say that the ginseng might be because Li Mo accidentally broke the root when he fell off the cliff. The damaged ginseng is worthless, so they took it. I went to several houses, and the highest monk was less than two taels of silver, but this was not even enough for Li Mo's medical expenses.

Although the doctor is Uncle Xu, he still has to live, doesn't he? Besides, Li Mo lost a lot of blood, and the wound on his leg was extremely deep, which could not be cured by simple golden sore medicine, and he didn't have many expensive medicines, so he had to buy them outside, otherwise, it would be as heavy as big brother Injury, can you walk on the ground in a month?

Li Yan pulled Li Shu's arm and replied, "We sold the ginseng, and there is some money left besides the medical expenses of the elder brother. I didn't tell the elder brother when he was in a coma for a few days. I will take all the money. All right."

Do they have silver? Li Man was very skeptical, why would she carry stones for others if she had money? It is also very hard to come here to carry stones to earn money.

Naturally, Li Mo also had some doubts.

However, Li Yan laughed again, "Brother, we are all old men, and we can't get tired of carrying stones for a few days. Besides, the land at home has been taken care of, and our daughter-in-law doesn't allow us to go hunting in the mountains anymore. Why don't you let us The three laborers just sit at home every day? They can’t sit still, can they, third brother?”

"Yes." Li Shu immediately echoed.

"Which big family wants to use stones?" After a moment of silence, Li Mo asked again.

"Who knows? When I was selling ginseng that day, I heard people said that there was a shortage of people, so I reported two people, and then my third brother had to follow." Li Yan replied.

"Really?" Li Man looked at Li Hua suspiciously, he didn't look like a person doing that kind of strenuous work.

Li Hua blushed, and avoided Li Man's eyes with a guilty conscience. In fact, he went to the town that day, looking for a job as a tailor in a clothing store to earn some money to supplement the family. Unexpectedly, no store was willing to take him.

But the eldest brother was injured, so he couldn't leave all the burden on the second and third brothers. He was also seventeen, and he would be eighteen in a few months. He felt that he and his brothers should bear the family affairs together.

Therefore, when the second brother and the third brother were discussing to do the work because the eldest brother was short of money to buy medicine, they decisively decided to go together. Later, when they saw a job recruitment notice, they went.

Although lifting stones is tiring, the wages are not bad. The most important thing is that they are paid on time. Today happens to be the day when they have been working for a full month. The three brothers have earned a total of more than three taels. No matter how hard it is to find high wages.

"Then how much money have you earned?" Li Man asked curiously, looking at the gauze curtains on the kang, and seeing the joyful faces of their brothers.

Li Shu happily raised three fingers.

"Three..." These were all taels of silver in ancient times, and Li Man couldn't guess how much it was.

"It's more than three or two." Li Shu said.

Li Man was puzzled, "Is it a lot?" In her mind, she unconsciously compared it with the ones in "Dream of Red Mansions" she had read. Grandma Liu said that twenty taels of silver was enough for their family's living expenses for a year. So, three taels Barely enough for two months?

The three men worked tirelessly to carry stones for others, barely enough to cover the family's expenses for two months?

This...doesn't make much money.

Seeing Li Man's discouraged look, Li Yan frowned, and lightly poked her forehead with his finger, "Okay, you don't need to worry about money, don't worry about it."

Can you not worry? Look at them this month, dark and thin, doesn't she feel sad?

"No more going tomorrow."

"Ah?" Li Shu was surprised.

The same is true for Li Hua, because he was not used to rough work, he was not used to it at first, thanks to the good words that the second brother said to the manager.

He can earn some money to make his family's life better, no matter how hard and tiring he is doing, he is also happy.

Li Yanyang smiled slightly, "Why? Distressed?"

Do you still need to ask? Li Man gave him a white look, "You don't earn a lot of money, so why suffer this crime for nothing?"


It seemed that a crow flew over their heads, and Li Shu and the others froze.

Li Yan's face was ugly, "It's always a beginning, and we will earn more money in the future."

"Why in the future, we can do it now." Li Man's heart was alive after Li Shu said the three taels of silver just now.

"Daughter-in-law, what are you doing?" Li Shu stared at her blankly.

Li Yan narrowed his eyes, "Girl, you'd better put away your little thoughts, no matter how little money you earn, it won't cost you food and drink, just stay at home obediently."

Well what does that mean? Are you saying that she is just a rice bug who sits at home and waits to die? She is young and has no children yet, so why does she have to stay at home every day? Although it's pretty good at home, wouldn't it be better if you can practice your dreams and values ​​on this basis?

"I don't." Li Man became stubborn, glared at Li Yan, then took Li Mo's hand, and explained seriously, "Brother, I have wanted to talk to you about this for a long time."

"Man'er." Li Hua also frowned, "Didn't you promise me and my second brother not to think about it anymore?"

Li Man curled her lips and blinked her big eyes innocently, "I promised you, so now I'm looking for elder brother."

Li Hua was stunned, the little girl actually played word games with them?

"What's the matter?" Li Shu asked with interest.

Li Yan curled his lips into a smile, and before Li Man could say anything, he said, "Brother, the girl wants to go out to do business, and she specializes in serving that kind of women."


"That kind of woman?"

Li Mo and Li Shu asked questions at the same time.

"Hey, don't listen to his nonsense." Li Man knew that if Li Yan said this, he would lead them into the gutter, so she hurriedly explained, "Brother, Li Shu, in fact, I also want to do makeup, guest Regardless of status, men and women—"

"Men do it too?" Li Yan's eyes turned cold, revealing a hint of warning.

Li Man hurriedly changed her words, "No, it's only for women's business. Besides, isn't Li Yan a good carpenter? I think he helps make some accessories for sale, and Li Hua can also cut and make clothes. In this case, we Maybe we can open a modeling studio in the future.”

Li Mo of the modeling studio didn't understand, but he instinctively felt that it was wrong to ask Li Man to go out for business.


It's the end of the month, everyone who has a monthly pass in their hands, come here, support Man'er to start a business, make a fortune, and drive the economy of the entire Shennvgou. It's best to break out of Shennvgou, out of Yan Country, and become famous in the Three Kingdoms, and then... a better life\\(o)~

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