Fortunate Wife

Episode 85 Fly away

Seeing that Li Shu and Li Man are deeply in love with each other, the other three brothers also feel sour, thinking that they should give them more time to express their heartfelt feelings, but the situation is different, and it is really not easy to stay here for a long time.

"Third brother, get in the car first, let's find a safe place to stay." Li Mo said.

Li Shu paused, then remembered to ask, "Brother, what happened to those people? I look like an official in the imperial court. Zhi"

"It's a long story, let's get in the car first." Li Yan stretched out his hand and pulled Li Man out of his arms, and hurriedly stuffed her into the car.

Li Hua also hurriedly pushed Li Shu, and said, "Third brother, get in the car quickly, we will explain to you later."

"En." Li Shu nodded, and then said to Li Mo, "Brother, take that path."

"Xiaolu?" Li Mo was suspicious, "If you want to go home, the only way to go is the official road."

Li Shu explained, "I want to take you to meet someone."

"Who?" Li Mo asked Qiu.

Li Shu frowned slightly, and couldn't speak clearly for a while, just said, "We'll talk when we see each other, and go as I say."

After speaking, he turned around and got on the carriage.

The carriage, which was originally not big, suddenly had another Li Shu, and it was a little crowded in an instant.

The three brothers looked at each other, and suddenly saw their respective thoughts in each other's eyes.

Before Li Yan and Li Hua could do anything, Li Shu quickly picked up Li Man, put her on his lap, and raised his eyebrows proudly.

However, Li Man was unwilling, and she struggled to get off Li Shu's lap.

But Li Shu held her tightly, his voice hoarse, "Daughter-in-law, don't move around." It's been a long time since he has been so intimate with his wife, and now that she moves in his arms, his whole body is on fire It seems that it is uncomfortable to hold back.

"It's uncomfortable to sit like this. Let me down." Li Man didn't notice, she just wanted to get down.

The carriage was already moving, and if she was afraid of falling, Li Yan had no choice but to coax her, "Man'er, don't move around, squeeze for a while, turn around and let the third brother go to the front and sit with the elder brother."

"Why don't you go ahead?" Li Shu immediately retorted upon hearing his words.

Li Yan answered slowly, "You came later."

Li Shu was at a loss for words for a while, and Li Man burst out laughing, "If you want me to say, both of you should go to the front and let the eldest brother come in for a rest."

Li Yan and Li Shu both lost face at the same time.

"Daughter-in-law, you are always thinking about elder brother." Li Shu muttered.

Li Man did not refute.

Li Yan said, "Okay, I'll change the elder brother in a while. The third brother can't drive, so forget it."

"Heh." Li Shu smiled, thinking that although the second brother was a bit bad occasionally, he was still good most of the time.

"By the way, third brother, tell us, why did you suddenly appear and save us?" Li Hua asked curiously at this time.

This question made the others look at Li Shu with puzzled expressions.

Li Shu frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said, "Actually, I didn't know it was you."

"Then why are you in the capital?" Li Man tilted his head and looked at him, "Or have you always been in the capital? By the way, we heard that you were taken to the capital as an assassin. Is this true?"

"Oh?" Li Shu looked at her in astonishment, then at Li Yan and Li Hua, "You guys also know about this?"

Li Man was shocked, "Is that true? Is it that King Jin?"

"Well, there is such a thing, but it is definitely different from what you think." Li Shu explained slowly.

It turned out that Li Shu wanted to join the army, and came all the way to Yunzhou. He didn't want to be unlucky, but encountered the government secretly arresting the assassin. He was not as lucky as Li Yan, and was really captured.

He was locked up with a dozen reckless people, and it is said that they were sent to the capital overnight.

No, one day in the middle of the night, when passing a mountain, those people took advantage of the unprepared guards and wanted to take the opportunity to escape without being discovered, so a tragic fight broke out.

Li Shu was forced to participate in that fight and was injured, but he doesn't quite remember what happened afterwards.

All I know is that when I woke up, I was not in the prison car, but in a clean cabin.

"Who saved you?" Li Man's eyes were red, and she was very grateful to the person who saved Li Shu.

Li Shu didn't answer directly, but said, "I just want to take you to meet him. By the way, why are you in the capital?"

"It's not because of you." Li Man gave him a resentful look, and then told about his family's coming to Beijing to find him, but the part about meeting King Jin was automatically omitted, for fear that he would blame himself and feel sad after hearing it.

But Li Shu is not an idiot, so he naturally doubted, "Those people just now seem to be more than King Jin's people? Why are you arrested?"

"Who knows? There are some problems with the royal family here." Li Man pointed to his head, and said, "Now, it's good for our family to reunite, and don't worry about other things. I don't believe that they can really catch up Can't the Goddess ditch be completed?"

"En." Several people nodded, but their hearts were not as relaxed as Li Man said. Even if the royal people were abnormal, they possessed too much power, which was enough to wipe out ordinary people like them.

However, no matter how worried you are, you won't let your wife know.

Therefore, along the way, several people acted very relaxed.

In the middle of the night, Li Yan replaced Li Mo, and drove the car towards the direction pointed by Li Shu.


At dawn, the family finally passed a quiet village.

It was still early in the morning, and the whole village was quiet, apparently the villagers were still fast asleep.

The Li family was also exhausted after a night of driving. They wanted to find a family to ask for some water and buy some dry food, but seeing that the doors of each house were closed, and it was difficult to knock on the door, which prevented people from resting. I took a rest in the carriage for a while.

"Li Shu, are your legs sore?" Seeing that Li Mo and the others seemed to be asleep with their eyes closed, Li Man pressed his ear against Li Shu's and asked in a low voice.

During this journey, he never let her down, the carriage was bumpy, not only did she feel uncomfortable, but the man who was seated by her would be even more uncomfortable.

Li Shu slowly opened his eyes, looked into her eyes, and smiled, "Not sour."

"Fool." How could it not be sour? Li Man stroked his face lightly, and said distressedly, "You'd better let me down, if you're not sleepy, I'll accompany you out of the car, and you want to move around too?"

"Well, that's exactly what I mean." Li Shu said cheerfully. He was just worried that Li Man would be tired and wanted her to rest in his arms for a while. Get out of the car and go alone.

"Shh, move slowly, don't wake them up." Li Man reminded, getting off his lap, carefully crawled to the door of the car, and jumped off.

Li Shu got out of the car soon, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Before dawn, the air was damp and chilly.

Seeing his daughter-in-law tremble, Li Shu hurriedly took off his coat and put it on her body.

Li Man looked at the black clothes wrapped around her body, and recalled Li Shu's appearance last night, she couldn't help but asked with a smile, "Who bought you this suit?"

"Huh?" Li Shu was taken aback.

Li Man took the black clothes by the hand, and said, "Here, wearing black clothes, I still think I'm some mysterious black-clothed hero."

"Oh, hehe." Li Shu was a little embarrassed by her words, "It was given by Master."

"Master?" Li Man was curious.

"Yeah." Li Shu nodded, "We should be there in the evening, and I'll let you meet him then."

"Okay." Li Man also wanted to meet the person who rescued Li Shu, so she had to thank him in person.

She took a deep breath, looking at the quiet village under the mist, her nose suddenly felt astringent.

She was homesick, Goddess ditch, her and their home.

"Daughter-in-law." Suddenly, Li Shu's deep and hoarse voice came from next to her ear, and Li Man's heart skipped a beat. She was so familiar with her man that she could judge their thoughts by their tone of voice. .

Therefore, Li Man was very frightened, and when she turned around, she just ran into Li Shu's arms, and his gentle eyes that were about to drown her.

"Daughter-in-law." He called her again coquettishly, and quickly put his hands around her waist, moving up and down restlessly.

This intention was too obvious, Li Man hurriedly pressed his hand and reminded, "Brother, they are still sleeping."

"So, hurry up." Li Shu didn't move his hands, but lowered his head, kissing her hair and cheek passionately.

"No." His enthusiasm made Li Man blush. What she said just now was not to remind him to hurry up, but for fear of waking them up. Moreover, this place is so close to the village.

"Heh." Her shy and innocent appearance was the same as before, Li Shu smiled happily, held her cheek, and pressed a kiss on her lips.

Li Man thought it was over, but she didn't want to. After the kiss, the hands pinching her waist suddenly exerted force, and she picked up Da Heng, and then...she felt like she was flying.

"Li Shu." She was very shocked, seeing the ground getting farther and farther away, she couldn't help but screamed.

Li Shumeng lowered his head, kissed her lips, and said in a low voice, "Stop barking, it will wake them up later, what should I do?"

Li Man blinked innocently, as the cool wind whizzed past her ears, and with her hair scattered, she saw Li Shu's tense side face and slightly rolling Adam's apple...

Well, she bit her lip and said nothing, thinking of what was about to happen, her little face became hot.

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