Fortunate Wife

Episode 25 Going out

Thinking of sending Xiao Wu to the academy, Li Man pulled himself together, got out of bed, washed and ate.

Then, following Li Yan and Li Hua, they sent Xiao Wu off together.

Li Yan was more thoughtful, afraid that she would not be able to walk, so he found the small cart that had been idle at home for a long time, and pushed her away.

The rugged mountain road is as difficult to walk as ever, not to mention pushing a car with her sitting on it?

But Li Man narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Yan. His appearance was still as handsome as the wind, and there was no sign of fatigue in his brows. On the contrary, he looked refreshed and energetic, and seemed to have endless energy.

She couldn't help but wonder, is there really such a theory of Yin supplementing Yang in this world? Otherwise, she did the same thing, why, she was so tired that she seemed to be dying, but they were all alive and well, who was she trying to piss off?

Li Yan had already caught her probing gaze, and asked with a smile, "Girl, what are you looking at? Could it be that you are so fascinated by your husband, that you want to throw someone down and eat you here and now?"

Bah, she wanted to eat him up, but it wasn't the kind of eater he thought.

Li Man gritted her teeth somewhat, stretched out her hand and beckoned him to lower her head, leaned over, squinted her eyes and asked lazily, "Aren't you tired?"

"It's okay. You don't weigh much." Li Yan only thought she was talking about pushing a cart.

Li Man glanced at him, "That's not what I said."

"What is that?" Li Yan raised his eyebrows, as if he really didn't know.

Li Man pursed her lips, gave him a hard look, and said in a low voice, "What did you say? You barely slept last night, aren't you tired?" Besides, he must have been the one who made the most of the effort.

The corners of Li Yan's lips curled into evil arcs, and even his eyes shone with a delicate and beautiful light. He also lowered his voice and approached her, and said, "As long as you can hold on, it's okay to do it again for your husband."

"Huh." Li Man let out a long breath, and stared at him bitterly, "Who told you that you want it? I just want to ask, why are you so energetic?" If you have any secrets, please teach her.

"Heh." Li Yan knew what she meant, so he could only laugh helplessly.

This is probably the difference between men and women, otherwise, he also hoped that she would be stronger and have longer endurance, but in fact, no.

"Hey." Li Man sighed, comparing people with each other can make people mad.

Close your eyes, rest your mind, let Li Yan continue to push the cart, the energy is so good, if you don't waste it, she will suffer in the end.

In front, Li Hua and Xiao Wu walked quickly, but Li Hua was obviously a little depressed, the circles around his eyes were blue, and his eyes were also red. It looked like he hadn't slept well.

Xiao Wu looked at him suspiciously for several times, and finally couldn't help but ask, "Fourth brother, you didn't sleep last night, did you?"

"Sleeping." Li Hua replied sullenly.

However, Xiao Wu heard the depressed mood from his tone, and smiled, "Don't lie to me, you specified that you didn't sleep."

He knows who the second elder brother is, he is a flayed landowner with the temperament of an old rich, and when it is his turn, he will not give up until dawn.

Li Hua didn't say a word, just looked at him, "Xiao Wu, go to the academy today, and I will have a good talk with your wives."

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Wu's heart suddenly twitched.

Li Hua replied indifferently, "Tell me about your performance in the academy recently, how is your attitude towards studying? It's best for the gentlemen to take good care of you and let you take care of yourself."

"Fourth brother." Xiao Wu gritted his teeth, "You all sent me to the academy, so why not?"

Li Hua couldn't help reaching out and knocking on his forehead, "I've only been studying for a few days, and I'm using words indiscriminately? Is it a distribution to send you to the academy? You know, at home, the elder brother, the second Brother and third brother have never studied, why?"

Xiao Wu pouted all of a sudden, without the confidence to answer.

Li Hua replied, "Because my family was poor at that time, but do you know how much they wanted to be literate? Now that you have such an opportunity, you shouldn't waste it like this, let alone think that your family doesn't want you anymore. You threw it there. You don’t even ask about it, how many families in Shennvgou want to throw their children away, and those who will spend money throw them in the academy? Just throw them into the mountains to feed the wolves, isn’t it clean?”

Listening to Xiao Wu, his expression became more and more depressed. What he said just now was only a half-joke, so why is fourth brother in a hurry? And said such harsh words.

Is he really that ignorant? He understands what the fourth brother said, and he didn't waste money to waste his studies. On the contrary, his grades in the academy are outstanding, and he knows everything taught by ordinary masters once.

He can learn the things in the academy with only three percent of his energy, and with seven percent left, he has nowhere to go, so he becomes homesick, misses his brothers and her.

As soon as he misses him, his life in the academy will be very difficult.

Seeing that he was silent, Li Hua didn't get angry and continued to walk forward.

With a downcast face, Xiao Wu followed without saying a word.

In the back, Li Man was half lying on the frame of the car, seemingly falling asleep. Li Yan was pushing the car silently, looking at the two younger brothers in front, he felt that they were two little heartless people who didn't know how to switch handles?

In fact, Xiao Wu has also considered this issue.

After descending a mountain, Xiao Wu thought of the second brother behind him, and wanted to call the fourth brother to help.

However, Li Hua lightly tossed him a sentence, "No need, the second brother has a lot of energy."

Xiao Wu really wants to say, second brother Jin Er

A lot, but after such a long time, it is very tiring to push a car up a mountain alone. Besides, there is a mountain behind, and there are still many roads to the city.

But seeing Fourth Brother's livid face and red eyes, he fell silent.

Fourth brother, the jar of vinegar has been overturned.

Well, the second brother deserves it, who made him happy at night, but didn't let others sleep well.

In the end, Xiao Wu ignored Li Yan behind him.

The road was very bumpy. In fact, Li Man did not fall asleep, but just closed her eyes to rest her mind. She found that when people's eyes are closed, their hearing is particularly sharp. The sound of the wind blowing through the forest, the chirping of birds, and even The mysterious noise in the grass, of course, also included Li Yan's heavy breathing.

After a long time, Li Man finally opened his eyes lazily, looked at Li Yan and the fine sweat on his forehead, and smiled, "Are you tired?"

"It's okay, but it's a little hot." Li Yan said, stopped the car, took off his coat and threw it to Li Man.

Li Man frowned, supported the frame of the car, got out of the car, took out a handkerchief from her arms, walked up to him, tiptoed, and wiped his sweat.

"Oh, I'm not tired." Li Yan smiled softly, lowered his body, and cooperated with her considerate actions.

"Let's take a break." Li Man knew that he was tired and was just trying to be brave.

After the two sat down, seeing Li Hua and Xiao Wu in front of them were still walking, Li Man called out, "Li Hua, Xiao Wu, take a rest."

Those two didn't seem to hear her cry, and walked on by themselves.

"Okay, let them go, you won't get lost." Li Yan said, handing the water bottle to Li Man, "Drink some water."

Li Man expressed that he was not thirsty, and reached out to help him smooth the sweaty hair on the side of his face.

Li Yan smiled while drinking water, his smile was indescribably beneficial.

"Is your arm sore? Let me pinch it for you." Li Man grabbed her wrist with both hands, and squeezed it gently with his ten fingers.

"Don't." Li Yan hastily pulled his arms away, let's massage, in fact, his fingers are quite tired, "It's not sore."

"Okay." Li Man stretched her waist, "After sitting for a long time, I feel even more tired. I will go by myself later."

"Walk by yourself?" Li Yan couldn't help looking down, and glanced at her legs, "Can you walk?"

"Rogue, where are you looking?" Li Man slapped him coquettishly, then hummed, "It's easy to walk."

Li Yan smiled happily, "It's good if you can walk, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of bed for at least three days."

"Seqian, aren't you afraid of dying?" Li Man muttered embarrassingly with a dark face.

Li Yan became more and more proud, and smiled close to her ear, "Don't be afraid, if I can die on you, I will die without regret."

"Bah. Nonsense." Li Man hastily punched him twice.

"Second Brother." Xiao Wu's voice suddenly floated over.

The two looked over in astonishment, only to see Li Hua and Xiao Wu walking back at some point.

"Why are you back?" Li Yan asked.

Xiao Wu muttered, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, and if you don't see anyone, just look back."

"I called you, but you didn't hear me. Sit down and rest." Li Man patted the stone beside her.

Xiao Wu looked at Li Hua, but Li Hua stared at Li Man, he was suddenly annoyed by the tired look on her brows, and her still red and swollen lips.

"I'm not tired, so I won't rest, Xiao Wu, let's go first."

"Ah?" Xiao Wu was taken aback, what happened to fourth brother?

He hastily chased after her.

Li Man was also stunned, "What's wrong with Li Hua?"

All right, his eyes suddenly became fierce.

Li Yan shrugged, "Men, there are always a few days that are abnormal."

"Pfft." Li Man heard this very familiarly, and looked at him strangely, "Are you sure it's about men?"

"It's true in our house." Li Yan sighed softly, even he himself was the same. In short, during the few days when his daughter-in-law was not his own, there would always be awkward, resentful, melancholy, and other bad emotions. some.

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