Fortunate Wife

Extra Story 100 Project (1 update)

Outside, the men also washed their faces, sat on chairs to rest, and only waited for dinner later.

At this time, Li Man came out of the back room excitedly, "Li Yan and Li Shu, you two come here quickly, and look at the good things I got."

"What good thing?" Li Shu excitedly jumped up from his chair and went straight to his wife.

"Freckle removal cream." While Li Man was speaking, she quickly opened the bottle, picked some up with her little finger, and wiped it on Li Shu's face.

"Ah." Li Shu accidentally wiped something sticky on his face, and instinctively reached out to wipe it off, but Li Man hurriedly grabbed him.

"Don't rub it. I got it from Xue'er. It's very expensive. Don't move. I'll help you smooth it out."

The daughter-in-law's fingers gently smeared on his face, Li Shu didn't move, and even lowered his body cooperatively, with a happy smile on his face.

"Daughter-in-law, can this thing really remove freckles? It smells so good. Fall"

"Yeah." After wiping it off for him, Li Man walked up to Li Yan again.

"I don't need it." Before she could wipe it off, Li Yan blocked it with his hand. A big man with a scar on his face is afraid of it?

Li Man stared at him, "Why don't you use it? It's for freckle removal."

"No need." Li Yan raised his eyebrows, and he trembled when he thought of applying that fragrant ointment on his face, making him look like a woman.

At this time, Li Shu came over while rubbing his face, helping his wife to persuade, "Second brother, you can use some, it feels good, it's cool, and very comfortable."

"Leave it to the third brother." Li Yan said in a soft voice.

"No." With a dark face, Li Man took out a little ointment from the bottle, and then, holding his head with one hand, applied it to the scars on his face while saying, "It's fine on the body, this face If you can get rid of the above, what's wrong with it?"

"You don't like it?" Li Yan put his arms around her waist and bit her chest through the clothes.

Li Man was in pain, and pressed his fingers hard on his face, "Yes, I don't like it, such a pretty face, with a scar, it's an eyesore."

"Well, it's up to you." Unable to resist, Li Yan had no choice but to follow his wife to mess around on his face, but it was indeed quite comfortable.

It's not ointment, but the daughter-in-law's finger gently pinches the corner of the eye, which is very comfortable.

"Sister." After struggling in the back room for a while, Shangguan Xue mustered up the courage to come out and reached out to ask Li Man for something.

"Can I return this ointment?"

"Ah?" Li Man was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "Oh, I forgot, you also have injuries on your face. But, you only have a little bit like the tip of your nose, how about this, I'll take another bottle and give you some , I will leave the rest."

Shangguan Xue bit her lip, staring fixedly at the delicate porcelain vase in her hand, could she say she was reluctant?

"Or, you take a bottle, get some of this medicine away, and then, give me this bottle."

"Oh, do you like this bottle?" Li Man looked at it, but didn't think there was anything special about this medicine bottle, so she said, "Okay, wait for me for a while."

With that said, he hurriedly went into the back room again, rummaging through boxes and cabinets looking for bottles.

Shangguan Xue followed her in, stood behind her, bit her lips and remained silent.

Li Man searched for the bottle wholeheartedly, found the bottle, mixed out the medicine again, and then gave the original bottle to Shangguan Xue.

"Xue'er, put it away. If it's not enough, you can get it from me. That's it, it's getting late, let's go eat first."

"Sister." Shangguan Xue stood still, with a depressed expression on his face.

Li Man finally saw that something was wrong, and sighed secretly in her heart, could it be that she underestimated this girl's thoughts on Yan Jin?

Can she ignore it so deliberately?

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Li Man leaned against the dressing table and sighed softly.

Shangguan Xue opened her big black eyes and looked at her full of doubts, "Sister, how do you think that villain knew I was injured? He kindly gave me ointment?"

"This?" Li Man thought for a while, and said, "I probably feel sorry for what I did to you before, so I sent the ointment this time to ask for peace."

"Really?" Shangguan Xue's eyes lit up a little, "So, he apologized to me on purpose?"

"Apologize?" Just Yan Jin? It's really hard for Li Man to imagine, "You can understand it this way, so, let's just accept this bottle of ointment from him, and don't treat him as an enemy in the future."

"Is it okay?" Shangguan Xue suddenly felt her heart beating fast. If she didn't regard him as an enemy, what should she regard him as?

"Of course, just treat him as a stranger." Li Man persuaded.

"Stranger?" Shangguan Xue's eyes darkened for a moment.

Li Man watched, feeling even more astonished. If things go on like this, Xueer's whole heart might fall on that bad guy.

Is it luck or misfortune to fall in love with a man I have hated for many years?

After clearing his mind, Li Man said again, "Yes, it's better to let go of an enemy than to make a knot. He's loosened your ointment and reconciled. Let's not be stingy, and don't hold grudges against him in the future. Let's just pretend that there is no such person in this world." .From then on, he took his Yangguan Road, and we crossed our single-plank bridge, and the well water did not interfere with the river water."

"Oh." Shangguan Xue lowered her head in frustration again, obviously, that's not what she wanted to hear.

Li Man patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said intentionally, "Forget it, he is the prince, the prince who is in the emperor's heart, we can't afford to mess with him. Now that the Shangguan mansion is back, we sisters are doing well." Pass

Let's live our own lives, shall we? "

Shangguan Xue didn't know that her elder sister was deliberately saying Yan Jin's identity to imply that they were not the same kind of people. She only thought that Yan Jin's status was noble, and she would not like her, a down-and-out yellow-haired girl.

"Okay, sister, I'll listen to you." Shangguan Xue nodded his head heavily, as if he really listened to what his sister said, but at the same time, he carefully put the medicine bottle into his pocket.

Li Man was depressed for a moment. This kind of careful cherishing could already see the weight of Yan Jin in this girl's heart.

It seems that if this girl wants to stop thinking about Yan Jin completely, she has to find another man that she can fall in love with.

But how many men in this world can beat Yan Jin in the world of looks?

She quickly went through all the men she knew in her mind, except for Xiaowu at home, Zhang Jing whose fiancee was unclear, Situ Qing who was entangled with Princess Linlang, and Yan Dan, by the way, and the family Tian Ning'an, but older...

After thinking about it like this, it seems that only Xiao Wu can barely meet Li Man's conditions.

He is about the same age as Shangguan Xue, with an elegant appearance, and he will not be worse than Yan Jin when he grows up. He is still studying. A smart child like him must have a bright future.

The most important thing is that Li Man almost watched Li Man grow up as a child of the Li family. She knows everything and will not let Xueer suffer in the future.

Well, in the end, Xiao Wu was settled in his heart.

The two sisters had their own thoughts, and each of their faces was full of sadness. The Li family brothers looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Daughter-in-law, what's the matter with you? Aren't you all right? Why don't you look so good now?"

"Me?" Li Man rubbed her cheeks, glanced at Shangguanxue secretly, and saw that the girl was sitting on the seat with her hair drooping in a daze. gone."

The maids came in to set the meal, and a table of delicious food was prepared according to the taste of the Li family. Among them was a dish of pickled fish, which Li Man specially taught the mothers in the kitchen according to the taste of the Li family. Made it, I want Shangguan Xue to taste it.

Seeing that Shangguan Xue was just eating the rice, Li Man shook her head lightly, and put a piece of tender fish into her bowl.

Shangguan Xue paused for a moment, glanced at her gratefully, and then immersed himself in eating again.

At this moment, everyone finally saw that something was wrong.

"Daughter-in-law, what's wrong with this girl? She's unhappy." Li Shu leaned into his daughter-in-law's ear and asked in a low voice.

Li Man replied softly, "Probably because of a wound on the nose, I didn't want to be seen, so I had to keep my head down."

"Is that so?" Li Shu was surprised by the answer.

However, the men of the Li family had never talked much, not to mention that there was still a little aunt sitting on the table at this time, so they talked even less, except for what Li Shu asked just now, there was nothing else to say.

After dinner, I feel a little bored.

After dinner, Shangguan Xue left.

After Li Mo and Li Yan washed up, they went to the guest room to discuss things together.

Li Man also wanted to follow, but yawned unintentionally, and was forced to stay in the room by Li Shu.

"Daughter-in-law, it is enough to have the eldest brother, the second brother and the fourth brother. You should rest as long as you can. A woman who works as hard as them will not be able to hold on."

Before Li Man wanted to refute, Li Mo also said, "Man'er, rest early, we are responsible for the business in the shop."

"Well, it's actually still early." After dinner, she wanted to rest somewhere, but today is indeed a busy day, she's just a little tired, but really not sleepy.

"Let's rest." Li Yan also said, and then, he and Li Hua removed all the ledgers on the couch.

"Would you like to watch it again?" Li Man was startled.

Li Hua chuckled, "Anyway, it's still early, let's see if nothing bad happens."

"Oh, okay, don't stay up too late." Li Man asked with concern.

As soon as the three men went out, Li Shu immediately closed the door tightly, and then pointed to his face and asked his wife, "Give me some more of your medicine, it's all washed off just now."

What he said reminded Li Man, "Oh, I almost forgot, your second brother's face was also washed off, so you have to reapply it."

Li Shu's hair was full of black lines, and he grabbed her, "I'll give it to my second brother tomorrow morning, and now it's me."

"Hehe." Seeing his aggrieved handsome face, Li Man smiled slyly, "Just kidding, go to bed and wait, I'll bring it."

"Yeah." Li Shu lay down on the bed happily.

Li Man took the medicine from the drawer, sat on the edge of the bed, gently wiped some medicine for him, and then began to massage him.

Li Shu felt comfortable, so comfortable that he almost fell asleep in a daze.

Fortunately, with a shock, he woke up with a start, looked at his wife's beautiful face under the dim light, and smiled softly, "Daughter-in-law, you are so beautiful!"

"Fool." Li Man's index finger lightly poked him on the forehead.

Li Shu giggled, and simply stretched out his hand to hug her onto the bed.

The two frolicked for a while before Li Shu said seriously, "Daughter-in-law, I miss the children."

"Me too." Li Man nestled in his arms, thinking anxiously.

Although they deliberately didn't mention it during this period of time, the children at home are the concern of all of them.

Li Shu stroked her back lightly, and said slowly, "I'm afraid that the matter here will not be resolved in a short time, so we brothers discussed it, and my eldest brother and I will discuss it first."

go back--"

"You go first?" Li Man was startled, propped herself up, looked at his face, and asked eagerly, "Then what about me?"

She also wants to go home.

Li Shu smiled, "Daughter-in-law, then you can go home with me and eldest brother. The second brother said that it will take at least half a year to solve all the problems here and get the business on the right track. So, let's go home together." , take the children over."

"Take it here?" It's not that Li Man has never thought about this, but she still likes the house in Shennvgou in her heart, which was completely built by them themselves.

"Well." Li Shu said again, "it's enough to leave the matter here to the second brother and the fourth brother. I and the eldest brother, two rough people, can't help much, but we are all at home, and only he and I are left alone. I am suffering here, and my elder brother disagrees with everything. My elder brother told me privately that although we can’t help much, if we really encounter difficulties, our brothers will be there, and the second and fourth brothers will have more confidence in their hearts. , What kind of brotherhood is this called, its profit breaks gold, ha ha."

"That's for sure." Li Man nodded.

"So." Li Shu smiled, "If we don't understand the things here, we won't be able to go home with peace of mind. If we don't go home, what will the children do? They can't just leave it with Auntie forever."

"Well, Li Shu, did you discuss when to leave?" Li Man thought it best to bring Shangguan Xue with her.

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Li Shu said.

"What about the shop over here?" Li Man was a little hesitant. After all, Li Yan and Li Hua were only the sons-in-law of Shangguan's family. Without her and Shangguan Xue's presence, would the shopkeepers have listened to them?

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