Fortunate Wife

Chapter 200 Punishment

Li Xiangcao got up early in the morning and was busy with breakfast in the kitchen alone.

In the side room, Zhang Ben, who was drunk last night, also woke up at this moment, saw Li Shu who was still asleep beside him in a strange room, rubbed his head, and then vaguely remembered what happened last night.

You were so drunk last night that you still slept in Li's house? This made Zhang Ben somewhat embarrassed.

He got up and got off the kang, straightened his clothes, and went out.

The gate was open, but the yard was quiet, except for the occasional noise from the kitchen. He thought it might be Li Man making breakfast there, so he wanted to go to say hello and go home.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Li Xiangcao standing by the pot, stroking her sleeves, and kneading the dough vigorously. Her arms were very slender, which made him feel that such a handful of noodles would have to be exhausted all over her body. It takes strength to knead.

For no reason, he just wanted to help her, "Sister-in-law, let me do it."

"Ah?" He came in suddenly, startled Li Xiangcao, and took a step back instinctively.

After a pause, Zhang Ben realized that there were only a man and a widow in the kitchen. I'm leaving."

Li Xiangcao didn't know it was him, her heart was beating hard, but she wasn't afraid anymore, she wanted to tell him to have breakfast before leaving, but Zhang Ben ran too fast, she just opened her mouth, and the man ran away without a trace up.

As soon as Li Man came downstairs, she saw Zhang Ben running out. She didn't have time to shout, so she couldn't help being curious. She went to the kitchen and asked Li Xiangcao, "What happened to Brother Zhang?"

Li Xiangcao shook her head, "I don't know either, he just said something happened at home and left first."

"Oh." It's so urgent, I hope it's not a big deal, "What about the meeting? What are you doing?"

"I want to steam some steamed buns." Li Xiangcao said.

"Okay." Li Man lifted the lid of the pot and found that the porridge was cooked, so she felt a little embarrassed, "Sister-in-law, don't have to wake up so early if you have nothing to do in the future, sleep more and nourish your spirit."

"Oh, I go to bed early at night, and I can't lie down at dawn in the morning." Li Xiangcao said while talking to each other, Li Man listened, but was embarrassed, she couldn't go to bed early at night, hey.

"Oh, I didn't mean you." Seeing that Li Man was stunned for a moment, Li Xiangcao hurriedly traced it, but if it was nothing at first, it seemed to be something more after such a trace.

The corners of Li Man's eyes twitched, and Li Xiangcao knew she had slipped her words, so she quickly lowered her head and continued kneading the dough.

Seeing her like this, Li Man smiled, this little girl is even shyer than her.

However, getting along with Li Xiangcao is much simpler and easier than her sister Li Xiangyu.

Li Xiangcao had almost prepared breakfast, and Li Man couldn't get involved, so she collected all the clothes she changed last night in one place, planning to go to the pond with Li Xiangcao to wash them off after breakfast.

However, after breakfast, when Li Man proposed to go to the pond to wash clothes, Li Xiangcao hesitated. Now that she has reconciled with her husband's family, she is like an abandoned wife, and she doesn't know how to face the familiar folks.

Moreover, the matter between her and Shen Runsheng was quite a sensation in the village back then. At that time, although there were many envious people, most of them were jokes. Some people even asserted at that time that she married into the Shen family. It's not good, it's really too big a disparity in family status.

In fact, half a year after she was married to the Shen family, Shen Runsheng's grandmother died of illness, and the only support of the Shen family collapsed. Light.

Shen Runsheng grew up under the care of his grandmother since he was a child. He has no calculations about money and things, and he has developed a pampered temperament. In this way, he sold a lot of the original ancestral house, and in the end, they only had the few houses they lived in now.

Regarding this, Shen Runsheng even beat her after drinking, saying that she was unable to bear children, that she was a bastard, and that she had brought such bad luck to the Shen family. Originally, she was the one who should have married some famous daughter ruined him.

Even though she knew that he might have been unintentional after drinking, these words still had an impact on Li Xiangcao. She also felt that it was really her fate to restrain the Shen family and restrain him? For this reason, she also secretly promised Yinzi to go to the temple to ask the master to change his life.

In order for him to study, and for him to have better food and clothing, she embroidered day and night, and her fingers were numb from being pricked.

Even later, he brought back a woman who was already pregnant with his child, and she took care of her without any complaints.

"Sister-in-law, why don't you take care of the house, hehe, I don't have many clothes, I can wash them in a while." Originally, she wanted Li Xiangcao to go out to get some air, but seeing her look, Li Man immediately thought that she might I didn't have the courage to go out of the house yet, so I quickly changed my words.

Li Xiangcao's eyes flickered slightly, and she took a deep breath and said, "Li Hua is here at home, let me go with you, don't you have to buy meat later?" Forget it, you have to face it sooner or later , and, Li Shu has already signed, she and Shen Runsheng no matter who owes who, forget it.

"Hmm... well then, let's go." Li Man walked out of the house with her carrying the basket.

In fact, if Li Man goes out alone, there are not many people to say hello, because she doesn't have much contact with people in the village on weekdays, but because Li Xiangyuan was born and raised here, and she got married very soon. Don't come back, this time when she suddenly appeared in the village, people who were acquainted with her before, especially women who like to gossip, all came over to talk to her.

Of course, they didn't know about Li Xiangcao and Li's return to her mother's house, they only asked what they wanted to know.

After a while, he said that Li Xiangcao was blessed to marry such a good family, and then asked how many children Li Xiangcao had? Did you bring it back? After a while, she said that she seemed to be a lot thinner than before, whether it was because the big family had a lot of affairs, she was busy every day as a young mistress.

Li Man felt that these people were too noisy, and wanted to block them for her, but unexpectedly, Li Xiangcao smiled lightly and said to the curious people, "I don't have children, let's leave. "

It was like a bomb, and the people who exploded were stunned, thinking that there was something wrong with their ears.

There are still good people who want to grab Li Xiangcao and ask for more details, but Li Man blocks them first, and then takes Li Xiangcao to a secluded place, and the two start washing clothes.

During the period, Li Man looked at Li Xiangcao from time to time, and found that her complexion was as usual, and she was finally relieved. Moreover, she had the courage to speak out about the divorce just now, which is also very good. If she can face the past calmly, she will be able to welcome the future calmly .


Time flies, and Li Xiangcao's life in Li's family has stabilized. She is also content with such peace, and is gradually able to face the gossip of the villagers. Occasionally, she can go out with Li Man to buy meat, wash clothes, etc. of.

Of course, there were rumors and gossip, and everything was expected by Li Xiangcao, so she didn't express too much sadness.

On the contrary, with Li Man's company, doing some housework every day, and then studying with Xiao Wu's group of children, she felt much more fulfilled.

Even, if there is nothing to do, I will clean up the old house with Li Man.

That's right, because the construction of the school has not yet been implemented, so Li Man discussed with his family one day, repaired the abandoned old house, and led the children to study there.

There are many subjects to study, such as Chinese, mathematics, music, painting, and a sport that Li Man is not good at, but she insists on.

She takes the children to run around the old house every day, and encourages the children to get up early to exercise by themselves, taking them to do exercises, shuttlecock kicking, rope skipping, long jump, etc., to try to make the children comprehensive morally, intellectually and physically under limited conditions Later, some older boys were not interested in sports like shuttlecock kicking, so she had a whim and asked Li Yan to help the children make two cujus, and led the children to play all over the yard. This sport is not only for those children, but even Li Yan and the others are very fond of it when they see it later. The brothers will play a kick in their spacious yard whenever they have nothing to do.

It can be said that recently, the life of the Li family has been quite happy and colorful. Everyone has a smile on their faces, and they feel that life has finally come to an end.

However, Li Shu was the only one missing in this group of people. He was the only one who forced himself to smile under the cheers of others, but his heart couldn't be more bitter.

Because, for more than a month, the daughter-in-law didn't know what happened? She treated him as usual in front of people during the day, but at night, when it was his turn to go to her room, no matter how hard he tried, she just wouldn't allow him to touch her.

He was going crazy, really, he was about to kneel down with his wife, oh no, he thought about coaxing his daughter-in-law like that every night, being humble is no different from kneeling, but the daughter-in-law seems determined Do not let touch.

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo up

For this reason, he also secretly asked his second brother for advice. Of course, the protagonist of the matter was not that he became a good friend Ah Da, but that his daughter-in-law suddenly refused to let Ah Da get close. He wanted his second brother to help him figure out what happened. thing.

Then, the second brother looked at him suspiciously, and asked angrily, "Is it you?"

Of course he refused to admit it. He was rejected by his wife for more than a month and was not allowed to touch him, so he immediately denied it.

Then, the second brother shrugged his eyebrows and taught him, "Why are you meddling in the matter of the couple's kang? Be careful, the girl knows to ignore you."

She just ignored it, okay? Li Shu was so wronged that he scratched his head and couldn't figure out where the problem was?

On this day, it was supposed to be Li Shu resting in his wife's room. For this reason, he came back from the town early and brought a good thing back to curry favor with her.

This is a melon seed bought from a roasted seeds and nuts shop newly opened on the street. Last time, the second brother bought it back, and his daughter-in-law ate it and said it was delicious. All envious and jealous.

So, this time, he hurriedly bought a large bag, and secretly stuffed it into Li Man's arms when he came back.

Li Man was lighting a fire under the stove at the time, and seeing him suddenly stuff a big paper bag, she was full of suspicion.

"Where's sister?" Li Shu squatted next to her, afraid that Li Xiangcao would come in suddenly and be embarrassed.

"Tian Ni fell in the afternoon, and my sister took her home." Li Man said, pinching the paper bag, and asked suspiciously, "What are these? Melon seeds?"

"Well, daughter-in-law, it's the taste you like." Li Shu smiled to please, took the paper bag from her hand again, opened it, grabbed a handful and put it in his hand, and put the rest on the pot, and then , and then squatted at her feet, carefully peeled off one, and handed it to her mouth, "Daughter-in-law, here it is."

Li Man looked at him, trying to suppress the smile in his eyes, and his mouth was very uncooperative.

Li Shu hurriedly said, "I washed my hands just now."

"It's so good... why did you buy this?" Li Man knew his intentions well, but she just didn't buy it.

Li Shu smiled flatteringly, "Don't you like to eat?"

"I don't like to eat." Li Man shook her head.

"Why don't you like it? Last time the second brother bought it, you ate it." Li Shu was a little dissatisfied.

Thinking of that time, Li Man immediately turned dark, "I didn't eat it." That night, Li Yan squeezed her and ate him. Her hands were exhausted, so she peeled the melon seeds, okay?

"..." Li Shu was hurt immediately, "Daughter-in-law, you are biased, you can eat what the second brother buys, but you don't want what I buy? Eat and eat, the same taste."

His tone changed a little, as if he was going to cry at any moment, Li Man's heart softened, and his lips parted slightly.

Li Shuxin moved, and immediately put the melon seeds into her mouth with a smile, and immediately began to peel them again.

One by one, peel off a small handful, and then give Li Man a bite to eat.

After eating three or four handfuls for Li Man, Li Shu felt that the time was right, so he leaned into her ear and said, "Daughter-in-law, tonight—"

"Yeah, is sister back?" Hearing some noise outside, Li Man immediately got up, walked around him and walked outside.

Li Shu was taken aback for a moment, but then wanted to stomp his feet anxiously, "Daughter-in-law." Every time he mentioned this, his wife ignored him.

How to do? It's been more than a month, and it has reached the limit of his tolerance, no matter what, even if it's hard tonight, I have to ask for it first.

Li Shu threw a handful of melon seed husks into the hole of the pot, but for a moment he wanted to be tough, but then he despised himself ruthlessly, he really wanted to be tough, but whenever his wife's eyes softened, he Can't you be obedient? I am wronged and endure it for life.

Outside, it was Li Mo who came back from chopping some firewood, and it was piled up in the corner of the yard. When Dahei and Xiaohuang saw him coming back, they were naturally very happy and moved to his side.

Li Man only came out when he heard the dog barking. Speaking of which, Li Mo stopped hunting now, and even took Dahei with him. I stopped hunting with it in the mountains, and it disappeared for a few days without incident, and sometimes came back with a pheasant or a hare in its mouth.

However, it disappeared less often recently, and stayed quietly in the kennel with Xiao Huang.

Li Mo piled up the firewood, wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, saw Li Man come out, and smiled softly at her.

Li Man looked at the tall pile of firewood, and the bundle of firewood was almost as tall as her. She couldn't help but frowned, and came over with distress, and helped him to remove the grass clippings from his clothes, "You, aren't you?" Did I tell you? There is enough firewood at home, if you cut it down, get less at a time, how heavy is such a load?"

Gently opening his collar, looking at the reddened shoulders, Li Man's eyes were hot, and she squinted at him reproachfully, "You don't listen every time I tell you, why do you like to be troubled so much?"

"Not tired." In fact, in Li Mo's view, the current life is almost boring. He only cuts such a load of firewood a day. Besides, it's really not heavy. He is such a strong man. It's really like playing with a burden of more than one hundred catties on your body.

But seeing how distressed Li Man was, his heart was warm, ashamed, and happy, "If you massage me at night, I'll be fine."

"Don't rub it." Li Man said angrily, besides, if his shoulders are pressed like that, can she just rub it?

"Man'er—" Li Mo was speechless, he loved to see her coquettish, but she was at a loss for what to do, and he didn't know how to coax her.

Li Man bit her lip and looked at him, "Tomorrow if you pick so many more, I'll ignore you." She didn't know that she felt sorry for herself.

"Well, the knife was sharpened a little this morning, and I accidentally cut some more." Li Mo smiled. In fact, at this time of the year, he chopped more firewood, because it was going to be cold soon, and the firewood he needed at home There are more firewood.

Li Man looked at him, and suddenly grabbed his hand. Looking at his rough palm, thick calluses, and a few fine marks from a knife or a tree thorn, she felt distressed with her fingers. The belly rubbed lightly.

She rubbed her soft fingertips against her palm, which was indescribably comfortable. Li Mo wanted to withdraw his hand several times, but was reluctant.

"My hands are dirty." I haven't washed my hands since I came back from chopping wood.

"You wait, I'll bring you some hot water." Li Man turned around and went to the kitchen.

Li Mo showed his face, showing a naive smile, at his feet, listening to his husband and wife being tired of Dahei for a long time, taking advantage of the absence of the mistress, he quickly rubbed his head against the master's legs a few times, hoping to get the same attention.

In the kitchen, Li Shu leaned sullenly against the pot, watching Li Man scoop up water and mix it with water, and take it out to wash his elder brother's hands, feeling more and more depressed.

It's nothing at all for a daughter-in-law to treat her elder brother well, and he also hopes to see it, but can the contrast not be so big? When he thought of his wife's treatment of him just now, he couldn't help but want to scream up to the sky, what a pain.

Today's dinner, Li Shu's food was tasteless, thinking that tonight might be the same as before, and he couldn't even touch his wife's hands, so he simply lost the energy to eat, barely took two mouthfuls of rice, and then put it down Bowls and chopsticks, listlessly got up.

"Third brother, are you uncomfortable?" Li Mo asked worriedly.

Li Yan is suspicious, isn't he quite energetic during the day?

Li Shu shook his head, glanced at Li Man, sighed a long time, and left the table.

Everyone was puzzled and looked at Li Man one after another.

"What's wrong? Did he provoke you again?"

Why do you ask this? Because everyone knows Li Shu very well. Whenever his wife provokes him, no matter how he provokes him, he is happy. But what can make him so depressed must be something he did to make Li Man angry. in this way......

Li Man was slightly stunned, knowing it well. Thinking of Li Shu, who eats the most in the family, he put down the table and chopsticks after only two mouthfuls, and he couldn't bear it. He wondered if the punishment of more than a month had passed?

However, thinking of what he said that day, she was still angry with him.

Forget it, let's talk tonight.

After dinner, Li Xiangcao cleaned up the dishes, and Li Man specially made some noodles.

Li Xiangcao was curious, "What else are you doing now?"

"Li Shu didn't eat anything for dinner, so he must be hungry." Based on what she knew about him, before midnight, he might be so hungry that he would cry out. By then, he would definitely not care about anything raw and cold in the kitchen, as long as it was edible. He ate it.

Li Xiangcao smiled softly, "What? Distressed?"

"..." Li Man pursed her lips and said nothing. In fact, such a long punishment is enough. Of course, that kind of punishment is not bad, but she still doesn't want to let him go hungry.

Picking two more vegetables and washing them, and taking two eggs, Li Man simply made a bowl of vegetables and egg noodles, served them upstairs.

Li Shu is lying on the Li Mankang at the moment, and the large-character posture absolutely occupies the entire kang. Hey, he can only sleep in such a small place at night, and he can't cross the boundary. He can only smell it now Her smell is gone.

Suddenly, the door opened and Li Man walked in.

Li Shu tilted his head and saw the hot noodle soup, he suddenly regained his energy, "Daughter-in-law, did you make it for me?"

"Well, eat it while it's hot." Li Man put the bowl on the table.

Li Shu rushed over excitedly, but not facing each other, but facing someone, holding Li Man's hand tightly, and asked cautiously, "Daughter-in-law, make noodles for me? Then you... you still care about me? I..."

"Eat the noodles first." Seeing him like this, Li Man's heart softened, well, the punishment is over here.

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