Fortunate Wife

Chapter 155 Anti-people (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

"What precious thing, can't we let us see it?" Li Yan squinted and smiled at her.

Li Shu also became more and more curious, "Daughter-in-law, let your fourth brother watch it, and let us feast our eyes."

"I'll show you when it's done." With her hands behind her back, Li Man quickly folded the drawing paper and stuffed it in the armhole, for fear of being robbed.

Li Shu was a little disappointed, Li Man smiled and said, "Really, when it's ready, I'll show you how to wear it. Now, I'll go to heat up the meal, and you can wash your hands and come over to eat later."

With that said, Li Man turned around and ran towards the kitchen.

Li Yan and Li Shu immediately surrounded Li Hua, "Tell me, what did my wife draw that is so mysterious?"

"This..." Li Hua thought for a while, but in fact, he didn't see it too much, and said vaguely, "Maybe it's the style of the clothes? But it's the first time I've seen it."

"Clothes style?" The two of them didn't have much interest in it. The job of making clothes was just left to the fourth brother. They would wear whatever he made, and they didn't choose anything.

Not long after, Li Man heated up the food and called them to eat at the kitchen door. The brothers came out of the east room, fetched water from the well, washed their hands, and went to the kitchen clean to eat.

After eating dinner and taking a bath, Li Man went back to the house, sat on the kang, and gestured on her body with a piece of apricot material.

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and put on the newly bought cloth shoes today. He ran over excitedly, walked to the bed, and showed her his feet, "Look, it fits so well. so comfortable."

"Well, let me see." Li Man also became interested, put the fabric aside, lay down on the edge of the kang, and looked at his shoes.

Hey, Li Shu's feet are really big. Putting them next to her shoes would at least double their size.

"Daughter-in-law, does it look good?" Seeing his daughter-in-law looking carefully, Li Shu walked around the room twice in awe.

Li Man smiled, "Looks good, I have to wear shoes every day from now on, you know?"

"Yeah." Li Shu nodded, raising the curtain and sitting on the edge of the kang, taking off his shoes.

Li Man hastily moved in and watched him take off his shoes, picked them up again worriedly, gently patted off the dust on them, and smiled, "You're just wearing it, there's so much dust, come on." Put it down and come in, the mosquitoes should come in soon."

Li Shu smiled, and carefully put the shoes under the edge of the kang, and then got on the kang. As soon as he came up, he heard an ouch, and immediately wanted to go down again.

"What are you doing?" Mosquitoes should take the opportunity to get in.

"Blow the lamp." Li Shu turned his head and smiled.

Li Man hurriedly said, "I'm not sleepy yet." She also wanted to draw a few more drawings, and asked Li Hua to choose a simple one to do.

"Hee hee." Li Shu bent his lips and smiled, still wanting to get off the kang.

Li Man held him back, "No need to go down, I have a solution."

She immediately picked up the cattail fan, and slapped the oil lamp fiercely through the curtain. A gust of wind passed by, the light jumped twice and went out.

The room was pitch black, Li Man smiled, "How is it?"

"Daughter-in-law is smart." In the darkness, Li Shu's eyes were bright, and he reached out to pull Li Man into his arms.

"Wait, I'm not sleepy." Li Man yelled hurriedly, while fumbling for the fabric on the side to cover Li Shu's head.

Li Shu talked nonsense, and finally tore off all the cloth covering her and threw it on the top of the kang, "Daughter-in-law, we have been tired all day, and we should rest early."

Pfft~~ It's a break again, why every time she hears his words, she has to break her power.


At dawn the next day, the family woke up early, Li Man saw that Li Mo was still wearing the same pair of straw sandals, and couldn't help but frowned, "Where are the shoes you bought yesterday?"

Li Mo was chopping wood with an ax in his hand, when he heard the question, he hurriedly said, "This work is easy to get dirty."

"Then you work every day and don't wear them every day?" Li Man entered the room after talking, saw Xiao Wu Gulu's wide-eyed eyes, and asked, "Where are your elder brother's shoes?"

Xiao Wu instinctively pointed to the big cabinet, where all the brothers' new clothes and shoes were stored.

Li Man opened the big cabinet and looked at several pairs of similar shoes. After thinking about it, Li Mo had wide feet, so this pair should be the right one.

She picked out a pair of cloth shoes with blue-gray uppers and took them out.

Li Mo was still chopping firewood, and when he saw her bring the shoes, he was slightly taken aback, "I'll change it as soon as I finish chopping it."

"Change it now." I can't see him wearing straw sandals anymore. Look at the insteps of his feet, they are all stabbed with scars. Really, even if this person is blessed, he doesn't know it. Li Man looked angry and distressed. Throwing the new shoes into his arms, he couldn't help but said, "When you buy new shoes and put them in the closet, can you make shoes or earn money? If you don't wear them and buy them back, it's a waste, you know? Besides, people are more important than others. Shoes are important? Look at your feet? These straw sandals are not strong, and if you get pricked by these wooden thorns, which one will cost you more money?"

Li Mo was robbed by her for a while, lowered his head, and smiled innocently, "I'll just wear it."

"Wear it every day from now on. Wear it now." Li Man felt that if she didn't show off her power, he wouldn't know how powerful she was. The straw sandals on his feet were almost broken, and the straw straps seemed to be woven later. Stupid man, he Who is suffering?

"I, I'll get some water to wash my feet." It's not that Li Mo is reluctant to wear such clean and beautiful shoes, but he can't bear to wear them. He is used to roughness, and he dare not even go to the ground after wearing such good shoes.

Li Man didn't stop him this time, it's a good habit to wash his feet before putting on his shoes.

However, during this process, Li Man has been watching from the sidelines. After he finished washing his feet, she handed him a foot cloth and watched him carefully put on his shoes.

"How is it? Does it still fit? There are several pairs in the closet, and I don't know which pair is yours." Li Man supported his arm, seeing him sitting still, said amusedly, "You mean get up and go Let’s have a look, if it doesn’t fit, go back to the house and change it.”

Li Mo looked embarrassed, looked at the dust on the ground, and frowned. Then, he picked up the straw sandals and put them on the bottom, and stepped on them while wearing cloth shoes, and said with a smile, "It fits well."

"Really? Let me see." Li Man squatted down, pressed his hand on the front of his shoe, and it felt okay, she got up and smiled, "Okay, then wear it like this."

However, when Li Mo stepped on the straw sandals, he didn't know how to move. He hadn't worn such soft cloth shoes for many years. Even in the cold weather, they were just straw sandals.

Li Man was about to go back to the kitchen to see how Li Hua was doing for breakfast, and by the way, discussed a clothing issue with him, but seeing Li Mo standing like a wooden pile, she couldn't help but push him, "I won't have shoes to forget How can I walk? Then I will be at a loss."

Li Mo smiled, "The ground is dirty."

"How dirty it can be. I sweep it every day. You can't let me clean up all the dust, can you? Why don't you just walk on the kang with your shoes on every day." Li Man teased with a smile.

Li Mo was a little embarrassed by what she said, but it was a pity that such good shoes got dirty on the ground.

"Let's go." Li Man motioned suddenly.

"Why?" Li Mo had to get off the straw sandals and stepped on the ground.

Do you love your shoes so much? Li Man secretly smiled, bent down to pick up the straw sandals on the ground, and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

Li Mo chased after two steps, and was afraid that the shoes would break, so he hurriedly stopped, and only shouted, "Why are you going?"

"Throw straw sandals." Li Man threw him three extremely simple words.

"Throw it, huh? Man'er." Li Mo hurriedly chased after it, and if he was working in the fields, he would still be able to wear it.

But when Li Man reached the gate of the courtyard, she threw the straw sandals into the gutter mercilessly.

Li Mo felt it was a pity, "Man'er, you can still wear it."

"But it's not comfortable to wear." Li Man stared into his eyes and said seriously, "Brother, I know our family's conditions are not good, but it won't be like this forever. Haven't we earned money now?"

"But that's—" Speaking of this, Li Mo's heart felt a little bit pimples, the money in the family was earned by Man'er, and he couldn't do such a thing like letting a woman earn money, and they followed behind.

"Heh. Machismo." After all, she is someone who has been here, and Li Man still understands the thoughts of men. She walked over, wrapped her arms around Li Mo, looked up at him, and said angrily, "Then you say, you and What does it matter to me?"

"Man'er." Seeing her coquettish look, Li Mo blushed.

"Say it." Li Man shook his arm resolutely.

Li Mo stammered, looked around, "Man'er, let's go home and talk about it." There is a road at the gate of this courtyard, if someone passes by, it would be embarrassing to see it.

"I want you to tell me." It's a woman's nature to act coquettishly, especially when dealing with such a single-minded barbarian, she must explain him clearly at once, otherwise there will be troubles in the future.

Li Mojun's face flushed with embarrassment, "You are my wife."

"Then who are you to me?" Li Man asked again.

"Mister." Li Mo replied in a low voice, afraid of being overheard.

Li Man raised her lips and smiled, "Then are we a family?"

"Yes," of course, Li Mo nodded his head.

"You still talk about two different families." Li Man seemed to be annoyed and lightly pinched his arm, "Yes, I earned the money, but without you, would I be able to earn it? Don't talk about it." Where is Xianglou? I can’t even get out of this town. Besides, without you, can I have such confidence? Let me tell you, I’m very timid. I dare not speak to anyone.”

is that so? Seeing her clever mouth, Li Mo couldn't believe it. Without them, she wouldn't dare to talk to others.

"Also, is it wrong for me to earn money? Don't you think the conditions at home should be improved? You are my husband-in-law and my man, and you want to stay with me for the rest of your life, but if you don't cherish yourself like this, if you get sick Injured, disabled, tell me, what should I do?" Li Man's tone changed as she spoke, and water mist filled her big, clear eyes, making it even more painful.

"Do you know how scared I was when you were injured while hunting last time? You said, how sad would I be if you never woke up again? Or are you afraid that this kind of thing is not enough, and want to scare me a few more times? I But let me tell you, if anything happens to you in the future, I won't care about you, I will do what I say."

She was furious. Seeing that her tears were bursting out, Li Mo was very distressed, and while wiping her tears, he coaxed, "I was wrong, it's all my fault."

In fact, how can the daughter-in-law go so far? He was confused by what he heard, but the daughter-in-law must have been afraid of what happened last time, and now he thinks about it now, he is also afraid, if he can never open his eyes to see her again, it would be a terrible thing.

"You still know it's wrong?" Li Man let his rough palm wipe her tears, complaining while choking.

"It's really wrong." Li Mo slowly came to realize that his daughter-in-law wanted him to cherish himself. When he got well, she would be fine with everything. If he was not good, how would she live as a woman? Although she has younger brothers, she doesn't have the peace of mind to take care of her by her side.

Li Man looked at his sincere eyes, sniffed, and still stared at him tearfully, "Then, I will buy you clothes and shoes in the future, and wear them as you need."

"En." Li Mo nodded, and wiped another teardrop with his rough fingertips. In other words, the daughter-in-law is really made of water, and the tears fall as soon as they are said. The big ones make him feel distressed.

"Eat what you want." Li Man took the opportunity to say.


"In the future, I will build a big house, buy new furniture, and I will replace all the bedding and sheets. You can't say that it costs too much."

Did he say it cost too much? "It's all up to you."

"Then——I want to open a shop." When the heat came, Li Man leaned into his arms and looked at him eagerly.

"Okay...wait, open a shop?" Li Mo was stunned, this is not a trivial matter, besides, after opening a shop, you have to watch in the shop every day, is the daughter-in-law herself? How can that work?

Seeing the change in his face, Li Man knew that he definitely didn't want to agree, so she immediately wrinkled her face and said dissatisfiedly, "You said yes just now, don't go back on your word."


"Whatever you say is up to me."

"The shop can be opened."

"I'm going to open it. I want to earn a lot of money. In the future, I want to build a school and find a wife for the children in the village. Besides, even if it's not for ourselves, we have to work hard to make money for our future children. Isn't it?"

"..." For the future child, Li Mo's heart suddenly moved, yes, how could his child live the life of their brothers again in the future? No, absolutely not.

"Brother." Li Man said again, "I know what you are worried about. I am a woman who is out in public. You are afraid. Of course, I have thought about it. Actually, I don't need it. Li Yan will be the shopkeeper. .”

"Second brother?" Li Mo's eyes flashed, and then he smiled, "He is quite capable."

"Really, you think so too?" Li Man laughed.

Li Mo felt relieved that there was no need for Man'er to go out in person, "Okay, then you can figure it out, but this shop—"

"Let's take a look on the street these few days." Li Man said.

Li Mo looked at her first, "Have you already planned this?"

"Yeah." Li Man didn't deny that Nuanxianglou was the first pot of gold, and of course he would have his own storefront in the future, so that he could make money steadily and for a long time.

"Brother, Man'er, it's time to eat." At this moment, Li Hua stood under the eaves and called to them.

Li Mo's face became embarrassed again, Man'er hugged his arm, leaning half of her body in his arms, such an intimate posture, in front of his younger brother...he felt sweet and embarrassed at the same time.

"Let's go, let's eat." Li Man didn't realize that there was something wrong. She lived too serious and ordinary in her previous life. In this life, she seems to have found the feeling of being a woman. She can act like a baby in front of her man and enjoy being surrounded by their bottomless love *drunk, hehe...

Just like that, Li Mo let her hold his arm in a loving manner, and walked back in line with her rhythm.

Once in the kitchen, Li Man immediately let go of him and went to pick up the eggs that Li Hua handed over.

Li Mo's arms were empty, and he was also lost. However, he was soon attracted by the gorgeous smile on Li Man's face.

It turned out that the boiled egg that Li Hua gave her was laid by a little yellow chicken at home. It is said that the nest was opened yesterday, and Xiao Wu kept watch for a long time. egg.

The two eggs were not big, like pigeon eggs, but the chickens I raised laid eggs, which was enough to make Li Man feel nervous.

"Look, you didn't want me to buy it at the beginning." Li Man smiled and looked at Li Hua, while slowly peeling the egg shells. It is said that the eggs that have just opened their nests are very nutritious. There are two in total. Li Hua boiled them in plain water. She and Xiao Wu are alone.

Li Hua just laughed, and said, "For the past few days, thanks to Xiaowu who was at home to take care of them, he caught the two hens running around, and then used straw to make a nest over the firewood pile."

"Xiao Wu is really capable." Li Man instinctively rubbed Xiao Wu's hair with her hands*, but Xiao Wu froze, blushed, and ran outside with the egg.

Li Man was taken aback, the little guy still rejected her like this, it seems that he needs to find a day to have a good chat with him.

Li Hua also didn't expect Xiao Wu's reaction. In the past few days, he saw that Xiao Wu wanted to get close to Li Man, but was afraid of not being able to dare, so he wanted to find something to talk to them more, so that they could return to the way they were before. status, who knows Xiao Wu...

Hey, unexpectedly, Xiao Wu seems to have grown up again in a matter of seconds.

"It's okay, that little thing, it will be fine in a few days." Li Yan saw the disappointment flashing in Li Man's eyes, and gently patted her on the shoulder to comfort her.

Li Man squeezed out a smile, took a bite of the egg, and smiled again, "It's really delicious."

Li Yan also smiled.

The whole family had a good breakfast around the table. Li Man took all the clothes she changed last night to the well and washed them. The water pressed out of the well was not as convenient as washing in the pond. Fortunately, everyone's The clothes are not dirty, at most they just sweat a little more, rub them more, wash them in clean water several times, and they will be clean.

After washing the clothes, it was still early, but after Li Mo and Li Shu had breakfast, they went into the mountains to cut bamboo, saying that it was getting hotter and hotter, and they wanted to weave bamboo mats for her as soon as possible.

Li Man was very happy. After drying the clothes, she went to the east room to see that Xiao Wu was sitting on a small stool by the window reading a book, Li Hua was cutting clothes, and several pieces of cut materials were placed on the kang.

"You are amazing." Li Man rubbed her hands, picked up a cut front piece, and said with a smile.

Li Hua smiled shyly, "Practice makes perfect." Putting down the scissors, he asked, "Are you going to town today?"

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, "As for the class, I still have to continue. Besides, I still want to find a shop today."

"Shop?" Li Hua was puzzled.

Li Man smiled confidently at him, "Yes, we are going to open our own shop, haha."


"Don't stop me, the eldest brother agrees." Li Man hurriedly said, "Why don't you make the clothes later, they are not at home, you can accompany me to the town."

At this moment, Xiao Wu turned his head and glanced at Li Man.

Li Man smiled at his naturally curved lips, the little guy was taken aback, quickly looked away, leaned his head, and began to read a book in a serious manner.

Li Man frowned, the little guy has a deep prejudice against her? It's all because of Li Yan's bad embryo.

Li Hua nodded and said yes, while sorting out the cut materials one by one, and put them together in the big cabinet.

"Xiao Wu, I'll go to the town with Man'er, and you can tell Big Brother and them later." Before leaving, Li Hua told Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu hesitated for a moment, then pushed him out the door, "Fourth Brother, you are alone...Big Brother will definitely be worried if he finds out." Why don't you take him with you?

"It's okay." Li Hua smiled, "We'll be back before dinner."

Just as he was talking, Li Yan came in from the gate of the courtyard with a hoe and a bucket. After breakfast, he was fine, so he went to the field to have a look, weeded the corn and sweet potatoes, and poured some water, thinking about what Li Man should wash. Good clothes, this will be right back.

"Going to town? Wait for me for a while." Li Yan quickly put down his things, washed his hands, and then pushed out the small cart in the corner.

It was not easy to walk down the mountain road twice, not to mention it was such a hot day, Li Man would definitely not be able to do it, so Li Yan pushed the small cart out and said, "Come up."

"No need, I'll walk for a while." Being pushed around by people every day, and seeing them sweating profusely from exhaustion, she felt very sorry.

Li Yan looked at her and smiled, "Okay, let's save some energy for other things."

Li Man blushed, his words made people think too easily.

"I'm talking about giving lessons to those women. It's tiring to stand for an hour or two." Li Yan looked at her and added.

Li Man bit her lip lightly, sure enough, he knew what she was thinking, or did he just think that way?

"Come on." Li Yan waited.

Li Man slowly got into the car, Li Yan pushed it away, and Li Hua followed.

Looking at the backs of the three of them, Xiao Wu was leaning against the eaves, his eyes staring blankly.

He also noticed the interaction between the second brother and his sister just now.

The elder sister didn't hate the second brother, on the contrary, when she talked to the second brother, there was a touching affection in her eyes, it was joy and joy...

Maybe, as the second brother said, my sister likes to be bullied by him.

And why did he feel so uncomfortable after learning the truth?


Along the way, Li Yan and Li Hua took turns to change carts. Li Man looked at them both without hats, just letting the poisonous sun bask in them, especially Li Hua, whose fair and elegant face looked different. After a while, I was flushed from the sun, and a thin layer of sweat broke out.

Li Man was very distressed, and would straighten up from time to time, wiping his sweat with the clean towel she carried with her.

"No, you sit down." Li Hua smiled with crooked eyes. Although he didn't do heavy work as often as his brothers, it was nothing to him to sweat a little while walking.

"Wipe, sweat is dripping into your eyes." Li Man said holding up a towel.

Li Hua bent down and lowered his head to wipe for her while pushing the cart.

After wiping, Li Man sat down again. Just as she put away the towel, she felt a piercing gaze enveloping her. She instinctively looked up at Li Yan.

Li Yan walked on the left side of the cart with his hands behind his back, walking with a blank expression on his face.

She thought too much.


Just as she was about to lower her head and squint for a while, she felt that gaze followed her again. When she raised her head and squinted, she saw Li Yan squinting at him, and seeing her looking at herself, then she straightened her expression again, seemingly inadvertently. He brushed the strands of hair from his sideburns with his hands, and then stroked his sleeves, as if he wanted to wipe off his sweat.

"Oh, this is for you." Li Man hurriedly handed him the towel, which she brought with her just to wipe off her sweat.

Li Yan squinted at her, "Not so delicate."

Li Man was stunned for a moment, seeing that his face was dark and he walked quickly to the front, she couldn't help but mumbled, "If you don't need it, then you don't need it."

Li Hua smiled knowingly, he never thought that the second brother would be so childish.

"Second brother, push it, my hands are sore." He suddenly shouted at Li Yan.

"Oh." Li Yan stopped, stood where he was and waited for Li Hua's cart to be pushed over, and then took the handle, "Are you tired? Drink your saliva first, and I'll take care of the rest of the way."

"Oh." Li Hua took the water bottle, looked up to drink the water, and deliberately slowed down for a while, letting Li Yan push the cart away first.

Li Man held the veil over her head with her hands to block the sun. She didn't care about his brothers changing shifts, and just squinted her eyes for a nap.

Unexpectedly, just squinting for a while, suddenly, the car swayed violently, she lost her balance and fell on the car.

"Are you all right?" Li Yan grabbed her and quickly stabilized the car, "I tripped over a rock."

Li Man waved her hand, "I'm fine, why don't I come down and walk, this mountain road is not easy to push."

"Sit down, it's so hot, you'll sweat all over again if you walk." Li Yan looked at her as he spoke.

Li Man blinked her eyes twice, "Is there something on my face?" Why is he staring at himself like this?

"Do you think there is something in my eye? It's very uncomfortable." Li Yan lowered his head and squinted his eyes for her to see.

Li Manguo really looked carefully, his eyes were very clear and clean, like black jade, "No."

"Maybe the sweat dripped in, it's uncomfortable." Li Yan wiped the sweat from his forehead casually.

"..." The mind went blank for a few seconds, and then Li Man took out the towel in a daze, "Do you want this?"

"Oh..." Li Yan didn't speak, just lowered his head, the meaning was obvious, wipe it for him.

Li Man only thought it was inconvenient for him to hold on to the handlebars with both hands, so she helped him wipe the sweat off his face extra graciously, and then asked him to tilt his neck to wipe the sweat off his neck too.

In this way, Li Yan was satisfied, and the handsome face that was dark before was instantly illuminated by the sun, dazzling people's eyes with brilliance.

Li Hua watched from the side, shaking his head helplessly, the three older brothers and one younger brother in the family seemed to have been poisoned by Man'er, but after thinking about it, he might as well have been.

Arriving at Nuanxiang Building, after class, Li Man asked Li Yan and Li Hua to accompany her to find a shop. It was not easy to find a shop this day, and she also wanted to find a place with a good location, people, and traffic. It was even more difficult. Therefore, after some searching, there was no one he liked.

After being tired for a long time, everyone was a little tired, so they found a shady corner of the room, and they leaned against the corner to discuss.

Li Man thought for a while, and then suggested, "Why don't we ask if we can share the rent with someone?"

"Shared renting?" They had never thought about this, and they were not acquaintances, so how could others share renting with them? They can't trust others either.

"Let's go, go and ask." Li Man came up excitedly, but she didn't feel tired. She pulled Li Yan with one hand and Li Hua with the other, and then went to the street again.

She originally wanted to rent a shop on Xingrong Street, that's how business is done, she would rather pay a high price for a prosperous head than a cheap place with no one around.

However, Xingrong Street is prosperous after all, and it is about the same as every inch of land in modern times. If you want to rent a shop here, you probably have something to do with it besides money. Go to the street where garlic was sold before.

There are fewer shops here, and the number of people and traffic flow is also poorer. In the middle of the afternoon, Xingrong Street was already crowded with people, but this side was as quiet as if they hadn't woken up yet.

Li Man was really discouraged. If she did it here, she would save a lot of money, but the time and effort would definitely be doubled.

The three of them were walking listlessly on the street when suddenly, two women came out of a grocery store.

Everyone passed by, the two women looked at each other, turned around suddenly, and called them back, "May I ask if the girl in front is Miss Li Manli?"

Li Man was quite surprised to be recognized by people wearing a veil on the street.

At the same time, Li Yan and Li Hua stared at the two women warily, "Who are you?"

"Heh." One of them laughed, and said as he walked over, "It's really Miss Li, don't you remember me? I went to your house with Sister Zhang last time, and our old lady asked me to go. .”

"Oh, you?" Li Man suddenly realized, "It's you? Haha, what a coincidence."

"That's right." Another woman also asked with a smile, "Why is the girl free to come to town today?"

Li Man hesitated, "Do something."

"Well, if our old lady knows that the girl is coming, she will definitely invite the girl to our house for a while. If you didn't invite you last time, the old lady can give us a good lesson, saying that we must have neglected Girl, that's why the girl didn't go with us." The woman sighed.

no? She and the old lady just met once. Li Man felt that the two women were exaggerating, but since they said so, she also politely said, "Thank you, old lady, for thinking about it. I can't bear it anymore." .”

"If you want to say that, yes, our old lady is a good person, or girl, after you finish your work, come with us to meet the old lady. She is troubled these days. If she sees you, she will definitely be happy "The two women said suddenly.

Li Yan frowned at the two women, while Li Hua whispered in his ear what happened last time.

Li Yan heard the general idea, but he never thought that there would be such a good thing in the world. Even if the girl is beautiful, intelligent, well-behaved, and the old lady wants her to go, at most she needs someone to relieve her boredom and amuse herself, and she can still be sincere. Li Man is the granddaughter? nonsense.

"Two aunts." Li Yan said with a slight smile, "It's getting late, we have something urgent to do, so let's go first."

Saying that, she took Li Man's hand and was about to leave. She could really chat with people who wanted to kidnap her like this.

"Hey." Before the two women finished speaking, they saw Li Yan and Li Hua dragging Li Man away.

"You two? You haven't finished talking yet." It's too impolite.

"I've finished my words. We have urgent matters. They should know if they are sensible." Li Yan said.

Li Man glared at him, "Okay, there is something urgent, let's go, let's do it."

"Damn girl, you can talk to anyone, and you're not afraid of being a kidnapper." Hearing her casual tone, Li Yan pulled off her ponytail angrily.

Li Man groaned, and reached out to thump him, "Why are there so many kidnappers? Besides, how old am I?"

"How old is it? You just sell." Li Yan stared at her worriedly.

Didn't she say she was a good age? What she said was that at her age, she already had the heart to guard against others, and she would not foolishly follow the kidnapper.

"I can't explain it to you." Every time she talked to him, she felt that she couldn't explain why.

She walked ahead angrily, and Li Hua chased after her, tugging at her sleeve, "Man'er, don't be angry, actually, what Second Brother said is right, this world is more complicated than you think."

"Oh?" Li Man didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Speaking of which, he had lived in the modern age for thirty years and had experienced a lot. Did these two brats in front of him teach him that the world is complicated?

"Then tell me, why is it so complicated?" She deliberately made things difficult for Li Hua, but she also asked Li Yan.

Li Hua's expression froze, and then he smiled again, "You don't need to know about this." Anyway, when she goes out at home, they are accompanied by their brothers. Besides, he doesn't want her to know too much about the complicated and changeable world. He likes her who is gentle, willful, and clean. He doesn't want her to touch any bad things in the world.

However, looking at Li Man's sly eyes, Li Yan had already guessed her careful thoughts, walked over, and said with a gloomy face, "What's so complicated? Do you want to hear it? Let me tell you, it's on this street, three years Before, several girls who were about your age were abducted."

"Huh?" Is there really a kidnapper? He lied, right? How could he be abducted when he was so big?

Li Hua's complexion also changed. Li Yan's words were really not alarmist. So far, those girls have not been found. As for their whereabouts and fate, there are different opinions. There are all kinds of things. He also lived directly at my sister-in-law's house, fearing that my sister-in-law would also be murdered.

"Then, what happened later?" Why did Li Man feel as if she was listening to heavenly scriptures? It's clear that there are girls who have been abducted, and there are more than one?

Li Yan shrugged, "Who knows, some said it was sold, and some said..."

He didn't dare to say the latter words, for fear of frightening her.

Because there was once such a very sexy man in Shennvgou, who liked women but didn't like living...

Li Man also guessed that the latter must not be a good word. Since ancient times, being abducted by someone is nothing more than selling to death, "But there are people on this street, how can they repeat——"

"That's why, don't talk to just anyone, who knows what the other party thinks of you." Li Yan taught.

It fell on her head again, Li Man was very helpless, "I know them."

"You just believe what they say? What kind of old lady, she said she wanted you to be a granddaughter, pave the way for you, if she had no intention of treating you, why did she treat you so well?" Li Yan really wanted to knock her head open to see , She didn't understand such a simple truth.

Li Hua tugged at Li Yan's sleeve, Second Brother, don't speak so heavily, okay? Man'er must have seen them around, so she chatted with them a few more times.

Li Man pouted, not wanting to argue with him, "Okay, I won't tell anyone next time."

"Yeah." Li Yan snorted, not sure if she listened or not, hey, it's really worrying, just like her, they have to keep their eyes open every day, otherwise they won't know if they are sold out.


\u003ch1969, zhanhxh, Huakaiyuelv, Nuannuan 0769, monthly ticket flowers and diamonds from relatives, \\(o)~

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