Fortunate Wife

Extra Story 20 Feasible

"Man'er, speaking of it, it should be Auntie thanking you."

Li Xiangyu spoke very sincerely.

In the past half a year in the Li family, she has seen that Li Man is a good girl and a good wife. She not only gave birth to a pair of good children for the Li family, but also led the Li family brothers to live a prosperous life that they have never had before.

Naturally, not only did the standard of living improve, but she also noticed the changes in Li Mo's brothers.

This kind of life is life now, and she can see that their brothers are really very happy.

And these are all given by Li Man.

Li Man smiled, and stuffed a piece of meat into Li Xiangyu's mouth, "Auntie, it's been a long day of hard work, let's eat some together. Ao"

Li Xiangyu was stunned, but Li Man quickly picked up another dish and handed it to Li Xiangcao, not even letting Li Hua go.

In the end it was herself.

All the banquets are served in big pots, not as delicate and delicious as the ones she usually cooks by herself, but what she eats is just that lively.

Li Xiangyu saw that her younger sister and nephews had eaten, and thinking about Li Man's frank behavior in the past, knowing that she just fed food was just a show of intimacy, not the kind of disrespect to elders that she would have thought of, so she couldn't help laughing , Slowly chew the meat.

"Well, it's really delicious. However, you are willing to part with it. The wine on this table is almost half a pig."

"Eat a banquet, the purpose is to have fun, besides, we are two children, one banquet is enough, if it is placed in someone else's house, at least two times, hehe, after all, we still make money." Li Man laughed.

Li Xiangyu also looked at her with a smile, "How can you do such a calculation, but, anyway, our family has a big treasure and a second treasure, and it is worth it no matter how much money is spent."

"Dabao and Erbao?" Li Man was stunned, "Is this the baby's name?"

Li Xiangyu said dissatisfiedly, "You guys said you were naming your child. It's been a while, and there's no proper name, so I'll just call it casually."

"Heh." Li Hua also smiled, "Don't worry, we'll pick two more good ones when we're free these few days."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded.

Li Xiangcao got up, "Sister, let's go down first, we all come up, and there is no one to greet us."

"Yes, I'm going down too, so you can come too. Li Hua, you can eat with Man'er, if you don't have enough, come down to add more." After Li Xiangyu explained, she went downstairs with Li Xiangcao.

Here, Li Hua and Li Man ate some dishes together.

After eating and drinking enough, Li Man was no longer tired, so she got up and walked to the window, watching the hustle and bustle below, with a smile on her face.

But she was afraid that people would see her, so after a while, she entered the house, walked to the small side window, opened the window, and looked at the large vegetable field at the foot of the mountain.

Perhaps the weather is getting colder and colder, and the vegetable field is bleak, and there are not many vegetables left.

The people here are used to salting the vegetables they grow in summer and autumn, and then take them out when the long winter comes and there is no more vegetables to eat.

Just like when Li Man first arrived at Li's house, the jar was full of pickled sauerkraut, which tasted sour.

Li Man doesn't like pickled vegetables very much, not only because of the bad taste, but also because of the pickled food, eating too much of it is not good for the body.

The people here don't think that you don't eat, but think that you are picky and not thrifty.

However, in today's Li family, at least in terms of food, she is completely in control.

And she is definitely a particular person when it comes to eating.

Even in such a cold weather, she still wants to eat fresh vegetables. For this reason, Li Mo often goes to the town market to buy them early in the morning, and buys a basket for storage.

However, if you don't have to work hard to buy it, it would be even better if you have ready-made ones in your own vegetable field.

"What are you looking at?" Li Hua sent the bowl and chopsticks down, and when she came back, she saw Li Man lying alone by the window, and leaned over with a smile.

Li Man didn't turn her head back, she just pointed outside, "Li Hua, that piece of land belongs to our family, right?"

"Which piece?" Li Hua looked in the direction of her finger.

Li Man said, "It's the one with the scarecrow on the side."

"Well, yes." The two acres of land were bought from Da Lai's family when Li Man first entered the Li family. It was also the first piece of property they bought in these years. Due to thalassemia, the eldest brother only planted sweet potatoes and The annual output of corn is not high, but it is enough to feed a family for half a year.

"Li Hua." Seeing that the land is now deserted, Li Man felt distressed, turned around suddenly, looked at Li Hua with bright eyes, "I have an idea."

"What's the idea?" Li Hua smiled and stretched out his hand to circle her, only she had more ideas.

Li Man said, "Actually, I don't know much about farming, but it's just a suggestion. You see, it's cold now, and the fields and land are all deserted. What a pity. Otherwise, let's grow some vegetables." .”

"Growing vegetables?" Li Hua hesitated, "But this season is not easy to grow."

"I know, because the temperature will be getting lower and lower, many plants will not survive. However, if I have a solution." Li Man winked at him, and then explained, "I want to build a vegetable greenhouse, just like making a vegetable greenhouse for vegetables. This way, they won’t be afraid of the cold, and even if there is frost and snow in the future, they won’t be afraid of freezing to death.”

Greenhouse? This word is very vivid, and Li Hua quickly thought of such a scene. However, he didn't know much about growing vegetables in a greenhouse. He had only seen mushrooms.

"Why don't you go back and talk to your brother."

For matters in the crop field, the elder brother Li Mo is the best at it.

"Yeah." Li Man nodded.

That night, Li Man really told Li Mo about this, and decided to use his two acres of poor land as an experiment, and first set up a big shed to try it out, whether it can harvest vegetables, or not.

Originally, this season was when the people in the village were at their leisure, and Li Mo was fine at home all day long. Hearing what Li Man said, he naturally agreed.

It's nothing more than a waste of manpower and materials to build a greenhouse. The rest is nothing. Anyway, the land will have to be turned over sooner or later.

Now that Man'er mentioned it, he planned to go to the field with Li Shu early in the morning to dig up the soil again.

"Brother, you're so kind." Upon hearing that Li Mo was going to dig the ground tomorrow, Li Man was so excited that she rolled over and climbed onto him.

"Man'er." Li Mo's stomach hurts from her pressure just now, but that's not the main thing, the main thing is that his daughter-in-law's current mood can easily make him feel impulsive that he shouldn't have.

"Fool." Li Man put her hands on his chest and looked at him with a playful smile, "What day is today?"

"Hundred days for the child." How could Li Mo not remember such a special day.

"What else?" Li Man stretched out her hand and tapped lightly on his lips.

That delicate finger was like a magic wand, casting magic on him, Li Mo's mind buzzed, but he could very quickly think of the day that he was thinking about day and night.

Xu Bo had warned them that if they wanted to have sex, they would have to wait a hundred days after Man'er, but today is not the right time...

"Man'er." He hugged Li Man violently, turned over and pressed her under him, his breath was a little unsteady, and it sprayed hot on her face. ,

Li Man smiled shyly, stretched out her hand and pushed him, "Brother, blow the lamp."

"En." Li Mo got up suddenly, almost running, got out of bed, and blew out the lamp on the table.

Li Man snickered uncontrollably, it was the first time seeing Li Mo who was so anxious.

But, soon, that tall body rushed towards him.

In the darkness, Li Man could only hear a muffled snort, "Brother, you are suppressing me."

"Hmm." There was another muffled snort, and the tall silhouette moved slightly, and soon, the familiar and passionate melody resounded hotly in the room.

The next morning, Li Mo woke up early with an indescribably happy expression on his face. When he was not talking, the corners of his mouth were curled up, with a warm smile.

Even Li Xiangyu could tell, "Boss, what kind of happy event is this for you? You woke up so early in the morning and you've been giggling until now?"

Li Mojun blushed, but said, "Man'er said she wanted to build a vegetable shed. I plan to have breakfast later, and then I'll dig the ground with Li Shu. If it works, our family can eat fresh vegetables when it's cold." vegetable."

"Oh, this is it?" Li Xiangyu nodded, "You have the final say on the affairs in this field, as long as you think it's good."

Li Xiangyu went back to the kitchen to do her work again.

But in the yard, the brothers who were washing up separately were all very smart. After all, they were all from the past. Li Mo's face was moistened with spring, and he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

However, none of them pointed it out. Anyway, now that the daughter-in-law has recovered, their spring will come.

Just thinking about it, after these days of hard work, the clouds finally opened to see the moon, and everyone's faces were filled with unexplained smiles.

After breakfast, Li Mo took Li Shu to the field, and Li Yan and Li Hua Xiaowu helped the house clean up together.

I held a banquet yesterday, and asked people to borrow tables, stools, cups, bowls, saucers, etc., and I had to return what should be returned.

After finishing all the busy work, it was already mid-noon, but Li Yan went home alone, went to Li Xiangcao's room to see the two sleeping children, and then quietly went upstairs.

Upstairs, Li Man is sitting at the desk, studying her greenhouse plan.

This era is not like modern times, there are greenhouses, greenhouses... there are no materials, she has to find a way to use local materials, but also to achieve the modern greenhouse effect.


Just thinking about it, suddenly, his waist tightened, and Li Yan pulled him into his arms.

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