Fortunate Wife

Chapter 183 Tell the truth

"Wait." Chunxiao stopped Xu Bo and Li Man who were about to leave, and fixed her eyes coldly on Li Man, "Master's order is to let her go in to serve her. Since she has dysentery, I have to go first." Let’s report to the master, you wait first.”

After finishing speaking, Chunxiao turned and entered the room.

"Xu Bo, what should I do? I don't want to stay here." As soon as the people left, Li Man immediately pushed Xu Bo away and stamped her feet anxiously.

Uncle Xu was also in a dilemma, and persuaded, "Man'er, bear with it for a few more days—"

"Is this for a few days? What if, after seven days, he won't recover? You also said that he is not sick at all, it is purely unhealthy in his heart. What if after seven days, he gives birth to another moth , won't we all be blackmailed by him?" Li Man was anxious and angry, secretly regretting that she promised Uncle Xu too quickly, and she should go home and find Li Mo and the others for a long-term discussion.

Uncle Xu was also sweating profusely. He also didn't expect that Yan Dan insisted on asking Man'er to stay. Did he see that Man'er was a woman? As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he himself was taken aback.

"If it really doesn't work, let's report to the officials," Li Man hesitated again as soon as he said this, it was similar to what he encountered in the county town last time, that evildoer would definitely do anything, but, "Uncle Xu , I don’t think this patient looks like an unreasonable person, how about begging him again?”

She always felt that the arrest of Aunt Xu was done by that evildoer, maybe her patient didn't know about it.

"This?" Uncle Xu hesitated for a while, and Chunxiao had already come out, and Li Man immediately pretended to be uncomfortable.

Chun Xiao curled her lips coldly, and stared at Li Man mockingly, "I really don't know what kind of luck you have had? You actually got the master's attention."

"He's willing to let us go home?" Li Man asked expectantly.

"You want to go back?" Chunxiao snorted coldly with sarcasm in her eyes, "Master said, since you are in poor health, and you are not suitable for traveling, you might as well stay in the mansion and take care of yourselves. Besides, don't go back. .”

These words were addressed to Uncle Xu, "Since she is your apprentice, the master will not hire another person, so you should stay with her and take care of her."


"What me? Come with me to prescribe the prescription now, and someone will send your apprentice to the wing to rest." Chun Xiao scolded coldly.

Li Man was speechless, "I'd better go and explain to your master in person, I'm sorry to bother you here."

"Master is resting, you want to see me, next time." Saying that, Chun Xiao glanced at Uncle Xu, "Come with me."

Uncle Xu looked at Li Man, and comforted him with his eyes, "Don't worry, Master is staying anyway."

This is better than her being here alone, "But what about Senior Brother?"

Uncle Xu turned his head as he walked and said, "Let's do this first. For your senior brother, the master will take care of it. Don't worry."

If you don't worry, you will be a ghost. If Li Yan knows that he has been detained, he doesn't know what will happen.

"Doctor." At this moment, a female voice suddenly came from behind her, and Li Man jumped in fright. Looking back, she was a maid who was dressed similarly to Chun Xiao.

Seeing Li Man's frightened expression, the servant girl smiled slightly, "I'm sorry, did I scare you? The master asked me to take you to the wing to rest, please come with me."

"Oh, it's okay." Li Man calmed down, followed behind her, and asked seemingly unintentionally, "By the way, girl, do you know where my senior brother is arranged to rest now?"

"Your senior brother?" The maid walked in front, and upon hearing the words, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Li Man suspiciously.

Li Man immediately took two steps faster and walked to her side, "Well, they were invited in with my master before, and I don't know where your master told them to rest? Girl, do you know?"

"This." The servant girl looked at her apologetically, "I don't know."

"The girl, can you find out for me?" Li Man didn't give up.

The maid hesitated a little.

Li Man immediately begged, "Good girl, just help me, I have something urgent to find my brother."

Li Man was dressed as a boy at the moment, and he was a handsome young man, begging so softly, the servant girl's heart softened immediately, "Okay, okay, I will take you to the wing room first, and I will bring him here after I find out. meet you."

"Really? Thank you girl." Li Man immediately thanked her.

The maid smiled, took another step, and left first, Li Man immediately followed.

Not long after, the servant girl took Li Man to a secluded and independent courtyard, which was full of flowers and plants, which was very eye-catching.

"No one lives in this courtyard?" Li Man asked curiously as the courtyard was quiet.

The servant girl nodded, pushed open a door, and led her into a master bedroom, "Doctor, this room is where you live. Come in and take a look. If you have any dissatisfaction, feel free to mention it to me." .”

The room is decorated elegantly and neatly, and it is very shady. Once you come in from the outside, you will feel a little chilly. It should be quite comfortable to live in.

Li Man didn't ask for anything, she just said, "Thank you girl, I'm fine."

"Well, you rest first, I will take my leave first."

"Wait." Seeing that she was about to leave, Li Man hurriedly called to her, "Miss just said to help me find out about my senior brother—"

"Don't worry, I'll go right away." The maid said with a smile.

"Well, thank you very much." Li Man thanked her sincerely. After the maid left, she closed the door herself, and lay down on the bed bored by herself. Unknowingly fell asleep.

When she woke up again, it was already an hour later, a maid knocked on the door and brought her food in.

Li Man saw that this was another stranger, so she asked, "Where is the girl who brought me here before?"

"Oh, you're talking about Sister Xiqiao, she's out on business." The new maid said, "Do you have anything to do with her?"

Li Mansheng is handsome, so, except for Chun Xiao, the other little maids are not immune to such a handsome and handsome boy.

"Well, a little." Sitting at the table, Li Man watched the little maid bring out one after another of exquisite dishes from the food box, thinking that Li Yan didn't know if she had eaten, and her heart became more and more tormented.

"What's the matter, doctor, are these meals not to your liking?" Seeing that Li Man was in a bad mood, the little maid asked suspiciously, "Why don't I ask the kitchen to make another."

"No no no—" Li Man came back to his senses, seeing that the tables were full, with meat and vegetables, vegetables and soup, and even a jug of wine, she couldn't help being surprised, "These are for me alone ?”

God, what is she when this is?

"Heh." The little maid smiled, "Eat as much as you want, if you can't finish eating, there will be leftovers."

"But it's too wasteful. Have you eaten yet? Why don't we sit down and eat together." Li Man took the chopsticks and handed them to the little maid.

The little servant girl was astonished, but she didn't dare to take the chopsticks, "Doctor, you should eat by yourself, these are specially made for you according to the master's order, servant girl, just wait on the side."

"I can't finish this, sit down and eat with me." Li Man picked up the spoon and wanted to scoop up the soup as she spoke.

The little maid came up immediately, "Doctor, let me come."

"No, you can sit down too." Li Man glanced at her, then filled a bowl of soup by herself, took a sip, and felt that the soup was extremely delicious and delicious, "What kind of soup is this? It's delicious. "

"This servant doesn't know either. If you like to drink, you can drink more." The little maid who was at the side saw the happy expression on Li Man's face, and said fondly.

Li Man changed her mind and said with a smile, "Can you bring some more empty bowls?"

"Huh?" The little maid was puzzled.

Li Man said with some embarrassment, "This dish is too much, I want to save half of it for dinner."

"Heh." The little maid chuckled, "Doctor, you don't need to be so frugal. If you like these dishes, just ask someone to make another one at night."

Li Yan couldn't eat a second copy, she wanted to keep it alone for Li Yan, hey, I don't know if that maid named Xiqiao found Li Yan.

Just as she was thinking, a figure suddenly appeared at the door, it was the maid Xiqiao.

"Doctor Li, I kept you waiting."

"It's you?" Li Man happily put down the spoon, and hurriedly greeted her, looking directly behind her, but she didn't see Li Yan, a little disappointed, "Is my senior brother not here?"

"Sorry." Xiqiao said, "When I went, your senior brother had already left the residence."

"Going out of the house? You mean he left alone?" Li Man became worried, since she and Uncle Xu were here, how could Li Yan leave obediently? Don't be beaten out?

"Yeah." Seeing his face change, Xiqiao quickly asked, "Doctor Li, do you have something important to tell him? Do you want me to talk to the master again and send someone to pass on your senior brother. "

"No need." Li Man waved her hand. It would be too troublesome if that was the case, besides, it was nothing at all, so mobilizing teachers and mobilizing so many people may attract suspicion from others, but it's a pity that she wanted to keep this table of good food for Li Yan.

"Miss Xiqiao, have you eaten yet? Or, you two can eat with me together." Li Man politely invited, if she is going to live here for a few days, it will be beneficial for her to have a good relationship with the two of them .

Xiqiao said, "Thank you, Dr. Li, Huan'er and I have already prepared meals. We just wait for your meal to be ready, and we can go over to eat."

"What? Are you here specially to wait on me for dinner?" Li Man was really not used to this rule, having never been the master of this ancient times.

Huan'er smiled, "Of course, Dr. Li, Huan'er will add whatever dishes you want to eat."

"No, no, no need." Li Man said hurriedly, "Either, you two sit down and eat with me, anyway, there are so many, even if the three of us eat together, we can't finish it. Or, I am alone Eat, you guys go back and eat too, I don't need to wait here."

"This?" Xiqiao hesitated, but Li Man laughed, "Huan'er, this soup is really delicious, go and get two pairs of bowls and chopsticks, and sit down and eat with your sister Xiqiao."

The meals at Li Man's table were made by the chef who was personally instructed by the master, so they were naturally many times better than the meals they usually ate, and with Li Man's sincere invitation, Huan'er was tempted, but she didn't dare to act rashly. Make up your own mind, just look at Xiqiao with your eyes.

Xiqiao still wanted to decline, but Li Man blinked again and said, "Are you afraid that your master will find out and make things difficult for you? Don't worry, I seem to be the only one living in this yard, right? If I don't tell, who knows? Hurry up, hurry up, Adding more bowls and chopsticks, it will be lively if everyone eats together."

Probably infected by Li Man's enthusiasm, Xiqiao didn't have the nerve to refuse, but men and women are different after all, and she really couldn't eat at the same table with Li Man, so she and Huan'er set up a small table and picked up a few dishes , eat alone in the next section.

Li Man was stunned. There were only three people divided into two tables? She originally wanted to get closer to them, but when she thought about it again, she immediately understood everything when she was dressed as a man, ahem, ahem, she was the one who was abrupt, and for a moment forgot that she was a man in front of others.

During the meal, Li Man didn't dare to be too enthusiastic, for fear of revealing her identity.

After the meal, Xiqiao and Huan'er both cleaned up the dishes. She had nothing to do, so she had to go to bed and rest again, but she couldn't fall asleep anyway, so she woke up again, looking for something interesting to do all over the room. Do.

After searching around, I finally found a small bookshelf behind a small screen. A few books were simply placed in the bookshelf, which seemed to be just for show.

But for Li Man, reading is undoubtedly the best way to pass the time of boredom and depression. She couldn't wait to squat down to the edge of the bookshelf, took a copy, read the pages, frowned, and flipped through the contents again. The eyes are straight.

What are these words? Ghost painting ah.

After closing the pages and putting them back in place, Li Man took out another book, but the result was still those ghostly characters. She simply pulled out the rest of the book, and was depressed.

There was not a single book on the shelf that she could understand.

Depressedly, she put all the books back to their original positions. Li Man got up and just wanted to leave. She accidentally swept the corner of her clothes and dropped a book. She hurriedly bent over to pick it up. A yellowed bookmark slipped from the book and floated to the ground.

She picked it up casually, but found that it was not a bookmark, but a neatly folded piece of paper. The paper was obviously old and yellowed, and the edges seemed to be damaged. She couldn't help but wonder what it was, so she typed it by the way. open.

It turned out that this was a small painting, in which there was only a young girl, dressed in a green dress and with a cute bun, who seemed to be running, but someone called out behind her, girl Looking back for a moment, a smile overflowed from the corners of his lips and filled his eyes.

The picture is frozen in the girl's pure smile.

That's right, Li Man felt that although the artist's style of painting was a little immature, she was strong enough to catch the bright spots, especially the girl's eyes. Just looking at them, she felt that the smile was about to overflow. It is difficult to infect people.

However, looking at the yellowing and oldness of this piece of paper, and being folded and dusty in these heavenly books, probably even the painter himself has forgotten these things.

Li Man refolded the small painting according to the previous pattern, and put it back on the page, but just as soon as he put it back, something flashed through his mind, and he took out the book suddenly, found the small painting, opened it, and examined it carefully.

That's right, the little girl's appearance is seven or eight percent similar to hers, but, she is still young, so I don't know what will happen when she grows up?

However, since I have never met this little girl, how could I have such a similar appearance? Or, does she have some connection with this deity?

It's not like, the deity's life experience is miserable, and he has been reduced to the situation of being sold.

But even though the little girl in this painting is only in the painting, it can be seen that she is definitely a pampered, ignorant, and pampered girl from heaven.

The two can't be compared at all, what's more, looking at the time of this small painting, I'm afraid it's quite a long time ago. Now the little girl is not sure how old she is, maybe she has white hair and a beautiful face.

Just thinking about it, suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.

Li Man hurriedly put away the things and put them back in their original places, then got up and walked towards the small hall, "Come in."

Xiqiao pushed the door open and came in, followed by Uncle Xu.

Without waiting for Xiqiao's introduction, Uncle Xu rushed in, "Man...Tuer, are you alright?"

"Yeah." Li Man looked at Xiqiao, and said with a smile, "Miss Xiqiao, go ahead, I'll be fine with my master."

"En." Xiqiao said as she backed out and helped close the door.

"Master, has Li Yan gone back?" Li Man asked eagerly after Xiqiao left.

"I came here to tell you this, and I told him to go back." Uncle Xu sat down on the chair and said.

Li Man glared at him, "Why did you let him go back alone? By the way, he is willing to listen to you?"

Uncle Xu was helpless, "I can't help it. I talked to that little girl Chunxiao for a long time, but he didn't agree. I can only let him go back first. However, it's strange. This kid is obedient this time. As I said, he He actually left."

"Ah?" Li Man expressed doubts about his words, "You didn't trick him into leaving, did you?"

"Girl, are you Uncle Xu like that?" Uncle Xu glanced at her, then looked around the room, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and then he glanced at Li Man unhappily, "You apprentice You are much better than a master, your master and I live in a thatched hut slightly bigger than yours, but you live in such a nice house? Look, there are flowers on the window sill?"

"Oh?" Li Man followed his line of sight, and sure enough, she saw a glass vase placed on the window sill, with a few jasmines in it, two bloomed, and the rest were just budding.

When was this released? She didn't notice it until now. Looking at the flowers, they seem to be picked fresh in the morning.

"Girl." Suddenly, Uncle Xu's expression changed twice, "Could it be that someone found out that you are a woman?"

Li Man's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly shook her head, "How come? Even Xiqiao's girls think I'm a boy."

"Oh." Uncle Xu looked at her suspiciously. In fact, because of Li Mansheng's small size, such a dress is not like a big man, but more like a beautiful and clean boy, so it is easy to pass the test. I hope I am not recognized. .

"Uncle Xu, are we really going to stay in this mansion like this? I'm very worried." Li Man also sat down, feeling the need to discuss a countermeasure with the old man.

Xu Bo looked at her apologetically, "Girl, I'm the one who got you into trouble this time."

"Uncle Xu, I'm just a little weird. That person doesn't look like an unreasonable person. Besides, he looks very good, and he shouldn't be seriously ill. Why would he arrest Aunt Xu and threaten him?" Li Man expressed his doubts.

"This?" Xu Bo looked at Li Man's big clear eyes, and suddenly felt guilty, "Man'er, this time..."

"Old man, you have something to hide from me, right?" Li Man suddenly became rude.

Uncle Xu's old face froze, and he nodded dejectedly.

Li Man was shocked, "What are you hiding from me? Could it be that that person has some chronic disease, and then consumes us like this every day? And what is this person's identity? I feel that he is not an ordinary person."

"Man'er, I—" Xu Bo looked at the door at this time, and after making sure that the door was closed tightly and no one would eavesdrop, he said in a low voice, "Man'er, I only tell you this. Say, just listen and don’t think about anything else.”

"What are you talking about?" Li Man's heart was beating violently because of his serious expression, and she had a bad premonition.

Uncle Xu sighed heavily, and said slowly, "That's right, the identity of that person is indeed not simple. I didn't dare to guess the specifics. You just need to know that he is someone we ordinary people can't mess with."

Li Man was a little dazed when he heard that, and before he could guess from Xu Bo's words how difficult that person was, Xu Bo's next words were like a bomb, blowing her inside and out.

"Actually, it is false to say that he is not sick. He is sick, but it is not something that ordinary people can be sick. He, not humane."

"Inhumane?" Li Man didn't respond for a moment to what it meant, but Xu Bo added, "It's that he can't carry on the family line, which is very dangerous and taboo in their family."

"Can't? Pass on the family line?" Li Man suddenly understood, "Is...that?"

"You just need to understand, don't scream." Xu Bo hurriedly stopped her.

Li Man hurriedly covered her mouth, fearing that she would yell out in surprise, "But that man looks very strong, why can't he? Is it a hidden disease or an injury? Can you look after him?"

"How do I know, he won't let me get close." Mentioning this, Uncle Xu felt extremely aggrieved.

Li Man was surprised, "I won't let you get close, so what are you doing here?"

"Isn't that so?" Xu Bogang wanted to say, he was the only *mother in the palace back then, and he was more talented than ordinary people in matters of men and women, and at the same time, he was also responsible for the sexual life of the emperor's ladies, so , They probably came here because of their reputation, and pulled him out of this corner.

But, who knows that this master is so eccentric that he thinks he is old and ugly, so he is not allowed to touch his body, what should he do if he is not allowed to touch his body? He is not a god, he can heal people from afar.

"What?" Seeing his unconvinced look, Li Man was puzzled, and then his expression turned cold again, "Old man, you are not sure, are you?"

"Who said that, as long as he's willing to let me see, I'm sure I'll be cured." Uncle Xu said with a stiff neck.

"Then why did you ask me to come here?" Li Man was also angry, "You told me that the man was not sick, it was just a problem in his heart, but now he is fine, he still has that kind of disease, how do you want me to treat it? I also gave him acupuncture, It is said that he will be cured in seven days, that's all right now, if he fails after seven days, we will all suffer together."

It's not that he's afraid of Yan Dan, it's that the evildoer next to him is terrifying.

"Man'er, don't shout." Uncle Xu quickly stopped her, "Isn't there nothing I can do? He won't let me get close, so I can only find someone who can get close. Don't worry, the one I taught you A few acupuncture points are really good for him."

"But, will it be effective in seven days?" Li Man wanted to cry, but never thought that he had that kind of disease.

Xu Bo immediately said, "So, it's good to stay here. You can spend more time telling him what to say. I still think that there is nothing wrong with his body. The main problem is his heart. As long as he overcomes the obstacles in his heart, he may be able to... ..then what happened."

"Don't do it." Li Man resolutely refused, and asked her to inquire about other people's sex, or about that aspect, she is not afraid that she will be spanked by Li Yan when she goes back.

"Man'er, we are on the same boat now—"

"Smelly old man, I was dragged into the water by you. Let me tell you, if Li Yan and the others know about it, they must tear up your old bones and use them as firewood." Li Man said angrily.

Uncle Xu was depressed, "If you burn it, just burn it. I only hope that your Aunt Xu will come back soon, so that you can suffer less."

"..." Li Man was suddenly speechless, "What should I do next?"

Uncle Xu raised his head, "I can only take one step at a time."

"..." Li Man was speechless.

One old and one young, they discussed in the room for a long time, but did not come to a conclusion. Li Man thought that instead of procrastinating like this, it would be better to have a showdown with that person, but Uncle Xu insisted on not allowing it. The reason was that the more noble the status , the more taboo this kind of sex is known to outsiders, the more sad they will be.

Li Man was at a loss, and finally chose to take one step at a time. It really didn't work, and she didn't believe that people could really chop her up.

He and Uncle Xu couldn't talk any more. In the end, it was nothing more than him persuading himself to be more patient. Finally, he was able to get close to the patient, and asked her to be smarter and talk more, so that he could prescribe the right medicine. Li Man was very repulsed by this. , So, in the end, he directly bombarded people.

As soon as Uncle Xu left, Li Man was alone in the room, thinking hard about countermeasures, and thinking of Li Mo and the others at home, she was even more anxious, and really wanted to sneak away in the dark.

But the last sliver of reason made her stay.

Fortunately, there is delicious food and drink served here, and besides Xiqiao and Huaner, there is no third person to bother, so Li Man also feels quite at ease.

In the evening, after taking a bath, Li Man sent Xiqiao and Huan'er away, and leaned against her hair with a pillow in her arms in a daze.

Ever since she slept with Li Mo and the others, she rarely slept alone. She used to feel that they were disturbing others, but now that they were not around, she was not used to it, and even it was late at night, and she couldn't sleep.

Opening her eyes, looking at the night outside the window, Li Man felt uncomfortable. The figures of Li Mo, Li Yan, Li Shu, Li Hua, and Xiao Wu kept appearing in her mind.

Right now, I really miss them.

Dongdong——Suddenly, there was some strange noise at the outer door, Li Man was startled, and sat up straight suddenly, not because she was afraid, but because this sound sounded too familiar to her.

I'm so familiar with it that the blood in my whole body is about to boil, is it him? How is it possible, isn't he already home?

A pair of big eyes looked towards the door expectantly, and as expected, there was a slight sound of closing the door, and a moment later, a slender and familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Li Man's eyes became hot, she almost threw the pillow, ran towards him with bare feet, and threw herself into his arms, "Li Yan, woo woo, is it really you?"

"Silly girl, who else could it be if it wasn't me?" Li Yan held her tightly in his arms, rubbing her hair with his big palm*.

"That's right, it's not a dream." His embrace and his breath were so real, Li Man smiled.

Li Yan also held her small face and asked with a smile, "You often see me in your dreams?"

"Yeah." At this moment, Li Man didn't care about being ashamed anymore, she felt at ease when he was there, but immediately, she became worried, "Li Yan, why did you come into my room suddenly?"

"You are my daughter-in-law. If I don't go to your house, whose house will I go to?" Li Yan pinched her nose, then picked her up by the waist, and walked directly to the big *.

Li Man let him hold her, and when she reached the bed, she asked again, "But, didn't you go home? Why are you here again? How did you find me?"

"This—" Li Yan's eyes flashed, "It's a long story, anyway, it's good that I'm by your side."

"Hehe." Li Man smiled, found a comfortable position, and leaned into Li Yan's arms, "Li Yan, you are so kind."

"You have a conscience." Li Yan lowered his head and kissed her smooth forehead.

But at this moment, Li Man heard the rumbling sound in his stomach, and sat up suddenly, "What sound?"

Li Yan didn't hide anything, he just rubbed his stomach and said, "I've been hungry all day."

"You?" Li Man was shocked, "Did you never go home at all?"

Li Yan rubbed his stomach, "I'm still hungry, so I won't tell you more, I'll save my energy and go to sleep."

Saying that, as soon as she stretched out her hand, she pulled Li Man over and was about to lie down.

Li Man hurriedly broke away. In fact, she could have guessed it without him saying it. How could Li Yan obediently obey Xu Bo's words and go home with Li Yan's temperament? As long as she wasn't with him, he would never leave alone.

Then, it was just a cover for him to go out of the mansion. He spent most of the day lying around somewhere, with no food or drink. He waited until late at night before secretly finding her here alone.

Li Man's eyes were a little hot, and there was hot liquid swirling in her eye sockets. Before Li Yan could speak, she slipped off and ran out, saying, "Wait, I'll get someone to prepare food."

"Girl—" Li Yan wanted to stop her, but this girl ran quite fast, and opened the door and went out in the blink of an eye.

In fact, Li Man didn't go far, she just stood by the porch and called out, "Sister Xiqiao."

She knew that Xiqiao and Huan'er lived in the small side room in this yard, and it was not late at night, so they should not be asleep yet.

Sure enough, Xiqiao immediately replied, opened the door with a small lamp and came out, "Doctor Li, what are your orders?"

Seeing that Xiqiao was only wearing a coat, guessing that she just got up from the bed, Li Man felt a little sorry, but thinking of Li Yan in the room, she still said, "Sister Xiqiao, I'm suddenly hungry, can you trouble......"

"Are you hungry? Oh, okay, I'll get you something to eat." Xiqiao was quite cheerful, and called Huan'er as she turned around.

Li Man immediately thanked, "Thank you sister Xiqiao, then I will go back to the house first."

"Yeah." At this time, Huan'er came out yawning, and Xiqiao asked her to hold a small lamp, and the two went to the small kitchen in the yard together.

After closing the door, Li Man returned to the dormitory. Li Yan was stretching his legs, leaning on the bed leisurely, looking at her quietly, "That sick man treats you well."

"He's not a sick child." Li Man said instinctively, but she didn't notice the dark light in Li Yan's eyes, "But the old man Xu is not as lucky as you, the house he lives in is worse than yours. There are quite a few, and there are no beautiful little maids to serve."

Li Man heard it, and gave him a smirk, "Are you jealous?"

"I'm worried about you." Li Yanwan tapped her forehead with his finger, "I don't care about anything, if you want to kill or steal, girl, you should be careful, otherwise, you won't even know if you're sold out."

"——" Li Man wisely did not refute this time. In fact, she was really tricked by Uncle Xu this time.

"Why don't you come home with me." Li Yan suddenly hugged her into his arms, he was really worried about her, a beautiful and pure little woman, no matter whether she has become someone else's wife or not, it can't stop some people from wanting to occupy her their hearts.

Li Man was shocked, "Now?"

"Otherwise, after dawn, you can still leave?" Li Yan raised his eyebrows.

Li Man bowed her head, hesitating, "But we're leaving, what about Aunt Xu Boxu?"

"I can't die anyway." Li Yan said.

Li Man grabbed his arm, feeling a little nervous, "Yeah, but if you leave without saying goodbye, I'm afraid they will trouble Uncle Xu, and..."

She couldn't tell the details, but she felt keenly that it would not be so easy to leave, and it might even hurt Li Yan.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, "Doctor Li, the food is ready, shall I bring it in for you?"

"Ah, no need." Li Man hurriedly broke away from Li Yan, straightened her clothes and went outside.

After opening the door, Xiqiao stood at the door with a tray in her hand, "Doctor Li, this small kitchen has not been used all the time, and there are not enough ingredients in it. I made do with two side dishes. I hope you don't mind."

"No, thank you very much." Li Man hurriedly brought it over, seeing Xiqiao intending to follow in to serve, she hurriedly said, "I'm sorry to bother you at this time, you go and rest quickly. I'll finish eating later, Let’s put the bowls and chopsticks there first, it’s not too late for you to collect them tomorrow morning.”

"En." Xiqiao and Huan'er agreed, and went back to the house.

Li Man hurriedly took the food and went into the bedroom, "Li Yan, come and eat quickly."

"Aren't you coming with me?" Li Yan leaned on his head and didn't move.

Li Man walked towards him, took his hand, and dragged him up, "I can't do anything until you are full and have strength."

Li Yan smiled, got up cooperatively, sat down at the table, looked at the two unrecognizable dishes, and picked them critically with chopsticks, "What is this?"

"Oh, in the middle of the night, if someone is willing to cook two dishes for you, it's already very good, so you can just make do with it." Li Man simply took the chopsticks in his hand, took some vegetables and fed him personally.

Li Yan took a bite and frowned, "This skill is comparable to that of the third brother."

"Is it that bad?" Li Man took a bite out of curiosity, and couldn't help but look at Li Yan, "Nonsense, it's not that bad, okay?"

Li Yan held her hand, "I still like to eat what you make, and it's hard to swallow what others make."

"I can't make it for you now, you eat these first." Li Man was helpless, and blamed herself for spoiling their appetite.

"Okay." Li Yan took the chopsticks in her hand, and picked up the rice fiercely by himself, it seemed that he was really hungry.

Li Man looked at her distressedly, "I often say I am stupid, but I think you are stupid. If you let you go home, go home. What happened to the cat for most of the day? Really, I am here, and there will be no What's the matter, they serve me delicious food and drink, you are still afraid of me—"

"I'm afraid of delicious food." Li Yan looked up at her, "Tell me, what's the condition of that patient? Is it male or female? How old is it?"

He asked Uncle Xu about this, but the old man was so hateful that he refused to tell him even if he was beaten to death.

"This—" Seeing Li Yan's appearance, Li Man's heart sank, thinking whether to tell the truth or not?

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