Fortunate Wife

Episode 35 Questioning (1 update)

Someone outside suddenly reported: "Master Jing is back."

Li Man and Li Hua heard the words, got up quickly, and saw Li Mo and Li Yan following behind Zhang Jing, they left their seats excitedly, and rushed towards the two relatives.

"Big Brother, Second Brother." Li Hua looked at them carefully and felt relieved that they were the same as before they left.

In front of people, Li Man resisted the urge to jump into their arms, only looked at them deeply, and asked in a low voice, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, thanks to Master Jing's help." Li Mo sincerely thanked Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing nodded, "You have been wronged by others, the county magistrate is a fair person, and the facts of the case will be clarified as soon as the case is debated."

Li Mo didn't speak anymore, but he knew clearly in his heart that even if they were wronged, if Zhang Jing hadn't been there, how could the county magistrate have opened a court hearing in the dark, and found them in such a short period of time? Because of the grievances, they let them go, and then sent Qian San to the prison.

The reversal was too fast, too fast for them.

"Heh, sit down quickly, Madam Zhang, you order to go down and prepare some more food and wine, my two grandson-in-laws are destined to be hungry." Mrs. Zhang hurriedly greeted herself.

Li Mo hurriedly said, "I'm already tired of tonight's affairs, so I don't dare to bother you any more."

"What's the trouble, I'm too happy that you can come, hurry up, Man'er, tell them all to sit down, so that they can have a good meal, after eating, I will rest here tonight, there is nothing else in my house , there are still many vacant rooms." Mrs. Zhang said with a smile.

Knowing the kindness of the old man, but in this situation, it is not suitable to stay overnight, Li Man declined, "I can't live anymore, only my aunt and Li Shu are at home, and they don't know our situation, and they don't know what's going on. .”

"Oh, that's true." Mrs. Zhang nodded, and finally said, "Don't worry, I will send someone to Li's house to tell you that you are all well, and you will go home after breakfast tomorrow. "

"No, it's not too far away. We'd better go back in person, so they can rest assured when they see it." Li Mo said.

Li Man nodded, "We still have two children at home, so we are not at ease."

"Come on." Mrs. Zhang sighed softly, "When encountering such a thing, the family must be thinking about it, okay, I won't let you stay here, but I have to go over mountains and mountains, let them eat first Have something to eat."

"Yes." Li Man pulled Li Mo and Li Yan to sit down.

Not long after, Mammy Zhang brought the maid herself, and set up a table with food and wine.

However, Li Mo and Li Yan didn't drink any alcohol, they just ate two bowls of rice hastily, and everyone wanted to leave.

It was dark at night, Mrs. Zhang was worried, so she insisted on sending a carriage to see her off.

Li's couple are naturally grateful.

At that time, Li Xiangcao didn't know that Li Mo and Li Yan had been released, and was stumbling into Shen's house all the way.

The courtyard of the Shen family was pitch black, only the main house was lit with a dim yellow light.

"Xiangcao, do you really want to do this?" After entering the yard, Zhang Ben stopped his wife.

Li Xiangcao pushed him away, "Don't worry about it, I have to ask him clearly today."

She walked to the door and knocked hard on it.

A pretentious and impatient female voice came from the room, "Who is knocking on the door this late at night? Stop knocking, the door is broken, and you will pay for it?"

However, when the door opened and saw Li Xiangcao standing at the door, Qian Cuier was taken aback, then sneered, "What are you doing here? Do you still want to..."

"Go away, it's none of your business." Li Xiangcao pushed her away and walked straight into the house. Shen Runsheng was sitting on the Kang, drinking and eating. Seeing her come in, he couldn't recover, "Vanilla... ..."

"What's the matter with you woman? How shameless are you to barge in like this in someone else's house?" Qian Cui'er came back to her senses, and wanted to grab Li Xiangcao. Behind her, Zhang Ben came over and grabbed Li Xiangcao. He twisted her arm and threw her onto the kang.

Qian Cui'er wailed, "Killer."

"Shut up." Shen Runsheng stopped Qian Cui'er abruptly, and then his eyes fell on Li Xiangcao, his joy was beyond words.

"Xiangcao, why are you here? This..." He hastily got up and offered to sit down, "Sit down and talk about something."

"Shen Runsheng." Li Xiangcao glared at him angrily, and said angrily, "Have you really lost your conscience? I have already made a clean break with you. Why do you go to the Li family to extort money?"

When Qian Cui'er heard this, her complexion changed drastically, and she stepped forward in a panic, trying to push Li Xiangcao, "You bitch, what nonsense are you talking about? This is no longer your home, get out of here."

"Stop it." Shen Runsheng pulled Qian Cui'er away, and stared at Li Xiangcao closely. Yes, I haven't seen him for more than half a year. Li Xiangcao's life became more and more tender. Even if he was angry, his eyebrows and eyes gave birth to something different. Shen Runsheng had never seen such a moving posture, or in other words, after ten years with him, Li Xiangcao had always been cowardly, timid and submissive, so how could she point his nose and scold him like today.

But the more Li Xiangcao was like this, a strange feeling came into Shen Runsheng's heart. He should have been as annoyed as Qian Cuier, but for no reason, his voice softened a lot.

"Xiangcao, what did you scold me just now? Shame your conscience? Go to Li's house to extort money? Where did you start with this?"

Qian Cui'er panicked, but she said viciously, "Yeah, you said we stole money? Could it be that our Shen family is short of money? Who knows if there are ulterior motives for running to someone's house at such a late night? Hmph, could it be that another married man doesn't want you, now

I regret it and want to ask..."

"Shut your mouth." Without waiting for Zhang Ben to teach Qian Cuier a lesson, Li Xiangcao stepped forward and slapped the woman hard.

She wanted to slap her a long time ago, and this slap was so clear and sweet that it shocked everyone in the room.

Qian Cui'er covered her sore cheeks, and stared in disbelief at the once weak woman who was allowed to be rounded and flattened by her, her eyes lit up little by little, "You bitch, if you dare to hit me, I will I will tear you apart today."

She stepped forward like crazy, and was about to scratch Li Xiangcao, but Zhang Ben grabbed her wrist before her claws touched anyone, and flung her away forcefully.

"I warn you, I don't beat women, but I will beat crazy women. If you dare to go crazy, I will beat you."

"You?" Qian Cui'er rubbed her sore wrist, raised her red and swollen face, and cried out to Shen Runsheng, "Master, they've all bullied you to the house, so don't you say anything?"

"Enough." Glancing at Qian Cuier, Shen Runsheng became more and more disgusted. If it wasn't for this bitch, he wouldn't have made up with Li Xiangcao.

In fact, he never thought of being separated from Li Xiangcao, otherwise, he would not have been with her for ten years, and she had not given birth to him a son and a half in ten years, so he only complained in his heart, but he never thought of letting her go. She moves away from herself.

Until Qian Cui'er appeared, that night was just an accident, but who knew, she was pregnant with his child.

Children, for a man of his age, are really precious.

What's more, he is a single descendant of the Shen family, and with Li Xiangcao, he is almost certain that he will not be able to have a child, so he must have this child.

He brought Qian Cui'er home, and he loved her so much, it had a lot to do with the child in her belly.

But Li Xiangcao is a troubled person. Although she was tolerant in every way, she consciously gave up the main house and moved to the side house by herself, and consciously took care of Qian Cui'er's food and daily life, but Shen Runsheng felt that her heart It is resentful and dissatisfied.

Otherwise, why would she not let Qian Cui'er touch him after he entered the Shen family's door.

Naturally, he attributed all the faults to Li Xiangcao. If she was able to give birth, Qian Cui'er would have nothing to do with it.

Therefore, he brought Qian Cui'er back to carry on the Shen family's lineage, also in order to reduce her faults, but she didn't know what to do, and she tried to beat him up everywhere.

If you don't want to touch him, you won't touch him. The woman he has slept with for ten years, he is already familiar with everything about her, even with his eyes closed, he can clearly know every part of her body. Even if he is familiar with it, he can't get too excited .

But not only that, she also encouraged her natal family to make trouble.

Heli, is he afraid? But would he care about a woman who is old and infertile?

However, the moment he signed the book with Li, his heart became uneasy. When he watched her leave with the Li family brothers, he felt as if a piece of his heart had been hollowed out.

He thought, probably because he lived with her for too long, got used to the existence of this woman, and couldn't accept it for a while.

Slowly, Qian Cui'er's gentle welcome and the birth of the child in her womb also made him happy for a while.

However, it was only for a while, and then there was endless distress and irritability.

Qian Cui'er is not as obedient as Li Xiangcao, she is greedy like a terrible beast, not only in bed, but also in other aspects, she wants to eat well, dress well, and give birth to a child. He didn't bring it by himself, he hired a woman to settle the matter, and he dressed up and went out every day to hang out. For this reason, he beat her a lot, but she would not recover for a few days, and she would go back to normal.

Shen Runsheng was very annoyed by this.

When I am restless, I often think of Li Xiangcao, such a gentle and well-behaved little woman, she admires everything about him, and everything she does for him is happy.

He thought, if this child was born by Li Xiangcao, how harmonious and happy their family of three would be.

He stared fixedly at Li Xiangcao, and suddenly his throat felt a little itchy, "Xiangcao, did you come back tonight just to question me about this matter? Don't tell me, you don't know who I am all these years? Go to the Li family to steal money? You underestimate me, Shen Runsheng too. Haven't you been secretly supporting my natal family all these years? Why did I ever need to be in the hands of the Li family?"

Li Xiangcao froze for a moment, not sure if Shen Runsheng's words were true or not.

Zhang Ben took a step forward and stood in front of his wife. He really hated the way Shen Runsheng looked at his wife.

"The surname is Shen, don't deny it. You have already told me about the money, and you owe him three hundred taels of silver."

"Wait, you said Qian San?" Before he finished speaking, Shen Runsheng interrupted him suspiciously, "When did I owe that bum money?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help looking at Qian Cuier.

Qian Cui'er shrank her neck and dodged her eyes.

Shen Runsheng took a look, and guessed a little, took a step forward and grabbed Qian Cuier's collar, gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "Tell me, is this a good thing you did?"

"Master, Lord, calm down and listen to me first." Qian Cui'er hurriedly begged for mercy.

Shen Run's angry face trembled, and he slapped her face recklessly, "You're getting bolder, three hundred taels? Why do you owe someone three hundred taels?"

"No, I am wronged about this matter." Qian Cui'er fell to the ground, covered her face and cried and said she was wronged.

Shen Run was so angry that he picked up the jug on the table and was about to throw it on her head, but was stopped by Zhang Ben.

If this flagon goes down, if this woman is smashed

Either way, they're all going to get in trouble.

And they came here to solve the problem, not to cause trouble.

"Shen, according to what you said, I don't know about the three silvers you owe?" Zhang Ben asked.

Shen Runsheng didn't look at him at all, and only said to Li Xiangcao, "Xiangcao, I really don't know about this, let alone why Qian San went to your house to ask for money."

"Not only that." Zhang Ben said, "Then Qian San said that you ordered him, and he also said that he wanted to get back the betrothal gift he gave to the Li family back then."

"Betrothal gift?" Shen Runsheng was stunned, looking at Li Xiangcao's pale face, his heart seemed to be pulled by something.

When was there any dowry? Even though the Shen family was still very rich at that time, but because of the opposition of his parents, he and Li Xiangcao finally got together. In the end, let alone a betrothal gift, even if Li Xiangcao was able to marry into the Shen family, it was simply that she could no longer marry her. It was a simple cutscene, the parents didn't even give Li Xiangcao a red envelope.

Not only that, but his parents also cut off all his money.

And the Li family was too poor to afford the dowry at all, but he still tried his best at that time, even borrowed some money from the servant who was close to him, bought her two new clothes, and bought some cheap jewelry.

And this was enough to move Li Xiangcao to tears.

And he, at that time, also swore in his heart that one day he would make it big, and he would make up for her, and let her be the mistress of the Shen family.

Looking at it now, things are different, and there is only regret and bitterness in my heart.

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