Fortunate Wife

Episode 103 Liquidation (Second Update)

Li Man quickly concealed her emotions, and pulled Shangguanxue to get up, "Little lazy cat, get up and eat something, we will be leaving soon."

"Where are you going?" Shangguan Xue was still confused, and the scene of her childhood was vivid in her dream, but after waking up, her heart was very empty.

Li Man gently scratched her nose, "Go back to my sister's house, hurry up, get dressed. Zhi"

After handing her the clothes on the bedside table, Li Man turned to pack her luggage.

Remembering that she had to hurry, Shangguanxue didn't dare to neglect, got up hurriedly, followed her elder sister to pack up her things, and then bought some dry food to take with her on the way.

The Li family's carriage left the inn, but there was no movement from Yanjin's side. The man in black didn't dare to come out easily because of his master's anger last night.

So, after the Li family left, Yan Jin had been meditating on the bed like an old monk.

On the contrary, Shangguan Xue, who was sitting in the carriage, felt like grass growing in her heart, worrying nonstop.

Why didn't I see Yan Jin in the morning? Did he leave first, or was he still sleeping in the inn? Where is he going, did he chase them here on purpose, or did he really just pass by by chance?

Where is he going next, does he know they've already set off?

Tortured by all kinds of problems, she couldn't live in peace for a long time. She wanted to talk to her sister, but there was a brother-in-law Li Shu who was more annoying than her in the car, so she didn't have a chance to intervene.

In the end, she choked these questions into her stomach and stopped talking.

There is no Yan Jin here, and the family travels safely, without major incidents.

On the contrary, in the capital at that time, the atmosphere in the reception hall of the Shangguan Mansion was very oppressive and dignified.

The shopkeepers of the five shops made an appointment early in the morning to come to the door together and ask the master to make an idea whether the shop should continue to open or close for good.

If it is closed, it is easy to handle, take out the money, first settle the deficit, clear the accounts, and then pay the wages owed by the guys, and then you can break up and leave.

If you want to continue to open, you have to take out money, not only to liquidate the deficit first, but also to prepare a large amount of money for business turnover.

During the past three days, not only the Li family brothers were busy settling accounts, but the five shopkeepers also got together to settle accounts meticulously.

Just wait for Li Yan and Li Hua to appear, put the account of the two proposals in front of them, and then sit and drink tea with the old god, completely ignoring the pair of country brothers .

Sui Bo sat on the main seat and looked at these five old things, they all received favors from the Shangguan family in the past, but now they are taking advantage of the defeat of the Shangguan family to bully the younger generation of the Shangguan family, it is really shameless.

His face, which had been burned by the fire, became more and more ferocious with anger.

Because of this, those old shopkeepers wanted to taunt the Li family brothers presumptuously, but because of his face, they all shut up, and they were too lazy to find this uncomfortable, but they waited idly for Li's brother. Brother's reply.

Li Yan couldn't read, so Li Hua had to read it out one by one, and then he could complete the rough plan in his head from memory.

It took about half an hour for the two books they brought, Li Yan understood everything, the corners of his lips curled slightly, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Is it all right? We've been waiting for a long time, what should I do, give me an answer." Seeing that Li Hua closed the account book, one of the shopkeepers with the most violent temper said to Li Yan impatiently.

Without raising his head, Li Yan just took a cup of tea at hand and handed it to Li Hua, "Fourth brother, after reading for a long time, is your mouth dry? Drink some water first."

"Yeah." Li Hua took it, took a big sip, finally calmed down a little, and his face was not as ugly as before.

"Second brother." Putting down his cup, he looked at Li Yan worriedly.

These people are really too shady, let's not say they made false accounts before, but now they are talking like a lion?

Li Yan himself took a sip of his tea, and then waved his hand at Li Hua, "Fourth brother, please be safe and don't be impatient."

"En." No matter what happened, these people must not be allowed to succeed today, and Li Hua also nodded to his second brother.

"Hey, what are you brothers muttering about? Have something to say in front of all of us. Are you going to take the money?" It was the fat shopkeeper again. impatient.

"Shopkeeper Zhu?" Li Yan put down his cup, raised his eyelids, and glanced at him coldly.

Just this one glance made shopkeeper Zhu's heart sink suddenly, and he was stunned. Why is this young man's eyes so powerful? As if you could see right through his heart?

That kind of shocking look in his eyes is much more powerful than his old fritters who have been in the business field for decades.

"Yes, it's me." Shopkeeper Zhu's chubby body was leaning against the table, probably because a fat person is afraid of the heat, and he hasn't sweated after sitting for a long time. surging.

Li Yan looked at him indifferently, "Is shopkeeper Zhu in a hurry? If you're so impatient, why don't you go first?"

"Let's go first?" That's impossible, he is still waiting for the money to break up.

He looked at the other four beside him, all of them looked calm and calm, and snorted coldly in his heart, obviously they were all just like him, eagerly waiting for money, and they were all pretending now.

He didn't want to be such an early bird anymore. He sat down and said angrily, "Don't worry, when will you brothers discuss it, and when will you say it, I will wait here."

After speaking, he grabbed the teacup and took a big sip of tea viciously.


He and the others glanced at him and were disappointed. Zhu Laosan, who had always been rumored to have a personality of firecrackers, was easily made angry by that young man from the Li family. This is not good news.

However, the big guys are not in a hurry.

After all, young people are young people, and they haven't lost their hair yet. What kind of tricks can they play? What's more, if you don't know big characters, you have to ask others to read the account to listen to it. Such a pedantic person is nothing to be afraid of.

"Everyone, how about you?" Li Yan cleaned up shopkeeper Zhu, and asked the other four.

These four scheming men were much calmer, they just nodded and said, "I'm not in a hurry, you can discuss it slowly, after all, this is a big matter, if you wait for the two young ladies to return to the mansion to discuss this matter, it will be appropriate."

Li Yan smiled lightly, "Since there is no rush, then fine, let's settle all these accounts one by one today."

The beautiful eyes suddenly looked at shopkeeper Zhu, and after a pause, he said, "Let's start with shopkeeper Zhu."

Shopkeeper Zhu was using his hands as a fan to fan the wind. Hearing this, he immediately said, "Okay, okay, let's start first."

Li Yan glanced at Li Hua, "Fourth brother, go, first get the account book of shopkeeper Zhu."

"Yeah." Li Hua got up, walked to the small compartment inside, picked out the account books that had been sorted out, and took out the books that belonged to shopkeeper Zhu.

Shopkeeper Zhu was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Those accounts are also in the account book I gave you just now, there is a specific amount, you can take a look, and then tell me directly, if you want to continue to do it, it will be fine. What are these things for?"

"No hurry." Li Yan raised his hand, signaling him to be calm, and then said to Li Hua, "Read the accounts of shopkeeper Zhu's silk shop for the past year."

"Yeah." Li Hua stood in the lobby, holding the account book that was returned to the general manager, and was about to read it when Li Yan said, "The most important thing is those whose names are unclear. You have to ask shopkeeper Zhu."

"Okay." Li Hua nodded, glanced at shopkeeper Zhu faintly, and then began to read, "At the beginning of May last year, we purchased makeup flowers, brocade, Jiuxia satin, crepe, etc., totaling more than 12,000 taels. At the beginning of July, another fine gauze satin was imported, totaling 15,000 taels. Dare I ask shopkeeper Zhu, how many makeup flowers, brocade, Jiuxia satin, crepe, etc. were imported at the beginning of May, and what are the prices? How can I get the purchase fee of twelve thousand taels?"

After listening to shopkeeper Zhu, the sweat on his forehead became more intense, his plump face swelled, and he snorted, "How can I remember what happened last year? Isn't everything clearly written in the account book?"

"If the writing is clear and clear, do I still need to ask you?" Li Hua turned back with a cold face, and asked again, "This is just one thing. Second, isn't the business of the silk and satin shop in a downturn? Things have been unable to sell , Why did you buy such a large amount at one time? Besides, you bought 12,000 at the beginning of May, and another 15,000 in July. Did you sell the goods in May, or how did you deal with it?"

"Me?" Shopkeeper Zhu wiped his sweat with his sleeve, as if he had become angry from embarrassment because of Li Hua's repeated questioning. The area around the south of the Yangtze River sells very well, and it’s impossible to sell it when I arrive in the capital. But my store has to open. I have no choice but to buy a new batch of goods. You don’t know, I went to the south side myself, in July That time, there happened to be a flood in the south of the Yangtze River, and I almost fell into the water and drowned, but I managed to save my life, you all know that."

As he said that, shopkeeper Zhu looked at the other four, obviously looking for support.

The other four nodded again and again, "Speaking of which, we all know about this. That time when the goods were purchased, shopkeeper Zhu had no silver in his treasury, and he paid me five thousand silver. He said he was waiting for the new goods to come back. I immediately paid back the money I made, but so far there is no sign of it.”

"That's enough. We'll settle your bills later." Li Hua didn't want to see them playing the oboe, so he asked shopkeeper Zhu directly, "What about the new ones that cost 15,000 yuan in July? How are you selling?"

"Hey." Shopkeeper Zhu slapped his head and sighed annoyedly, "Most of the things in that boat were soaked in water, the quality was damaged, and it's worthless when you get back."

"Is that a low price?" Li Hua asked.

"Oh, it's a part of the sale, there must be an accounting account on it." Shopkeeper Zhu said vaguely.

"It is true that there is an account, and it was sold for a total of 1,800 silver." Li Hua murmured.

Shopkeeper Zhu sighed, "Hey, business is hard, it's hard, I'm ashamed of Mr. Shangguan."

"You are indeed ashamed of Mr. Shangguan." Li Hua stared at him coldly and said, "As an old man who has been in business for more than 20 years, he doesn't even know what he can sell and what he can't. I don't know, has your brain been squeezed out by your body?"

"Cough—" Li Yan was quietly listening to the conversation between his younger brother and this surnamed Zhu, but Li Hua suddenly made such a hurtful remark, which was really surprising, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You?" Shopkeeper Zhu trembled with anger.

Li Hua stared at him without showing any weakness. He had always seldom quarreled with others, and he seldom cursed at others, but this Zhu man was really deceiving people too much.

The rest of them also made fake accounts, but even though the accounts were fake, at least they had put their minds to it.

But this person surnamed Zhu only made people feel that he had drawn a ledger casually and perfunctorily, and the ledger was also filled in casually. He didn't even write down the goods, quantity, and price, but only wrote a general ledger.

Fool their brother is from the country.

"Two mistakes in succession resulted in the loss of more than 20,000 taels of silver in the silk and satin shop, which caused the shop's capital turnover to fail later, and now it is facing bankruptcy.

, you are fully responsible. "Li Hua said bluntly.

Shopkeeper Zhu was very depressed. He didn't expect this little girl who looked like a girl to speak eloquently and aggressively.

He said angrily, "Yes, I am responsible. I have no ability and caused the store to suffer losses. In this way, I will quit, right?"

With that said, he got up angrily and was about to leave.

"Stop." Li Yan sneered, and immediately the steward led ten young servants, each holding sticks, to block the door.

The man surnamed Zhu was taken aback, turned around angrily, and asked Li Yan, "What's the matter? Do you still want to kidnap the ticket? I'm not capable. I can't handle this shopkeeper. If I don't dare, can't I do it?"

"No." Li Yan said coolly, "Before you quit, shopkeeper Zhu has to settle the account before he can leave."

"What do you mean?" Shopkeeper Zhu's fat face sank, as if he was about to beat someone up with a wave of his hand.

"Steward Long, hold him down." Li Yan ordered in a deep voice.

The manager immediately ordered two young and strong servants to step forward and hold the shopkeeper Zhu.

Shopkeeper Zhu yelled angrily, "You little mother, what are you? It's just a wild man who was found outside by the eldest lady, and he really dared to treat himself as a person, and he didn't take pictures of himself in the piss." , as long as you are also worthy of being masters, when I was working for the Shangguan family back then, you didn't know which mother's stomach you were twisted in."

"Shopkeeper Zhu, stop scolding." The other four got up to persuade him.

There were also those who advised Li Yan, "Master Li, Zhu Laosan is just a rough man, so don't be so fussy with him."

"Yes, if he wants to leave, let him go. Without him, can this shop still be open?"

"Shut up for me." After watching for a long time, Sui Bo, who was almost confused, threw a teacup on the ground, and the cold aura finally frightened these people.

The other four shopkeepers sat down obediently, and Zhu Laosan didn't dare to blow his hair anymore, so he muttered dissatisfiedly, "Why arrest people? You said I didn't do a good job, why don't you let me quit?"

Li Yan calmed down, "I told you, before you quit, you should settle your accounts. After that, if you have nothing to do, you can leave naturally."

"Isn't the account written clearly? How else should I calculate it?" Shopkeeper Zhu raised his head and met Li Yan's bottomless eyes. He suddenly felt guilty, annoyed that he had underestimated these two little beasts, It shouldn't be careless and hastily made up a ledger to fool around.

"Fourth brother, tell me." The specific account is recorded in the booklet, and Li Hua has to read it out.

Li Hua nodded, picked up the account book that shopkeeper Zhu handed over to ask for money this morning, and said, "Treasurer Zhu, this is what you sent this morning. There is a loss of more than 50,000 taels, if you close the door and quit, you will have to pay you 50,000 silver to make up the shortfall, but?"

"This? Yes, there should be so many." Shopkeeper Zhu's mouth was a little awkward.

The other four were also taken aback when they heard this. They never expected that the lion surnamed Zhu would ask for so much. With the current situation of the Shangguan family, how could they get so much money?

What a fool, their goal is the shop itself, not the money.

Now, I lost the watermelon and picked up the sesame seeds.

"Really?" Li Hua snorted coldly, "Then let's take a closer look at it now. You bought two batches of goods last year, which are the two batches I just read, totaling 27,000 silver."

"That's right, the goods were not sold, isn't it all a loss?" Shopkeeper Zhu said depressedly.

"Okay." Li Hua nodded, "If the goods can't be sold, we don't care about it for the time being. You hand over the 27,000 taels of goods first, and we will calculate other things."

"What?" Shopkeeper Zhu was dumbfounded when he heard that.

Seeing his expression, Li Hua sneered in his heart, this stupid fat man, does he think everyone else is as stupid as him?

Oh, no, he is too smart, so smart that he wants to treat others like fools.

"Didn't you hear clearly?" Li Yan said coolly, "Hand over these two batches first."

"This? Here, the goods are all gone." Shopkeeper Zhu blinked his fish eyes and said in a daze.

"Why not?" Li Yan raised his eyebrows.

Shopkeeper Zhu stammered and couldn't think of a suitable excuse for a while, because he had never bought so much goods.

Where can I find the goods now?

"Huh?" He didn't say anything, Li Yan's eyes turned cold, his expression was displeased, and he suddenly said sharply, "Master Zhu, could it be that these goods have been pocketed by you?"

Shopkeeper Zhu's calves softened in fright, and he knelt down with a plop.

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