Fortunate Wife

Episode 137 Foodies

Li Man didn't know how she got back. Along the way, she kept repeating Shangguan Xue's words in her mind, always feeling like she was being taught by this girl.

But, is it true?

Momentary happiness can replace a lifetime? When the passion is gone, and the man she loves no longer loves herself as deeply as before, can she bear it?

However, a child is not a fish, so how do you know the happiness of a fish?

This girl has already talked about this point, and Li Man believes that she has thought it through carefully, and also believes that her heart at this time is sincere.

Then, all she can do is to do her duty as a sister, silently guard her, and hope that she can achieve the happiness she wants.

Even if she is lost in the future, at least there will be Shangguanfu, her elder sister, and her brother-in-law will be by her side and be her strong backing.

Moreover, she also benefited a lot from Xueer's words.

Yes, her men have paid far more than she imagined.

She also wants to do her best to love them, so as to live up to their deep love.

After returning to the house, Li Man looked at the men with different eyes, sweet and soft, as if wrapped in honey, entangled the sweetness and warmth in their hearts.

"Daughter-in-law, why do you look at us like this?" Li Shu couldn't help but ask her curiously.

"I like you guys." Li Man said with a smile.

"Cough." Li Mo's eyes flickered slightly, but luckily they were the only ones in the room.

Li Shu quickly hugged his wife, "I like you too."

"En." Li Man took a deep breath in satisfaction.

Li Yan stared at her scrutinizingly, "It's all right, why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

Li Hua also looked at her strangely, always felt that something was wrong with her daughter-in-law. Although she was more relaxed than when she first came to the Li family, she was not bold enough to say such things in front of all their brothers.

Hey, those men who don't know how to behave, Li Man met their eyes and raised her eyebrows helplessly, "Come on, just pretend I'm confused and talk nonsense."

It seems that the life of their family has to be so ordinary, and occasionally they want to have a little passion, and they can only take advantage of it when it is dark alone, otherwise, I don't know what they will think about.

"Heh." Li Yan smiled lightly, and handed her a drawing, "Here, this is the decoration drawing of the gourmet shop. It's designed according to what you said. You'll be satisfied after looking at it."

"Ah." Li Man was very surprised. Regarding the idea of ​​opening a gourmet shop, but it was only a few days ago, I discussed it with Li Mo that day, and at night, taking advantage of the time, I told Li Yan about the idea. I didn't expect this guy. In that situation, he actually listened to her words?

Li Man looked at him with a smile, and said from the bottom of her heart, "Li Yan, you are so kind."

Especially after seeing the shop's decoration pattern, I was even more excited beyond words, "This is even better than I imagined, especially the piano platform in the middle, I am so satisfied."

While boasting, while looking at it carefully, I just feel that everything is in line with my own wishes.

Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good that you like it, I just sketched a rough picture, and the rest of the coloring was done by the fourth brother."

Li Hua smiled slightly, and said modestly, "I don't have much feeling, I just saw it elsewhere and thought it was good, so I used it."

"Well, that's good." Li Man folded the blueprint in satisfaction, and handed it to Li Yan, "If you think it's okay, then we can start construction on another day."

"En." Li Yan nodded, and glanced at Li Mo, who was silent at the side, "The silk shop's business has only picked up, and my fourth brother and I are a little busy, and the decoration of the new shop is done by Brother Lao and the third brother. "

Hearing this, Li Mo had a pleasant smile on his handsome face, "Okay, leave this to me and my third brother."

Li Man sneaked a glance at Li Yan, feeling more and more that he was careful and considerate.

Li Shu is okay. Li Mo has been working hard on the family's livelihood since he was a child. He is used to working. When he was in Shennvgou, he got up the earliest every day. Do something about it, weave baskets, build a fence, or visit your own fields.

But as soon as he came to Shangguan Mansion, he had nothing to do, so he stayed with the children all day long.

He is a very traditional man, if he can't use his hands to make his family live comfortably, he will feel unhappy.

Especially when Li Yan and Li Hua were busy going in and out all day, but he couldn't exert himself at all. On the surface, he seemed to be fine, but Li Man knew that he must be suffering in his heart.

This time it's alright, the renovation of the new shop will take at least a long time.

When someone is busy, he will not feel that he is useless, and he will not be bored.

The whole family discussed some things about the new shop, and after talking, they talked about food.

Recalling yesterday that Li Shu and Li Hua said they wanted to eat fish, Li Man was in a good mood, so she wanted to cook for them in the evening.

And this evening, the Li family got another piece of good news.

The news was delivered by Zhang Jing himself. It turned out that His Highness the Crown Prince thought that Xiao Wu of the Li family was smart and studious, so he made an exception and allowed him to attend the Imperial College.

The lecturers there were all great contemporary Confucianists. Hearing the news, Li Hua was also very excited. He immediately called Xiao Wu out of the room and told him the news.

However, Xiao Wu was not Li Hua, and he was not very happy when he heard the news.

However, he is a child, and others don't care whether he is willing or not. They only think that this is a rare learning opportunity.

That is, the whole family expressed their gratitude to the prince.

Zhang Jing took the opportunity to take Li Man outside the door, and whispered to her, "Actually, if you want to repay His Highness the Prince's kindness, you don't need to kowtow or something. Why don't you take the barbecue and skewers you made yesterday?" , and those snacks, make some of the same, and I will send it to the Prince's Mansion myself. How about it?"

"Ah?" Li Man was a little surprised, "Send those things to the Crown Prince's residence? Can the Crown Prince eat them?"

"Yes, as long as you make it, the prince will like it." Zhang Jingsheng said hurriedly, afraid that she would not like it.

Li Man looked at him suspiciously, "But, these things are delicious after being baked, and I'm afraid the taste will change when you send them over."

"How about, when you are free, go to the Prince's Mansion with me and make a meal for the Prince himself?" Zhang Jing quickly asked.

Li Man snorted and laughed, "Isn't it? Just for a meal? Zhang Jing, did you say something in front of the prince?"

Zhang Jing's face froze, a little ashamed, "It's not me, it's Qing. After leaving you that night, he went to the Prince's Mansion and showed off in front of Dan."

"So, the prince also wants to have a meal?" Li Man felt a little funny when he heard it, and dared to feel that the prince was like a child, and he was angry with others for food?

Zhang Jing nodded helplessly, "Man'er, just agree."

"Well." Li Man rolled her eyes, seeming a little embarrassed, "You have to ask my husbands, after all, I'm a woman, and it's not good to show my face every day."

Zhang Jing felt cold, did she feel like a woman at this moment? Usually, he didn't think she had such thoughts. Although she looked delicate, he discovered the toughness in her bones.

After all, it's not someone who has won the grace of the crown prince and can be as calm and calm as her, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Man'er, just agree? Quandang help me." Zhang Jing begged with a bitter face. It was clearly Situ Qing who caused the trouble, but let him bear the consequences. It was hard work.

"Oh." Li Man looked at him, and suddenly smiled, "Okay, I'll discuss it with them later, and I'll go when the sky clears."

"Then tomorrow." Zhang Jing took advantage of the situation and chased after him.

Li Man was startled, "Is the prince so greedy?"

"Yeah." The point is that every time that bitch Situ Qing got a good deal here, he would go to the prince and say it, which made the prince very upset, and secretly forced him to do it, otherwise If so, he will be rewarded with a few wives and concubines.

He doesn't want a woman yet, especially if His Highness the Crown Prince rewards him, so why don't he make an offering like a bodhisattva when he gets it back? He doesn't want it.

So, in the middle of the afternoon, when it was cooler, he rushed over.

Asking Xiao Wu to attend is actually just a cover, the purpose is to let Li Man go to the Prince's Mansion to cook a meal for the Prince himself.

Hey, it's really embarrassing for this to spread.

Seeing his aggrieved appearance, Li Man chuckled, "Okay, then you guys prepare the ingredients first, such as seasonings, I still have them, I just take them with me."

"Well, then it's settled." Zhang Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and said again, "By the way, what delicious food to cook tonight? I heard Li Shu and the others say what kind of fish feast it is?"

"Heh, it's just a few fish dishes. It's an exaggeration to say that it's a banquet." Li Man said.

Zhang Jing's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he begged again, "Well, Man'er, you burn an extra portion of each, and I'll take it away at night."

"Aren't you eating here?" Li Man was surprised.

Zhang Jing smiled wryly, "I'm afraid the prince wants to taste it, so I will send a copy tonight."

Li Man's head is full of black lines, how dare this prince is also a foodie through and through?

"It's hot today, I'm afraid I'll get bored, I'll go tomorrow, let's do it together." Li Man said.

Zhang Jingzhan smiled, "Don't worry about it, I have my own way to keep these dishes from spoiling."

"Huh?" Can't it be bad in such a hot day? Li Man was very suspicious, but in fact, she really worried too much.

When she was cooking, Zhang Jing waited aside, and when she cooked everything, he packed another portion, and then sent someone to rush to the Prince's residence.

Heh, so it can be done for food, Li Man laughed.

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