Fortunate Wife

Chapter 148 Happy (asking for subscription, asking for monthly pass)

Li Man paused, realizing that too many words would lead to mistakes, and the men became suspicious again. They hurriedly restrained their cleverness, blinked their eyes in a daze, "What's wrong? I learned from my mother when I was young."

"Don't you remember all of them?" Li Hua asked.

"Ah?" Li Man was stunned for a moment with her chopsticks in her mouth, "I don't remember too well, there seems to be a picture in my mind, that's it, I can't remember the person, but it should be my mother, yes, Otherwise, who else will teach me."

As he said that, he hurriedly lowered his head to pick up the rice, "Don't just talk too much, you guys can eat too, this dish is pretty good."

"Well, it's not bad." Li Shu was quite happy and cooperated with his wife all the time.

Li Man raised her face and smiled at him, and picked out a piece of shredded chicken for him, "Try this too."

"Yeah." Li Shu immediately ate happily. He didn't quite understand what the other brothers were nervous about. It's their blessing, isn't it? Asking questions, is it annoying? Are you afraid that your daughter-in-law will run away in the future?

The other three looked at each other, seeing that Li Man obviously didn't want to entangle this topic anymore, so she had to let it go, it's rare that the daughter-in-law has something she loves to do, no matter what happens in the future, they have to be with her, right?

When Li Man was grilling the rice, she looked at those people out of the corner of her eye. Except for Li Shu who was eating carelessly, the other three were obviously absent-minded.

Involuntarily, she raised her head depressed, picked up a plate of whitebait scrambled eggs, and put some into the bowls of those people. Finally, under the surprised eyes of the people, she put down the plate and said helplessly, "I know you are worried. what."

"Know?" Li Yan poked the rice in the bowl with his chopsticks, with a half-smile.

"Of course." She is not stupid, their thoughts are all written on her face, she can't pretend to be stupid, "One is that there is too much money, and you are not earning steadily, and the other is that I am afraid that I will learn from you in this kind of place. Bad? Or, you look down on these people in this kind of place, for fear of tarnishing your reputation."

Li Yan chuckled, "Young girl is smart."

The implication is that what she said is right, they are worried about this, of course, the money is second, the key is that this is not a good place after all, who would want to get close to this place from an ordinary good family? But Li Man still wants to hang out with those women every day, even if it's teaching, it won't work.

Besides, what could she teach? Women here do that kind of thing, can she teach? Little things that he couldn't stand even once...

Li Man saw the sneer in his eyes, and glared at him depressedly, "It's so obvious, if I don't see it anymore, then I'm a fool."

"I thought you were really smart." Li Yan suppressed his smile, "Do you know that once you enter and leave this kind of place, even if you are innocent, in the eyes of others, you have already changed."

"So, you think I'm dirty?" Li Man's eyes immediately turned red. She just wanted to earn some money with her own skills. Is it that serious?

"Second brother." Li Shu sat next to Li Man, heard her voice choked, immediately put down his chopsticks, and coaxed, "Daughter-in-law, don't listen to second brother's nonsense, all the women in this world are dirty, and you are clean too."

Li Man didn't say a word, and didn't feel better because of Li Shu's words. After a moment of silence, Fang said, "Do you think Cuixiang and the others are bad people?"

Li Shu shook his head, "No."

"It's not a question of whether it's bad or not." Li Yan was also very depressed. The eldest brother and the others clearly thought the same as him, but they couldn't bear to talk about this girl. What's wrong? Just cry and hear everything?

Li Man ignored him, and said to herself, "They are all poor people, there is no last resort, who would want to come to this kind of place to humiliate themselves?"

"..." Li Yan was speechless.

"Besides, I don't steal, rob or cheat. I earn money by my own ability, so why is it dirty?"

"I didn't say you were dirty." Li Yan felt that he couldn't explain why he thought she was dirty. He was afraid that the eyes of the world would hurt her. The woman behind the house was from Hualou girl. Yes, she is also looked down upon in the village. Although she is not very good by nature, doesn't this kind of broken pots and broken pots mean that there is no sense of persecution from the worldly perspective?

"Then what do you mean?" Li Man insisted.

Li Mo let out a long breath, and sighed, "Man'er, don't blame the second brother, he is also thinking of you."

The elder brother still understood him, Li Yan stared at Li Man resentfully, the little girl never understood his good intentions.

For her good, but the words are not nice, "Brother, I think I earn money by my own ability, so that we all can live a good life. There is nothing wrong with that. Even if you are not sure, I will use other methods to do it .”

Is it only serious work to go up to the mountains to hunt like them and do coolies to carry stones for others?

"Man'er—" Seeing that the situation was tense, Li Hua wanted to persuade him, but before he could speak, Li Man said, "Don't persuade me either, I know what I'm doing."

Unexpectedly, the little girl became so stubborn that she couldn't talk, and the men stopped talking. What else can I do except compromise with such a precious daughter-in-law? What's more, whatever she does now, they are all by her side. If this little girl is really pissed off one day and she does something behind their backs, it will kill her.

Li Shu hated being so dull during meals the most, so he hurriedly said, "Okay, let's eat, I think what my wife said is right, she doesn't steal, rob, or cheat, and she earns fair money. Just now that fat woman was begging for nothing and asked for ten thousand silver. Our daughter-in-law didn’t even bother to ask for one thousand. Just do something worthwhile."

If the previous words were just praises without a bottom line, the last sentence clearly touched Li Man's heart.

That's right, it's not just for the little money, she really wants to do something meaningful.

"You are still good." Li Man's misty eyes suddenly flashed a charming smile, and put two pieces of pork ribs in his bowl, "Eat more, let them not eat, let's eat them all. "

As he said that, he also picked up two pieces of ribs and took a hard bite.

Seeing her childish appearance, Li Mo and the others looked at each other, and smiled helplessly.

Yes, Man'er is such a pure and clean girl, no matter how bad the outside world is, their Man'er will be like a lotus flower out of mud, spotless.

Next, seeing them all eating honestly, Li Man's mood gradually eased. The five of them swept up a table of food. Fearing that they would not be enough, Li Man was going to ask someone to add more, but Li Mo Shouted, "I'm full."

"Really?" Li Man was afraid that they would be polite.

Li Yan reached out and wiped the rice grains from the corner of her mouth, and said with a smile, "You are so impolite. Others asked you to add more, but you really want to add more?"

"Today's food is delicious, don't you want to eat more?" Li Man also asked with a smile.

The corner of Li Hua's lips curled up, "No matter how delicious it is, it's good to be full, and no matter how much it is, it will be full."

"Okay then, I'll clean up the dishes." Li Man got up, stacked all the empty bowls together, put them on a tray, and was just about to send them away, when in the corridor over there, Lu'er hurried over, " Oh, girl, put it down, I'll come."

Before Li Man could speak, Li Yan quickly picked up the veil and put it on her head, for fear that her beautiful face would be overlooked by others.

Lu'er was taken aback for a moment, even the side face just now made her very surprised, but she didn't understand, since she has such a beautiful appearance, why should she wear a veil?

But this was not what she was thinking about. She came over, put away the empty bowls, wiped the table, and Lu'er carried the tray. Then, she excitedly said to Li Man, "Girl, please sit down for a while, I will send these to you." In the past, come here right away, you can help me with styling first."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded to her, and waited for her to leave before rubbing her forehead. Just now, Li Yan was wearing it too fast, and his elbow hit her forehead.

"Meet it?" Li Yan quickly reached under the veil and helped her rub her forehead.

He rubbed the sore spot vigorously with his generous palm, and it was really comfortable. She originally planned to pat his hand, but in the end, Li Man closed her eyes comfortably and enjoyed it.

It wasn't until Lu'er ran back excitedly that Li Man made him withdraw his hand.

In the afternoon of this day, Li Man remodeled all the fifteen girls in the Nuanxiang Building, because the business of a place like Hualou starts to flourish at night, so, in conjunction with the lighting decoration in the building, Li Man Man specially painted them with eye shadow and blush, so that everyone can bloom the most beautiful posture under the shadow of the lights.

It was only when the sun was setting in the west that she was busy. Li Man felt stiff all over, and her hands and feet were numb. Sure enough, earning money is not easy.

As for Li Mo and the others, when they saw their daughter-in-law being so tired, they felt distressed, but they couldn't say anything, for fear of being misunderstood by the daughter-in-law as not supporting her work, so they had to pour water for her from time to time, rub her shoulders, and fan her. Beating legs and the like.

After finishing their work, they discussed with Mother Rong about tomorrow's time. Li Man and the others wanted to bid farewell to Mother Rong and save the meal, saying that the food and drinks were all ready.

Li Man still declined, and finally, Rong's mother felt very sorry when she thought that she had been busy for half a day, so she ordered Lu'er to pack some delicious wine, vegetables and snacks, and put two food boxes for her to take with her.

Thinking of Xiao Wu at home, Li Man was not polite, and left with a food box.

After going out the back door of Nuanxiang Building, looking at the dark sky, Li Man frowned. Xiao Wu was alone at home, and she didn't know what to expect.

Li Hua quickly fetched a small cart from a friend's house, Li Man sat in the cart, Li Shu pushed, and everyone rushed home.

When we got home, it was completely dark, and the entire Shennvgou was submerged in solemn darkness.

From a distance, I saw a dim yellow light in the east room of my house, presumably Xiao Wu was in the room.

Everyone involuntarily quickened their pace.

As soon as the courtyard door rang, the door of the east room slammed open, dim light overflowed from the room, and Xiao Wu ran out of the room, "Brother..."

"Xiao Wu." Li Mo responded quickly, and it was the first time that Xiao Wu was made to wait so late.

Xiao Wu heard the voice of the eldest brother, and hurriedly greeted him, "Why did you come back at this time?"

Li Man got off the trolley and rubbed Xiao Wu's head, "Are you in a hurry? Have you eaten yet? My sister brought you something delicious."

Xiao Wu shook his head aggrievedly, the second brother left some pancakes for him in the morning, and said he came back before dinner, who knows until now.

Li Shu had already taken the two food boxes out of the car.

"Send it to the kitchen, let me see if I need to reheat it." Li Man took Xiao Wu's hand and went straight into the kitchen.

The others wiped their sweat by the side of the well, washed their hands and faces, and then went into the kitchen together.

The small kitchen suddenly became stuffy and crowded.

Li Man scooped some water from the water tank with a gourd ladle, washed her hands, and then took the wine and vegetables from the food box to the pot table one by one.

A plate of whole grilled chicken, a plate of crispy pork ribs, and a bowl of steamed meat in bamboo tubes.

As soon as the three meat dishes were served, the aroma made the mouth water.

The corners of Li Man's eyes twitched slightly, that what Rong's mother said was true, the food and drink were abundant, oh yes, there was indeed a jug of wine beside the food box.

She opened it and smelled it, and it smelled a bit like raisin red.

"Do you want to drink?" She held the flagon and asked the men with a smile.

The eyes of the men suddenly lit up, can they drink?

Looking at their expressions, they knew they wanted to drink, so Li Man handed the jug to Li Shu, "Take it."

"Hey." Li Shule couldn't do it. He took a few clean bowls from the flagon, went to the table, and poured out a big bowl each.

Xiao Wu also looked excitedly at the side, what good happened? How can there be so many delicious things? And wine?

At this time, Li Hua had already taken the initiative to light a fire under the stove, so Li Man put some water in the cauldron, took out the grate, and put the three meat dishes on it to simmer.

Then, she opened another food box and took out two delicate tea trays. When she opened it, a box of sesame crisps and a box of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes were her favorites.

She immediately twisted a piece of crispy, just about to put it in her mouth, when she saw Xiao Wu who was staring at him, she turned her hand and stuffed the crispy into the little guy's mouth, "Taste it."

"Delicious." Xiao Wu grinned. Is this dim sum? It's so fragrant and delicious.

Li Man turned her head and wanted to give it to Li Mo and the others, but saw that the three big men were drinking a bowl secretly.

"Hey." Li Man immediately put down the crisps, ran towards them, and snatched the bowl from Li Mo's hand, "This stomach is empty, so I won't be afraid of stomach pain if I drink like this."

"Just took a sip." Li Mo said embarrassedly.

Li Shu smiled, "Taste it, this wine is really fragrant, daughter-in-law, you should try it too."

"I don't want it." Li Man turned her face away, "I'll drink it later, there are still so many vegetables in the pot, let's eat and drink later, okay?"

Eating and drinking? With the daughter-in-law? That's okay.

Li Shu immediately put down the bowl, and Li Yan also put down the bowl.

"Oh, by the way, the dry food we brought in the morning has not been touched, so take it out quickly." Li Man asked Li Yan.

Li Yan quickly went to the stool to pick up the small cloth bag, and took out a few pastries from inside.

The pancakes were already dry and hard, but fortunately they hadn't changed their taste. Li Man lifted the lid of the pot and saw that the dishes were almost hot. She asked Li Shu to bring them to the table, and then put the pancakes in the pan to heat up.

"Li Hua, you don't need to burn it, just use the fire in the pot hole." On this day, you don't need to eat too hot, and it's more comfortable to eat warm.

Li Hua rubbed his hands together and walked over.

The whole family ate around the big table.

Because of the joy, even Xiao Wu poured half a bowl of wine, and everyone drank while eating, and Li Shu boasted about Li Man's power in front of Xiao Wu, and the meal was quite lively.

Although Li Man is not very good at drinking, thinking about the good grades he received as soon as he started today, he was excited for a while and drank a bowl. In the end, his face was flushed with alcohol, his eyes were blurred, and he looked lazy The charming color, even in front of everyone, was happy, knocked on the porcelain bowl with chopsticks, and started singing.

Everyone couldn't understand what she sang, but they thought the melody was good, so they listened happily, but who would have thought that maybe it was because of the alcohol, the shy little girl who had always been shy kicked the stool away, and walked around the pot table again. Sing and dance again.

Her eyes are like silk, her figure is enchanting, she swayed like a charming goblin, exuding a bewitching aura all over her body.

"Man'er." Li Mo saw the dark eyes of his younger brothers, even Xiao Wu's eyes were straightened, he hurried over and hugged Li Man, not wanting her to get angry again.

"Hee hee." Li Man writhed wildly in his arms. Suddenly, she stood on her tiptoes, stretched her hands, and her puffed chest directly touched his chest.

That soft beauty made Li Mo's body tense up.

"I can also dance ballet, I'll show you guys, hee hee." As she said that, she spun a few times in his arms, probably dizzy, her whole body became unstable, and she fell into the trap again. In Li Mo's arms.

Li Mo quickly picked her up by the waist, and wanted to send her back to the room.

"Brother." Li Shu stood up suddenly, a little reluctant to part with him. He still wanted to see his wife dance. The daughter-in-law danced so beautifully, with her twisted waist, her charming eyes, and her whole body was made dry, uncomfortable, and uncomfortable. Comfortable.

Li Yan also stood up, and he had never seen such an enchanting girl with a face as pure as water and such clear and bright eyes, but once she became charming, the blend of water and fire, between innocence and charm, was so overwhelming. People can't stop.

Li Hua bit her lip, despising the reaction of her own body, she didn't dare to get up, so she could only sit and bear it, but her mind was involuntarily drawn by the little man in the arms of her elder brother.

After having had enough trouble, Li Man couldn't stop in Li Mo's arms, hugging his shoulders, yelling and feeling uncomfortable.

"Where is it uncomfortable?" Li Yan came over hurriedly and supported her precarious little head.

"Stomach." Li Man wrinkled her red face, her eyes were half-opened, and she didn't know if she could see the person in front of her. Suddenly, she grabbed Li Yan's hand and placed it on her belly. With a soft tone, she said delicately, "Knead."

Li Yan froze, he felt an evil fire rushing from the soles of his feet to his forehead, his eyes were red, he wished he could snatch her from his elder brother's arms, bring her to the west room kang, and fuck her hard.

Li Mo's complexion was also purple, and he didn't dare to look at Li Man's face, but the soft and fragrant little thing in his arms was hooking him time after time.

"Brother." Li Shujun's handsome cheeks were also flushed, he didn't know whether it was from drinking alcohol or being stimulated, he shouted, and rushed over, "How about, I will take care of my wife tonight."

Poof——, Li Mo and Li Yan almost kicked him out alone, thinking beautifully.

Li Hua also endured his embarrassment, and tried his best to pretend not to care. Seeing Li Man sleeping on Li Mo's shoulder in a daze, he said, "Man'er is too tired today, let her rest earlier."

His words were like a ladle of cold water, which immediately woke up a few people. Yes, they noticed the fatigue of the daughter-in-law today. Right now, she was so drunk that she passed out, how could they...?

"I'll take her back to sleep." Li Mo said.

"Hmm." Unexpectedly, when he heard that he was going to sleep, Li Man twisted in his arms a few more times, with her eyelids closed, her moist mouth pursed, and she mumbled and stubbornly said, "Don't sleep, I want to take a bath."

Uh—the corners of everyone's eyes twitched slightly, how drunk they were, and they still remembered to take a bath. The daughter-in-law is indeed a woman who loves cleanliness.

In the past, they were asked to wash their hands and take a shower every now and then, to remove and wash all the sheets and bedding for half a month, and to change their clothes, especially underwear, every day, and so on.

It's just that the daughter-in-law is like this, she wants to take a bath? how to wash?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"I want to take a bath, uh, take a bath..." Just when everyone had no idea, Li Man rubbed against Li Mo's arms a few more times, and yelled vaguely, "Wu Ma, help me let go." Bath water, I want to take a bath..."

"Who is she calling?" Li Shu asked curiously.

Li Mo and the others shook their heads. What she said was too vague for them to hear clearly.

"My sister seems to be calling Mama Wu." At this time, Xiao Wu came over and said.


Thank you for your support, have a good holiday\\(o)~

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