Fortunate Wife

Chapter 211 Get kicked out

Li Xiangcao knew that the elder sister's words really hurt Li Man, and she didn't have the face to beg Li Man for mercy, but, after all, they are the same flesh and blood of the whole family, so if this quarrel continues, both sides will suffer.

"Eldest sister, you really shouldn't say that, please, please forgive Man'er, right? I know, you are so angry——"

"Aren't you compensated? She deserves it too?" It's okay not to persuade her, but once someone came to persuade her, Li Xiangyu took Qiao even more. If she didn't believe it, Li Mozhen dared to let her go in the middle of the night.

"Okay, I don't need you, I'll pack my things myself, and I'll go now."

After finishing speaking, she shook off Li Xiangcao and ran outside.

Li Xiangcao stomped her feet anxiously, and hurried to chase her sister away.

In the kitchen, it suddenly became quiet.

Li Man sat down with a calm expression on her face.

"Brother." Li Hua stood up and walked up to Li Mo. Seeing that his face was gloomy, he seemed to be still immersed in anger and worried.

Li Mo looked at the night outside, and said solemnly, "I'm fine."

Can you really send Auntie and the others away overnight? Li Hua was a little skeptical, but he didn't say a word, no matter if the elder brother was sincere or just pretending, he just wanted to vent his anger on Li Man, he would not let the elder brother have a chance to take back this decision.

Li Xiangyu had hurt Man'er firmly with her actions, and if they compromised, they would hurt Man'er again, even deeper.

He won't compromise, not even his eldest brother.

However, it was obvious that Li Hua was overthinking. In the past, Li Mo might have been concerned that the person was the eldest aunt, but tonight, Li Man's words woke him up.

Yes, he was thinking about family affection, and that person was his aunt, but why did this aunt ever care about the feelings of their nephews? Openly, they hurt their beloved woman again and again, even they will not let it go.

Family affection is not one-sided. If this aunt keeps using their cherished family affection as a bargaining chip and repeatedly hurts their beloved, he would rather cut off this family affection.

Behind them, Li Man and Xiao Wu sat quietly on the stools.

Li Man was calm, even a little bit of gloating in her heart, yes, that's it, her men protected her so far, it was enough for her to be happy.

The corner of Xiao Wu's eyes kept falling on her, at first he was worried, but when he saw the corners of her lips rising a little bit, and the sly smile deepened and deepened, he finally felt relieved, and slowly aroused her smile. lip.

The room was very quiet, and no one said a word.

Not long after, there was a noise from the gate of the courtyard, presumably Li Yan and the others had returned.

"What's the matter? Oh, boss, are you arguing with your aunt again?" Aunt Zhao asked eagerly when she saw Li Mo standing by the kitchen door.

Behind her, Uncle Zhao and Zhao Yun'er, both with their backs on their backs, saluted.

Zhao Yun'er's eyes were red, as if she had cried, she walked to the door, did not come in, only looked at Li Mo pitifully under the light of the oil lamp, and asked in a choked voice, "Brother, you don't want to take us in either. ? Want to drive us away?"

Li Mo didn't respond, and Li Shu behind her, upon hearing the words, replied bluntly, "Our family temple is too small to accommodate your Zhao family, so get out of here."

As soon as the family came, they hadn't had a good meal for several meals.

Zhao Yun'er blushed, tears of grievance rolled down, Aunt Zhao felt sorry for her daughter, but seeing the situation in front of her, she probably guessed what was going on, so she rushed to persuade Li Mo.

"Boss, why did you quarrel with your aunt again? She is your dear aunt, don't you know her temper? I have always been strong, outspoken, and said what was in my heart, and I didn't know if I offended anyone. You are her nephew, if you don't consider her, who will? Right? You don't know how much your aunt usually loves you, and she told me how nice you are..."

"Why are you telling him this? Let's go." At this moment, Li Xiangyu, who had packed up her things, came out and stopped Aunt Zhao.

Aunt Zhao hurriedly rushed towards Li Xiangyu, pulled her to salute, and stopped her, "Aunt Yu, what's wrong with you? You can't leave if you can get angry? They are all children, and you can't just leave when you get angry. Go like this. When you leave, how will they behave in this village in the future. Others should know that they drove away their aunt overnight, and they didn't poke their backs behind their backs."

Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy. Aunt Zhao's remark was obviously to persuade Li Xiangyu, but secretly meant to threaten Li Mo and others.

It seems that what they do is treasonous.

Li Yan sneered at the side, before he wanted to refute, Li Mo had already spoken first, "Third brother, go and push the cart out, Second child, light a lantern and come here."

If I made such a decision before, I still felt a little pain in my heart when I was angry, but now after listening to Aunt Zhao's words, the pain of breaking the family relationship is gone.

If Aunt Zhao was a sensible and kind-hearted person, she would not have said such vicious words. In other words, in her eyes, the Li family deserved their due for taking them in.

Li Mo's heart became colder and colder. The reason why he took in this family was because they were old friends of his father and mother. He would feel relieved thinking about the little old love in the past and thinking about the spirit of his parents in heaven.

It's not because of some kind of reputation, or fear of being poked in the back by others if you don't accept it. He, Li Mo, has never been afraid of these things in his work.

Soon, Li Yan came over with a lantern. This lantern was a bit old, with a thin layer of dust on it. It was hung on the porch during Chinese New Year in previous years.

Li Shu also pushed the cart over, "Brother, do we still want to deliver?"

"Get in the car." Li Mo came out from the house and said to Li Xiangyu.

Seeing his stern face, Li Xiangyu realized that he was determined to drive her away. For a while, her heart was like an overturned five-flavored bottle, and all kinds of emotions were intertwined. Finally, she shouted in a trembling voice, " Good, good, you are really good...I'll go."

She didn't get in the car, she shook her younger sister Li Xiangcao's hand, and ran out of the yard with her bundle in her arms.

Li Mo hurriedly kicked him out, it was true, but he didn't want anything to happen to him.

Li Xiangcao was dumbfounded, and when she recovered, she also chased her out.

Here, Li Yan hurried into the room, and explained to Li Hua, "Fourth brother, the house is in your hands." He took a quick look at Li Man, "Be good."

"Yeah." Li Man stood up, "Be careful on the road."

"I know." Li Yan nodded and turned to leave.

Li Shu pushed the empty cart while urging the Zhao family, "Why are you still standing there, hurry up?"

"Third brother, what, what's the trouble? We're not doing well, aren't we doing well at noon?" Uncle Zhao didn't want to leave. Didn't they just settle down in the afternoon? The daughter will marry the Li family in the future, and he will be the father-in-law of the Li family. Although the Li family is not as good as those big families outside, but seeing that they are living a wealthy life, he will follow suit.

But this joy has not slowed down, so he was kicked out?

Zhao Yun'er was also in the same state of mind. The conversation with Li Man in the afternoon made her feel so depressed that she went back to complain to her mother.

The mother scolded her for being too hasty, saying that Li Man is smart, and the Li family brothers are tired of her now, all she can do is to stay first, slowly walk into the life of the Li family, and slowly integrate into the Li family Little by little, the hearts of brothers pushed Li Man away from their hearts. After all, she also had her advantages.

A good guy has three gangs, she has parents, brothers from other places, and Li Xiangyu, all these are incomparable to the orphan Li Man.

In the future, the three of them will integrate into the life of the Li family. The men of the Li family will always be outside, and Li Man is the only one in the house. Why don't they follow them? At that time, she will be obedient, but if she is disobedient, they have too many ways to get such an orphan girl out of the Li family.

Even with despicable methods, I heard that Li Man is not a local. When she first came here, she couldn't even understand the words here, and she couldn't speak them. Hmph, even then, the Li family brothers still hugged her, They can also take advantage of people's unpreparedness to plot against her. Even if such an orphan girl is sold to other places, it will be difficult for the Li family to find even if they want to.

Li Man has no natal family, and without the protection of the Li family brothers, she is nothing, even if there is a big grievance, there is no way to complain.

They are not afraid of her.

In the afternoon, the mother and daughter were in the old house of the Li family, planning their future step by step.

Zhao Yun'er thought of the warm scene in Li Hua's room in the morning. For the woman in his arms, Li Hua didn't even give her a chance to open her mouth, and directly drove her away. This kind of humiliation made her heartbroken.

She even suggested that it is better to find an opportunity in the near future, abduct Li Man out, and sell her far away, so that the Li family will never be able to find her.

At that time, the Li family brothers will naturally be sad, and this kind of time is also the best time for her to take advantage of it.

However, Aunt Zhao did not agree, because they only came. If something happened to Li Man, they would inevitably be suspected.

Therefore, after discussing and discussing, the final result is to wait for the opportunity.

At night, when it was time for dinner, Aunt Zhao said that going to dinner these days, everyone at the dinner table was very unhappy, especially at noon when everyone ridiculed Zhao Yun'er for not knowing how to cook, she was very unhappy.

So, when it's time to take Joe, you have to take it.

After all, they are newcomers and they are still guests. No matter how unhappy the Li family is, they have to be more respectful, and they will definitely come over for dinner at night.

There is a huge difference between going to eat with a shy face and asking someone to come over and ask you to eat in person.

Moreover, the Li family has already let them live in the old house, and even came to invite them to eat in person. This relationship is obviously good, but the Zhao family only has such a daughter, who is so close to the Li family, and has not yet married at the age of eighteen. People, it is easy for the villagers to think about that kind of relationship.

When the time comes, they will get twice the result with half the effort if they want to marry the Li family.

But there is always a gap between the ideal and the reality. Just when the three members of the Zhao family thought more and more and felt that things were complete, Li Yan and Li Shu came over.

At first they thought they were here to invite them to dinner, but as soon as Li Shu came in, he unceremoniously lifted the bedding and said coolly, "Pack up your things and get out."

The cold eight words, like a bomb, directly shattered all their thoughts.

They were not allowed to explain at all, and they were not allowed to ask why. Seeing that they were not moving, Li Shu pushed them directly.

Uncle Zhao and Zhao Yun'er rushed to pack up their things, and then they were brought to the new house by Li Yan and Li Shu.

The Zhao family was frowning, and Aunt Zhao lost her mind for a while, so she kept begging, "Second and third, where are you taking us this late at night? You, Uncle Zhao, and Yun'er, we Already homeless, if you drive us away, we can only sleep on the street."

"Oh? So you used to sleep on the street?" Li Yan sneered mockingly.

"Second brother." Zhao Yun'er Lihua looked at him with rain, "Please, don't drive us away, let us stay. I'm willing to be a cow or a horse."

"Walk, walk, it's very annoying, who wants a cow like you, can you carry a hundred catties of noodles?" Li Shu said angrily, he is annoying such a woman, very pestering.

Zhao Yun'er couldn't stop crying, and Aunt Zhao also drooped her head. However, she was much better than her daughter. Even under such circumstances, she could still analyze the most beneficial plan for her.

It was Li Xiangyu who had a conflict with the Li family brothers, and their family was implicated, but after all, Li Xiangyu brought them here, so it's not good for them to leave Li Xiangyu alone to please the Li family brothers.

What's more, if Li Xiangyu and the others make trouble again, it will be his aunt and nephew, the bones are broken and the tendons are still connected, so there will definitely be opportunities to meet in the future.

Almost instantly, Aunt Zhao made a decision and pulled her daughter, "Okay, Yun'er, let's not cry, let's go."

"Mother." Zhao Yun'er was not reconciled, and only discussed it in the afternoon. Is her good life in the future ruined like this?

Aunt Zhao gave her a wink, "Let's go, as long as the three of us stay together safely, we won't be afraid to beg for food."

What she said was pitiful, but Zhao Yun'er knew, how could her mother let herself beg for food, she was born with a precious life, even if she couldn't be the mistress of a rich family, she would definitely live a life without worrying about food and clothing.

Therefore, the mother and son are still in the same mind, Zhao Yun'er nodded, and obediently followed behind her mother.

On a soil slope at the foot of the mountain, Li Mo and Li Xiangcao had already driven Li Xiangyu to Li Xiangyu.

I don't know what happened, but Li Xiangyu sat quietly on the stone, and when Li Shu's cart came, she sat on it as if resigned to her fate, without saying a word, like a wooden stake.

"Sister, I'll take you back." Li Mo said to Li Xiangcao.

There were tears in Li Xiangcao's eyes, with uneasiness and worry, "Li Mo—"

"Don't worry, I will take them home." Li Mo said, "Second brother and third brother, you go first, I will send my sister home first, and follow me right away."

"En." Li Yan and Li Shu nodded. This night, the mountain road is not easy to walk, nor can they walk fast, so I am not afraid that Li Mo will not be able to keep up.

Li Xiangcao looked at Li Xiangyu and coaxed softly, "Sister, I won't send you off, you should think about it when you go back, in the future—"

"Let's go." Li Xiangyu's cold voice interrupted her.

Li Xiangcao was helpless, and didn't say anything else, she just told Li Mo, "Don't send me off, it's not too far away, I can go back by running."

"I'll see you off." Although the foot of the mountain is not very far from the new house, it's very dark at night, and Li Xiangcao is a woman's house, what should I do if I meet bad guys on the way?

Seeing his insistence, Li Xiangcao had no choice but to obey, "Let's go."

"Yeah." Li Mo thoughtfully sent Li Xiangcao back. Li Xiangyu turned her head and watched the two figures gradually blur. Human fault?

"Let's go." She turned her head stubbornly, no longer looking at her sister and eldest nephew submerged in the night, and told Li Shu.

Li Shu raised his eyebrows and called Li Yan, "Second brother, the lantern is on, I can't see it."

"Yeah." Li Yan held the lantern to shine some light in front of the car, and when he saw the road clearly, Li Shu slowly pushed the car.

The Zhao family followed closely behind, and in such a depressing and silent atmosphere, they wisely didn't make another sound. However, maybe the road was really difficult, and Zhao Yun'er's voice came from time to time, it didn't mean he fell It's sprained, but it's not good anyway.

When Li Mo arrived, Zhao Yun'er simply sat down on the ground, holding her ankle and crying, "Mother, I sprained my ankle, it hurts so much, woo woo woo..."

"Ah, I sprained my ankle? What should I do? Boss, what should I do?" Aunt Zhao grabbed Li Mo's sleeve and cried, "Yun'er can't leave like this."

"If you can't walk, then live on this mountain." Li Shu said angrily, staring contemptuously at Zhao Yun'er, who looked like he was about to die. Fortunately, she was still born in Shennvgou, so she didn't walk a mile Road, her ankle sprained, worse than my daughter-in-law. When my daughter-in-law came out of the mountain, he wanted to use a car to pull her, but he was not happy. She ran ahead happily like a bird. She also said What's the matter, oh, yes, walking in the mountains, I feel happy.

When Zhao Yun'er heard this, she trembled immediately. It was cold in late autumn, and people could freeze to death in the mountains at night. Besides, the surroundings were pitch black, and various strange noises could be heard. Could there be ferocious beasts? She doesn't want to spend the night in a place like this.

"Mother." She just cried and hugged Zhao Shi tightly.

Mrs. Zhao looked at Li Mo helplessly, "How can this be good? This girl can't leave again."

"I'll get down, she sits." Li Xiangyu couldn't get used to the mother and daughter crying, and wanted to get out of the car angrily.

But before she came down, Li Shu quit, "It's agreed, I won't pull other women except my wife." Of course, in his eyes, Auntie is not a woman.

Zhao Yun'er's face was suffocated, and her heart seemed to be burned by fire. It's Li Man again, she is so good? First of all, that set of wardrobe is exclusive to her, and now even a broken car is exclusively for her?

Hmph, she is not rare.

Zhao Yun'er looked at Li Mo with tears in her eyes, "Brother, my foot hurts so much, I'm afraid I won't be able to walk, can you..."

"You want my elder brother to carry you?" Hearing her delicate tone, Li Shu's eyelids trembled, and he helped him out angrily, "Aren't you too shameless?"

Zhao Yun'er was so angry that his liver hurt, "I didn't ask my elder brother to carry me."

"Don't let me recite it." Li Shu shrugged and hummed mockingly.

"Brother." Afraid that Li Mo's heart would soften, Li Yan came over with a lantern, and the bright light shone on Zhao Yun'er's face, and said with a faint smile, "I don't think it's better than this, since her foot is injured, she can walk every step No, we are neither advancing nor retreating now, just—”

Zhao Yun'er was full of anticipation, thinking that they would send them down the mountain and then back to the old house, so that she could rely on their foot injury to stay at their house.

Unexpectedly, Li Yan said this, "Let's send my aunt out first. Here, they are a family of three, so they are not afraid."

"Ah?" Zhao Yun'er exclaimed in surprise, "Don't leave me behind."

"Oh, your parents will stay with you. Don't worry, nothing will happen. There are no wild animals around here. You just wait here. It's dawn. We should be able to come back. When the time comes, we will find someone to see you off." You go out." Li Yan said.

Zhao Yun'er was surprised, and even more angry, how could Li Yan say this, so disregarding their family's life and death?

"It's so late at night, you think we'll freeze to death here?"

"There are no clothes in that bag?" Li Yan glanced at the package in their arms.

Zhao Yun'er was at a loss for words, and looked at Li Mo as if asking for help. From his heart, this simple and honest man made her feel at ease when he came. His arms shield her from the wind and frost.

Li Mo also looked at her, but was not moved by her pitiful expression, "If you can go, let's go together, if you can't, you both stay."

Zhao Yun'er felt a sharp pain in his heart, how could he be so cruel.

Aunt Zhao saw that her daughter's hard work was not going to work, and the Li brothers obviously didn't buy it, so they were also dying at this time, so they just knelt down to rub their daughter's feet, "I'll rub it for you, and walk slowly in a while."

If he was sent out, if he was with Li Xiangyu, there would be a guarantee. If he was left in the middle of the night, who knows what would happen.

What's more, even if they passed the * safely, who can guarantee that the Li brothers will really look for them tomorrow? Wouldn't it be even worse if they were left alone like this.

So, after weighing it up, Aunt Zhao still dragged her daughter along, and had to follow her desperately.

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