Fortunate Wife

Chapter 145: Makeover (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

The sun gradually became stronger, and it was hot on the body, and it was a little hot. Li Man's smooth forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and her small face was also flushed from the sun. She had no choice but to use a pair of small hands to cover her forehead. Take a look at the scorching sun.

"Is it hot?" Seeing her like this, Li Yan felt distressed for a while, took off his coat, threw it to her, "cover it on his head."

"No need." She's not that delicate yet, and she'll be fine after a while.

Li Shu stopped the car, Li Yan stepped forward, spread out his clothes and put them on top of her head, but this time he didn't dare to force it, but coaxed, "At least it can cover the sun, take a look, your face They're all blushing."

Covering up like this, it does feel that the sun is not so strong, but Li Yan is shirtless, isn't he afraid of the sun? "how about you?"

Li Yan smiled at her, "What am I afraid of?" The man is still afraid of getting tanned? What's more, she's used to being outside in the sun all day long, even in dog days when she's still working outside, and she's so delicate and fresh, he's sure that if there's nothing to cover her face from the sun, her face will be exposed to the sun again. It will be so accurate that it will peel off its skin.

Li Man pursed her lips and didn't speak anymore, but seeing the four men sweating profusely, accompanying her on such a hot day, she felt distressed and sad. live a good life.

The men walked much faster. They arrived in the middle of the morning. Li Man directly asked Li Shu to push them to Xingrong Street. Perhaps it was because of the hot weather. At this moment, there were not many people on the street, and many shops seemed to be open. .

They chose a shady corner and sat down.

Li Hua took some dry food and water from the trolley and handed them to Li Man.

Li Man only took a sip of water, then gave it to Li Hua again.

"Girl, what are you going to do?" Li Yan tore a piece of cake into his mouth, and asked with a smile while eating.

I knew that they still didn't trust me, and the reason why they agreed to me was because they made a fuss yesterday.

Li Man ignored him, and looked at Chunxiang Building a few feet away, where occasionally people went in in twos and threes.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, glanced at the few people, and said, "You wait, I'll go in and have a look."

Just as he was about to get up, Li Yan dragged him to sit down again, "Where are you going?"

"Over there." Li Man pointed to Chunxiang Building, and answered directly.

Li Yan's eyes turned cold.

Li Mo was afraid that he would lose his temper again, so he said, "Man'er, we don't have a booth here, and we don't have anything, what should we do..."

"That's why I can only be an empty-handed white wolf." Li Man broke away from Li Yan's hand and glanced at him, "Why don't you go with me."

Li Yan's handsome face turned red for the first time when he heard the words, "Girl, are you stupid? You want me to go to that kind of place?"

"Why are you blushing? I didn't ask you to do bad things, but just asked you to stay with me. Aren't you worried?" Li Man looked at him slyly, and suddenly snorted sinisterly, "Or are you guilty? Really? Want to go to that kind of place to have fun? Ah..."

As soon as the words fell, Li Yan slapped his forehead hard with his fingers, "What nonsense? I already have you, how can I be happy?"

"Cough cough..." The topic got far away, Li Mo coughed lightly, and said slowly, "Second brother, why don't you—"

"I'll go." Before the eldest brother finished speaking, Li Shu had already raised his hand to recommend himself. Since he was a child, he hasn't been to that kind of place yet? I only occasionally heard Ada and the others say that the flower building is like a fairy cave, and all the girls in it are like fairies, but all men don’t want to come out after entering, but then they have to have Enough silver, without silver, those fairies can turn into human-eating goblins in no time.

He is not very interested in women. Anyway, in his heart, no woman can compare to a wife. He is just curious, is there as good as Ada and the others say? Every time I listened to them, those eyes glowed green like wolves.

Li Yan squinted at him, "What are you going to do? You are so handsome, if any woman takes a fancy to you, what will you do?"

"What about you? You are the best at hooking up women, so you can't guarantee that women from other families will fall in love with you?" Li Shu countered.

Li Hua shook his head, took Li Man's hand, "I'll go with you."

Li Man looked at his elegant and gentle face, and shook her head suddenly, "What if someone takes a fancy to you?"

God, Li Man now understands that those men are worried about her, but is it the other way around? When you were at home before, you were worried that she would be spotted by other men? At this moment, she was worried that several of her men would be spotted by the women there.

isn't it? Look at them all handsome and tall, they are too eye-catching.

Why didn't more veils be made?

"I'll go." Li Mo, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

Everyone looked at him in unison.

Li Yan smiled lightly, "Brother is serious and steady, with this body, where he stands, he will attract many women to jump up."

Isn't that shameless woman behind the house an example? On the day when Er Shun brought her back, because of the close relationship with Li's family, he asked them to have a meal and drink together, who knows, at the dinner table, Xingniang made a fuss with Li Mo.

Li Mo's expression froze for a moment, "Second brother, nonsense."

Li Man looked at Li Mo's handsome face and strong figure, such a man would give women a sense of security, especially women in that kind of place, who wouldn't want to find a reliable and safe man to be a good man in the future, thinking so Li Mo is probably the most dangerous one.

"I've said it all. You guys are waiting here. I'm going in with a woman. Are you afraid that those women will eat me up?" Li Man thought it over, but still felt that it would be best for them to stay here.

Li Yan looked at her amusedly, "Don't even think about it." They didn't dare to go in, and she, a little girl, dared to rush in.

"Then what should we do?" Li Man looked at him depressedly.

"Let's go together." Li Mo said.

"Huh?" Five people together? Or a couple? If people knew about this, they wouldn't laugh out loud.

Unexpectedly, the others all nodded, "Okay, let's go together." That's how I feel at ease.

Li Man was stunned, and put on the veil again, but the men who looked at her? Hehe, a sly smile flashed in her eyes, she suddenly grabbed a handful of ashes on the ground, grabbed Li Yan's face, and just wiped it carelessly.

"Girl, what are you doing?" Li Yan not only cherished her face, but also cherished his own face very much. Looking at her dirty little hands, he knew that his face was ruined by her without looking at it, so he wiped it with his sleeve angrily.

Li Man quickly grabbed him, "Don't wipe."

"It's so dirty." Li Yan stared at her in disgust, and wanted to wipe it off.

Li Man grabbed his hand firmly, "You are so nice, what if you are targeted by women there?"

Li Yan didn't move, and Xie Xie pursed his lips, "Are you afraid?"

"Of course." Who wants to wear a cuckold, and then looked at the others, "You all dirty your face, I wear a veil, you don't have a veil, if you look like this, you will definitely be seen Up."

There is still a long way to do business in the future. She doesn't want her man to be targeted, but it's not okay to put dust on his face every day.

The brothers looked at each other and put dust on their faces?

Li Yan looked at them with a smile, and urged, "Hurry up and wipe it off." What about this little girl, even staying overnight at night, he is not allowed...

Now you should know how exhausting the little girl is, and blame him for being rude yesterday.

Finally, under Li Man's urging, several men touched their faces with ashes, making them look dirty.

"Daughter-in-law, we look like beggars, will you let me in?" Li Shu asked suspiciously.

Li Man was stunned for a moment, this... "You are a guest when you enter the door, you won't be rushed?"

"Maybe." Li Hua recalled the scene of going to the clothing store and jewelry store for a month.

Li Man was also tangled, and only said, "Let's adjust accordingly, what about Xiao Che?"

"Let's put it in someone else's house." Li Hua used to study in the town and was familiar with several families here, one of which was his classmate's house, so he took the initiative to deliver the cart to that house.

After settling down, the few of them walked to Chunxiang Building together.

Arriving at Chunxiang Building, Li Man felt a piercing gaze staring at her, and when she turned her head, there was a woman dressed in a seductive dress on the opposite side, staring at them coldly while eating melon seeds.

Li Man unconsciously glanced at the sign on the top of the door - Nuanxianglou.

Also a flower house?

At this time, seeing Li Man looking back at her, the woman immediately burst out laughing, and shouted, "Guest officer, come in and take a look if you want, our girls here, you can see as much as you want."

One sentence made Li Man's face flushed, and the men around her were not much better.

Next to my ear was the lively voice from Chunxiang Building, I guessed that the business must be going well, and on the opposite side was the enthusiastic and exaggerated call of the old man, the bustard, and the son.

Without even thinking about it, Li Man turned around and headed towards Nuanxianglou.

The four men immediately followed and surrounded her, as if they were afraid that she would be taken away.

"Why did you come here? It seems that the business is obviously worse than that over there." Li Shutie asked in a low voice in Li Man's ear.

Behind the veil, Li Man smiled slightly, she had her own little idea.

Walking to the entrance of Nuanxiang Building and taking a look inside, it turns out that the people are deserted and the business is deserted. In the hall, there are actually a few girls with their sleeves rolled up, playing cards and punching with their bare arms.

The old man and the bustard looked back, and immediately began to curse, "Are they all dead? I don't know how to greet the guests, so there should be no man to..."

After scolding, he hurriedly took Li Man's hand, and said, "Guest officer, please come inside, our girl from Nuanxianglou, it's okay, unlike the one across the street, who only rely on her face to eat, thinking that she is younger and more tender." Is it okay to order?"

Isn't it good to be young and delicate? Don't all men like this, even an eighty-year-old man would like an eighteen-year-old girl, right?

Li Man smiled and did not refute her words, but just followed her into the lobby and looked around.

And the girls who were having fun before saw that they had guests. Although their clothes were shabby and their faces were dirty, they couldn't tell what their original appearance was, but their figures...

All of them were tall, strong, and powerful, which made their once-empty hearts flutter immediately, instead of being scolded by the old bustard, they rushed over on their own initiative, and even snatched them.

"Guest officer, my name is Cuixiang."

"My name is Hongxing."

"I'm Luer..."

"And me, hey, squeeze what? Little hooves..."

Seeing several women rushing towards her man hungry and hungry, Li Man hurriedly opened her arms to block in front, and shouted, "Don't mess around."

"Hey, this girl, what do you want if you don't mess around here?" The old man and the bustard looked at Li Man amusedly, wearing a mask, but listening to the voice and looking at this figure, she was only sixteen or seventeen years old at most. But looking at her posture, it is clear that she is the head of the four men behind her. If you want to deal with a few men, you have to deal with her first, but...

"By the way, girl, do you have any money?" Although the business is slow, the girls can't let others play for nothing, can they?

"Oh, mother Rong, you said money is so vulgar. This guest officer, I just prepared some food and wine upstairs. Would you like to come upstairs with me for a drink or two, guest officer?" One of the women in green clothes boldly stepped forward. It is necessary to draw Li Hua before.

Even though her face was smudged, those clear, ink-stained eyes showed shyness and bewilderment, which made the woman want to pounce on her even more.

"Little hooves, don't be so mean. You haven't had a man for a few months, so you can't bear it anymore?" Mother Rong immediately pulled the woman back, and then stared at Li Man quietly, "Girl, what about our place?" , if you have money, you girls can play with you, but if you don’t have money..."

"I can help you earn money." Li Man said.

"Huh?" Mother Rong and those women were all taken aback.

"You?" Rong's mother put on a smile on her face. In fact, just listening to Li Man's voice and looking at her figure, she must be a rare beauty. Since a year ago, after opening the Chunxiang Building opposite, The voice of her store is much colder, and the younger girls who are a little bit more beautiful are very unconscionable and go to the opposite door. There are only old and old people who don't want her here. Now, she is in need of a stunning girl. Beauty came to save the situation.

"Take off the veil first and let me see."

As soon as these words came out, Li Mo and the others clenched their fists unconsciously. Damn it, what is being their daughter-in-law?

Li Man didn't take it seriously, and said slowly, "Mama Rong probably misunderstood me. I mean that I can help you earn money, but it's not that I want to sell myself."

"Then what do you mean?" A beautiful woman who was delivered to the door was not caught. Mother Rong was a little disappointed, and her attitude suddenly became much lighter.

Li Man glanced at those girls, all of them were wearing heavy make-up, and their clothes were too revealing. Even so, they might not be able to attract customers.

"Pack them up." Li Man pointed at the women.

Mother Rong followed the direction of her finger and looked at the few girls left in her shop, very puzzled.

"Actually, they are quite beautiful." Li Man said again, "It's just that their goodness has been buried."

Those few women immediately cheered with a word, full of confidence.

"That's right, how is my old lady worse than the Shaoyao at the opposite door? I think Mr. Zhao spent the night in my old lady's room every day, and my old lady couldn't drive him away. Hmph, now go praise that trample."

"That's right, there's that Ru Lan, who is just a prostitute, pretending to be like a saint every day, and still doing art but not selling herself. Last month, an old man gave out three thousand taels of silver, so he took off his clothes Lie on someone else's bed?"


"Okay, okay, there's no end to it, if you want to be able to do that, you'll snatch all the men back to my old lady. Let me tell you, it hasn't opened for a few months. If this continues, you will all give to my old lady." Pack up your bags and get the hell out." Mother Rong scolded these unworthy girls angrily.

Only then did the women curl their lips, with disapproving looks on their faces. Thinking about it, there are quite a few cases of being scolded by Rong's mother on weekdays. Everyone listened to it too much and didn't care.

After the women calmed down, Mother Rong looked at Li Man carefully, narrowing her eyes slightly, "You said packing them? What do you mean?"

"Yeah." Li Man thought for a while, and said slowly in the most appropriate and tactful way, "I just checked at the opposite door, and the business over there is good. Come to think of it, the business from Rong's mother's place has been robbed by the opposite door, right?" ?”

Needless to say, Rong's mother gave Li Man a blank look, and she was a little bit dissatisfied, "That old bastard surnamed Hua used shameless means to steal my wife's people and business, and my mother is lazy to care about him... ..."

"Mother Rong, save yourself and listen to what this girl has to say." The woman who had been choked by Mother Rong before now looked at Mother Rong mockingly.

Mother Rong raised her hand angrily to hit her, but the woman smiled lightly, hugged Mother Rong's arm, and smiled at Li Man, "Girl, tell us quickly, how can we win the business back?"

While speaking, the corner of his eye unconsciously glanced at Li Hua.

Li Huaning raised her eyebrows, and her whole body was pierced, but since she was here with Man'er, she had to hold on anyway, but, isn't the smell here too pungent? Are you afraid that other people's noses will be broken and you won't be able to smell it?

The others were also feeling uncomfortable, especially Li Shu, who thought it was really some kind of fairy cave, some kind of fairy descending to the earth, but now that he saw it, he really regretted that he didn't listen to his wife before, and stayed outside obediently, looking at the layout here. The mantle glanced around, there were flowers everywhere, the girl in front of her... If she could be called a girl, her face was frighteningly pale, her lips were as red as if she had sucked chicken blood, and her clothes were thin Huanlu, the ones in the pink clothes are so fat, can you stop wearing such revealing clothes, and tie the belt so tightly, the loose flesh is squeezed out.

Li Yan also felt nauseous, and lowered his eyes, preferring to look at the toes of his shoes, thinking in his heart that when he returns home at night, he must peel off his wife and look at it a few more times, so as to wash his eyes.

Li Mo was the most calm, his eyes only stared at a wooden chair in front of him for a long time, no matter what others did, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Yes, girl, just tell me what you can do. As long as the business in my store can grow, Mama Rong will never treat you badly." Mama Rong also asked lightly, not having much confidence in Li Man, after all , she has been in the Hualou world for decades, from an unknown girl in Hualou to finally opening such a big Nuanxianglou by herself, it is impossible to say that she has no skills, but now, she can't fight Opposite Chunxiang Building, she didn't believe that a little girl like Li Man could do it.

Li Man didn't say much, just glanced at those women, and then said to the woman in green who was holding Mother Rong's arm, "Miss, can I borrow your room?"

"Oh?" The corner of the woman's lips curled up, showing a bit of coquettishness, "Are you in such a hurry? But, the old lady has something to say first, don't pick up the female guests, and those behind you? It's okay."

Where do you want to go? The corner of Li Man's mouth twitched, and she kept her usual gentle smile, and said, "I don't mess around with women."

As soon as these words came out, Li Mo and Li Yan's expressions froze, and they obviously had the wrong feeling of schizophrenia. Did the words just now really come from the daughter-in-law?

On the contrary, Li Shu and Li Hua were stunned for a moment, and then smiled knowingly.

Li Shu thought of that day when he was fighting in the vegetable market, the daughter-in-law dared to put a meat chopping knife on someone's neck, viciously calling herself an old lady. That scene... was the most indignant scene, but it made him remember it particularly deeply. Moreover, every time I think about it, I only feel affectionate and warm, but there are not many other bad emotions.

But Li Hua remembered what she had said helplessly and naughtily to herself about fate that day on the kang. She thought that this girl looked weak and obedient, but she had an extremely rebellious, stubborn and tenacious factor in her bones.

The woman in green was taken aback for a moment, then giggled twice, "Please come upstairs."

So, under the leadership of the woman in green, everyone went up to the second floor.

The second floor is divided into many rooms, and each room has a house number, which is named after the owner of each room.

The woman in green pushed open a room named Cuixiang Pavilion. As soon as she entered the door, Li Man frowned at the pungent fragrance. This Nuanxiang Pavilion really likes incense. There are so many flowers in this room. , even want to smoke incense, not afraid to smoke people to death?

"Open the window, pinch the incense." Li Man ordered as soon as she entered the room, she couldn't stand the suffocating fragrance anymore.

Cuixiang was puzzled, "What's the matter? I only lighted it when I got up early, and that's when the smell came out." Moreover, the incense in their Nuanxiang Building has a special purpose, and almost every girl burns it in their room. It will make the guests more enjoyable.

"Pinch it." Rong's mother is old, and she also feels that this smell is too much, not to mention there is no man, you burn so much incense, can you bear it?

Only then did Cuixiang pinch the incense, covered the small incense burner, and then opened the window to let in some wind.

"Girl, this is my room, how about it? What do you want me to do?" Cuixiang asked directly.

Everyone also looked at Li Man in unison.

The brothers of the Li family, especially, they don't know what ability Li Man has to make these remnant flowers and willows look beautiful again, but just looking at her talking with Mother Rong and others, the manner of her words, she is not an ordinary young daughter. The attitude, the kind of advance and retreat, neither humble nor overbearing, generous, even made them feel ashamed.

"Where is the girl's dressing table?" Li Man looked around the room, but couldn't find it.

"This way." Cuixiang cooperated very well, took the initiative to lift the bead curtain, and walked to the inside. The inside was dark, and she opened two small windows again, and the bright light came in at once, shining on the owner's pink soft tent, There are beautiful halos in circles.

The dressing table is next to the small window, and in front of the huge bronze mirror are beautifully crafted headgear, jewelry, make-up, rouge, pearl powder...

Li Mo and the others shouldn't have entered the women's dorm, but they are worried about their daughter-in-law, this is not an ordinary place after all.

But as soon as they came in, the hearts of the few people were still severely shocked. To be precise, the layout and furnishings in Cuixiang's room reminded them of the shabby home, so shabby that Li Man's room only had one Kang and one bed There is nothing else in the wardrobe that has been used for decades and the paint is almost gone.

Li Man didn't feel much, because of the man's prominent status in modern times, she had enjoyed too many good things, but when she thought about it, her current life made her more fulfilled and happy.

"Sit down." Li Man picked up a box of rouge on Cuixiang's dressing table, smelled it, then picked some with her fingertips and smudged it on the back of her hand, and said with a slight smile, "This rouge is not bad."

"Of course, things from Jinsheng in the capital, such a small box costs ten taels of silver." Cuixiang said proudly, but she asked someone to buy it when she was still in full bloom two years ago, and now she has kept it by her side for two years , are not willing to use.

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, checked her other cosmetics here, stared at Cuixiang's face again, frowned slightly, "You go and wash your face first."

"What?" Cuixiang was displeased, "Is my face dirty or something?"

"No." Li Man explained lightly, "I want to help you reapply your makeup."

"...but it took me an hour to melt in the morning." As she spoke, Cuixiang looked at her face in the mirror, she thought it was very beautiful.

"I told you to wash it." Rong's mother was a little impatient, and at the small window, she saw two men dragging each other into the Chunxiang Building, and her heart felt blocked.

Cuixiang had no choice but to fetch water herself, and washed her face before coming in.

After washing her face, Cui Xiang's haggard appearance was startling, her eyelids were swollen, her face was sallow, and there were big dark circles under her eyes.

"Damn girl, there are no guests now, what do you do every night? With such a big dark circle under your eyes, who do you want to scare to death?" Mother Rong scolded angrily when she saw it. They've been robbed.

Cuixiang twisted her handkerchief, and snorted sullenly, "I can't sleep, what can I do?"

The other women also looked depressed when they heard the words, they were all used to being lively. In the past, when business was good, they would have sex every night. Now, they stay alone in the boudoir, and occasionally they can play cards and scold together. Living a life of scolding, who can bear this?

"I'm not promising, I'm crazy about men." Mother Rong scolded angrily, thinking that the four flowers of Xingrong, which she had cultivated with great difficulty, have all failed like this, and her heart hurts even more. It's all out of silver.

"Okay," before Cuixiang could reply, Li Man pulled her to sit down, "You sit down, I'll help you put on your makeup again."

"Oh." Cuixiang sat down, surrounded by several other women curiously.

Li Man felt panicked, so she said to Rong's mother, "Take them out first, I will have a while, and let her go down after a while."

Cuixiang didn't want so many people to see her jokes, so she urged, "Is the business gone? They all run up, and no one knows when they come."

Mother Rong thought about it, even if no one came, the store had to be guarded, "Give it all down, and greet the guests properly."

Several women pursed their lips reluctantly, "Guests? Where are the guests from, point out one and let's have a look."

Now, even if the beggars on the side of the road can come, they will die laughing.

However, speaking like this, they didn't dare to disobey mother Rong, and they went out one by one.

After those people left, Li Man said to Li Mo and the others, "Would you like to sit in the living room?"

"No." Li Shu stood next to Li Man, unwilling to leave.

If he doesn't leave, the other men naturally agree with him and are reluctant to leave.

"Let's sit for a while, isn't it tiring to stand?" Li Man looked at Cuixiang's face carefully, thinking about how to make her look the most beautiful, and casually said to several men.

"You're busy, we're not tired." The point is that this is another woman's bedroom, and they don't want to touch anything here.

Li Man didn't say anything more. At this moment, all her mind was on how to transform Cuixiang. She first stroked the few strands of hair on Cuixiang's forehead, and then began to help her redraw her eyebrows, apply fragrance, and put on rouge. It's just that the dark circles under the eyes are not easy to get rid of. It took Li Man a long time to outline the pearl powder little by little, and finally it was not so obvious.

Afterwards, Li Man simply removed all the flowers and plants on Cuixiang's head, and let down all her long hair.

"Miss Cuixiang has good hair." Li Man smiled and praised, while combing Cuixiang's new hairstyle.

Cuixiang was also shocked by her haggard appearance at first, but now, hearing her praise her hair is good, her mood gradually improved.

"It's been a long time to be lazy to take care of it. It used to be really good."

No matter how good it is, it is not as good as the daughter-in-law. Li Shu listened to it, thinking disdainfully, the daughter-in-law's black hair is black, shiny and soft, and it feels great in the palm of his hand.

"I still need to take good care of it when I have time. A woman's hair is as important as her face." Li Man said with a smile, while smoothing some of her hair from the temples and tied it with a headband, leaving the rest The hair is loosely hung on the back of the head.

"Yeah." Cuixiang nodded, feeling that her words made sense, but, "I'm too lazy to take care of myself when I'm old."

"How old is Miss Cuixiang?" Li Man asked gossipingly.

Cuixiang shook her head and smiled wryly, "Twenty-five." It has been twelve years since she opened and budded at the age of thirteen. In a place like Hualou, she has long since faded away. Everyone knows that the inability to sleep at night is not because of loneliness, but because of worry. For an old woman like her who has lost her face, how sad the future is. She has already obtained the answer from many seniors. She only hopes It won't be too miserable for him to die in the future.

"Twenty-five?" What a beautiful age this is in modern times? But she could clearly hear the desolation in Cuixiang's tone, and felt a little sympathetic in her heart.

"Miss Cuixiang looks good." After combing her hair, Li Man walked in front of her again and looked at her carefully. Cuixiang's face was indeed in good shape, but her cheekbones were high and the skin on her cheeks was a little loose. She has groomed all of these for her, but...

Li Man thought for a while, then combed her bangs with a comb, and asked, "Do you have scissors?"

"Why?" Cuixiang asked curiously.

"Fix your bangs for you." Li Man said, and opened the small drawer of the dressing case, and found a pair of small scissors.

"Do you want to cut it?" Cuixiang loves her hair very much, and she would be sad for a long time if she loses a hair, let alone cut it.

"Just cut a little bit." Li Man smiled comfortingly, then, brushed up the broken hair that was combed to the front, and slowly cut her a slanted bang with scissors.

She has high cheekbones and a wide forehead, which can just cover up her shortcomings.

In the end, he helped her comb her eyelashes again, modified her lip shape, and put on rouge.

"Look." After everything was done, Li Man took a closer look and felt very satisfied, but, seeing the green clothes on her body, it didn't match her temperament and complexion, she couldn't help frowning, she should change her clothes first of.

"Can you let me see your wardrobe?" Li Man asked again.

Cuixiang was very generous this time, "Where are they? You can see for yourself." As she spoke, she stroked her temple hair with her hands. Li Man asked her to sit still, and she didn't dare to take the initiative to look in the mirror. , but I am very curious about my current appearance.

Li Man rummaged through the closet carefully, and finally found a moon-white dress with light green braiding, and handed it to Cuixiang, "You take it and change it."

"Li Mo, let's go out for a while." Li Man dragged Li Mo and others to the small hall outside.

As soon as she came out, she heard Cuixiang yelling. Li Man was startled and ran back in a hurry, "What's wrong?"

I saw Cuixiang looking at the big bronze mirror, stroking her face and looking dumbfounded.

"Dissatisfied?" Li Man was shocked by her expression, but she felt that Cuixiang was much more beautiful and intellectual than she looked at first.

Cuixiang blinked, shook her head violently, and swallowed, "No, I'm so satisfied, so beautiful, me, is this me?"

Li Man's head was full of black lines, so she was amazed by her own appearance?

"You change your clothes first." The green clothes didn't match her makeup.

"Yeah." Cuixiang nodded sharply, smiling silly, scratching her head and posing in front of the bronze mirror from time to time, she never thought that the beauty in the mirror was her? It's even a little more beautiful than the years when she just grew up. Her eyeballs are about to fall off, I can't believe it.

Li Man came out and waited outside for quite a while, but Cui Xiang did not come out, so she couldn't help but frowned, and said to the men, "Wait a minute, I'll go in and have a look."

She didn't know until she entered that Cuixiang had changed her clothes, but she was still looking at the mirror like a nympho. After many years, she could see her beautiful self again one day, why wouldn't she be greedy? It's good to watch for a second.

"Satisfied?" Seeing her like this, Li Man felt confident.

Cuixiang looked at the mirror and smiled gently, "My family is very satisfied." Her tone of voice became three points softer, and she was no longer like an old woman's shrew like before. She seemed to feel that such a beautiful self is the real one. Own.

"Let's go, go down and show Mother Rong and the others." Li Man said.

Thinking of those women downstairs, Cuixiang's eyes showed a smug look, she should go down and stimulate them, so that they would know that she, Cuixiang, has always been such a beautiful woman.

Li Man led Cuixiang out, Li Mo waited for a few glances, and was indeed quite surprised. She looked so ugly just now, but she was treated like a woman by her wife.

However, they were only amazed at their daughter-in-law's ability, but they didn't pay much attention to Cuixiang.

After all, with Li Man's pure natural beauty like a lotus in water, any other beauties, even those who have been modified by the day after tomorrow, are like dead things in front of them, and they can no longer arouse the slightest interest.

Li Man originally wanted to wait for some compliments from his men, so as to satisfy Cuixiang's vanity. After all, only a man's praise can give a woman the greatest confidence.

But after waiting for a while, Li Man was disappointed. The men only glanced at her lightly, and then all their eyes fell on her, as if Cuixiang was similar to the tables, chairs and benches in this room, and there was no emotion in their eyes.

Li Man even suspected that she was not doing well enough?

However, when she brought Cuixiang downstairs, the eyes of mother Rong and those girls who were about to drop their eyeballs, and the scene that happened next, made her very confident in herself again.


Thank you 2623588046, Youlanfangcao, xenice, rose1582, Rao Xianmei, tiffantlee, Dongfangjing, harriet0425, hetty123, qinpu_10, qinpu_10, gelou9, Jian Xiaocui, cold and fresh, jqp1114, tianshihuagong, zaijiae, etc. for the monthly pass purse and diamond flowers, here I can't put too many, there are many who didn't write their names, Linger thank you here, everyone\\(o)~

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