Fortunate Wife

Episode 95 Fighting (1 more)

Shangguan Xue still didn't quite understand Li Man's words, "This is also my sister's home, and, it's so big, my sister can let all her brothers-in-law and nephews live in, and other relatives, as long as they want, all of them You can stay at my house."

In such a big mansion, grandmother, parents, and the family of three uncles and three uncles used to live there. Now, apart from her and her sister, there are only dozens of servants, and the empty space is a bit scary.

How much Shangguan Xue longed for more relatives to live in.

Hearing her childish words, Li Man pampered her cheek and said with a smile, "Fool, they all have their own homes, how could they be willing to live in someone else's home?"


"Xue'er, listen to what my sister said." Li Man stopped her words, and gently enlightened her in a sister's tone, "In the future, you will also marry, and you will have your own home, your own children, and your own family. All kinds of things that can’t be let go.”

"Sister." Shangguan Xue blushed when she said that.

Li Man chuckled, "Sister is telling the truth, and such a day won't be too far away, Xue'er, in another year, you should be old enough, right?"

This is in ancient times, after Jiji, you can talk about marriage.

"En." Shangguan Xue bowed her head shyly and said nothing.

Li Man looked at her tenderly, "So, my sister hopes that you can find your own destination and your own happiness."

"No." Shangguanxue suddenly hugged her and looked at her nervously, "Sister, don't you want to recognize me? That's why you are in a hurry to let me marry?"

"Cough." Li Man was surprised, this girl always listens like this? It means that the messenger can go to the sky and fall.

"Silly girl, you call me sister, can I still deny you? Besides, even if I don't, can you agree?"

Shangguan Xue smiled and shook his head, "No."

"That's it." Li Man glanced at her lightly, and said, "Xue'er, what I meant by that was not to rush you to marry, but to hope that you would be happy. You will naturally understand this in the future. "

"But my sister doesn't want to live at home, so what should I do? I'm the only one, and I don't want it." Shangguan Xue felt a pain in her heart when she thought about going to the deserted Shangguan Mansion, which was once prosperous.

"Xue'er, if you don't want to live here alone, follow me to Shennvgou. That's my sister's home, which is your home. I, your brothers-in-law, and nephews are there, isn't that enough?"

Shangguan Xue bit her lip, as if she was thinking.

Li Man smiled and said, "We have the right to be relatives, it's better if we can't live on both sides?"

"Visiting relatives?" Shangguan Xue liked to visit relatives the most when she was a child, which meant that there were delicious and interesting things.

However, she was still very reluctant to part with the home that she had come back to so hard.

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Li Man had no choice but to make a big move, "Tell you, there is another brother-in-law who is about your age...well, Xueer, what month is your birthday?"

"May." Shangguan Xue said.

"Oh, then I should say it's my younger brother. Xiao Wu is born in December of the lunar calendar." Li Man laughed.

"Little Five? Who is it?" Shangguanxue was curious, especially for people of her own age.

"Your brother-in-law's younger brother is the same age as you, a few months younger." Seeing her curiosity, Li Man introduced enthusiastically, "He is studying in the academy in the town now, let me tell you, he is very smart, and all the masters know him well." I like him, and when you see him, you will definitely like him too."

The previous ones were fine, but the last sentence made Shangguan Xue blushed again, and asked softly, "Then he has brother-in-law Li Hua?"

"Li Hua?" Li Man was stunned for a moment, "Why do your brothers-in-law compare you to Li Hua's brothers-in-law?"

Shangguan Xue tilted her head and replied, "Because Li Hua's brother-in-law is also smart, and also knows how to study."

"Oh, hehe." Li Man chuckled, "As good as your brother-in-law Li Hua."

"Oh, I got it." Hearing her answer, Shangguan Snowman laughed big, "In your heart, you must still think that brother-in-law Li Hua is alright?"

"In my sister's heart, they are all good." Li Man said happily.

Shangguan Xue blushed, and gently scraped her face with her finger, "Don't be ashamed."

"Why are you ashamed?" Li Man laughed, "When you get married someday, how shy are you?"

"Well, I won't tell you." When it comes to getting married, it really is Shangguan Xue's Achilles' heel, and he dare not speak when he is defeated.

Just, marry? Why does Yan Jin, a villainous figure, flash in my mind?

The frightened Shangguan Xue trembled all over, and quickly shook her head vigorously, so as to get rid of the evil figure of this villain.

The two sisters chatted for a while, and Li Man brought out Tian Ningying, who was older than her, and a pair of cute babies at home to seduce.

Shangguan Xue finally nodded in agreement, and was even more eager than Li Man to go to Shennvgou to have a look.

I want to see if it is really as good as the big sister said.

The night in the capital seems to be a bit later, after dinner, it is still dark, but the lamps in the Shangguan Mansion have already been lit.

The corridor was brightly lit, and the room was too stuffy, so Li Man and his wife sat in the courtyard and talked.

Talking about going to the ancestral hall of Shangguan Mansion tomorrow to worship, and the operation of those shops, and the future of Shangguan Mansion.

Li Man has lived for two lives, but both of them like a quiet and simple temperament, and don't like to worry too much about things.

But now that she has taken over Shangguanyu's body, she has the responsibility to handle this for her.

some business.

The crown prince's case was vindicated and the Shangguan government returned it, which meant little to her, but she knew that in the hearts of these ancients, reputation was far more important than life.

Therefore, she accepted Yan Dan's favor, and brought Shangguan Xue back to stay for a short stay.

It is to let the world know that the Shangguan family's previous crimes of deceiving the prince and participating in conspiracy are not established at all, and they are innocent.

Tomorrow's worship is also to let the dead souls of the Shangguan Mansion rest in peace.

Of course, the most practical benefit is that she and Shangguanxue sisters will be able to live a normal life in the future and will no longer be fugitives.

Furthermore, those shops in the Shangguan Mansion were originally the painstaking efforts of the Shangguan family. Now, they only hope to run these shops well to comfort their spirits in heaven.

However, before the discussion was completed, Shangguan Xue came, accompanied by two maids.

"Big sister, I want to sleep with you tonight."

As soon as she came, she said this, and the other people in the yard looked at each other in blank dismay.

Li Shu reacted, and laughed at Shangguan Xue, "How old are you, and you still want to sleep with your big sister at night?"

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Xue ignored him, walked straight to Li Man's side, hugged her arm and acted like a baby, "Sister, I'm afraid of sleeping alone, so just let me stay and sleep with you."

Before Li Man could speak, Li Shu immediately refused, "No."

If she stayed, he would have to sleep alone at night.

God knows how much he wants to sleep in the same bed with his wife.

Since the reunion with his wife, he never looked for another chance except after making out that morning. Therefore, he would never let go of such a rare night with a big room and a big bed.

Shangguan Xue glared at him, "I'm asking my sister, why do you say no?"

"Just because she is my daughter-in-law, she has to sleep with me at night." Li Shu roared impatiently, he was really afraid that his daughter-in-law would agree to that girl if her heart softened, and then he would have to sleepless nights.

Shangguan Xue choked, blushing and cursed in a low voice, "Don't be ashamed."

"Why be ashamed, she is my wife." Li Shu felt that sleeping with his wife was a matter of course, and even the emperor couldn't control it.

Shangguan Xue couldn't stand him, so she grabbed Li Man's arm and acted like a baby, "Sister, look at him bullying me."

"Heh." Li Man smiled helplessly.

One is the younger sister, the younger sister who has been reunited after a long absence, and the other is the husband, the husband who has been hungry for a long time.

It seems that it is not good to promise anyone.

"Daughter-in-law, you are not allowed to promise her. We just agreed the night before, you will accompany me tonight, and I still have a lot to tell you." Li Shu felt a little bit in his heart when he saw that she only kept smiling. Hanging, worrying reminder.

Not to be outdone, Shangguan Xue grabbed Li Man even tighter, "Sister, I also have a lot to say to you, really."

"The three of you chat slowly. I have something to do with my elder brother. I'm going back to the house first." Anyway, he has nothing to do tonight. Li Yan really couldn't bear to see them scrambling for a wife, so he got up and left depressed.

Li Mo glanced at Li Shu, wanting to persuade him to give in to his little aunt, but seeing his red eyes, he was afraid of being pushed, so he just shook his head in the end, leaving this troublesome choice to Li Man herself , also got up and left.

Li Hua couldn't sit still, and silently followed behind Li Mo.

In this room, the brothers all walked away wisely. Only Shangguanxue was there, and Li Shu was not afraid of losing face. He also walked up to Li Man, grabbed her other arm with both hands, and was likely to compete with Shangguanxue. mean.

Shangguanxue stared at him hard, seeing that it was useless, she acted like a baby again, "Brother-in-law Li Shu, you just let me, at least I took care of you when you were injured."

"Don't mention that, if it wasn't for your slap, I would have seen my wife at least a month earlier." When Li Shu thought of waking up and mistaking her for his daughter-in-law, and then being knocked unconscious by her slap, Li Shu felt very sad. annoyed.

Shangguan Xue knew that she was wrong that time, so she quickly changed the subject, "Let's not mention that, I'm younger than you, and I'm still a girl, you should let me."

Li Shu bent his lips and smiled, "This is my daughter-in-law. If you are a man, I promise to let you in and not rob you."

"You?" Shangguan Xue didn't know that he was so shameless, and blushed angrily.

Li Man gave Li Shu a quick look, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Li Shu shrugged his eyebrows, and then looked pitifully at Li Man, "Daughter-in-law, don't you miss me?"

"Sister." Taking advantage of the grievance of being bullied by Li Shu just now, Shangguan Xue simply buried her head in Li Man's arms, begging for comfort.

Li Man looked at the two of them and thought it was funny, "They are not three-year-olds anymore, if you continue to argue like this, you two will be punished and not allowed to sleep at night."

"Then why?" Li Shu asked.

"You two have strong mouths, so if you can talk, I will do good deeds and let you talk as much as you want."


"The two of you will fight fiercely in the yard. Whoever wins will go to sleep. If you lose, you will kneel on the washboard."


"daughter in law."

The two wailing in unison gave Li Man a headache, "Okay, okay, let's draw lots."

"Draw lots?" The two looked at her suspiciously.

"Otherwise, what should we do? If you two fight, whoever wins will stay?" Li Man gave them both a helpless look.

Li Shu smiled and nodded, "I think it will work."

"You point out

interest. "Li Man gouged him lightly.

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Xue also nodded, "Just do it like this, sister, if I win against him, not only tonight, but as long as he spends time with my sister in the future, it will be mine."

Hmph, let you dare to bully me? Shangguan Xue said viciously in her heart.

Li Shu's eyes twitched, "Damn girl, did you do it on purpose?"

"So what if it was intentional? If you have the ability to beat me." Shangguan Xue said, then let go of Li Man, got up and walked to a more empty place, and put on a posture.

Li Shu couldn't stand being provoked like this, and he was still a girl. He almost jumped up and wanted to fight.

Li Man didn't even have time to stop them, the two of them were already in a fight, you punched each other, you came and went, jumped up and down, and flew to the roof in a while.

The newly repaired glazed tiles made a crackling sound from time to time, and a few pieces of shards smashed directly towards Li Man on the ground.


"Hey, stop beating, the house will be demolished if you beat me again." Li Man shouted angrily, "If you don't stop, get out of here for two nights!"

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I won't hurt her, I just want to teach her a lesson." Above, Li Shu heard the shout and knew that his daughter-in-law was worried, so he comforted her while fighting.

In fact, Shangguan Xue's flamboyant feats are really nothing to him.

He just wanted to let this girl know how powerful she was, so that she wouldn't dare to rob her of a daughter-in-law again in the future.

Unexpectedly, this girl is not good at kung fu, and she is good at teasing others. Knowing that he will not hurt her, she deliberately pesters him.

It seemed that he had made up his mind that if she couldn't stay at night, he wouldn't want to get close to his sister, hmph.

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