Fortunate Wife

Episode 92 Rehabilitation

However, Li Man was not afraid of the cannibalistic expression on Yan Jin's face, and only thought his action of lifting his pants just now was quite funny.

She glanced at her men lightly, and asked amusedly, "Did you take off his pants?"

She wasn't very loud, but the men around her had excellent hearing.

Therefore, when Situ Qing broke out into a vicious ridicule, Yan Jin's expression became more and more gloomy, and he felt that the whole person was not well.

Are the two daughters of Shangguan's family really his enemies in the previous life?

"Ugly thing, I have written down what happened today." He threatened viciously.

Unexpectedly, the Li family is not afraid at all, and most of all, there is no lack of lip service.

Before Li Man could reply, Li Yan sneered and said, "You'd better write it down, otherwise, we brothers will have to do something else."

Yan Jinqi's heart, liver and lungs ached, but his innate pride and self-esteem prevented him from attracting his followers nearby, so he turned around coldly and walked straight to the back of the wooden house.

Just now, the brothers of the Li family pushed him to the ground and beat him up violently. The pain was second, but the most important thing was that his newly washed body was dirty again.

He has to go back and wash again.

As soon as he left, Li Man smiled brightly at his men, gave a thumbs up and said, "You guys are really good, that guy just deserves a beating."

"Where did he touch you just now?" Li Yan lowered his head and asked softly.

Li Man immediately pointed to her mouth, "Tongue, he's going to pull out my tongue."

"Huh?" Everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard the words, the answer seemed to be different from what they had imagined.

"He's not the one who kissed you forcibly?" Li Shu asked in surprise.

"Cough," Li Man choked, blushing and gave him a white look, "How could it be? Didn't you see how he was out of breath just now? He's about to kill someone, and he kissed him forcefully."

Even if he kissed forcefully, he shouldn't have kissed her. He should have kissed Shangguan Xue. This was caused by her.

He turned around to look for Shangguan Xue, but there was no sign of Shangguan Xue in the bamboo forest.

"Where is Xue'er? You asked her to come out, she caused this matter." Li Man said.

Situ Qing's gossiping heart was drawn out at once, and he quickly asked Li Man, "What happened just now? Why did the little girl provoke the devil?"

Li Man shook her head, but seeing Yan Jin wearing only a pair of single pants with wet body, and Shangguan Xue running away shyly with a blushing face, this must not be a good thing.

"I'll go ask her." Looking at the eyes of the Li family brothers, Situ Qing and others, Li Man felt a little overwhelmed, and it's better to avoid it for a while.

So, she hurried to the bamboo forest, also wanting to find out from Shangguan Xue why Yan Jin was offended again.

Once the little girl ran away, Situ Qing stared at the brothers of the Li family and said with a smile, "How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I? Wealth, wealth and women, you are considered lucky in this life."

Hearing this, Zhang Jing quickly winked at him. He knew very well who the Li brothers had been with for several years.

Although they were born in the countryside, they really lived up to the old saying that poverty and humbleness never change.

No matter how good others offer, they will not accept it.

Moreover, it is really not accepted.

However, Situ Qing ignored Zhang Jing, and said with a half-sarcastic and half-sarcastic smile, "It's also thanks to Dan for being so caring. You should treat that girl well in the future. If there is even a slight mistake, hey, you don't need Dan to do it, and I will do it." It will make your life worse than death."

"Qing, stop talking." Seeing the cold expression of the Li family brothers, Zhang Jing hurriedly stopped.

Situ Qing shrugged his eyebrows, with a look of indifference, a few peasants in the countryside were lucky enough to own Shangguanyu, and now, for Shangguanyu, Yandan even used the position of prince to threaten the emperor to re-investigate the past. The crown prince's case, and the Shangguan's family who were innocent and implicated at that time had to be vindicated.

Hey, in fact, in private, none of them knew that this was a drama directed and acted by the emperor himself. After destroying the queen's party, not only did he monopolize the power, but also cleared the obstacles for Yandan to be in power in the future.

But now, Yan Dan is using this matter to blackmail the emperor.

I thought that the emperor would punish Yan Dan in a fit of anger, but unexpectedly, after the emperor vomited a mouthful of old blood, he actually agreed to this matter, and Yan Dan was personally responsible for the matter.

Sure enough, one thing falls one thing.

Yan Dan is in charge, so she will naturally do her best to rehabilitate Shangguan's family and restore Shangguanyu's status as a prostitute. Then, what will happen to her after she is restored?

In fact, Yan Dan also came this time, but he didn't come here, but met the Li family brothers alone in a hidden house at the foot of the mountain.

It's nothing more than wanting to discuss the future with them.

According to Yandan, after the Shangguan family was rehabilitated, Shangguan Yu came to take charge of the Shangguan family and be the head of the family.

In order to make up for the past mistakes, the emperor not only returned the former mansion and all the properties that were wiped out, but also allocated funds to them to repair the house, buy more furniture, and buy servants.

It can be said that after being rehabilitated this time, Shangguanyu will ascend to heaven in one step and live the life of a famous nobleman again, and the Li family will naturally ascend to heaven with him.

However, the brothers of the Li family unanimously rejected Yandan and refused to live in Shangguan's mansion.

But Situ Qing didn't know this, he just felt that these rural folks relied on women to live a prosperous life, which made him look down on them very much.

"In terms of luck, it's far inferior to Mr. Situ. Except for this life, about your previous lives, you didn't do anything, and you actually picked up dog shit and stepped on it. Otherwise, how could you be so lucky and lucky to be born in the Hou Mansion?" Li Hua Always gentle

Er Ya is not good at quarreling with others, but seeing Situ Qing speaking too harshly today, she got annoyed and fought back.

Situ Qing froze for a moment, narrowed her long and narrow phoenix eyes slightly, and took a few careful glances at Li Hua.

This glance really made him a little bit jealous.

Could it be that the water and soil in the countryside cannot support people? It is obvious that several countrymen are better than the other, even this young man whom he has been treating like a child, is not only eloquent, but also has a very outstanding demeanor.

He was dressed in plain blue-gray clothes, and he even wore an elegant and outstanding temperament.

The bookish air exuding from his whole body, and the feeling of gentleness and elegance are very similar to that of the Prince Yanbei back then.

Situ Qing even felt that if he were to replace his coarse and tattered clothes and put him in more gorgeous clothes, people might think that he was a child of some aristocratic family.

Li Hua wanted to fight back against this person, but after he finished speaking, Situ Qing's charming eyes stared straight at him without moving away, making him feel terrified.

Li Shu also saw it, and hurriedly stood in front of his younger brother, pointed at Situ Qing, and said angrily, "Do you want to fight? I'll accompany you, don't look at my fourth brother again, or I'll catch your eyes."

"Hey." Situ Qing laughed when he heard the words, and he was more arrogant than him, "Okay, you brothers, let's see who catches whose eyeball today."

Is this going to start fighting again? Zhang Jing on the side was full of black lines, and quickly grabbed Situ Qing, "Master Qing, why don't you stop, the prince doesn't know you are here?"

"What do you mean?" Situ Qing glared at Zhang Jing coldly.

Zhang Jing raised his eyebrows, "If you want to make trouble again, then I can only ask His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to decide."

"..." Situ Qing choked. He came here just to hide from that girl Bei Linlang. Since the last time she made love in Yan's mansion, that girl has been bewitched. He melted, and after a while, he used a knife and a gun to him, almost turning him into a eunuch.

He couldn't take it anymore, so he wanted to hide for a few days.

"The scenery here is good, and the old man knows how to choose a place. I'll talk to him about the old days."

Saying that, Situ Qing walked away with a smile as if nothing had happened.

The Li family is full of black lines. Sure enough, the more upper-class people are, the more abnormal their brains are.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry, this person has this problem, his mouth is cheap, but he's not bad." Seeing Situ Qing walking away, Zhang Jing explained to the Li family.

Li Mo and the others could actually feel that no matter how bad Situ Qing was, he was also the son of the Hou family, and the prince was a child. If he really wanted to embarrass them, he didn't have to do it himself.

"It's okay, Master Zhang, these days, it's hard for you."

Zhang Jing smiled bitterly, even he didn't know that when he encountered Li Man's matter, he was so dedicated to find evidence for the redress of the Shangguan family, and acted as a lobbyist for Yandan Yanjin and even the relationship between Situ Qing and the Li family brothers.

It can be said that these days, he has worked hard and mentally, and he has lost a lot of weight.

However, as long as Li Man can smile happily like before, he feels that everything is worth it.

"Man'er still doesn't know about the prince summoning you, do you want to explain to her again?" Zhang Jing suggested.

Li Mo nodded, although their brothers rejected the matter of moving into the Shangguan Mansion, but this matter cannot be concealed from Li Man.

As for Li Man's decision, the brothers almost unanimously concluded that it would be the same as theirs.

Sure enough, Li Mo said goodbye to Zhang Jing and walked towards the bamboo forest.

In the bamboo forest, Li Man searched around, but couldn't find Shangguanyu, and was about to come back when she happened to meet Li Mo and the others.

"Why are you here?"

"Where's Xue'er?" Li Shu asked.

Li Man shook her head, "I don't know, this girl can hide quite well."

"Man'er, we have something to tell you." Li Mo said.

Seeing his serious expression, Li Man felt anxious, "What are you talking about?"

The couple found a clean place and sat down to talk together.

Li Yan briefly talked about Yan Dan, and then asked, "The Shangguan Mansion has already lifted the seal, and the crown prince said that you can go back and live whenever you want."

"Really?" Li Man's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but Brother Li Mo's heart darkened a lot in an instant.

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