Fortunate Wife

Chapter 216 Popularity

Wooden hairpin? Li Man smiled. Zhang Ben is also a carpenter, so he can do this naturally, but I don't know if what he does is as good as Li Yan's.

It must not be good, otherwise why would my sister not want it?

Seeing Li Xiangcao sitting in a daze, Li Man didn't speak anymore, and went straight out. As soon as she came out, she saw Zhang Ben sitting on the small stool where Li Xiangcao had sat before, earnestly helping to pick vegetables.

Li Man came over, took a deep look at him, and sighed, "Brother Zhang, my sister-in-law doesn't eat this."

Zhang Ben looked up and looked at the roasted sweet potato in her hand, showing disappointment. Last time he came, he saw the one baked by Li Man, it was burnt and black, and she ate it so happily.

Li Man also sat down, and scrutinized him while eating sweet potatoes. Could it be that she really fell in love with my sister-in-law? However, at this age...

"Brother Zhang, I think you'd better not be like us in the future, calling me sister-in-law as well as sister-in-law."

Zhang Ben was stunned for a moment, "Then what do you call it?" He and Li Yan are good friends, and the address followed him, and he called it that way when he was a child.

"Think about it yourself." Li Man didn't give him this idea, but if he kept calling Miss Li Xiangcao, their relationship would never go any further.

May I ask which woman would be with a man who called her aunt? In my heart, I couldn't pass the test, Xiaolongnv and Yang Guo later changed their nicknames to be more intimate.

Zhang Ben looked confused, "Can't you shout?"

"No." Li Man immediately lowered her voice, "If you continue to call her sister-in-law, then don't come to feed Xiaotu again, and don't give her anything anymore."

"She told you all?" Zhang Ben blushed, too embarrassed to look into Li Man's eyes.

"Well, I've said it." Now, Li Xiangcao lives in the Li family. She has no parents, no brothers, and no children. Then, she is her guardian, and her future must be guarded.

Zhang Ben lowered his head, "She didn't want it."

"Oh, it must be that you didn't do a good enough job. Do better next time." Li Man didn't take it seriously. When Li Yan gave her hairpin, she didn't accept it all at once, and she didn't accept it immediately after receiving it. I just wore it, but I kept it in the closet for several days, and finally put it on my head reluctantly under his persecution.

Li Man thought of herself, and suddenly rolled her eyes? Two words come to mind—persecution.

That's right, according to Li Xiangcao's meek nature, if she nods, Zhang Ben's hair will turn gray, so it's okay to force him sometimes.

However, in the end it was her sister-in-law, she still had to be careful.

"Really?" Seeing the strange smile on Li Man's face, Zhang Ben wondered if what she said to comfort him was true? If you do better next time, will Li Xiangcao like it?

Li Man nodded, "With your sincerity and hard work, my sister-in-law will not be so heartless."

"En." Encouraged, Zhang Ben nodded heavily, put down the food in his hand, and stood up suddenly, "Sister-in-law, then I'll go back first."

"In such a hurry? Let's leave after lunch." Li Man politely persuaded him to stay.

Zhang Ben waved his hand, "No need, I'll make another one when I get home."

With that said, he turned and ran away eagerly.

Li Man laughed amusedly, this guy is really anxious, but if he makes another one, Li Xiangcao should accept it, right? She's not the kind of cold person, she won't be able to refuse people twice in a row.


Not long after, Li Xiangcao came out of the house, probably knowing that Zhang Ben was gone, and she recovered. Seeing Man'er washing vegetables by the side of the well, she quickly took over and said anxiously, "Didn't I tell you Do you? At this time, don't touch this cold water, be careful of stomach pain. "

"Oh." Li Man also forgot just now. After she reminded her, she felt a little bloated in her lower abdomen, but it was not so unbearable. Compared with modern dysmenorrhea, her current discomfort is almost negligible up.

Heh, her current body is much better than before.

"Sit down and go, remember that you can't eat cold food, drink cold food or touch cold food these days, you know?" Li Xiangcao was worried about her, and told her again.

"I know." Li Man smiled and sat back on the chair, only watching Li Xiangcao clean the vegetables, "Sister-in-law, you are really capable."

Li Xiangcao looked up and smiled at her, "It's just doing some housework, who wouldn't?"

Li Man really wanted to say that Zhao Yun'er wouldn't know it, but it's better not to mention that girl at this time, so that Li Xiangcao would be worried about Li Xiangyu's side.

"Anyway, I see that my sister is doing better than others." Li Man seriously boasted that Li Xiangcao was actually very inferior in her bones. She had no parents since she was a child, and her family was poor. Shen Run was born as the sky, and now Heli is at her mother's house, and she is doing her best to do her job. She feels extremely insecure in her heart.

Li Xiangcao smiled shyly, without any extra words, just washed all the vegetables in the vegetable basket, took them back to the kitchen, and prepared to make lunch.

Li Man didn't follow in, but got up and walked into the flower garden, picked up the small flower shovel beside her, and loosened the soil for her flowers and plants leisurely.

Suddenly, with a shovel down, two things as thick as little fingers twisted under the root of the rose flower. Li Man's scalp went numb, and she fell to the ground in fright, her face pale.

"It's an earthworm." Xiao Wu's voice suddenly came from behind him. Before Li Man could turn around, he had already jumped into the flowerbed, bent down to pick up the small flower shovel in her hand, and picked up the two scary things. Throw it out of the yard.

Li Man's heart was still pounding. She knew it was an earthworm. In fact, she was not too afraid of this thing. It was just too sudden. She was loosening the soil leisurely, and suddenly two entangled and writhing black-brown soft-bodied species popped out in front of her eyes. , really can't stand it.

"Afraid of becoming like this?"

Suddenly, under a black shadow in front of her eyes, Xiao Wu bent down in front of her, almost touching her face.

Li Man's heart was still pounding, as if it missed two beats suddenly, and she tilted her head back unconsciously, "What are you doing?"

"Cold sweat coming out?" asked twice at the same time, Xiao Wu's palm still touched her forehead, and under her astonished eyes, his finger slid towards her cheek.

His eyes were dim, and Xiao Wu could hardly hold back the slippery touch, and he couldn't help pinching her delicate cheeks with two fingers.

Li Man's pupils shrank, and she stared at the young man in front of the backlight in disbelief. After feeling a slight pain in his cheek, he touched it with his other hand.

Two mischievous hands pinched her cheeks at the same time, caressing them gently, "No wonder..."

His eyes were bright, and the boy's voice was slightly hoarse, but before he finished speaking, Li Man came to his senses and slapped him hard on the arm.

"You think my face is made of mud?" I squeezed again and again.

"Haha." Xiao Wu took advantage of the situation and sat down on the ground, watching her gently rubbing the cheeks he pinched, smiling happily.

Li Man glared at him, "Are you still laughing?" Did he really try hard just now? His face was burning hot.

"Even the two little bugs are afraid of being like that, can't I laugh?" Although he stopped laughing just now, but at this moment, the smile in his eyes still drove Li Man a little crazy.

"When did you come here?" Why do I feel that this little thing is elusive recently, always appearing suddenly by my side without my knowing, it is more hateful and scary than those two little bugs.

"I've been here all the time." Xiao Wu shrugged.

Li Man was surprised, "Where is it?" Why didn't she see him?

Xiao Wu pointed to the west corner of the room, "There."

"What are you doing there?" Li Manxin raised it. Could it be that she has been peeking at her? In that case, this kid needs to be taught well.

Xiao Wu showed a careless expression, "I have nothing to do, I'll just sit there and bask in the sun, who knew that you suddenly screamed and almost frightened me."

"Basking in the sun?" Isn't it the twelfth lunar month of winter? However, Li Man immediately smiled, "Xiao Wu, how are you thinking about going to the academy in the town next year?"

Xiao Wu's eyes dimmed, "I'm thinking about it."

"What else are you thinking about? If you agree, I will ask your second brother to sign up for you tomorrow. After the Spring Festival, you will have to go to school. Oh, by the way, there seems to be an assessment before entering the academy. Just right, at the end of the year These days, your fourth brother is at home, you can learn more from him and get ready." Li Man eagerly made plans for him.

Xiao Wu narrowed his eyes slightly, as if displeased, "You want me to leave this house that much?"

"Ah?" The words were said as if she was pushing him away, Li Man glanced at him, earnestly said, "Xiao Wu, you are not young, if you don't go to school now, it will be too late in a few years."

"Well, I'll be fifteen in four years." Xiao Wu reminded.

But the two obviously had different thoughts, Li Man said, "That's right, the children start going to school when they are young, and you will be eleven soon, so it's already too late, so why don't you continue to be late?"

"So what if you don't read it?" Xiao Wu suddenly raised an eyebrow and asked back.

"Boss and the others have never studied, aren't they all doing well now?"

"You hate studying?" Li Man was startled, "Didn't you like reading very much before?" Every time, when she was in class, he was very serious and had a strong thirst for knowledge.

"Study has nothing to do with going to the academy, anyway, I don't want to go so far." Especially the academy is still a boarding system, maybe he won't be able to go home for a month.

"Where is it far?" Li Man persuaded, "Besides, your second brother still goes to town every day. If you feel homesick, you can come back anytime."

"I want to go home every day, and the master will agree?" Xiao Wu sneered.

"This?" Li Man looked at him helplessly, "Why do you go home every day? Going to school is going to school, you can come back once a week, or ten days. Besides, where are your classmates, maybe you went After that, it’s possible that you don’t want to go home.”

"Impossible." Xiao Wu denied it without even thinking about it. Even at home, with Dayong Huzi and the others every day, they are considered his classmates and children, but he has never relied on them. Don't want to go home yet.

Li Man was choked up, and felt that Xiao Wu was no longer a rebellious child, so forget it, let's not waste this saliva with him, and mention it to his elder brother at night, it will be much better if he comes forward than himself.

"It's useless for you to find Big Brother." As if knowing what she was thinking, Xiao Wu pouted and snorted displeasedly.

Li Man frowned, "I'm doing it for your own good."

"For my own good, don't let me go. Unless—" Suddenly, the little guy narrowed his eyes and fixedly stared at Li Man.

"Why?" Li Man had a bad feeling.

"You accompany me to read." Xiao Wu said.

Li Man really wanted to crush him to death, so if he didn't miss him, he wouldn't miss him, and still rely on her? "The academy doesn't recruit girls."

"Who said you went to study, you know so much, that's enough." If you continue to study, the few brothers in the family who have not studied are afraid that they will have even more low self-esteem and will not be able to live.

Li Man glared at him, "Then you still want me to accompany you?" Could it be possible to serve him in the past, washing and cooking for him every day?

Sure enough, it was similar to Li Man's guess. Xiao Wu squinted and smiled, "I heard that many children from rich families have a school boy to accompany them when they study? Why don't you, sister, be my school boy?"

"Get out—" Li Man gave him a very rude look, not paying attention to studies, but caring about comparisons.

Xiao Wu doesn't care, "If you don't be my school companion, I won't read."

Li Man gritted her teeth, and lazily told him that reading was not for her, really!


The two sat on the ground like this and confronted each other for a while. Suddenly, Xiao Wu's eyes on the ground changed.

"Are you bleeding again?" He rushed towards her, half-knelt in front of her, and pushed her crossed legs away with his hands.

"Ah?" Li Man exclaimed, only to see that the dust under her butt was stained with a bloodstain, and she couldn't see it unless she looked carefully.

"Oh, damn it." I accidentally fell down on the floor just now, and the menstrual belt was slightly off, and as a result, the thing wet my pants and wet the floor.

She got up quickly and wanted to go back to the house to change, but Xiao Wu grabbed her nervously, "Why is it still bleeding?" It started last night, could it be that it has been bleeding for a whole day, how can this be bearable?

"Oh, you little brat, don't ask nonsense." Seeing his nervous gaze, her face flushed with embarrassment, Li Man shook off him and rushed into the room. A little bit of bright red will also stand out.


Even though he didn't let himself ask, Xiao Wu still couldn't help worrying, the blood that came out was nothing else, it was impossible for him not to worry.

Brothers know?

Everyone was so happy last night, what would happen if they knew that the blood on their sister's body hadn't stopped yet?

No, now is not the time for him to gloat. He has to find his eldest brother, and his sister has to see a doctor. She is already so delicate and has a record of fainting. How long can she last with the current level of bleeding?

Before he had time to think about it, he hurried into the kitchen and called Li Xiangcao, "Sister, my sister is bleeding again, you should go and have a look. I'll go find my brother."

"Ah?" Li Xiangcao had just finished frying two dishes, and when he heard him say this suddenly, before he understood what was going on, the man had already rushed out.

After she woke up, it was funny again, and after cooking another soup, Li Xiangcao went to find Li Man.

Li Man changed into clean clothes at this moment, and was in the bathroom, scrubbing the dirty clothes with hot water.

"Oh, why are you washing again? Just let me do it." Li Xiangcao rolled up her sleeves and wanted to help her wash.

Li Man hurriedly stopped her, "Don't, I've washed everything, don't worry, I used hot water, not cold."

"Then don't touch it yourself." Li Xiangcao said helplessly when she saw that she had wrung out her clothes.

Li Man chuckled at her. Although she knew that my sister-in-law was kind, she could let her cook and wash her underwear, especially if there were dirty things on them. She couldn't let others touch them.

Li Xiangcao didn't force her. She probably knew what Li Man was thinking, so she came out with her, and then said softly, "It doesn't matter if you don't let me wash it. When Li Mo comes back, you can let him wash it."

To be honest, Li Xiangcao felt that, based on her observation of the brothers, they might rush to wash her if Li Man mentioned it.

Li Man blushed, "It's just a piece of laundry, and it's not tiring for anyone." In fact, Li Mo and the others are men after all, and they wash ordinary clothes as soon as they are washed, but she doesn't want them to touch them like this. Yes, I don't know if her thoughts have gradually been affected by living in this ancient times for many days.

Seeing red on this ancient woman's body is not auspicious. Generally, clothes that are stained with that kind of thing can't be put out to dry.

Forget about her men, besides, these are trivial matters to her.

Just after drying the clothes, Xiao Wu came back with Li Mo.

Li Mo's face was dark, he didn't know whether he was anxious or afraid, he hurried over, took Li Man's hand, and suddenly hugged her by the waist.

"What are you doing?" Li Man shook her body, and instinctively hugged his neck tightly.

"Go to Uncle Xu." Li Mo's face was solemn, and Xiao Wu followed closely behind.

Li Man was stunned, "Why are you looking for Uncle Xu?"

Behind him, Li Xiangcao rushed up and grabbed Li Mo's arm, "Are you taking her to a doctor?"

"Ah, I'm not sick." Li Man hurriedly explained.

Li Mo's face was dark, the blood hadn't stopped yet, yet she dared to say she wasn't sick? "Sister-in-law, please take care of me at home, we will come as soon as we go."

"Ah, no." Li Xiangcao clung to his arm tightly.

Li Man was angry and funny, "You put me down first."

"See the doctor first." Li Mo insisted, and Xiao Wu was also anxious, reaching out to pull Li Xiangcao, "Sister, don't worry, we will be back in a while."

Why is she not worried? Li Xiangcao got anxious and stomped her feet, "You must have made a mistake, Man'er is not sick."

Li Man thought of the way Xiao Wu saw the blood on the ground just now, she immediately understood, stretched out her hand to pull Li Mo's ear, and shouted, "You carry me back to the room, and I will explain to you slowly."

"Explain what? You're still bleeding." Xiao Wu was angry at her disobedience, and pulled Li Mo out.

"Idiot." Li Man yelled at Xiao Wu angrily, then opened her mouth and bit Li Mo's chin, "I said, take me back to the room, if you don't listen, I will ignore you from now on."

What an idiot, Xiao Wu is just a child who doesn't understand, he is already such a big man, why can't he understand?

Oh my god, a big aunt is going to torture her to death, so why should she spread the knowledge in this area to them?

The older and younger brothers were bluffed by Li Man.

Li Mo was afraid that she would really ignore him in the future, so he had to carry her back to the house, and Xiao Wu hurriedly followed, expressing his disdain for the elder brother's behavior of not daring to act because of a word from his wife.

Li Xiangcao grabbed Xiao Wu, "Your child's family, what's the trouble?"

"Can't I just listen? Let's see what she has to say." Xiao Wu said angrily, obviously she was bleeding and didn't care, and she refused to let others take her to see a doctor. Every time he said he was disobedient, he looked She is more than herself.

Li Xiangcao glared at him, "It's none of your business, your elder brother really is. Both of you."




"Idiot!" Upon entering the room, Li Man also yelled at Li Mo in a rough voice.

Li Mo's body trembled, "Man'er, I'm doing it for your own good, just follow me to have a look, this blood can't keep flowing. How can you bear it? Besides, Uncle Xu is not an outsider, so don't be afraid."

He thought that Li Man was shy about this kind of thing, so he didn't dare to see the doctor.

But it was the first time for a woman to menstruate, and he didn't understand this kind of thing. Of course, he felt that Li Man didn't understand either, so he foolishly allowed the blood to flow until now, and dared not tell him.

Thinking about it, he was angry and hurt, what if something happened to her, what would they do?

Seeing the worried look in his eyes, Li Man's anger also subsided, so she had no choice but to hug him and popularize female gynecological knowledge to him bit by bit.

After listening, the worried look in Li Mo's eyes not only did not decrease, but became more intense, and he almost asked with a trembling voice, "You mean, at least three to five days, at most seven days and a half month?"

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