Fortunate Wife

Episode 60 Capital

After traveling day and night for more than 20 days, the Li family finally entered Beijing before sunset.

Even though it was getting late, the capital city was still very lively, many shops were lit up with lanterns early, and the streets were full of people coming and going, very prosperous.

Li Mo got out of the car first, asked someone to inquire about the location of Jinxiu Semicolon, and then drove directly there.

Jinxiu Branch is located at No. 13, Changrong Street. Compared with other shops around, it looks very inconspicuous, and the front door also looks deserted.

Li Mo stopped the carriage, took his daughter-in-law and younger brothers, and was just about to go in to inquire. Unexpectedly, a plump woman came out and poured a basin of water out without thinking. Fortunately, they hid quickly, otherwise, all of them would have been killed. It should be fried on the body.

The woman was taken aback, she probably didn't expect someone to come to the store at this time, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, guest officer, didn't you spill the water on yourself?"

"It's okay." Li Mo shook his head, looked at Li Man beside him, and seeing that she was fine, he said to the woman again, "May I ask if the shopkeeper here is Xu Baocai? Quit."

"Who are you?" The young woman asked without answering. She sized up Li Mo and the others with her eyes, and gradually revealed a look of disdain. "Are you from out of town?"

"Sister, we want to find the shopkeeper here." Li Man looked up and looked at the door plate again. It was indeed written Jinxiu, and clothes and jewelry were indeed sold inside.

The young woman glanced at them lightly and snorted softly, "He's not here, you just wait at the door."

As he said that, he entered the room with a wooden basin, and a man's voice came from inside, "Who are you talking to outside?"

"Ask for directions." The woman replied vaguely.

Li Man was listening at the door, and couldn't help frowning. She looked at Li Mo and the others with a helpless expression, "It seems that they don't welcome us."

"Not necessarily." It was almost dark, and there was nowhere to go at this time, Li Mo decided to try again, and walked directly into the store.

There was only one small lamp on in the store, and the light was very dim.

The young woman was packing up her things just now, and behind the counter, a young man was doing calculations and keeping accounts. Seeing someone coming, he immediately put down his pen and walked out of the counter with a smile, "Guest officer, do you want to buy clothes or jewelry?" what?"

"No." Li Mo shook his head.

When the young woman heard his voice, she immediately raised her head and said displeasedly, "Didn't I tell you to wait outside? Why did you come in?"

"We are here to find someone." Li Man also glared at her angrily, and then said to the young man, "It was entrusted by shopkeeper Xu Hao and Xu. We came to find his son Xu Baocai. I heard that he is The shopkeeper of this store."

When the young man heard this, his expression changed slightly, "How many of you? Could it be the brothers from the Li family that my father mentioned in the letter?"

"You belong to shopkeeper Xu Xiao?" Li Man glanced at this person and thought to herself, bad, he looks like his mother-in-law, and he is completely different from his father's old-fashioned heart. It seems that it is useless to find them this time.

"Yeah." Xu Baocai snorted softly, glanced at Li Man disdainfully, frowned, and then glanced at the other people in displeasure, similarly, his brows frowned even tighter, "My father is really, really Let me explain the situation clearly to you. The business of my store has been sluggish these years, and you can see that there is no customer. Up to now, the two of us can't even support a child, and we have to send him back to our hometown The old man is taking care of it. You four brothers will come as soon as you say, how can I arrange it? Or, just spend two days in this shop first?"

"The shop is about to settle? Then should we continue this business?" The young woman immediately rushed over and objected, "If someone sleeps this night, the smell will be everywhere the next day. When someone else comes, what do you say? "

While speaking, the woman's eyes gouged Li Man and the others fiercely, as if they had taken advantage of his family.

Xu Baocai seemed a little impatient, scratched his hair fiercely, and said, "What can I do, just clean it up at dawn, anyway, there are not many guests coming to the door every day."

"Then why don't you do this business? We rent a shop for business, not as a hotel for people. If you want me to say, your father thought you were doing well in the capital. Today, you will get this at home. Tomorrow The one who brought it home, don’t you need money for food and lodging? Let me tell you, where is the rent for next month?” the woman said angrily.

Xu Baocai was so irritable, he waved his hands, and simply hid behind the counter again, "Okay, you take care of it, I can't take care of it."

As soon as he left, the young woman said coldly to Li Mo and the others, "It's not that we don't want to take you in, it's that we can't protect ourselves here, or else, there is another... .”

"No need." Li Yan suddenly interrupted her words, "My brother is just entrusted by shopkeeper Xu to see how the two of you are doing, but at present, the life of your husband and wife is going well. It's very lively, I think, and he's relieved. Let's leave."

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Li Mo held Li Man's hand, gave Li Hua a wink, followed Li Yan, and left without saying a word.

For the rest, the Xu family couple was stunned for a while, and then they looked at each other with disdainful expressions.

"Hillbilly." At the end, the woman cursed, and then went to ask Xu Baocai about things in his hometown. It is said that the old man's business has been very good recently.

After leaving the gate of Jinxiu, everyone breathed out a long breath.

"It's the best." Li Man leaned against the carriage and cursed angrily, but they didn't say anything

Well, these two people are good, one is crying poor, and the other is pushing people away.

If their father saw this scene, the old face would probably be ashamed to the ground.

"Leave them alone, for the time being, we need to find a place to live." Li Yan said as he watched the sky turn dark.

Li Mo nodded, "Let's find an inn to rest for the night, and see if there is any cheaper house for rent."

"En." Everyone nodded.

However, this capital city is the capital city, whether it is for food, housing or use, it is terribly expensive. I even searched for several inns, and finally, I found a small and poor hotel in a secluded alley.

It was an old couple who rented out the house they vacated temporarily. In one room, there was only one bed, a pair of tables and chairs, and nothing else.

It's about the same as a small hotel in a modern private house.

But with such a condition, you need to pay five renminbi for one night, and ten renminbi for two rooms, which is really like stealing money.

However, in the end, Li Yan didn't know what to do. The old lady who was so stingy that she would chatter with Li Man for a long time about a pot of hot water agreed to move the tables and chairs in the room, and then vacated another room. A bed comes in.

In this way, the two beds were joined together, almost filling the entire room.

However, the four of them don't have to be separated, and they only charge for one room, which is indeed a lot of money.

In the evening, after a simple wash, Li Man changed into clean clothes, climbed into the bed first, and then unpacked her bags and counted the bills.

When they came out, they brought a total of nearly two hundred taels of silver. Except for the fifty taels that were secretly stuffed under Li Xiangcao's pillow before leaving, this was all their family's savings.

Along the way, in addition to the 22 taels of car rental deposit, the most expensive thing on the road is to stay in a hotel. However, the number of stays is not many, and most of them are borrowed from farmers. Occasionally, they are stingy and reluctant. Yes, they will give some money, but it will not be a lot, because they only stay for one night, and it is not easy for others to ask for more.

And in terms of food, it is even more economical. On this journey, I went to a restaurant once. It was a sudden heavy rain that day, and the family had nowhere to go, so they went to a noodle restaurant to hide from the rain. Then, each of them ate a bowl The noodles, other than that, are all dry food bought.

It can be said that Li Man's teeth were sore after eating steamed buns all the way. Fortunately, he finally arrived in the capital and could finally inquire about Li Shu's news.

She thought that when Li Shu was found, the family would live a peaceful life in Shennvgou and never travel far again. It was too hard.

"How much is left?" Li Hua sat next to her after washing, only wearing unlined clothing, and asked.

Li Man sorted out the remaining money, put it back into the bag, and replied, "There are nearly one hundred and fifty taels left, which is not bad."

"Oh." Li Hua also nodded, and asked again, "Are you hungry? The second brother went shopping for food, and I'll be back in a while."

"I'm fine, how about you? There are steamed buns in the bag." Li Man looked at him and said.

Li Hua smiled and reached out to rub her loose hair, "Who is hungry this afternoon and ate up all the steamed buns?"

"Oh? Oh." Only then did Li Man remember that she ate the last steamed bun in the afternoon. She stuck out her tongue lightly and said with a playful smile, "I forgot."

"Are you tired these days?" Li Hua readjusted her posture, and her ten fingers slowly fell on her slender shoulders from her silky hair, gently pinching her.

"Hmm." Li Man let out a comfortable breath, and she didn't take it for granted. She pulled the pillow, lay down on it, and closed her eyes to enjoy it.

Speaking of it, I don't know whether it was Li Yan who accepted it in private, or they learned Li Yan's trick to please her secretly after they knew about it.

Anyway, before they knew it, Li Mo and Li Hua both had the ability to massage. Although their skills were not as good as Li Yan's, they were still quite good.

Especially Li Hua, after taking a bath, Li Man likes the unique fragrance of calligraphy and ink that is unique to her body.

Therefore, within a few moments, Li Man's whole body relaxed, and she fell asleep unknowingly, even snoring slightly.

When Li Mo came in wiping his hair, he was a little moved when he saw this scene, "Asleep?"

"Yeah." Li Hua replied softly, gently rubbing her back with one hand, just like putting children to sleep.

Li Mo looked at her tired sleeping face with pity, stroked the hair that had fallen from her face behind her ears, and said softly, "She is very tired."

"I haven't had a good night's sleep along the way." Li Hua also said, and then asked, "Where did Second Brother go to buy food? He should be back by now."

"Well, I'll meet you at the door." Li Mo threw down the towel, took a coat, put it on, and went out.

As soon as he left the yard, he saw Li Yan returning in a hurry, followed by the waiter from the restaurant, carrying two food boxes in his hands.

Li Mo hurriedly greeted him.

The two brothers took Xiao Er and went back to the house together.

Because the tables and chairs were carried out, there was no place to put them in the room except the bed, so Li Mo pushed all the quilts aside, asked Xiao Er to put all the food on the bed, and then counted the money.

In one food box, there is a large pot of rice, and in the other food box, there are two vegetarian dishes and a bowl of soup. This soup is authentic silky chicken soup, and there are many Chinese medicinal materials in it. It is said that women eat best .

After setting out the food, Xiao Er collected the money and left first.

Li Mo looked at it, and with all these added up, he paid a total of nearly eight years.

Two silvers, this is enough for the family to spend for half a year, so I can't help but feel a little distressed.

But these days, Li Man hasn't eaten well, and his face has lost weight, and he also feels distressed.

Li Yan glanced at Li Man, and asked Li Hua, "How long have you slept?"

"Not for a while." Calling her up at this time, Li Hua really couldn't bear it.

But the food will get cold after a while, especially the chicken soup, he bought it specially for her, it tastes better when it's hot, and it tastes bad when it's cold.

Relentless, Li Yan still said, "Wake her up so she can sleep well after eating, otherwise, she will still be hungry in the middle of the night."

"Oh." Li Hua gritted her teeth, shook her daughter-in-law gently with her hand, and whispered softly in her ear, "Man'er, wake up, it's time to eat."

But it's rare for Li Man to sleep comfortably, so how can she wake up like this, she is still immersed in sleep, and she doesn't respond at all.

Li Mo said helplessly and distressedly, "She is very sleepy, otherwise, let's save the food, and when she wakes up later, borrow the landlord's stove to heat it up."

"Forget it." Li Yan snorted, "Just that old lady, if she saw this chicken, she might eat it in her stomach if she thought of a way."

"Then what should I do? I can't wake up." Li Hua said.

Li Mo also spread his hands, expressing that there was nothing he could do. After Li Man gave birth, she suffered from drowsiness. Once she fell into a deep sleep, it would be difficult to wake her up unless she woke up naturally.

Li Yan glanced at the two of them, bent down suddenly, and hugged Li Man, then, without any explanation, met her slightly pursed lips, and kissed her.

"Second brother." Li Hua was startled, and instinctively stretched out his hand to pull.

But Li Yan ignored him and kissed him vigorously. Sure enough, after a while, Li Man's cheeks were flushed, her long eyelashes trembled in pain, and she made a whining sound.

"Man'er, wake up, it's time to eat." The moment she was about to open her eyes, Li Yan let go of her resolutely, licked her lower lip lightly, and smiled at her.

Li Man slowly opened his eyes, still a little confused, just staring at him blankly.

Seeing her confused little eyes, Li Yan smiled lowly, "I bought something delicious, if you don't wake up, we'll eat it all."

"Delicious?" Li Man pursed her lips involuntarily, looking to the side, the big bowl of fragrant silky chicken immediately attracted her attention.

"Chicken?" She widened her eyes in surprise, and sure enough, food was the most tempting, she was completely awake, quickly pushed Li Yan away, and crawled over there.

Li Yan smiled lightly at the other two stunned people, "Big Brother, Fourth Brother, what are you doing standing there? Eat quickly."

"Oh." Li Mo's face turned red, and he stood aside in embarrassment, without moving.

And Li Huajun's face was not much better, he was embarrassed, and an inexplicable emotion spread in his chest.

Li Man didn't understand what their brothers were thinking, so she just took a spoon and took two mouthfuls of chicken soup, "Well, it's delicious, I haven't had such a delicious soup for a long time, yeah, why are you standing there? Hurry up and eat it , it’s not good when it’s cold.”

As she spoke, she brought bowls and chopsticks to the three Li Mo brothers.

"You eat yours, we'll do it ourselves." Li Hua took the bowl in her hand and went to serve the meal.

Li Man didn't refuse, and ate two more mouthfuls of food by herself. She was really hungry all the way.

Li Yan helped to tear a chicken leg and put it in her bowl.

Li Man simply held it with his hand and gnawed it. He looked like a greedy child. Li Mo and the others looked at it, and they liked it and felt sad at the same time.

However, after she ate one chicken leg, she refused to eat the rest and just gave it to three men.

They love her dearly, she knows it well, but they are men, and they need to take care of themselves. Besides, they have decided to see if there are any cheaper houses nearby for rent, and then she can buy vegetables and cook by herself. That would save a lot and eat a lot better.

The whole family sat on the bed and finished dinner lively. Li Mo and Li Yan went to the restaurant to deliver the dishes together.

Li Hua stayed at home with Li Man.

After eating enough, Li Man's sleepiness disappeared, so she chatted with Li Hua about homework and the life of the family after finding Li Shu.

People are like this, they don't feel it when they have it, but they don't realize how precious it is until they lose it.

It turns out that as long as the family is together, no matter what the day is, they are happy.

But even if one is missing, this happy life is incomplete.

But, Li Shu, where are you?

At night, Li Man saw this bastard again in his dream, but this time it was different from before. At the beginning of the dream, Li Shu was still the sunny boy who liked to laugh, but in the blink of an eye, his whole body was covered in blood. He staggered towards her, calling his daughter-in-law, but when he called Man'er, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Li Man's heart almost jumped into her throat, she wanted to call him, but she couldn't make a sound, she wanted to rush towards him, but she couldn't move, her whole body seemed to be enchanted, and she couldn't move even if she wanted to.

"Man'er." Li Hua suddenly saw Li Man's head covered in cold sweat, sobbing and trying to cry out, and quickly pushed her to wake up.

Li Man suddenly opened her eyes and was startled. She suddenly hugged Li Hua and said, "I dreamed about Li Shu. He was covered in blood. What should we do? Are we late?"

"Man'er, you are full of dreams." Li Hua hurriedly patted her on the back lightly, comforting her.

On the other side, Li Mo and Li Yan also

Hearing the commotion, he sat up and raised his eyebrows at the same time after hearing Li Man's dream.

"I'm scared." Li Man opened her eyes, looked at Li Hua in confusion, then at Li Mo and Li Yan, and couldn't help but shed tears, "I'm afraid we're late, what should we do? What if Li Shu wants to do something? manage?"

She hardly dared to imagine, what would she do if Li Shu was really like in her dream? Or, he is suffering and waiting for her to redeem him.


Different from Li's family, Zhang Jing hurried on and arrived in the capital on the 15th, and told Situ Qing about this in advance.

Hearing this, Situ Qing was not only not nervous, but instead looked interested, "Little girl came to Beijing? I haven't seen you in two years, so I don't know what's going on? Zhang Jing, take someone to investigate yourself. Before dawn, I will see her."

Before dawn? Zhang Jing's expression twitched. He had been driving day and night for half a month. It was already dark, and he was so hungry that he didn't even have a sip of tea. What this guy meant was that he should not rested?

"Qing, if you are in such a hurry, why don't you go find it yourself."

Situ Qing glanced at him and said meaningfully, "You think I don't want to? It's just that that girl has a prejudice against me. If she sees me, she will run away like a girl."

"Oh?" Zhang Jing stared at him suspiciously, "Aren't you old friends?"

Two years ago, he returned to Beijing on a private trip, and specifically told him to take good care of that family, especially Li Man, and not to make any mistakes. It can be seen that he has a deep affection for that girl, so it could be another incident unrequited love?

Mou Di, Zhang Jing smiled maliciously. Once, he was warned by someone not to be interested in Li Man, but now it seems that this person is no better than him.

"What are you laughing at? I just misunderstood her." Situ Qing stared at him, but the corners of his lips unconsciously curled into a playful smile, "Besides, I have to go to the Prince's Mansion overnight." This girl came, With such breaking news, he had to tell someone immediately, hey, I don't know what kind of expression Dan will have when he finds out.

Zhang Jing narrowed his eyes slightly. He saw a certain gloating expression on Situ Qing's face, and suddenly felt that it was right to tell him the news first.


Sorry, I've been a little stuck recently, and the update is late...

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