Fortunate Wife

Episode 71 Wake Up (One More)

Hearing the scream, Li Man suddenly turned her head, and saw Mrs. Ru sitting on the ground, trembling uncontrollably.

"What's wrong?" She hurried over, trying to help him up, but Madam Ru screamed, "Don't, don't touch me."

Only then did Li Man realize that one of her white and slender wrists seemed to be broken.

"This?" Looking at Yan Jin who was still unconscious on the bed, Li Man was startled, "Did the prince do it? Fry"

Mrs. Ru's face was pale, and cold sweat was already oozing from her forehead. At this moment, the severe pain in her wrist had made her tremble her lips, and she was speechless.

"Come here." Li Man saw that she was about to faint from pain, and hurriedly called for someone.

Mei'er and Ju'er came in quickly, seeing her wife sitting on the ground slumped on the ground, she seemed to be unconscious, and glared at Li Man one after another.

"Your lord did it." Li Man explained without waiting for them to question, "You two should send her back to her room quickly, and find a doctor to come over and have a look, otherwise, her hand is probably useless. Stop"

Mei'er and Ju'er wanted to say something, but Madam Ru opened her eyes weakly at this moment, and commanded in a hoarse voice, "Do as she says."

"Yes." Seeing that Mrs. Ru was still conscious, the two maids didn't dare to slack off. They hurriedly helped Mrs. Ru up, and carefully sent her back to her room.

In the room, only Li Man and Yan Jin were left.

Looking at the motionless man lying on the bed, Li Man was very troubled. If he looks like this, if he doesn't do something, maybe something will happen to him.

But if she wanted to do something, thinking of Mrs. Ru's broken wrist, Li Man felt a little terrified again. This guy can hurt people even in a coma, isn't it too cruel?

Confused about what to do or not to do, Meier and Juer have already returned, and brought Mrs. Ru's words.

"Madam told me that if the prince can't wake up early in the morning, he will chop you up and feed him to the dogs."

Pfft, it really belongs to the family, why do they like to chop up people and feed them to dogs? Besides, do dogs necessarily like to eat human flesh?

"Did you hear that?" Seeing Li Man hanging her hair in a daze, Mei Er questioned again.

"I heard." Li Man muttered, looked at her, and said, "Both of you, carry the prince into the bathtub."

"Us?" Mei'er and Ju'er looked at each other, and at the same time read each other's information from each other's eyes.

Their master doesn't like to be close to others by nature. Mrs. Ru's wrist was broken just now is a living example, they dare not mess around.

"Madam ordered you, we have other work." Meier said, and Juer and the two left in a hurry.

Li Man's head was full of black lines, and she looked at the one on the bed again, sighed helplessly, walked to the side of the bed, gently stretched out her hand, held his shoulder, and slowly helped him sit up.

"My lord, I'm saving you. Don't be rough. If my arm and leg are broken, you won't be able to save me. You know? Be good, if you're conscious, you can use your strength." , okay?"

Such a big man who has passed out is really too heavy for people to bear. Li Man can help him sit up, but it is difficult to carry him into the bathtub. Half-carrying and half-dragging, she sent him into the tub.

When he sat in the tub, she was already tired and paralyzed by the tub, with half of her body lying on the edge of the tub, with her small mouth open, only to gasp for breath.

The cold water in the bathtub made Yan Jin feel better. He breathed a sigh of relief, slowly opened his eyes, his deep gaze fell on Li Man who was panting nearby, and the corners of his lips twitched little by little. arouse.

Li Man panted for a while, wiped the sweat off her forehead with her sleeve, looked up at Yan Jin again, her eyes were tightly closed, as if she couldn't wake up.

"Hey." Li Man reached out and touched his forehead, it was still hot, she took a towel, dipped it in cold water, and gently wiped his forehead.

After wiping for a while, and then touching his forehead, it really got better.

"You must not be in trouble, otherwise, I will suffer along with it."

Thinking about it, Li Man felt that she was really unlucky. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen when she came back? Up to now, although the wound on the neck has stopped bleeding, it still hurts very much. I don't know if it will leave a scar.

Hey, if Li Mo and the others knew that they were injured, they wouldn't know how distressed they would be.

Gently touching the wound with her fingers, she couldn't help thinking of the days with her husbands in her mind. Sure enough, after comparing, she found out how much her men doted on her.

"Am I wrong?" Leaning on the edge of the barrel, Li Man murmured to herself quietly, with an indescribably depressed expression on her face. Although it was less than half a day, she had already begun to miss her men, surprisingly. think.

Thinking about it, since she entered the Li family, she has never left them. It seems that no matter where she goes, there are always brothers from the Li family by her side.

Only at this moment, beside her was a strange man in a coma.

"Wake up quickly? If you wake up, I will save your life. Then, can you kindly let me go?" In this strange environment, Li Man began to regret, and miss her like a root The obsessive vines grew wildly in her heart as if they took root once they germinated.

"I'm really obsessed, why did I come back again?" Thinking of Li Yan and Li Hua's resistance at the beginning, but she insisted on coming back, and was almost chopped off by Yan Jin's sword as soon as she came back, Li Man grabbed her in annoyance Is her own hair really that important to her?

"Hmm." Listening to her chattering to herself, Yan Jin finally

Unable to bear it any longer, he let out a soft cry, his expression tangled up, as if he was suffering.

Li Man got up quickly and called him nervously, "My lord, wake up, is there any discomfort? Can you talk?"

"Oh." Yan Jin hummed uncomfortably, lifted her eyelids slightly, as if she wanted to see her appearance clearly, but perhaps she was too weak, and soon closed her eyes again, and leaned her head drooping into Li Man's arms.

"Isn't it? Fainted again? Hey, wake up?" Li Man stretched out her hand to pat his face nervously. She really exerted her strength, which made his blushing face even redder.

However, this guy didn't move at all.

"Could something really happen?" Li Man was in a hurry, let go of him quickly, turned around and was about to go out and order the servant girl to find the imperial physician.

After all, it's human life, and she can't remain indifferent.

But as soon as she turned around, her wrist tightened suddenly, and she was caught.

"Where are you going?" Although the man's voice was hoarse, it was very powerful.

Li Man turned her head and stared at the man with open eyes like a ghost, "You, are you awake?"

"Yeah." Yan Jin snorted softly, staring at her closely.

Li Man felt that there was a stab in his eyes, and then looked at the wrist he was holding tightly. Thinking of Mrs. Ru's end, she couldn't help trembling, "My lord, can you let go first? The doctor is here to show you."

"Aren't you a doctor?" Yan Jin not only didn't let go, but pulled her to the side.

Li Man had no choice but to half-squat on the side, with one hand propped on the edge of the bucket, and the other held tightly by him, feeling very nervous, "How do you know I'm a doctor?"

"Isn't it?" Seeing her aggrieved face, Yan Jin raised her eyebrows and asked, "Isn't it only you who can detoxify the poison on my body?"

Scared, Li Man stared at him in astonishment, "You, you heard it?" This was clearly what she said to Mrs. Ru and the others before.

"Yeah." Yan Jin didn't deny it.

Li Man was startled, "Aren't you in a coma?"

"Oh." Yan Jin hummed softly again, not sure if she was unconscious or not.

"Are you okay?" Regardless of other things for now, in short, it is a good thing for her that he can wake up.

Yan Jin raised her eyes and glanced at her, "Are you disappointed?"

"Disappointed?" Li Man laughed, "Why am I disappointed, but are you okay? Is there any other discomfort? Or, I'd better find a doctor to take a look at it for you, don't worry?"

"Are you caring about me?" Yan Jin looked at her with a slightly softer look.

This made Li Man very surprised, "Are you okay? Does your head hurt?" She really doubted that this person was either seriously ill, or he had just hit his head before.

"It hurts a little, rub it for me." Yan Jin wanted to give her a hard look, but her body couldn't bear it, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes again.

"Then let me go first." Li Man whispered.

Yan Jin frowned, then let go of her hand, threatening in a low voice, "Don't try to escape, otherwise, I'll really kill you."

"Oh." It really is a feudal prince who wants to wait for the waiter to be so dragged.

Li Man glared at him dissatisfied, walked around behind him, pressed her ten fingers on the top of his hair, and cautiously tested, "Are you really okay? I think your complexion is still not very good."

"I'm poisoned." Yan Jin replied.

"Oh." Li Man didn't expect that she had guessed right, "Then why don't you let me find a doctor?"

"Didn't you already help me detoxify?" Yan Jin replied angrily. Although this method is really bad, it is indeed much more comfortable than working hard like myself.

Li Man was shocked, "Could it be that you were really poisoned by that kind of poison?"

"What do you think?" Yan Jin suddenly turned around, raised her eyelids, and stared at her sharply.

Li Man sat back in shock, "What do you think I am doing? It's not me who poisoned you."

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