Fortunate Wife

Episode 112 Regret

Tian Ningying's words were meant as a joke, but Xiao Wu, who was naturally sensitive by nature, turned gloomy.

"It's okay, I'll go down first."

He shook off Li Man's hand, turned around and went out the door.

"What's wrong with him?" Tian Ningying didn't know that she had made a slip of the tongue, so she asked strangely.

Li Man breathed a sigh of relief and said helplessly, "Forget it, it's okay, you guys should rest early. Zhi"

After leaving these two girls, Li Man went back to the house and discussed with Li Mo when to return to the capital.

After all, it's really unreasonable to just leave the mess in the capital to Li Yan and Li Hua, and what's more, they don't feel at ease.

But Li Xiangcao is still in confinement, and Li Man wants to wait until her confinement is over before leaving, and it will take less than ten days.

During these ten days, they happened to be able to rearrange their family affairs.

When Li Man was free, she took care of the children, accompanied Li Xiangcao, and planted some flowers and plants in the yard. This time, she told Li Xiangyu not to pull them out no matter what.

And Li Mo spent the past few days soaking in the newly purchased fields with Er Shun.

Except for those rented out, Ershun has also arranged for people to plant them. There are a lot of corn, rice and fresh vegetables.

Li Mo was very pleased to see that the field was lush green and growing gratifyingly.

Er Shun also assured him that there would be a bumper harvest this year, and that by the end of the year, all the money he owed to Li Mo would be repaid.

Li Mo said that there is no need to rush to pay back the money, just take care of the crops, and asked about his wife's condition.

Er Shun just scratched his head and laughed, saying that he was still taking medicine, but his illness was much better. Not only that, Xingniang's temperament was also much better, and she became much quieter.

Sometimes when the field is busy, she will follow Er Shun and work in the field together. When she is free, she will be at home, doing needlework, and even raising some chickens and ducks at home.

Er Shun said that next year when he has more money, he will also buy two piggies to raise.

For the brothers who grew up together since childhood, life is on the right track, Li Mo is very happy.

Li Shu and Xiao Wu also went to the clothing store in the town together, because Li Yan and Li Hua were not there, and the Li family seldom came to manage the store, so the business was not as good as before.

According to the discussion of Li Man and his wife, they gave the shop to the shopkeeper and confiscated much money from him.

The shopkeeper is very grateful.

Two days before leaving, Li Mo and Li Shu helped Zhang Ben to re-cultivate the vegetable garden at home, and planted two new kinds of fruits and vegetables. In addition, he bought a lot of rice, noodles and vegetables, so that Zhang Ben might get busy , the family is full of women, so it's hard to handle.

And these days, Yan Jin really can be described as a dragon who never sees the end. He went out without breakfast in the morning. came back.

It's like treating Li's house as a free hotel.

On the day of departure, he was even more horribly squeezed into the small carriage, which made Li Mo have to rent a new one when he arrived in town.

Everyone probably knew Yan Jin's identity, and everyone was obviously unwilling or afraid to ride in the same carriage with him.

In the end, Li Man had no choice but to take Xiao Wu, Shang Guanxue and the two children in a car with him, with Li Shu driving in front.

The other one was Tian's father and son. They originally planned to keep Tian Ningying to help at home, but this girl was going to the capital for a walk, so Li Xiangyu didn't have the heart to keep her, so she let her go with everyone, saying She can take good care of the younger sister and niece at home, but it is really impossible, as well as Aunt Xu Boxu and Zhang Ben.

Thinking of coming back by the end of the year at the latest, Li Man and the others agreed.

In the other car, Li Mo and Tian Ning'an took turns driving the car.

All the way to the capital, but also lively.

Let's talk about the other side, Shangguan Mansion in the capital. On this day, it was already dark, and Li Yan and Li Hua just came back from outside.

More than a month ago, the shopkeepers of the five shops not only paid back the leases of the shops, but also paid a large amount of money, saying that it was to make up for the losses of the shops over the years and to help the shops reopen.

Li Yan accepted all the money with a smile, and thanked these old shopkeepers on behalf of the Shangguan government, and declared that when several shops reopened, they must be treated to a drink.

There is no need to eat and drink, these shopkeepers all waved their hands, secretly hating, who can eat and drink? What's more, even if what they eat and drink is not their own money, the wool comes from the sheep.

In this way, after paying the money and paying the bill, these people never showed up once, and they completely separated from the government.

This saves Li Yan's trouble.

So, with the money, the next thing was to open the new shop.

He discussed with Li Hua for a long time, intending to open the tea shop first, redecorate it, and sell silk and satin fabrics.

Because the two inspected for many days in succession, they found that the original tea shop was full of people and traffic, and that street was a place where the ladies and sisters in the capital often liked to shop.

Women may not like tea very much, but there are probably few women who would dislike silk and satin fabrics or beautiful clothes and jewelry.

Therefore, the two decided to open the store first.

For the other shops, we will discuss together after the elder brother and his wife come back.

Here in the capital, the two don't have many acquaintances. Thanks to Zhang Jing's help, he recommended acquaintances to help redecorate the shop.

Taking advantage of the time, the two of them went to Jiangxi by boat with Zhang Jing.

In the southern area, I saw some goods.

I just got home tonight.

It is really reassuring to have people like Steward Long take care of the Shangguan Mansion, no matter whether the master is there or not, the mansion is in perfect order.

This point, Sui Bo is very satisfied.

When their brothers came back, Uncle Sui still praised them in front of them, saying that the servants sent by Yandan were all well-trained and very good, which shows that he still has a heart.

But just the same, during their absence, that bastard Situ Qing came every night, and he was so drunk that he came here howling, and was carried back by the boys every night In the house, before dawn, he ran away again before the uncle reprimanded him.

Li Yan and Li Hua didn't care too much about this, they didn't know Situ Qing well, so they didn't want to meddle in his affairs.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, the two brothers just fell asleep and stared at each other, when they heard someone singing on the roof.

I couldn't quite tell what was being sung, but the tone of the song was really heart-rending, like howling a wolf.

The provoking Li Hua opened his eyes and was stunned for a long time before he remembered what Uncle Sui said, it was a human voice, and it belonged to Situ Qing.

The two brothers put on their clothes and went out. They saw Steward Long leading a few servants, climbing the ladder, thinking of dragging the drunk off the roof.

Seeing the brothers from the Li family coming out, Butler Long hurried forward and said with a bitter face, "Master, this old man is really helpless, the gate is closed, but it can't be stopped, this Mr. Situ is now directly from the roof. Here we come."

"What's the matter with him?" Li Yan looked at the rickety body of the man on the roof, really worried that he would fall down at any time.

However, when the boys climbed up to the roof with great difficulty, before they touched the corner of the drunk man's clothes, he swung his palm, and they all rolled down from the roof screaming and fell heavily. On the ground, the wailing continued.

"Oh." Butler Long felt a headache as he watched his men fall so badly.

Li Yan waved at him, "You all step back."

"Then him?" Butler Long worriedly pointed at the guy on the roof who was still drinking.

"Of course the trouble will stop." Li Yan said.

Steward Long sighed heavily, "It's okay, but I'm afraid that if something happens to him, it will be difficult for Lord Hou's Mansion to explain it."

Li Yan looked at the man above him, and felt that he was really annoying. He got drunk and ran to the roof of other people's houses, and others had to bear the responsibility if something happened.

"You send two people to guard here. He will definitely be tired after a while. Then you will take him down and send him directly to Lord Hou's mansion."

"This?" Sending a drunk to Lord Hou's mansion, if the old Lord Hou knows about it, will things be okay?

"He's so shameless, what are you still thinking about?" Li Yan ordered, took Li Hua with him, and went back to the house.

Steward Long had no choice but to do as he said, but the strange thing was that Situ Qing didn't make trouble anymore, but sat quietly on the roof, looking up at the sky, as if he was looking at the stars.

Based on the lessons of the previous few, the rest of the boys did not dare to go up.

So, the two sides were in a stalemate until dawn.

After breakfast, Zhang Jing came to Shangguan Mansion.

Through getting along these days, the relationship between him and Li Yan has obviously improved.

The arrival of Zhang Jing brought Situ Qing's matter to an end.

It turned out that this guy rushed to Ziyun Temple that day to prevent Bei Linlang from thinking about it, but when Linlang saw him coming overnight, he was a little excited, and this guy's hypocritical energy came up again, very Said to come to see the excitement, to see if she has the heart to really dare to become a monk.

So, instead of steaming the steamed buns to fight for breath, Bei Linlang almost lost her hair and became an aunt in a fit of rage, but fortunately, she was stopped by the teacher in the nunnery.

Although the teacher asked her to think about it for a while because she said that she was not in the world, but this girl worked hard and vowed to spend the rest of her life with the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha, which would be better than finding a bird or beast to live with.

Seeing that she was serious, Situ Qing regretted it a little, and coaxed her a few times, but the little girl was determined and refused to leave no matter what, not only that, she also stayed in the nunnery, daily Eating vegetarian food and reciting scriptures is like becoming a lay disciple.

Situ Qing was stunned and didn't know what to do.

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