Fortunate Wife

Episode 40 Self-blame

This is bound to be a sleepless night.

After Li Mo and Li Yan left, Li Man carried the children upstairs and gently coaxed them to sleep, as if nothing had happened.

But when the children really fell asleep, she was staring at the roof, in a daze, her heart throbbing in pain.

"Man'er." With great difficulty to stabilize the aunt's mood, Li Hua came upstairs and called Li Man a few times, but she didn't seem to hear her, and felt uncomfortable again.

He took off his clothes silently and got into the bed.

Li Man was startled, and turned to look at him, her eyes were red, her voice was light and choked with sobs.

"Li Hua, your third brother, will he hide on purpose so that we won't find him? Stay"

"No, Man'er." Li Hua took her into his arms distressedly, and gently comforted her, "Brother and Brother have already gone to look for her, maybe they will be back tomorrow."

"Oh." Having said that, Li Man was still flustered, she had a very bad intuition.

Thinking of Li Shu's abnormality these days, and she was only concerned about being bored, she never thought that this would make her feel like a needle prick in her heart.

"Li Shu was very abnormal a few days ago. He often told me that he wanted me to take good care of myself and my children. I knew it was wrong, but I never paid attention to it. I never thought that he would leave home."

For a long time, besides Li Yan, Li Shu was the one who stuck to her the most. She never thought that in this life, he would still leave her.

In the dim light, Li Man looked at him with red eyes, helpless and innocent.

Hearing the deep guilt in her voice, Li Hua felt distressed, "Man'er, this is none of your business."

"No, it's my fault. I've been neglecting him all this time. He's been so obvious, but I didn't pay attention." As she spoke, Li Man's voice choked up, and tears glistened in her eyes. Thinking of Li Shu's events, tears finally fell from the corners of his eyes uncontrollably.

"Why am I so confused? If I, even if I said something more to keep him, he shouldn't have left. "

"Li Shu, he is a simple and enthusiastic person. What if he is deceived outside? He is so impulsive, will he be bullied?"

"Li Hua, I'm worried that something will happen to him."

Finally, Li Man couldn't hold back, and threw herself into Li Hua's arms and began to cry.

"Man'er." Li Hua hugged her tightly, feeling disturbed, the third brother's departure was too sudden, but it seemed inevitable.

"Third brother, he has had a dream of being a hero since he was a child. Maybe he just went there to realize his dream."

"A hero's dream?" Li Man was startled, and seemed to think that Li Shufan loved to listen to some stories about heroes, and his greatest ideal seemed to be to be a general, to be able to fight enemies, to defend his family and the country, and to scatter his blood as much as he wanted.

But even so, can he abandon her, the children who are less than half a year old, his brothers, and this family that is finally a little richer?

"I don't care." Li Man's voice was hoarse, with a slightly crying tone, and she said harshly, "When he comes back, I will ignore him again."

"Okay, wait for him to come back and ignore him." Li Hua coaxed softly, but her heart was also up and down.

The third brother is not as calm as the eldest brother, nor is he as smooth as the second brother. He is impulsive but the most persistent. He doesn't make decisions lightly. make a decision.

However, Li Hua knew that the more he was like this, he would not make decisions lightly, but once he made a decision, nine bulls couldn't pull him back.

This departure must have been thoroughly prepared and determined.

I hope that the eldest brother and the second brother will be lucky and find him before he goes far.


Li Hua already had the worst plan in mind.

And this worst plan was completely fulfilled five days later.

There were two people who went out to look for them, but now Li Mo was the only one who came back. It was probably because of the wind and night during this trip. When he came back, Li Mo was bearded and described as very tired.

"Brother, where's the second brother?" Li Hua asked in shock.

Li Man had already guessed the result without seeing Li Shu, but at this moment even Li Yan was gone, she didn't know how to describe her feelings anymore, she just felt like being immersed in an ice cellar, shivering from the cold, she couldn't even speak. Can't ask, only trembling slightly.

Li Mo only heard that they went to the nearest barracks to the Shennvgou, but not only did they not find anyone, they were almost arrested as foreign spies. Fortunately, Li Yan was alert and the two escaped.

But Li Shu was not found, and the two were unwilling to continue searching, fearing that their family members would be anxious.

So, after some discussion, Li Yan continued on the road with some money, while Li Mo went home first.

Hearing this, the family fell into silence.

Li Xiangyu's eyes were red again. These days, she was also extremely anxious. She finally looked forward to Li Mo's return, but when she got such news again, she couldn't help but feel very discouraged. Thinking about it, she cried and cursed.

"What the hell have I done? A good house has to be like this? This careless third child. I will give him a good beating when I come back. It will be Chinese New Year soon, and he ran away without a trace. Now, even the second child doesn't know where to go, so what should we do?"


As soon as Li Xiangyu cried, Li Man's eyes also filled with mist, and Li Hua could only

I have to persuade, "Second brother and third brother are all adults, and nothing will happen."

"My lord? There's a use for it. The third child is so old, how many times has he been out of the courtyard? He doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth. He thinks that going out is like being at home? He is protected by his brothers everywhere, and his wife loves him. Is there someone to cook when you’re hungry, and someone to take care of you when you’re sick?”

It was fine if he didn't say these things, but when he said it, it aroused the worry in Li Man's heart.

That's right, Li Yan still had money with him.

But what about Li Shu?

She checked carefully, except for his own change of clothes and a small dress she wore next to her body, there was nothing left, not even a bag of dry food.

Is he planning to go out to drink the northwest wind?

"Don't cry." Li Mo suddenly said to Li Xiangyu, "Second brother found out that a general in a neighboring province is recruiting troops, and wondered if third brother would go there."

"Second brother is planning to go to Yunzhou?" Li Hua was surprised.

Li Mo nodded, "It's a long way to go. However, the second brother is sure, and he will come back a year ago."

Li Man didn't know the location of this ancient land, she was like a frog at the bottom of a well, she only knew that she lived in a land called Shennvgou.

But transportation was not developed in ancient times, let alone going to another province, even going to another county or a town, it would take a lot of time, not to mention, Li Yan only walks on one pair of legs?

It's the twelfth lunar month of winter again, if it's rainy and slippery outside, or it's windy and snowy...

I can't think about it, the more I think about it, the worse it gets.

Li Man was almost driven crazy by that kind of endless worry.

Li Yan has some money with him, but how long can he use it when he is away from home? What's more, he still didn't even bring a change of clothes, and he didn't even have a thick jacket when it was cold.

What if it's sick?

For no reason, Li Man thought of the scene that Zeng Jin had seen in the book, some students who went to Beijing to rush for the exam, were halfway sick, poor and sick, and had no one to take care of the miserable situation.

"I'll go clean up. We'll go to Yunzhou tomorrow."

"Man'er." Li Hua hurriedly grabbed her, "Yunzhou is far away, besides, we may not be able to meet the second brother and the third brother here, in case we miss them again..."

"But we can't just sit and wait at home like this." Li Man felt that if she really had to wait like this, she would go crazy and go crazy.

"Man'er, calm down first." Li Hua grabbed her hand and didn't let go, "What will the children do when you leave? Also, the second brother said he would come back a year ago, so he will definitely come back."

"What about your third brother?" Li Man looked at him eagerly.

Li Hua's heart was suffocated, and she sighed helplessly, "Man'er, we have to deal with some things calmly. If the third brother is determined, even if he is found, he may not be willing to come back."

"I don't care." Li Man frowned stubbornly, and said as if angry, "If I want him to come back, he will definitely come back. He doesn't want me, and he doesn't want the children either. He must be blaming me, blaming me for my usual treatment. He is not good enough. Yes, the night before he left, I was angry with him. He must be angry because of this. When he comes back, I will apologize to him. From now on, I, I will never treat him like that again .As long as he likes, let me do anything."

"Man'er." Li Mo's expression was deep, his eyes fixed on Li Man, and he said in a deep voice, "The fourth brother is right, the third brother has grown up and has his own ideas. No one can complain about this."

But these words couldn't soothe Li Man's heart. Her man, after spending a night with her, disappeared the next day. She couldn't stand it.

She knows how much he loves her.

It was because of her confidence in his deep love for her that she could not accept his sudden departure from home, and what was even worse, he wanted to join the army, doing something that would kill her at any time.

She was afraid, afraid that something would happen to him, afraid that she would never see him again, see his sunny smile, hear his hearty laughter, and even less feel the intimacy he flattered her.

She regretted it even more, regretted why she fell asleep so dead, he hugged her and whispered in his ear, he must be saying goodbye to her, or maybe, he hoped that she would wake up and be intimate with him for a while? Maybe, he changed his mind and didn't leave.

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