Fortunate Wife

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Early the next morning, after breakfast, Li Man and her sisters and husbands, led by the housekeeper, came to the Li Family Ancestral Hall to worship.

After completing a series of rituals, it was almost noon.

Li Man saw that Shang Guanxue's face was not looking well, and she didn't say a word to her all morning, and she was very tired. At first, she thought that because of this kind of activity, she was too serious, and reminded her sister of the sad past?

However, on the way back, the girl was in a trance, like a lost rabbit, and bumped into a big tree, causing her nose to bleed.

Only then did Li Man realize something was wrong.

He hurriedly sent her back to her room, sent someone to call the doctor, and washed the blood on her face himself.

"Sister, I'm fine. It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt at all." Afraid of Li Man's worry, Shangguan Xue raised her head and kept talking.

"It's okay? The nose is almost crooked." Li Man said angrily, and wiped off the blood on her face. She could clearly see the bump marks, especially the tip of the nose and upper lip, where the skin was broken. Also swollen up.

"Does your mouth hurt?" Li Man asked Luo.

"It doesn't hurt." Shangguan Xue smiled stupidly, trying to coax her sister, but she opened her mouth, and there was blood between her teeth, Li Man's heart twitched, and she quickly brought tea.

"Rinse your teeth quickly, haven't you knocked out your teeth?"

Shangguan Xue also felt a little pain in her mouth. After rinsing her mouth twice, she tapped her front teeth twice with her fingers, and then she felt relieved, "It didn't fall out."

Li Man glanced at her lightly, "What's going on? Can you hit a tree while walking? Did you not sleep well last night? I see that your eye circles are a little blue."

"Ah?" Shangguan Xue nervously rubbed her eyes with her hands, "Is it that obvious?"

"Yes." Li Man nodded, pulled a chair, sat next to her, held her little hand, and asked, "Xue'er, tell sister, what happened last night?"

"This?" Shangguan Xue's eyes dodged, and his pale face, which had not rested well, instantly turned a little blush.

Li Man was startled, and thought to herself, could it be that the villain Yan Jin gave birth to a moth at the little girl last night?

Just as she was about to ask, she saw the servant girl bringing the doctor over. She quickly got up and moved out of her seat so that the doctor could examine her sister.

He checked the wound for her, and said it was a skin trauma, which was fine. Finally, he left some ointment for reducing blood stasis and swelling, and left.

"I said it's okay." After taking medicine for the wound, it didn't hurt so much, and Shangguan Xue came back to life.

Li Man sent the doctor away, turned around, looked at her coolly again, and said, "Don't fight with me, tell me, what happened last night?"

"What last night? Oh, I was sleeping in the room." Shangguan Xue said nonsense with his eyes open.

As soon as Li Man saw her like this, she knew she was lying, probably because she was always in such a state of panic when she was about to tell a lie.

"Are you sleeping in the room? Then why do you still look like you haven't slept well? You can still hit a tree."

"Me." Shangguan Xue's eyes rolled wildly, "I'm having a nightmare."

"Huh?" Li Man remembered that she wanted to stay and sleep with him last night. Could it be because she was afraid that she would not sleep well?

However, having nightmares is no big deal, why is she blushing?

No, there must be something else.

Thinking of Yan Jin, Li Man felt worried.

"By the way, after you left last night, Yan Jin and Situ Qing fought again. I don't know what happened to them. In the morning, I saw a large amount of blood in the yard. I was terrified. I don't know whose. Li Man suddenly looked at Shangguan Xue and said with a serious expression.

"Huh?" A large bloodstain? Shangguan Xue was astonished, but last night when Yan Jin looked for her, she was fine, could it be Situ Qing's?

Li Man's expression suddenly became anxious, and she sighed heavily, "Anyway, it's better not to have an accident in our Shangguan, otherwise, there are two of them, a prince and a young prince, whoever has an accident, our Shangguan will have nothing to do with it."

"Ah?" Shangguan Xue exclaimed again, she was startled by Li Man's dignified expression, you know, Shangguan Mansion came back with great difficulty, so nothing can happen again.

"Sister, last night I saw that wicked man behaved well, it must not be him. Hurry up and send someone to the Hou's Mansion to have a look. If something happens to Mr. Situ, we, we will help you find a doctor and pay for the medicine."

Li Man looked at her quietly, and asked casually, "How do you know that King Jin is doing well, and it was Mr. Situ who had an accident?"

"I clearly saw that villain last night. He came to my room to look for me. I didn't see him injured." Moreover, he was so strong that he almost strangled her. He didn't look like an injured person at all.

Of course, she was smart enough not to say the latter.

But even so, Li Man still learned what he wanted to know.

Did Yan Jin go to this girl's room last night?

So... is there any? What to do with her?

Li Man wanted to ask, but felt that it was too straightforward. Logically speaking, although Yan Jin was a bit bad, she wouldn't have such bad thoughts about a little girl, right?

That's not the case. What was he doing in her room in the middle of the night?

"Sister, what are you thinking? Send someone to visit Young Master Situ." Seeing her dumbfounded, Shangguan Xue kept urging her.

Li Man looked up at her, "Okay, you don't have to worry about this."

"Well, sister, nothing will happen. Even if something happens, Xue'er will bear it with my sister." Shangguan Xue said seriously. \u003c/p


Seeing her clear and clean eyes, Li Man was suddenly moved, rubbed her hair gently, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Mr. Situ is not made of paper, so he won't die easily. Xue'er, Are you tired in the morning? After dinner later, don’t go anywhere, just rest in your room, if you get bored, send someone to call me, sister will accompany you.”

"Yeah." Shangguan Xue nodded again and again, "Then sister, don't leave, stay and have dinner with me."

"This?" A few men over there are still waiting for her, but the future is long, Li Man quickly agreed, "Okay. You go to rest for a while, and I will cook two dishes for you in person. I will eat with you."

"Sister, do you know how to cook?" Shangguanxue was very surprised. You know, she has been with Uncle Sui for these years, and she can do nothing but cook noodles, especially stir-fried vegetables. , all the red, green, meat, and vegetarian ones will have only one ending in her hands, that is, after frying, they will not look the same at all, and they will all be like a pot of black charcoal.

Over time, Uncle Sui gave up training her to cook, and unless there were special circumstances, he would cook by himself.

Li Man smiled, "A little bit, you can try it later."

"Yeah." Shangguanxue looked at her happily, feeling that it was nice to have an older sister.

At that time, Li Mo and others were also waiting for Li Man to serve dinner, but after waiting for a long time, the maid said that the daughter-in-law wanted to accompany the second young lady, so they had no choice but to give up.

"That girl is really good at causing trouble, she's much more stupid than my wife." Li Shu said while eating, thinking that his wife would occasionally make mistakes when walking, but at most, she would hit people, much better than Shangguanxue hitting a tree.

Li Yan squinted at him, "If you have the guts, tell Man'er about this."

"Heh." Li Shu laughed dryly, he didn't have the guts, but looking at the thick piles of ledgers on the couch by the west window, he raised his eyebrows and asked Li Yan.

"Second brother, I said you have so many things coming, can you understand?"

They also have business in Shennvgou, but it's just the front of a clothing store, which is incomparable with the shop in Shangguan.

Moreover, the accounts kept by the clothing store are extremely simple, basically just import and export, so even if he and his second brother don't know a lot of Chinese characters, they can still understand it with a special accounting method.

But in the morning, he casually flipped through the account books sent by several shopkeepers of Shangguan's house, and felt that they were like a heavenly book. Please hold a meeting with these shopkeepers.

Li Yan knew what he was gloating about, so he glanced at Li Hua lightly, and said, "Don't you have a fourth brother?"

Li Shu was taken aback for a moment, and he felt aggrieved for Li Hua, "How dare you take this job because you want the fourth brother to help you?"

"No." Li Hua heard the words, and quickly explained to the second brother, "I am very unfamiliar with the accounts, that is, to be the eyes of the second brother and help him look at it. The problems in it still have to be dealt with by the second brother."

Li Shu didn't understand half of what he heard, but Li Mo said, "Your second brother is right. This is a matter of the wife's natal family. We brothers are obliged. Even if we don't understand, we can't ignore it. It may be difficult at first, but practice makes perfect. "

Then, he comforted Li Yan, "Second brother, take your time. If you don't understand, we can ask Zhang Jing. His family's business is so big, it must be much better than ours."

"En." Li Yan nodded.

There is a saying, the eldest brother is right, this is a matter for the daughter-in-law's family, and now there are only two women left in the daughter-in-law's family, she and Shang Guanxue, who cannot support such a large family business at all.

The few shopkeepers who came today looked very docile on their faces, but when they came, they brought these ledgers and asked the master to check them, obviously with the intention of making things difficult and watching a joke.

The brothers of the Li family, except for Li Hua who has been studying for a few years, none of them have studied for half a day. It is not the first time they have heard the word "country man" these days.

Fearing that these people also know the details of their brothers, they came here to test them out. If their brothers can't pass this test, who will the property of the Shangguan family belong to in the future?

Therefore, for the sake of his wife, he had to settle this matter no matter what, so that he could bring his wife back to Goddess Valley with peace of mind.

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