Fortunate Wife

Chapter 178 Make things difficult

"Sit here, I'll teach you, play a few more rounds with grandma, it's time for dinner." Seeing that she was silent, Zhang Jing said again, and was about to get up, wanting to give up the seat to Li Man, but he ordered The man moved the chair over again, intending to sit beside her, just like she was sitting beside the old lady now.

Li Man suddenly felt something was wrong, and waved her hands, "No, no, it's getting late, my husband is still waiting for me."

Then, he immediately turned his head and said to the old lady, "Grandma, I am here today to deliver the goods, and Li Yan and the others are still checking the goods in the warehouse. , going back late, the mountain road is not easy to walk.”

"Oh." Just as the old lady was about to nod, Zhang Jing said, "What are you afraid of? Just stay when it's late. There are not many vacant rooms in our house."

The old lady also nodded, "Yes—"

"Grandma, my family doesn't know that we will stay here overnight. If they don't go back late, they will be worried. Maybe they may come out to look for us at night." Li Man said.

"That's it..." The old lady felt very sorry, but Zhang Jing smiled, "Your family is really good, but with your two husbands by your side, do you still need to worry?"

"..." Li Man was unhappy when he heard the sarcasm in his words, "No matter how many people are with you, when you go out, the family members always have worry and concern, otherwise, how can you call it Family? We went out to handle errands, and when we finished, we naturally had to go home in time, so as not to worry our family members.”

The old lady laughed when she heard the words, and looked at Zhang Jingdao, "You heard me, it's better to be a girl, you, keep it in your heart, don't forget to go home as soon as you go out, because my old lady is old and still wants to go home every day." Worrying about you."

"How did this come to me? Grandma, don't you like Miss Man'er? I still want to help you keep her." Zhang Jing looked at the old lady complaining.

The old lady shot him a look, "I said you, of course I hope you can learn more from Man girl, look, she seems to be younger than you, and more sensible than you. I see, people are still You have to get married early, so you can be sensible, Jinger, when do you think your marriage will be settled for me? I said I want to help you figure it out, but you have to make up your own mind, let you make up your mind, this has been delayed for several years , My old lady doesn’t even know if she can wait until the moment when she hugs her great-grandson—”

"Grandma, this is talking about Miss Man'er's overnight stay. Don't talk about it too far. You won't be able to hold your great-grandson if you talk about it any longer. Miss Man'er is also leaving in a hurry." Zhang Jing looked at Li Man, Seeing her trying to speak a few times, but being scolded by the old lady like a cannonball, she smiled and said with an anxious look that she couldn't get in a word.

"Oh." The old lady hurriedly looked at Li Man.

Li Man smiled slightly, "Grandma, it's getting late, I should go back." As for the fact that she wants to hug her great-grandson, it has nothing to do with her.

"Oh, that's fine, I'll send you off." The old lady was about to get up as she said that, as if she wanted to see her out in person.

Zhang Jing got up already, "Grandma, I just want to go out, let her sit in my car."

"No, we brought it." Li Man said.

Zhang Jing was suspicious, "Miss Man'er also has her own carriage?"

"It's not a carriage, it's a cart made by my husband--"

Before she finished speaking, Zhang Jing chuckled, "Oh, dare you treat your husband like a mule?"

This man... Li Man was very speechless to him, "Master Jing was joking." Then, she didn't look at him again, but said goodbye to the old lady, "Grandma, I'm going back first, and I'll come to see you another day. "

"Boss Zhang, send Man girl." The old lady ordered.


Steward Zhang and Li Man came out together, and when they walked out of the courtyard to a small corridor door, Zhang Jing unexpectedly chased after him, "Housekeeper Zhang, the old lady is calling you."

"Ah? Didn't you want me to see Miss Li?" Manager Zhang was very puzzled, so he went out and called her again?

Zhang Jing smiled, "I don't know either, maybe I want to tell you something, you go first, Miss Man'er, I'll just send it to you."

"No—" Li Man just wanted to say no, Zhang Jing made a gesture of please, "Are you going to the warehouse? This way please."

Manager Zhang also hurriedly said, "Miss Li, the old lady called me, I have to go there, since the young master will see you off personally, I am relieved."

After saying that, she hurriedly turned around and left, even after Li Man yelled twice, she didn't stop.

Li Man gritted her teeth depressingly, she could see that Zhang Guanshi ran away in a hurry because of Zhang Jing, maybe...

"The old lady didn't tell Mrs. Zhang to go back, did she?"

"Oh? You're smart." At this moment, there were only two people in the corridor, and Zhang Jing also lost his original smile, and his expression became a little unfathomable. Li Man was very uncomfortable with those prickly eyes.

"What are you trying to do? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhang Jing rolled up his cuffs and didn't look at her, "You're so smart, why don't you guess what I want to do?"

"You?" Li Man looked at him strangely, "Could it be that you think grandma is too kind to me and you're jealous?"

After all, he is the serious grandson of the old lady, and he is used to enjoying the love of the old lady all to himself. When she came, he attracted a lot of attention from the old lady. The family is here, and if her parents treat her well, she will feel sad too.

Zhang Jing raised his eyebrows and looked at her amusedly, "You think so?"

"Otherwise? Didn't you deliberately send Aunt Zhang away to warn me not to get close to the old lady?" Li Man thought she was right.

Zhang Jing laughed a few times as if he had heard a joke, then suddenly lowered his head and approached her face, "What if I say, I've taken a fancy to you?"

Li Man was taken aback, "What did you say?"

"I said I fell in love with you." Zhang Jing repeated with two fingers gently lifting her chin, meeting her blank eyes, with a haughty expression.

Li Man understood this time, and slapped his hand away, glaring at him sullenly, "What's none of my business?" It's not that she fell in love with him...

Zhang Jing's expression cracked for a moment, and then he recovered as before, and sneered, "Shouldn't you be glad that you are my favorite? Don't try your best to get close to the old lady—”

"You?" Li Man stared at this young man with cold and gloomy eyes in astonishment. She didn't understand how he could have such thoughts at such a young age. She was suffocated.

"Why, was I right?" Zhang Jing sneered and stared at her with lowered eyes, "You don't have to pretend anymore, how about this, I'll give you three days to go back and deal with your men, and Li Ye Okay, it’s okay to be divorced, in short, I want you to absolutely sever ties with them in the future.”

"Are you crazy?" Why do you want her to do this if you're not crazy?

"What?" Zhang Jing was obviously immersed in his own emotions, did not hear her words clearly, and said to himself, "If what you do satisfies me, there will definitely be a place for you in my Zhang family from now on—"

Why should she please him? Does he have a half-dime relationship with her? If it wasn't because he was the grandson of the old lady, would she know who he was? Stopped her on purpose just to say these inexplicable words to her?

Li Man was very speechless to him, and was too lazy to pay any attention to him. She didn't have to bother to argue with him for such a brat. Besides, Li Yan and the others must be waiting impatiently, and she still had business to do.

If no one leads the way, won't she go find someone?

So, when Zhang Jing was planning their future, Li Man didn't even look at him again, turned around, walked through the small door, and walked towards a small path.

Zhang Jing was stunned for a moment, but the corners of his lips slowly rose, he stepped up, and rushed towards her.

Based on past experience, Li Man felt that there were many maidservants in this mansion, and she could meet one within a few steps, but today, why didn't she see a ghost here? Instead, Zhang Jing followed her lingeringly and grabbed her.

"What are you doing?" Li Man shook him, but she didn't shake him off, but her wrist hurt a little from being bound by him.

Zhang Jingxie smiled slyly, pinched her wrist with one hand, wrapped her around her waist with the other, and pulled her into his arms, "You brought me to this place where no one is there, because you want me to do this? At this time Still put it on?"

"You?" Li Man blushed angrily, raised her other hand, and tried to slap him vigorously, but Zhang Jing quickly stopped her and held her hand tightly.

"What? Still want to hit me?"

"I really want to hit you." Li Man's wrists hurt from being pinched by him, and she held back her anger and looked directly at him, "You are young, what are you thinking about in your head? Let me tell you clearly, I didn't... .”

"Nothing?" Zhang Jing lowered his head and stared at her blushing face, he didn't know whether he was angry or ashamed, but at this moment, it was extraordinarily moving, especially those big eyes that were misty.

He didn't notice it for a while, but he was insane.

Li Man hated the way he was staring at her. After struggling, unable to break free from his restraint, she said in an air, "I don't mean what you think to me, and I already have a husband, so don't think too much about it." .”

"Those country men, do you really like them?" Zhang Jing became annoyed for no reason, always feeling that it was a pity that such a look was given to a few country men for nothing.

Li Man looked at him angrily, "In your eyes, they are reckless men, but in my eyes, there is no better man than them. Let me go, if you think I'm in your way, I'll I won’t come to Zhang’s mansion in the future.”

"Are you ignoring my words? I said I have a crush on you." Zhang Jing roared angrily.

Li Man was startled, "You? You—"

Zhang Jing himself seemed to be taken aback by himself, he quickly let go of her, and stared at her angrily, "Don't be complacent, although you can barely catch my eyes with your appearance, if you mess with me again, I won't Give you good fruit to eat. Don't think that with the support of the old lady, you think I can't do anything about you?"

"You?" Li Man took it back with great difficulty, but looked at Zhang Jing's arrogant appearance, annoyed and funny.

"Master Jing, should I thank you for taking a fancy to me? However, I'm really not interested in having another husband-in-law. The old lady should have told you about me, right? I'm the youngest in my family, and there are already five of them." " Li Man stretched out five fingers towards him, and said helplessly, "I really don't want to burden myself any more."

"So, is one thousand taels enough for you to get rid of them?" Zhang Jing replied simply, "A place like Shennvgou, one thousand taels will not only help each of them marry a satisfactory wife, but also guarantee They have nothing to worry about for the rest of their lives.”

Li Man clenched her small fists, "I said brat, your ears are just for display, can't you understand human speech?" She told him clearly that she didn't want to have a husband anymore, and he still Let yourself handle the men? Is it because I didn't speak clearly enough?

Zhang Jingqiao's face darkened, "Smelly woman, how dare you scold me?"

"I don't like a man who can scold women." Li Man glanced at him coldly, "Zhang Jing, put away your young master's temperament, it turns out that when the old lady told me about you, I still thought you were really good. It turns out that it's just empty skins. Sure enough, I can't think highly of you, a rich and rich dude. You always think that the world revolves around you, and all the women in the world have to run after your ass? boring."

Zhang Jing's face turns green and pale, he has never been so humiliated by a woman before, "Li Man, believe it or not..."

"What do you think? It's not okay to force a woman? However, I can tell you that even if you use despicable means to force me to submit, it's useless. When you arrive at Li's house, you rank the lowest, and I don't necessarily love you*you -"

"Do you believe that I will make all your men disappear from this world?" Zhang Jingfa said fiercely.

Li Man was stunned for a moment, and the story of the boat painting that night flashed into her mind again. She stared at Zhang Jing in astonishment and indignation, "How dare you? If they get even the slightest harm, I will burn Zhang's mansion down and let you The dandy young master will go to hell from now on."

The determination flashing in her eyes made Zhang Jing stunned for a moment. In fact, his words were just angry words, but judging by Li Man's aura, they were the truth.

"You?" Zhang Jing made a slip of the tongue for a moment, looking at Li Man's stubborn little face, he was very frustrated. Could it be that he made a mistake, did this woman have no intention of entering Zhang's house by approaching grandma and then approaching him?

Seeing that he was speechless, Li Man stopped pestering him, turned around and wanted to go back the same way, but she didn't know the way to the warehouse, so she had to go back and find someone.

"Why are you going?" Zhang Jing grabbed her tightly.

Maybe it was instinct, or maybe it was because she wanted to slap him a long time ago, and taking the opportunity, Li Man quickly slapped him in the face with her backhand.

The slap came so fast that Zhang Jing couldn't react at all, and he never thought that Li Man would really hit him.

After the fight, Li Man seemed to be stunned for a while, "Sorry, I just reacted instinctively, why did you suddenly catch me again?"

Zhang Jing gritted his teeth, raised his hand and wanted to return it.

"Yeah? I'm a woman. If you hit me, you're not a man." Li Man held her small face and looked at him quietly.

Zhang Jing gritted his teeth, and slowly withdrew his hand, "I remember, besides grandma, you are the first woman who dared to hit me."

"..." Li Man shrugged his eyebrows, wanting to say, with him like this, it's time for a fight.

Zhang Jing gave her a cold look, then turned around, "Let's go."

Li Man walked away without saying a word.

When Zhang Jing saw her going in the opposite direction, he wanted to pull her again, but because of the lessons learned from the past, he quickly retracted before touching her sleeve, and only shouted, "Going the wrong way."

Li Man ignored him and quickened her pace instead.

Zhang Jing was furious, how could there be such an unreasonable woman? He trotted after her, but when Li Man heard the sound of running footsteps behind, she also started to run.

I slapped him just now, who knows that he won't take the opportunity to take revenge on her? There is not even a person here, and it is still some distance from the old lady's yard. If something happens, she will call for help, but no one will hear her.

So, as soon as he chased him, she ran away quickly.

Zhang Jing was about to go mad with anger, he tipped his toes, flew out lightly, and landed in front of Li Man accurately.

Li Man didn't stop, and hit his chest directly.

"Hmm." Zhang Jing snorted, this woman's head was as rigid as her temper.

Li Man was surprised, how could he chase so fast, just as he was about to turn around and slip away, someone grabbed her by the collar, Zhang Jing grabbed her directly, performed lightness kung fu, and went all the way to the warehouse.

"Huh?" Li Man was so scared that she was a little silly, she was afraid of heights, and would faint.

It wasn't until she was sent to the door of the warehouse and saw the busy servant girls that Li Man slowly came over while supporting the wall.

Zhang Jing's expression was not good, and he sneered sneeringly, "I will never be hungry enough to force a woman like you." There are already five husbands, what capital is there for him to love? He was really blinded by lard just now.

"Nothing is the best." Li Man breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Jing snorted coldly, without any emotion in his eyes, flicked his sleeves, and left coldly.

Looking at his stern back, Li Man shook her head helplessly, she was just provoking someone, this trouble, this scene is clearly asking for trouble.

"Miss Li?" At this time, a maid came out from inside, who happened to be one of the embroiderers, and she recognized Li Man.

"Huh?" Li Man didn't remember the maid, and just asked, "Is everything in it right?"

"Well, it's been a while, I was cleaning inside just now, what is the girl doing here?" the maid asked.

Are you late again? Li Man hurriedly asked, "Do you know where the two people who helped me find the goods went?"

"Oh, the third son took them to drink tea, right? It should be in the small hall in front, I'll take the girl there." The maid said politely.

Li Man followed behind her, "Thank you."

I didn't go around very far, and I saw a house surrounded by trees, which was very shady, and the maid didn't go in, she only shouted a few times outside, and sure enough, a man who looked like a servant came out.

The maid said what she wanted to do, probably as soon as she heard Miss Li, Li Yan and Li Shu, who were drinking tea inside, immediately put down their cups and came out.

"Daughter-in-law, you've made a mistake again. We'll have to wait for a while." Li Shu said.

Li Yan didn't speak, just looked at Li Man with his eyes, "Why is this little face so pale? Is it hot? And the hair is also messed up."

As he said that, he came over and helped her cut her hair, while looking at her suspiciously.

Li Man wanted to say that it was Zhang Jing who caused her to be late, and he also caused her to fly over so high, her face turned pale with fright, and her hair was blown by the wind...

However, it is inconvenient to say it in front of so many people.

"It's getting late, let's talk as we walk."

"Oh, I'm going to get the car." Li Shu went to the corner of the courtyard with the boy and pushed the cart out, "Daughter-in-law, you can take the car."

"Stop sitting, let's walk." Li Man didn't want him to be too tired.

Li Shu said 'oh', pushed the cart and followed.

After leaving Zhang's mansion, the three of them hurried home. However, Li Man didn't say much along the way. Even if Li Shu teased her, she didn't reply a few words, which made Li Yan more suspicious.

"Did something happen?" Li Yan asked.

Li Man was very conflicted, she didn't know whether she should talk about the matter with Zhang Jing just now.

"Is something wrong?" Seeing her like this, Li Yan affirmed his guess, grabbed her abruptly, and prevented her from leaving, "Tell me, what exactly happened? Was she bullied?"

"Huh? Daughter-in-law, who bullied you?" Li Shu hurriedly stopped the car and came over to ask.

Li Man bit her lower lip slightly, and said hesitantly, "Actually, it's not considered bullying, even... I can't tell. From now on, I'll stop coming here."

"Someone really bullied you, who is it?" Li Yan gritted his teeth, and thought of someone for no reason, "Young master of the Zhang family, right?"

Li Man was taken aback, "How do you know?"

It really is him? A raging fire ignited in Li Yan's chest. Li Shu turned the car around and said angrily, "Go, second brother, let's teach that kid a lesson."

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