Fortunate Wife

Chapter 150 Stubborn (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)


"Stop embarrassing me, a bunch of worthless people, and you are so happy with just a few men?" Mother Rong scolded them angrily when she saw them chatting presumptuously in front of Li Man.

"Oh, mother Rong, look at what you said, you were more excited than us last night, and the wrinkles on your face were all laughing." Cuixiang covered her mouth and burst out laughing.

The atmosphere eased up again, and the girls were still chatting enthusiastically.

"Sister Cuixiang, do you think my bracelet is pretty?" Fendie raised her wrist, revealing a green bracelet, and asked Cuixiang happily.

Cuixiang glanced at it, and said with a contemptuous smile, "Pretty is beautiful, but the quality is a bit poor, and it's worth tens of silver at most on the market, so it's not as good as me..."

As she said that, she took off a circle of yellow necklace from her neck, put it in front of everyone, and said with a smile, "This is pure gold. Look, how delicate the carvings are on it."

"Oh." Fendie's face turned green all of a sudden, and the other girls stared straight at the eyes. Under the bright light, the well-made gold chain shone dazzlingly.

Rong's mother's eyes lit up, and she wanted to take it when she was busy.

Cuixiang grabbed it in her hand and said vigilantly, "Mr. Chen gave it to me. Why don't you snatch it? Besides, Mr. Chen will come over at night. He said he likes to see me wearing this chain. It looks good. Hehe, if you always take it away, Mr. Chen will not accept it."

"Damn girl, who is your mother? I don't have such shallow eyelids, can this idea get into my eyes? I'm just afraid that you will be fooled easily, so I want to help you see Look, is this thing real or not?" Mama Rong curled her lips and stared at the chain, if it was real, such a chain would be worth several hundred silver at least.

Cuixiang pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't bother you to grow old, is it true that I haven't counted yet?"

"Fake." Li Man said suddenly.

"What?" Everyone couldn't help asking in unison, as if they didn't hear clearly.

Sitting on the stone bench, Li Man replied with a calm expression, "This chain is not pure gold, at most it's worth..."

How much is a gold-plated chain worth in modern times?

She thought about it for a while, combined with the modern price of gold, and said, "It's worth five taels of silver."

"What?" Cui Xiang stood up and glared at Li Man angrily, "You are talking nonsense, such a string of gold chains is only worth five taels? Do you think you picked it up?"

Others are also puzzled, judging by the glossiness and workmanship, it doesn't look fake no matter what.

"I don't know whether to pick it up or not. If you don't believe me, find a gold shop and ask someone to melt it. I dare say that except for the upper layer, there are other materials inside." Li Man said with certainty .

In modern times, she has quite a lot of gold, silver, jewelry and various kinds of jewelry. Occasionally, she has to decorate them for special occasions. Therefore, she is still very sensitive to such things, and she can tell the authenticity at a glance. .

"You?" When she said this, Cuixiang hesitated a little. If it was true, wouldn't she lose all face? But if it was true, Mr. Chen would definitely be upset if he didn't see the chain when he came at night. happy.

"Sister Cuixiang, go and melt it, let us see if it's real or not?" Fendie persuaded with a smile, her bracelet is only worth a few dozen, but it's better than her fake chain.

When the other girls heard what Fandie said, they immediately persuaded her, but from that tone, it was obvious that there was more of a joke.

Cuixiang was annoyed, "If it melts, it will melt. Even if it is fake, Mr. Chen will not deliberately deceive me. He must have been deceived."

When Li Man listened, she felt that Cuixiang was more innocent than her. If such a string of gold chains was bought in a regular store, naturally she would not go on a business trip, but if she bought a fake one, unless the buyer intentionally deceived her.

Mother Rong still had some trust in Li Man, so she lost interest in Cuixiang's gold chain. She clapped her hands, signaled the girls to be quiet, and said, "I called you here, not for you to chat. Get up, and listen to your little ancestor's lecture."

After finishing speaking, Rong's mother said politely to Li Man, "Little ancestor, don't be as knowledgeable as them, they are all a bunch of worthless girls."

After veiling, Li Man smiled faintly, "It's okay, I'll start after they finish talking."

"Don't." Rong's mother was afraid that Li Man would get angry, so she quickly apologized with a smile, "They, when will that talk stop? Let's start now."

"That's good." Li Man stood up, "Today I will mainly talk about makeup techniques."

After the words fell, these girls suddenly became quiet. They all understood that the reason why men came to cheer them up was entirely the result of Li Man's makeover for them yesterday. Once they are back to their original state, why don't they expect to maintain their beauty and temperament every day.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Man began to give lectures, and when he talked about what he was interested in, he took these girls as models, and taught them how to apply foundation, eyeliner, blush, eyebrows, etc. according to their face shape, skin color, hairstyle, temperament, etc. Lips.

Then, let the girls paint by themselves. Finally, she commented on them one by one, and then repaired them, so that they can see the difference and find out the advantages.

The class was lively and interesting, and the girls' make-up skills improved rapidly in a short period of time. Mother Rong couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. The other girls obviously respected Li Man a lot.

After the class was over, the sun was setting and it was about to set. Li Man made an appointment with them about the time and content of the class tomorrow, so she planned to leave.

Mother Rong wanted to keep them for dinner, and she also said that she wanted Li Man to help her see if there was anything that could be improved in Nuanxianglou at night.

But Li Man insisted on declining. What she sold was makeup technology, and what she received was this money. She couldn't control the rest, and she didn't want to.

Mother Rong sent someone to pack meals for them as usual, saying that no matter who they are, they must have enough food and wine when they come to work here, otherwise she will look down on her, then she will not be able to hang out in Xingrong Street in the future.

After talking a lot, she was afraid that if she continued talking, she would delay her return home, so Li Man had no choice but to take the food box, thanked her, and set foot on the way home with Li Mo and others.

The sun was setting and the sun was not so strong anymore, so Li Man took off her veil, and the evening mountain breeze was blowing head-on, which was very cool.

However, thinking about what happened today, Li Man couldn't help being unhappy.

Thinking of the attitudes of the twenty little girls who were about to be bought into the Nuanxiang Building, as well as Cuixiang and others... She couldn't tell.

She always feels that she is not the same person as the woman who berated the heartbroken man yesterday. She is not ashamed of the men's teasing overtures, but is proud of it, showing off everywhere.

"What are you thinking about?" Li Yan reached out and picked a small flower, and stuck it in Li Man's hair.

"What?" Li Man panicked, and hurriedly grabbed it to take a look. It was a delicate yellow flower. The lace may have withered due to the scorching sun, but it still smelled fresh.

Li Yan looked at her sideways, "What were you thinking just now?"

Li Man shook her head, "I didn't think about anything." As a human being in two lifetimes, she should understand that some people have certain things that cannot be done by humans, and she just needs to be herself.

"Look at you, you've been stuck for a while after posting." Li Hua said worriedly.

Li Mo also looked at her worriedly. When she came out of Nuanxiang Building, she kept her eyebrows frowned and said nothing, obviously something was on her mind.

"Is it because of those stinky girls? If you don't like it, we won't come tomorrow." Li Shu said while pushing the cart.

Li Man glanced at him and said with a smile, "You want us to secret the money directly? Anyway, it's hard for her to find us if she wants to?"

Li Shu smiled awkwardly, "The daughter-in-law is in charge."

"Actually, I'm a little unhappy today." Li Man's heart was warmed by the worries of the men, and she decided to open her heart, "It's not their attitude towards me, but their attitude towards themselves. Why, they are still young and have a long way to go. I don't want them to give up on themselves like this, or to die in a drunken dream. Did you see Cuixiang's yesterday? If this continues, no matter how good the makeup skills are, it won't make up for it. A broken heart."

The brothers didn't quite understand at once, they all stared at Li Man in a daze, waiting for the next sentence.

But Li Man felt that she had finished talking, and then thought about her pedagogical temperament, she really followed her parents, and hoped to see everyone make progress, work hard, be a good person, and live a good life.

It was just getting dark, and everyone just arrived home, and there were quite a few children surrounded in the yard, chattering non-stop.

Li Man got out of the car, except for Xiao Wu, Hu Zi and other children gathered around, and excitedly asked when they would have lessons, they all rested for several days, suffocated to death, and wanted to hear Teacher Man'er sing Woolen cloth.

Thinking of not teaching them for several days, Li Man also felt very guilty. Looking at the pair of eyes seeking knowledge, such a picture suddenly flashed in her mind.

In the spacious and bright classroom, there are new desks, chairs, and new books. The children happily learn from the teacher.

Li Man became excited, as if she had found a new purpose in life, "Don't worry, I will definitely let you all go to school."

"Really? When?" the children shouted excitedly.

"In a few months, let the teacher prepare for it." Li Man said, the weather is so hot recently, it is impossible to take classes outdoors, but indoors, two thatched huts, at that point, a few children will be full at once, and they will not be able to learn. well, how about...

In the evening, she should make a good plan.

Suddenly, seeing Xiao Wu standing alone outside the crowd, looking at her strangely, Li Man's heart sank, she pushed the children away, and approached Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu was dumbfounded and ran away in a hurry.

Li Man was startled, "What happened to him?"

"Teacher." At this time, Er Ya stood on tiptoe and whispered in her ear, "Let me tell you a secret, Xiao Wu and Hu Zi did something bad today."

"What's wrong?" Li Man asked.

Erya said again, "They caught a lot of caterpillars and earthworms, and while Sister Lianhua and Sister Chuni were talking, they dumped them all on their heads..."

"Ah?" Li Man's scalp went numb for a while, and goosebumps all over her body when she thought of those soft things, "How did they do this?"

Erya shook her head, "I don't know, they don't allow our girls to follow, I secretly saw it, sister Lianhua was so frightened that she cried, it seems that the village chief invited Po Wang over to dance to the god, sister Chunni said, no will spare them."

Li Man thought to herself, could this matter become a big deal again? "Is anyone from the village chief's house here?"

Er Ya shook her head, "Not yet."

"Okay, I get it." They are all uneasy children, but those caterpillars and earthworms are disgusting, but they can't hurt people after all. It's okay to scare them, but they won't cause anything wrong, right? ?

After comforting the children and coaxing them to go home, Li Man arrived at the kitchen.

Li Hua was warming up the dishes, and the others were sitting at the table to rest. Xiao Wu was leaning next to his elder brother Li Mo. When Li Man came in, he gave her a guilty look, and then lowered his head in panic.

Li Man was helpless, but she didn't reprimand Xiao Wu in front of her brothers. Little boys are sometimes naughty.

"What did you have for lunch at home?" Li Man sat next to Li Mo and stretched out her hand to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu hesitated for a while, but shrank back again.

Li Man was surprised, "What's wrong?" Xiao Wu was always close to him, why did he suddenly resist him so much? Even if he made a small mistake, he never punished him.

Xiao Wu didn't answer, as if she didn't dare to look her in the eyes, and ran outside again in a panic.

"It's getting dark, where are you going? It's time to eat." Li Mo shouted.

"Got it, I'll go back." Xiao Wu disappeared without a trace.

Li Man felt sad for a while, and asked in a daze, "What's wrong with Xiao Wu?"

"Huh?" The brothers didn't seem to understand what she said, "Isn't Xiao Wu very good?"

Don't you see it? Xiao Wu resisted her? There must be something wrong.

Li Man came out of the kitchen and decided to make it clear to the little guy, even if he really caused trouble with Huzi and the others, there are adults at home, so what is he afraid of?

Xiao Wu didn't run far away, but leaned against the corner of the courtyard entrance, looking at a loss.

"Xiao Wu." As soon as Li Man came out, she saw his small figure and hurried over.

Xiao Wu seemed to want to run, but Li Man took a quick step, grabbed his arm, and grabbed him, "Are you avoiding me? What's wrong with you? Don't you like my sister?"

Xiao Wu lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong, but refused to speak to her.

Li Man bent over and coaxed softly, "What happened? Tell my sister, okay? Or did my sister do something wrong and let you down?"

Xiao Wu bit his lip, slowly raised his head, his dark eyes were even more shining like stars in the night, he just stared at Li Man, his eyes were strange and tangled.

"What's the matter? I didn't take you with me when I went to the town these two days? How about I take you Xiaowu alone tomorrow, okay? All your brothers stay at home." Li Man squeezed out a smile and tried her best. coaxing.

However, the little guy obviously didn't buy it, and his expression remained indifferent.

Li Man didn't know what to say, so she just looked at him innocently. The two little people stared at him. After a while, Xiao Wu suddenly said, "Sister, don't let the brothers come into your room at night. OK?"

"Ah?" Li Leng didn't react for a while, "Why?"

They are husband and wife, if they don't come, can't she go to the east room?

"I don't like it." Xiao Wu's delicate brows frowned, thinking of what he saw in the middle of the night last night, his heart was in a mess.

He didn't like it, very much.

Li Man was taken aback, Xiao Wu's tone didn't look like a child's, it was so serious that she thought it was a jealous husband.

"You're angry about that?"

Xiao Wu looked away, didn't look into Li Man's eyes, just snorted coldly and nodded.

The little guy is pretty cool, but it's only childish like this. Li Man was relieved when she knew the reason, but she was helpless, "Then what should I do? If your brothers insist on coming to my room, I can't drive them away." what."

Xiao Wu suddenly looked at Li Man again, "Then sister doesn't want them to go either, does she?"

"Hmm..." Li Man thought for a while, it seemed that she was used to it, and it saved her a lot of worry when someone beat the mosquitoes with a fan in the middle of the night.

"Then I'll accompany my sister." Xiao Wu said solemnly.

Li Man sprained her foot and almost fell, "What did you say?"

Xiao Wu suddenly held Li Man's hand backhand, and said very seriously, "I said, I will accompany my sister at night."

He came to protect his sister, and prevented his brothers from bullying her.

"You?" Li Man looked at him amusedly, and suddenly wanted to twitch her hand and pinch his handsome face, which had obviously grown flesh, but found that she couldn't get it out after two twitches. At the age of ten, his hands seemed stronger than hers. Still big.

Li Man was very embarrassed and annoyed that she was useless. However, she was surprised to find that Xiao Wu had grown a lot taller in the past few months, and her hair was almost reaching her eyebrows. It's more likely than her, and thinking about it, the brothers of the Li family are all tall, and the younger five should not be short.

Immediately, she became the shortest person in the family, and she was really depressed.

What do they grow? Corn corn buns and sweet potatoes?

"Sister, it's settled." Seeing her foolishly shaking her head and giggling, Xiao Wu solemnly reminded her.

"What?" What's settled? Can he settle down?

Xiao Wu had already grabbed her hand and led her to the kitchen.

Li Mo also just arrived at the door, and wanted to call the two of them into the house for dinner.

"Brother." Xiao Wu entered the room, but he still hadn't let go of Li Man's hand.

Li Yan stared blankly for a while, Li Man moved his little hand that was still tightly held by him, and whispered, "Xiao Wu, let go, let's eat."

Xiao Wu acted as if she didn't hear what she said, and said to the brothers, "Big brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother, listen carefully, from today onwards, I will sleep with my sister at night."

Pfft——Li Shugang took a sip of the soup greedily, and was startled by his words, just after taking a mouthful of soup, he spit it all out again.

Unfortunately, Li Yan on the opposite side, his handsome face was full of the smell of chicken soup. Fortunately, he didn't care about it, and calmly wiped it with his sleeve, and then stared at Xiao Wu with a half-smile, "How old are you? Are you still talking to me?" Sister is sleeping, are you ashamed?"

"Second brother is older than me, why do you want to sleep with sister?" Xiao Wu retorted.

"..." Li Man was dumbfounded, looked at Xiao Wu's serious expression, and became puzzled, "Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you?" The little guy has always been very docile, today not only resisted her, He also seemed dissatisfied with his brothers.

Xiao Wu grabbed her hand and sat on the stool with her, "Anyway, I don't care, I will sleep with my sister tonight."

"No, what evil did you commit, kid?" Li Shu really wanted to kick him, since the brothers were not enough, why did he come to make trouble? owed a beating.

Xiao Wu stared at Li Shu, "I want it."

"Okay, okay, if Xiao Wu wants to follow Man'er, let him do it." Li Mo didn't know what happened to Xiao Wu, but he only thought that Xiao Wu was a child, so he just coaxed him, maybe, on his own It is inevitable that Xiao lacks maternal love and is close to Man'er.

Li Shu's eyes widened, "Then why..."

"Okay." Li Yan winked at him. He didn't take Xiao Wu's words seriously at all. Originally, the little guy went to bed early at night. Even if he wanted to be with Li Man, he would take him away when he fell asleep. That's it.

But who would have thought that this night, after taking a shower, Xiao Wu followed to Li Man's room, and Li Mo and the others stared straight at him dumbfounded.

Okay, this kid is ruthless, so let's wait for him to fall asleep.

What's depressing is that Xiao Wu didn't know what kind of evil this time, and Li Man was pulling Li Man to recite poems or talk. They waited at the door until midnight, and they heard voices talking inside. Kick the door in and take Xiao Wu away.


Thank you liubear, Guo Dagu, 13860609693, Xiaohuazhubao Xiaohuazhubao, lbqing, sallycoolhou, angel love rumors, Li Zhi, Yu Haiyan 123, 15241306704, Yi Renzhang, Yi Renzhang, bingjiefhf, Nalan 21, Poppy 7777, Song Yufei, 983) 8766, 177867133, I am your cheapskate, waxy lips, etc. The flower monthly ticket purse from your relatives, okay\\(o)~

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