Fortunate Wife

Chapter 193 Mid-Autumn Festival

"Forget it." Li Man grabbed him. Li Xiangyu's thinking was very old-fashioned. Seeing them like this, it's normal to make a fuss. It's because they made a fuss just now. It never occurred to her that she could actually come up for the first time. secondary.

"Man'er." Li Hua thought about it, and also smiled. It was a big deal... He didn't think about what to do with her in broad daylight, but he just couldn't help it when he saw her occasionally naughty and cunning appearance. .

The atmosphere in the room finally relaxed, Li Man sat down again, and took up the pen again, "You read, I draw, don't mess with me."

Who messed with whom first? Li Hua smiled, and sat down at her own seat. Seeing Li Man leaning over, she began to draw on the paper in earnest. Without disturbing her, she picked up the book on the table and continued to the place she had read before. Down.

Downstairs, Li Xiangyu was bored in the room alone for a while, thinking it was time to make lunch again, so she had to go to the kitchen first to prepare the family's lunch first, as for how to * Li Man, she felt that she had to take her time .

After lunch was ready, Li Xiangyu stood downstairs, first called Li Hua and Li Man, and then stood at the gate of the courtyard, facing Li Mo, who was busy in the field at the foot of the mountain, shouting at the top of his voice, let him go home for dinner .

Because the terrain of the new house is relatively high, her yelling echoed very loudly, and Li Mo, who was busy in the field, could completely hear it.

In the past, Li Man was embarrassed to call people like this, and always went to the field to call people, but these days, she got used to hearing Li Xiangyu shouting in such a manner.

Smiling, he pressed his half-drawn sketch with Li Hua's book, then got up and went downstairs with him.

Li Xiangyu was standing at the door of the kitchen, watching the two of them go downstairs together with cold eyes, his expression still displeased.

Li Hua frowned, but didn't say anything. She fetched water, washed her hands with Li Man, bypassed Li Xiangyu, went into the kitchen, and set the dishes.

Not long after, Li Mo and Xiao Wu came back together.

Seeing Li Xiangyu's complexion was not good, Li Mo's heart skipped a beat, but he still winked at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu immediately walked over to Li Xiangyu's side, and asked with a smile, "Auntie, what's delicious for lunch? You can smell it from afar."

"You really belong to a dog. This nose is a spirit. Auntie burned the meat at noon." As he spoke, Li Xiangyu took Xiao Wu's hand, went to the kitchen, picked up chopsticks, picked up a piece of bone meat and handed it to Xiao Wu.

In the past few days, Li Xiangyu has also felt that as long as she doesn't treat Li Man, the nephews in the family are still good to her.

And she also wanted to win over a few children slowly, and then started to beat and pinch Li Man, she couldn't believe it, then a little girl could climb on her head, it was too intolerable.

Xiao Wu quickly shook his head, "I'll wash my hands before eating." Then, he ran to the yard in a hurry.

Li Xiangyu's head is full of black lines, don't think about it, this habit of washing hands before eating must also be Li Man's *, she has never seen these children so hypocritical before.

Involuntarily, she glanced at Li Man coldly.

Li Man thought it was the incident in the morning, and looked away in embarrassment.

Soon, Li Mo and Xiaowu all sat at the table, and Li Xiangyu brought chopsticks for them, and took a piece of braised pork ribs that she cooked carefully for each of them, "Come, eat."

Then, he glanced at Li Hua and Li Man again, snorted coldly, and buried himself in his meal.

Li Mo was keenly aware that something was wrong, and it seemed that even the fourth brother was also annoyed, which was strange.

After all, he is the eldest brother, so he can't eat it by himself. The fourth brother and his wife don't have it, so Li Mo put two more pieces of meat into Li Hua and Li Man's bowls, "The braised pork ribs cooked by my aunt are the best."

Before the two of them agreed and eased the atmosphere, Li Xiangyu's chopsticks suddenly reached into Li Man's bowl and snatched away the ribs, "You are still sick, you should eat something light. Suitable."

Hmph, there's no way to eat her ribs. As for Li Hua, it's her nephew after all, forget it. Besides, he was also spoiled by this little hoof, so I can't blame him.

Li Man was stunned, she didn't really want to eat ribs, but Li Xiangyu's actions obviously made her feel like she couldn't get down.

Li Mo lowered his face, "Man'er is sick and weak, so she should eat more good food to nourish her body."

"..." Li Xiangyu's smug expression froze immediately, unexpectedly, Li Mo took the plate directly, and gave Li Man all the few good ribs in it.

"I..." Li Mo was obviously angry with Li Xiangyu. Li Man just wanted to persuade him, but Li Xiangyu was even more angry. She stood up suddenly, grabbed the plate in Li Mo's hand, and slammed all the ribs inside. into Li Man's bowl, and a few pieces rolled down on the table because of her too much movement.

In the end, she threw the plate heavily on the table and said viciously, "Eat it, I'll eat it for you alone."

Li Mo, Li Hua, Xiao Wu, the expressions of the three of them changed in an instant.

"Auntie, you—" Li Mo was about to get angry with a dark face, but Li Man tugged at his sleeve from the side, and said with a soft smile, "Auntie, is this hurting me? First, I was afraid that I would not be able to eat if I was sick. The meeting knew that I could eat, so he gave me a whole plate, hehe——, well, you all sit down, your portion is indispensable, here."

Li Man slowly used chopsticks to distribute the ribs in his bowl to Li Mo, Li Hua and Xiao Wu one by one.

Then, looking at the opposite Li Xiangyu who was stunned, he asked, "Auntie, do you want it?"

Li Xiangyu, "..."

"Auntie doesn't like it? Let's eat it ourselves." Li Man put the spare ribs in the bowl again, and started to eat by himself.

Taste... average, the pork ribs are a bit old and salty.

Seeing that Li Man was so calm and breezy, it was hard for Li Mo and others to turn a meal into a battlefield, but they were very disappointed with Li Xiangyu's actions just now.

I thought she had changed her mind in the past few days, but unexpectedly, Man'er's health improved a little, and she came again, hey.

Li Mo is already considering whether to send her home these few days, anyway, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, she must go back to her own home to reunite with her family.

Li Xiangyu was stunned to see the four eating with gusto, the spare ribs she bought with money, and the spare ribs she cooked carefully, but none of the ribs fell into her mouth, and all of them went into the bowls of these four.

It's okay for Li Mo and the others to say that it's her own family, and it was originally made for them to eat, but Li Man...why does she eat it? Also eat the most?

Li Xiangyu almost suffered internal injuries, she never thought that Li Man was so thick-skinned, she did that all the time, an ordinary little daughter-in-law, probably shed tears of shame, right? Then if she didn't dare to move a chopstick again, she would be fine, except for giving Li Mo and the others a few dollars, would she really dare to eat all the rest?

What a——, delicious, lazy, she has it all.

After a meal, Li Man ate quite happily. After the meal, she took the initiative to clean up the dishes.

Li Xiangyu didn't reach out to help, just sat and watched her busy.

Li Hua wanted to help, but Li Man pushed him out, as well as Li Mo Xiaowu, and told them all to go out.

She is not a flower in the greenhouse, she needs the protection of their brothers all the time, besides, Li Xiangyu can't hurt her at all, at most she can taunt her a few words, she completely ignores it.

Moreover, there are some things that she needs to clarify with Li Xiangyu.

"Hmph, you..." Li Xiangyu was very angry at the feeling of being ignored when Li Man was busy with her, just wanted to scold, but thinking that Li Mo and the others were at home, she had to lower her voice, Cursed in a low voice, "I don't know why Boss and the others married you so obsessively?"

"Heh." Li Man chuckled, this question, in fact, is not difficult to answer.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Xiangyu was annoyed, and pointed at her, "Don't be complacent, don't you rely on your face? I can tell you that no matter how beautiful a woman is, it doesn't matter how beautiful a woman is, now their brothers are just looking fresh. , In another three to five years, just wait and see, if they still love you like this, I will wring my head off and use it as a chamber pot for you."

Li Man frowned, put down the rag, turned to look at Li Xiangyu, "What do I want your head for? There is no shortage of chamber pots at home."

"You?" Li Xiangyu blushed.

Li Man shook her head helplessly, "Auntie, do you really want me to break up with my brother?"

"..." Li Xiangyu was stopped by the question, she hadn't thought about this question, she just couldn't see Li Man being held in their hands like this.

"Our relationship is broken, what good is it for you? Besides, how can you see that it is they who rejected me, not I who rejected them?" Li Man said provocatively, Li Xiangyu, like all feudal mothers-in-law, has She feels that her own person is the best, and if she marries a woman from their family, she will have to serve all the men in their family like gods, and that is her blessing.

Li Xiangyu was shocked by her words, "You, you still want to turn against the sky? They are your men, how can you say such a thing?"

"Can't you see it?" Li Man really felt that Li Xiangyu was very dull, and said directly, "They love me more than you can imagine. If there is a problem with our relationship, I promise you, they will The pain must be no less than mine.”

Therefore, Li Xiangyu can be her aunt with peace of mind, without asking about their feelings, they will naturally respect her and honor her.

Li Xiangyu was furious at her arrogant words, "It's just a woman, you can buy it with money, you really think you are a fairy descending to earth. There are many beautiful women in this world."

Li Man's eyes changed, and she always had a feeling of being a cow playing the piano, "Don't you still want big brother and the others to buy another woman back?"

"This?" Li Xiangyu didn't think about it, she always felt that the woman she bought was unreliable, and it was better to know the truth.

Looking at Li Man's expression again, Li Xiangyu thought she was afraid, immediately raised her lips, and said, "That's not impossible, the Li family is different now, nothing else, just such a magnificent house After seeing it, I'm afraid they are willing to marry the girl over."

"There will be those who are willing to marry, but it's hard to say whether they are willing to marry." Li Man didn't believe that Li Mo and the others wanted to marry someone else. At the beginning, she really thought her family was poor, so she had no choice but to , But later, there were peony, lotus, and the girl Li Xiangyu brought, she thought, if it was really just a lack of women, they could marry them.

Therefore, she, Li Man, became the hostess of the Li family, which is also due to fate.

And the love for each other.

Li Xiangyu was annoyed, "That's because I didn't look for them seriously. If I really found a good one, do you think they want it?"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Xiangyu's mind became alive again. She fell in love with Hehua before, mainly because of her furniture. In addition, Li's family was too poor at that time, and she hoped that her life would be easier after being with Hehua.

However, looking back now, the appearance of the lotus is invisible in the crowd. Compared with Li Man's one-in-a-million beauty, it is indeed too far behind.

It is reasonable for these brothers to want Li Man.

But now, her nephews are rich, they have houses, land and shops, plus they are all of first-class appearance, if they want to find another woman, they can't choose by themselves?

Hmph, don't believe you can't find someone better than Li Man?

Li Man's heart was chilled by her words, and she even said in front of her that she would find a woman for her man. How could she not take her seriously?

"Auntie, isn't it good that my elder brother and I have a harmonious relationship?" Why did she have to get in the way? It seemed that she didn't like me from the first time she saw her, and every time I came here, I felt uncomfortable if I didn't pick on her.

Li Xiangyu disdains, "Since ancient times, men have been women's heaven. No matter how good a man is to a woman, he can't push her to heaven. Tell me, what else can you give to their brothers except a face? Up to now, even a child No birth? Hmph, I look at your body, I'm afraid you don't look like a fertile one. Tell me, there are five brothers in my Li family, and in the future they will have to grow and spread, can you do it?"

Li Man was speechless, stroked her forehead, and said, "How many days have you been at our house? The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, you should go home and prepare for the festival, right? Let's forget about today. I'll let my elder brother prepare the car tomorrow morning. take you home."

"Are you trying to drive me away?" Li Xiangyu's eyes widened.

Li Man was noncommittal, turned around and continued to wash the dishes.

Li Xiangyu refused to give up, and wanted to reason with her when she jumped up, "Little hoof, don't forget, whose house is this? Why do you drive me away?"

"Just because I am the hostess of this house." Li Man turned her head suddenly, met Li Xiangyu's angry eyes, and said bluntly, "If you know whose house this is, you wouldn't dare to be so ignorant."

"..." Li Xiangyu trembled angrily.

Li Man threw down the rag and went straight out. She couldn't get along with a person who always wanted to destroy her family and looked down on her in every possible way.

Li Xiangyu stamped her feet angrily, and ran out to find Li Mo.

Li Mo was standing in the yard, he heard all their conversation just now.

"Boss, you heard it all, your wife is going to drive me away."

"I'll take you back tomorrow morning."


Li Mo didn't say much, turned around and went upstairs.

Li Xiangyu was furious, and secretly swore in her heart that she must find a good wife for the Li family, and then Li Man's little hoof would know how powerful she is.

However, what she didn't expect was that after breakfast the next day, Li Mo really pushed the cart to see her off.

Things have come to this point, Li Xiangyu can't live anymore no matter how stubborn she is, but when she left, she cried angrily, calling Li Mo and the others a white-eyed wolf, not filial or something.

Li Man stayed in the house all the time, only felt that Li Xiangyu was gone, the house was clean and comfortable, and she wanted to live a new life. She didn't want to wrong herself too much. The love and family she had won so hard couldn't be tolerated by a third party. She didn't even want to give it a chance.


In a flash of time, it was Mid-Autumn Festival. On this day, Li Man got up early, learned how to make glutinous rice cakes with Aunt Li and the others, and then made some pastries by herself.

I packed up everything, divided it into three portions, and put them in clean food boxes.

One for the old lady of the Zhang family, one for the eldest aunt Li Xiangyu, and one for the younger aunt Li Xiangcao.

Coincidentally, when Li Yan went to town, he brought them all along with him.

During the day, Li Man bought some fish and meat again, planning to cook a big dinner at night, and celebrate the festival with the whole family.

She even cleaned the small platform upstairs. After dinner, everyone can sit on it and enjoy the moon cakes she made while watching the moon.

Heh, this is her first reunion festival in this world, and I am looking forward to it.

However, unexpectedly, in the middle of the afternoon, Li Yan and Li Shu came back and brought Li Xiangcao back with them.

Seeing her haggard eyes, the whole family was surprised.

And Li Xiangcao refused to say anything, but Li Shu angrily said that the little uncle was not human.

Li Man remembered what she saw when she went to Li Xiangcao's house last time. Later, she went to see a doctor with Li Xiangcao. The doctor said that she could have a baby. At that time, Li Xiangcao was so excited that she would definitely win back her husband's heart.

Thinking about it now, not only did that man's heart not recover, he was afraid that Li Xiangcao would still be hurt.

For dinner, Li Xiangcao offered to help, and the two women, Li Man, were busy in the kitchen.

In fact, Li Man was doing all the dishes, and Li Xiangcao only needed to light the fire. However, several times, when Li Man saw her sitting under the stove in a daze, the fire was either too big or too small.

"Sister-in-law, come, try to see if the meat is rotten." Li Man suddenly picked up a piece of chicken and handed it to Li Xiangcao's mouth.

Li Xiangcao's lips were a little dry, and suddenly the fragrant meat came to her mouth, her lips moved unconsciously, and Li Man stuffed the meat into her mouth.

It can be seen that Li Xiangcao must have had a hard time in the past few months, "Sister-in-law, how is it? Is it salty? I'm afraid I put too much salt."

She was looking for something to say, because she was afraid that Li Xiangcao would think of something unhappy again.

Today, the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion is a happy day for the whole family. Li Man thinks everyone will be happy. As for the troubles, I will talk about them later.

Li Xiangcao chewed a few times and smiled, "It's delicious, it's delicious."

"That's good. I'll fill it up first. There's still a piece of fish left. Girl, do you like braised in brown sauce or steamed?" Li Man asked casually while filling the pot with meat.

"Anything is fine." Li Xiangcao replied softly.

Li Man glanced at her, saw her drooping eyebrows, and said, "Then let's braise it." Li Mo and Li Yan both love it.

"Yeah." Li Xiangcao nodded, and then fell silent.

Li Man knew that she was not feeling well, but she couldn't find any suitable words to comfort her at the moment, so she could only focus on cooking, and wanted to wait until night, and ask Li Xiangcao to sleep with her, and then she would ask her carefully, and then give her some advice.

Tonight's meal was very sumptuous, and Li Man specially prepared a jar of wine. When it was dark, she lit the lamp to brighten the kitchen.

Then, a sumptuous dish was served, and a bowl of sake was poured in front of everyone, and the whole family sat around to have a good reunion dinner.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiangcao didn't know where her mind wandered. Looking at the delicious dishes on the table, her eyes were in a trance, she suddenly grabbed the bowl in front of her, raised her neck, and poured the whole bowl of wine down her throat.

The wine wasn't very strong, but she couldn't stand drinking it like this. She was choked and fell on the table and coughed violently.

Li Man hurriedly rubbed her back for her, Li Mo and the others looked serious, they all knew that Li Xiangcao had been hit hard this time, and they were probably heartbroken.

After a while, Li Xiangcao regained her strength, raised her head, her eyes were red, and she looked at the others apologetically, with a hoarse voice, "Sorry, I drank too much just now, Man'er, pour me another bowl."

"Sister-in-law, you should order some food first, or your stomach won't be able to bear it." Li Man hurriedly put some hot food into her bowl.

Li Xiangcao shook her head and reached for the jug by herself, "Oh, I just want to drink."

Does she look a little drunk? Li Man was stunned, quickly snatched the wine jar, and put it far away, "Sister-in-law, you can drink, but you have to eat food first."

On the one hand, he took the chopsticks himself, picked up some hot dishes and fed them to Li Xiangcao's mouth.

Li Xiangcao paused, staring straight at Li Man, and suddenly, tears welled up in her eyes.

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