Fortunate Wife

Episode 107 Picky

Yan Jin? !

Even if that evil voice turned into ashes, everyone would still be able to recognize it.

Li Man immediately walked towards the window, and suddenly opened the window, only to see a piece of night, where there was half a ghost.

What's more, this is the second floor, how can he stick to the window and talk?

Just wondering, suddenly, a head fell down, frightened Li Man screamed, and ran back to Li Mo to fall.

"Cowardly as a mouse!" With a sarcasm, Yan Jin fell off the roof, and flew into the room through the window like a dragon.

Everyone was stunned, including the two little ones who were still drooling.

Especially the boss, who stretched out his hand to Yan Jin with a smile, wanting to hug her.

"Yeah, does she want to be hugged by a villain?" Shangguanxue's eyes widened in surprise. She wanted to hug her just now, but she said a lot of good things.

Why did the little girl beg for a hug when she saw this big villain?

Li Man looked at her little girl begging for a hug, and smiled, "This is what opposites attract, huh."

"What attracts?" Shangguan Xue didn't understand, but stood in front of his little niece, afraid that this innocent little baby would be tricked by that big villain.

Li Man didn't explain, just looked at Yan Jin, and asked speechlessly, "Prince Jin, climbing someone's window in the middle of the night, isn't this behavior a little too wretched?"

"My king didn't climb." Yan Jin stroked a stray strand of hair beside his ear, and replied, "My king's lightness skills are top-notch."

Li Man felt cold, "In short, you came in through the window, and you came in uninvited. This behavior is very bad."

Yan Jin raised her eyebrows slightly, as if to say, so what if it's not good?

He swept around the room, then pulled a chair and sat down, and said, "I'm hungry."

Everyone was taken aback, hungry? Dare to climb the window to come to their house in the middle of the night to eat?

Li Man shrugged amusedly, what does it matter to them if he is hungry? She doesn't care.

Unexpectedly, Shangguanxue is a paper tiger, with a vicious face, but a soft heart like dough, when he said he was hungry, his heart ached immediately.

Looking at his face again, it seemed to be much thinner than before.

She couldn't help asking, "Where have you been for more than a month? Didn't you have a good meal?"

Since the last time we left the inn, Yan Jin hadn't appeared again. I thought he had returned to the capital or went elsewhere, but who would have followed him here?

"What are you talking about? Let's cook." Yan Jin seemed unwilling to be mentioned about his activities over the past month, and looked at Shangguan Xue impatiently.

Shangguanxue let out an 'oh', and was about to go out like a fool.

Li Man looked at it, and got angry. She hurriedly grabbed her sister's hand and stared at Yan Jin, "Want to eat? Go back to your Prince Jin's mansion. Besides, is my sister a maid you brought? What should I cook for you?"

"That's right." Shangguan Xue thought for a while, and it was the same reason, why should he order her to cook like a master.

Yan Jinjun frowned, and looked at the pair of sisters in puzzlement, did he really think that his status as a prince was just a display? How could she be so merciless?

"Man'er, forget it." Seeing the ferocious appearance of this guy about to explode, Li Mo decided to calm down and finally go home for reunion. The family's happy atmosphere cannot be ruined by an outsider.

"King Jin, the kitchen is downstairs, follow me."

Li Mo stood up and led the way.

Yan Jin, however, was sitting as firmly as Mount Tai, with the tails of her long and narrow eyes raised slightly, and asked Li Mo, "Are you cooking for this king?"

if not? Do you still want your wife to do it for you? Li Mo felt that it was impossible.

He smiled slightly and said, "If King Jin dislikes my craftsmanship, he can do it himself."

"..." Yan Jin ignored him and only looked at Li Man, "You know how to do it, you go."

Li Man held her breath in her throat, "Didn't you see that I was taking care of the child?"

"Your?" Yan Jin's gaze had only glanced at the two children until now, and she couldn't help being attracted.

Such a beautiful and lovely little thing, no wonder Shangguan Xue wanted to hug her so much.

Li Man thought his words were nonsense, "It's not mine, or yours?"

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she suddenly felt a slip of the tongue. Fortunately, Yan Jin's full attention was on the child, and she didn't think what she said just now, so she easily evaded it.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Seeing this guy staring at her children intently, Li Man panicked, fearing that he would play tricks on the children.

Hurrying to protect the children in her arms, Li Man muttered softly, "I like children, go back and let your women give birth to you."

When Shangguan Xue heard the words, her face froze, and she unconsciously looked at Yan Jin, who was also looking at her at this moment.

Just like that, the eyes of the two met in mid-air, and they were entangled in a daze.

Until, Li Xiangyu and Zhang Ben each brought two bowls of noodles.

"Man'er, eat something first to cushion your stomach."

Li Xiangyu put the noodles on the big table, turned around, and found Yan Jin in surprise, "Yeah, who is this? I didn't see it. Man'er, is that your brother?"

When Li Shu went downstairs to ask for water to take a bath, he briefly told Li Xiangcao about Li Man's life experience, and also introduced Shangguan Xue's identity.

Listening to Li Xiangyu, she felt emotional for a while, and wiped away her tears for a long time, only lamenting the fate of Man'er.

Bitter, such a pampered young lady ended up in such a situation. Thinking back, when she first entered Li's house, she still couldn't understand her appearance and made things difficult for her.

Thinking about it now, I'm really ashamed.

After ordering a few bowls of noodles, Li Xiangyu brought them up in person. Unexpectedly, she saw Yan Jin again, which immediately made her like it.

What a handsome boy, he looks a little better than the nephews she has always been proud of.

The corners of Yan Jin's eyes trembled, where did this aunt come from? Why is the look in your eyes so scary?

He frowned unconsciously.

But I don't want to, even if a handsome man has his eyebrows locked, he is still equally good-looking.

The more Li Xiangyu looked at it, the more she liked it, so she immediately asked, "What's your name? How old are you this year, are you married?"

Yan Jinjun's face darkened, he always hated others asking about privacy.

Li Man did the same, and hurriedly grabbed Li Xiangyu, "Auntie, he's not my brother, he just passed by, hungry, and wanted something to eat. He left after eating."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Li Xiangyu to speak, he quickly brought a bowl of noodles to Yan Jin, "No, eat, and leave quickly after eating."

Seeing how her aunt looked at her son-in-law just now, Li Man was terrified.

Yan Jin didn't pick it up, just eyed her, "I don't eat noodles."

Still picked? "Eat or not. If you don't eat, leave." Li Man put the bowl on the table and called Shangguan Xue, "Xue'er, eat first."

"Oh." Shangguan Xue sat down at the table and looked at Yan Jin with sympathy.

They are already hungry and thin, and they are picky eaters, which is really pitiful.

Li Xiangyu was stunned for a moment, she didn't understand how Man'er, who was always gentle and kind to others, was so brutal to such a good-looking man.

"Man'er, what's the matter with you?" She asked suspiciously, and then said, "Everyone who comes here is a guest, besides, where do you let him go in the middle of the night? By the way, what do you want to eat? Madam will give it to you." do it."

At this moment, Li Xiangyu's gentle and kind appearance finally made Yan Jin have a good impression of her.

Knowing that people in this poor country can't do too many tricks, Yan Jin doesn't have much knowledge and interest, and only needs two things.

"Squirrel fish and garlic ribs. That's it."

Unexpectedly, Li Xiangyu was taken aback after hearing this, "This ribs, I still have some at home,"

It was Zhang Ben who went to the market to buy it early in the morning. He was going to make soup for Li Xiangcao, and there was still some left.

"However, what kind of fish is this squirrel fish? I've never heard of it."

Yan Jin's eyelids twitched again.

Li Man hurriedly pulled Li Xiangyu, "Auntie, just leave him alone. Really."

Yan Jin stared at Li Man with a dark face. She didn't want to control him, so she stopped others? Is there such a vicious woman as her?

"I think he must be starving." Li Xiangyu felt sorry for him, left Li Man behind, and said, "You wait, I'll cook pork ribs for you, and what kind of fish are you? Let Zhang Ben Go to the market and ask, and Madam tomorrow will cook it for you."

"Yeah." Yan Jin nodded, he was really hungry and couldn't be picky.

Seeing him nodding obediently, Li Xiangyu smiled with satisfaction, and at the same time asked Li Man to eat quickly, and then went downstairs eagerly.

Zhang Ben also went down, there is still a daughter-in-law and children to take care of downstairs.

Li Man glared at Yan Jin, "Let me tell you, leave after eating."

Yan Jin said nothing, just walked towards the bed, scared Li Manteng stood up and blocked him, "What are you doing?"

"Go and eat, I'll take care of the child for you." Yan Jin said.

Li Man's jaw almost dropped in shock, "You help me look after the child?"

"En." Yan Jin nodded, pulled her to the table, then sat on the bed by herself, looking after the child.

However, his so-called childcare is mainly about reading.

He can't tease children, and the two children are very curious about him.

So, one big and two small, it's so strange to stare like this.

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