Fortunate Wife

Episode 133 Barbecue (2 more)

"It's almost there. Xue'er, you lead someone to carry these brackets and this basket of vegetables first, and I'll be there later." Li Man was still busy making her juice.

On a hot day, it's really enjoyable to have a cold and delicious drink.

Moreover, in order to cater for everyone's different tastes, she has prepared a lot, including sweet and sour.

Together with Yunyan and Yunyan, it took a lot of effort, and finally packed a few jars of juice and made it out.

At this time, Tian Ningying and Xiao Wu also ran over, their faces were flushed, and they were obviously very excited.

"Sister, is there anything else I can help with?" Tian Ningying rolled up her sleeves, as if preparing for a big fight.

Li Man smiled, pointed to the food box on the pot table, and said, "Here are the steaks that have just been fried, you take them here first, by the way, bring some bowls over here."

"That's great." Tian Ningying walked away excitedly carrying the food box.

Xiao Wu looked around, but didn't know what to do, but because of what happened that night, he was still in the house for observation, and he didn't dare to talk to Li Man, so Tian Ningying left, but he stood there stupidly, A look of bewildered.

Seeing him like this, Yun Yan was secretly amazed.

This kid used to be very arrogant and surly, but when I saw him today, he looked like a kitten that had been cleaned up, even being obedient was a bit abnormal.

Li Man squinted at him, and thought: Sure enough, you have been taught a lesson, right? Let's see if you dare not be too big or small in the future?

"Here, here are delicious fruit juices. You should carry two jugs there first. Be careful, if you break it, it will be gone."

Li Man handed him two jars of beaten tomato juice and grape juice.

Xiao Wu took it, nodded obediently, and walked out cautiously holding the altar.

As soon as he went out, a successful smile bloomed on his obedient face.

Sure enough, as Zhang Jing said, retreating is a good way to advance.

Look, she took the initiative to talk to him.

In the room, Yun Yan asked Li Man curiously, "What's wrong with Xiao Wu? He seems to be a different person."

"Oh? How did it change?" Li Man also handed a jar to Yun Yan, and hugged one herself, and the two talked while walking.

Yun Yan chuckled, "It's hard to say, but I think it's changed anyway."

In fact, she didn't have the nerve to say that Xiao Wu used to look at her with squinting eyes, which were full of contempt and hostility. Now, at least she doesn't feel that strong hostility anymore.

"Oh, I'm probably old enough to be sensible." Li Man said with a vague smile.

The two came all the way to the West Garden, and they heard Situ Qing and Li Shu shouting from afar.

"Damn it, my daughter-in-law roasted it all afternoon. Why do you take so much?"

"You're wrong again. My surname is Situ, not Si."

"You are the surname of death, the death of death."

"Believe it or not, I'm really angry?"

"You are angry, don't be angry, who welcomes you? Hey, this meat is only a few pieces."

"So why don't you eat and wait for someone to snatch it?"

Situ Qing rascally snatched two large steaks from his own bowl, and then proudly raised his eyebrows at Li Shu.

"The skills are not as good as people, what can I do? I didn't even use my strength, and the meat went into my bowl."

"I said, can you two be quiet, and if you talk too much, get out of this pavilion for the princess."

Probably because she couldn't stand the boring chatter of the two men, Bei Linlang stood up, put her hands on her hips, and roared the River East Lion at them.

Yun Yan, who had just rushed over, was surprised when she saw this situation.

Especially look at Bei Linlang's good manners, and she just claimed to be the princess, but her akimbo roaring appearance is really comparable to that of the village women she met in the countryside before, even a bit more imposing in Shanghai .

Li Man had seen Bei Linlang's furious appearance before, so she didn't feel anything, so she walked into the pavilion with the jar in her arms with a smile.

"Man'er." When Bei Linlang saw her, she hurriedly greeted her with a smile, "I heard that you have delicious food here, so I came here, hehe, don't you dislike me?"

"How come? I'm glad you can come, someone is finally under control." Li Man said, looking at Situ Qing with meaning in his eyes.

When Situ Qing caught her sight, he rarely opened his eyes in embarrassment.

Bei Linlang smiled lightly, her cheeks flushed sweetly, "Let me get it for you."

"No, just leave it here." Li Man put the jar on the table.

Then introduce Yunyan to her, "This is my cousin, Yunyan."

"Well, I just heard what Xue'er said." Bei Linlang smiled and nodded towards Yunyan.

Yun Yan also smiled.

Li Shu hurriedly came over with a food box, "Daughter-in-law, hurry up and sit down, they're going to grab all the meat."

Li Man looked at it and was very funny, "You just hold it in your hands and chew it?"

"Otherwise, what else?" Situ Qing was biting a piece in his mouth, man, eating meat is like this.

Li Man smiled, and took out a steak from the food box, then took out the dipping sauce and other ingredients, and put them on the table together.

Then take out the custom knife and fork.

"Look at it." Li Man held a knife in one hand and a fork in the other. On the plate, she cut a small piece of meat and dipped it in the sauce in the small bowl.

This sauce is made by her herself

Yes, there are soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, water, sesame oil, and a little minced garlic, green onion, ginger, and pepper.

Prepared together, it smells delicious.

After dipping a small piece of meat and eating it in your mouth, it will be delicious.

Seeing Li Man chewing lightly, the other people also had their taste buds wide open, scrambling to imitate her. Suddenly, there were continuous sounds of knives hitting plates in the pavilion.

"Hey, don't grab it, there's a lot of sauce." Suddenly, a dozen forks appeared in front of him, and Li Man shouted in a cold sweat.

Tian Ningying was squeezed to the back, and also shouted, "Don't grab it, listen to Man'er sister-in-law."

"Man'er, it tastes much better when dipped in it." Li Hua snatched a portion, and after eating it, it was much more delicious than before.

"That's right." Li Man stood up and said to these foodies, "You all sit down, there are a lot of delicious food today, don't worry, and don't rush, I will keep each of you eating well, isn't that okay? "

"That's right, what does it look like for a lord and a lord to rob others like this." Li Shu looked at the two fighting men angrily.

Yan Jin shrugged his eyebrows, took a plate, and sat down beside Li Man disapprovingly.

This made Shangguan Xue, who was standing behind him, slightly suffocated.

Situ Qing caught a piece of meat dipped in sauce on his chopsticks, and then he handed it to Bei Linlang graciously, and said with a smile, "Eat it while it's hot, it took me a long time to grab it."

"Look at how promising you are." Bei Linlang gave him a disgusted look, but her expression was very happy, she ate the meat in his chopsticks, with a look of surprise, "Well, it's delicious, I want more."

"Um." Situ Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled, "Okay, I'll grab it for you later."

"What are you grabbing? We all have a share." Li Man said with a smile, she fried this steak for more than 60 yuan in total, and almost everyone here can get four yuan each, which is definitely enough.

"Men, please sit down for me. Xue'er, Ying'er, Lin Lang and Yun Yan, you four help me assign."

She brought out another plate of steak from the food box.

Li Shu opened his eyes wide, "Daughter-in-law, there are more."

"Of course, I know that you are all worthless, so how can you not prepare more?" Li Man looked at her man dotingly.

With this coquettish and angry look, he looked at the other men without families, so jealous in his heart.

Li Shu suffered from his wife's bark, but instead looked resigned, "It's my wife who knows me best and loves me the most."

"Okay, sit down obediently." After arranging the three plates of meat, Li Man took out several small bowls containing sauces, and then ordered the customized knives and forks.

Then, the other girls will distribute them one by one.

"Okay, you can eat."

As soon as the words came out, the men picked up their knives and forks and rushed to eat.

It is said that eating meat is a common thing, but eating it like this, especially when so many people are rushing to eat it together, is really unheard of.

Not to mention that the meat is very delicious when grilled, but the lively atmosphere also whets the appetite.

The girls were not as bold as the men, so they gathered around another table, eating meat in small bites.

"Man'er, what do you think, this meat is really delicious." Bei Linlang praised sincerely while eating.

Tian Ningying and Shangguanxue couldn't stop nodding when they heard the words, but they didn't have time to talk with meat stuffed in their mouths.

On the side, Yun Yan watched, with a knowing smile on her face, at this moment, she really forgot all her worries and troubles.

"It's delicious, there will be more delicious ones in a while." Li Man raised her eyebrows a little nervously, but smiled secretly in her heart. In fact, this food is just for everyone to eat fresh.

If you can eat it anytime, anywhere, like modern times, you won't feel this way.

Tian Ningying heard that there are more delicious ones, so she quickly asked, "Sister-in-law, what else is delicious?"

"Nuo, did you see the vegetables in that basket? I'll bake them later." Li Man put down the knife and fork, got up, and moved the barbecue stand to a shade under the pavilion.

"Man'er, what are you doing?" Bei Linlang followed curiously.

No wonder Situ Qing always likes to run to this house, Man'er doesn't say anything else, this cooking skill is really good.

Therefore, she came here today with the mentality of learning from the scriptures.

"Barbecue." Li Man said with a smile, and turned her head to call Li Mo, "Brother, come and help me."

"Oh." Under the eyes of everyone, the daughter-in-law called him, Li Mo's heart jumped, and his handsome face became slightly hot, but his body flew towards the daughter-in-law in a very brisk and joyful manner.

Li Man picked up the charcoal in the basket, "Brother, can you light these?"

"Well, good." Li Mo is very good at lighting a fire with charcoal. As soon as his wife ordered, he picked up the fire book and started.

"Linlang, go ahead and eat. Come back later when you're done eating. The ashes here are so smoky." As she spoke, she also ran back to her seat, and then picked out some dipping ingredients and put them on the plate.

Then he came to Li Mo with the tray.

Seeing that Li Mo was busy, she stood by, cut up the meat, and fed small pieces into his mouth.

Growing up so big, I don't remember being fed, especially now, there are so many people in the pavilion.

Li Mo was very embarrassed, so he blushed and said to Li Man, "You eat, I still have some over there, eat it by yourself later."


It won't taste good when it gets cold, you just eat mine. "Li Man said, and stuffed the meat into his mouth.

Li Mo was stunned for a moment, with an embarrassed yet sweet smile on his face.

"Is it fragrant?" Li Man raised her eyebrows at him.

Li Mo smiled stupidly, "Fragrant."

"Then take another bite." Li Man handed him another piece.

This time, Li Mo obediently opened his mouth and ate it, probably because he felt that what his wife fed was more delicious than what he made.

Here, his husband and wife, one is working, the other is feeding, and they cooperate happily and affectionately.

In the pavilion, a few men looked at it, and each had mixed feelings in their hearts, but they were all the same. After a glance, they looked away, pretending that they hadn't seen anything, and continued to eat meat.

But, why do I suddenly feel that the delicious barbecue just now tastes a little worse now?

At least it was worse than what Li Mo ate.

Here, the men eat less, but the girls still enjoy it.

Not long after, Li Mo lit all the charcoal on several barbecue grills, and Li Man put the wire mesh on it, and shouted, "Ying'er, bring the basket over here."

"Oh, good." Tian Ningying agreed, and ran over with a basket.

The others got up out of curiosity and followed.

Li Man acted as the master, first took out a bunch of skewers from the basket, spread them out on the wire mesh, and at the same time held a small fan, gently fanning the charcoal fire, and kept explaining in her mouth.

"See? Pay attention to the heat. It can't be too burnt or raw. You should pay attention to turning it over, like this. Look, these potato chips are easy to cook, so it's good."

With that said, Li Man put the baked potato slices into a small plate, and then sprinkled some sauce on top, "Which one of you will try it first?"

"Me." Tian Ningying is a foodie. Relying on her closeness to Li Man, she snatched it and stuffed it into her mouth in a hurry, which burned her mouth.

Everyone laughed gloatingly, but she herself was embarrassed to laugh.

Then, Li Man took out the cumin and other seasonings, and sprinkled them on the chicken wings, corn, etc. bit by bit. "This seasoning, you can add it according to your own taste."

Slowly, the aroma of barbecue wafted in the air.

Grilled chicken wings, grilled corn, grilled chicken legs, grilled peppers, grilled cabbage...

Everything came out of Li Man's hands, and everyone was overwhelmed with surprise, shouting one by one, taking out the ingredients from the basket, wanting to show their hands.

Fortunately, this barbecue is really simple. As long as it is cooked and sprinkled with some spices, the taste will not be too bad.

Furthermore, these people, except for the brothers and sisters of the Li family and the Tian family, are all pampered and pampered, so they have never tried to make their own food.

Today was the first time that they grilled and ate by themselves. Even though they couldn't open their eyes from the ashes, everyone was still very happy.

After all the food was baked, everyone didn't go back to the pavilion, so they sat on the grass under the shade of the trees.

Li Man waited for a few girls, and brought some delicious fruit juice.

In this way, everyone ate barbecue, drank fruit juice, played around, talked and laughed, and it was dark before they knew it.

No one wanted to leave.

However, Li Man couldn't sit still anymore, and played around all afternoon. The children were being taken care of by the maids, so she was worried.

So, Zhang Jing was called to come out alone.

"Man'er, what's the matter?" Zhang Jing had a really fun time playing today, and his eyes were much brighter than usual.

Li Man smiled and said, "Of course it's business, you forgot what I told you about the snacks yesterday?"

"Oh, yes, are those just now?" Zhang Jing asked.

Li Man shook her head, "No, the dim sum is still in the kitchen, I didn't take it out, come to me later, I'll show you."

"Yeah." What he ate in the afternoon was enough to surprise him, but he didn't expect there to be more.

"Then you go to play again." It's rare that these are young people, so it's good to be together.

"But." Zhang Jing wanted to say, as soon as Li Man left, these people couldn't go anywhere.

He glanced back, and sure enough, except for Tian Ningying who was still talking excitedly, the others were obviously cold.

"You're not here, what else are we playing?"

"Whatever, let's go." Li Man said, then turned to leave.

Zhang Jing wanted to pull her, but he didn't dare, so he had to go back as promised.

The others were very curious to see that only Zhang Jing had returned.

"What about her?" Yan Jin asked.

"Yes, where is my wife?" Li Shu asked.

Zhang Jing replied, "She went back first, let's continue."

"Ah?" Li Shu drooped his face all of a sudden.

Li Mo got up suddenly and said, "It's getting dark, Man'er must be worried about the child, you play first, and I will go back."

Before he left, Li Yan and Li Hua also got up, "After sitting for a long time, we've had enough trouble, and we're going back too."

Cough, this family!

Bei Linlang was funny, no wonder Situ Qing called their brothers all wives and slaves behind their backs. As soon as the daughter-in-law left, the brothers couldn't sit still, leaving them as guests and leaving first?

Of course, she didn't know that the Li brothers didn't treat them as guests at all.

, Moreover, they are not very welcome guests.

If it wasn't for Li Man's sake, they would be lazy to greet them.

The daughter-in-law worked hard for a long time, which made their mouths easier.

I'm afraid that if they get used to it, it will be troublesome if they come to the government in the future.

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