Fortunate Wife

Episode 139 Family

Seeing him like this, Li Man knew that he couldn't eat spicy food, so she handed him a glass of fruit juice, and said, "Prince, this skewer is delicious only with salt and pepper and cumin, you can't It’s a pity to eat spicy food.”

Yan Dan was a little embarrassed, took the juice, took a sip, only felt that it was sweet and refreshing, very refreshing, and couldn't help drinking a few more sips, and then asked, "What is this? It tastes so good?"

"Sydney juice, I just made it in the morning. It's very fresh. I added some rock sugar, so it's sweet." Li Man introduced.

"Well, this one is good." Yan Dan praised the pear juice, but didn't dare to taste the skewer in his hand.

Zhang Jing watched from the sidelines, only having fun secretly. He knew that the crown prince couldn't eat spicy food, so he didn't tell Li Man.

"Sit." Yan Dan beckoned Li Man to sit across from her, and then, looking at the food on the table, she didn't seem to know which one to eat first, so she asked, "You made these, please introduce them to me. Which is the tastiest?"

"Everything is delicious." Li Man said with a smile, picking up two skewers, sprinkled some cumin, and handed one to Zhang Jing, while she ate one and said, "You If you can’t eat spicy food, then don’t put any seasoning, just eat it like this, the roasted meat will be crispy.”

"Oh." Seeing that Li Man and Zhang Jing were eating with gusto, Yan Dan hesitated to take a bunch, and slowly bit off a piece, and when he ate it, it was really fragrant and crispy, delicious.

"Well, the taste is really good." He sincerely praised it, no wonder Situ Qing ate it once, and then went to him to show it off several times.

After eating several skewers in a row, Yan Dan felt that the taste got better the more he ate, but he felt a little disgusted whether Zhang Jing ate too much.

Owing to Yandan's disgusting eyes from time to time, Zhang Jing wisely said that people have three urgencies, and they should go first for convenience.

Yan Dan was right, he ran away in a hurry.

But this time, I didn't see him back for a long time.

In the pavilion, only Yan Dan and Li Man were left, they didn't talk much, they just ate the skewers silently, within a short time, most of the skewers were wiped out.

She came with a full breakfast, but before it was lunch time, she ate a lot, and Li Man's stomach was full soon, but seeing that Zhang Jing didn't come, she was embarrassed to leave Yan Dan here to eat alone.

It's just, it's very strange, it doesn't matter if Zhang Jing doesn't come back, the prince is here, why doesn't he even have a waiter around him?

Just the two of them sitting in this pavilion felt quite weird.

"Prince, I have been out for a long time. If you don't worry about the child, I will go back first. Take your time."

Finally, Li Man couldn't bear the embarrassment, and got up first to say goodbye.

Yan Dan looked up at her, and smiled slightly, "You have been busy for half a day, and I haven't thanked you enough yet."

"You're welcome, I've eaten a lot of these skewers." Li Man said with a smile, looking out of the pavilion, hoping that Zhang Jing would come back soon, otherwise, even if the crown prince asked her to leave, she would not know how to leave. .

The prince's mansion is very big, and when she came in, Zhang Jing took her with her, but if she was allowed to go out alone, she would definitely get lost.

"Zhang Jing will be back in a while, you sit with me for a while." Yan Dan said.

Li Man bit her lip slightly, hesitated for a moment, then sat down, looked at Yan Dan and asked, "Prince, why are you alone? There must be someone waiting by your side."

If there are maids and servants, you can also tell them to look for Zhang Jing. Could it be that they fell into the latrine?

"Heh." Yan Dan smiled softly, looked at her and said, "If I said that I deliberately didn't let them follow, what would you think?"

"Me?" Li Man was taken aback, what does it matter to her? "I don't think much about it. They are the prince's people. Naturally, you can do whatever you want."

Yan Jin laughed again when he heard the words, "Yes, the crown prince is surrounded by a lot of people every day, it's very annoying, no, if you come today, I just want to be quiet and quiet."

Li Man also laughed dryly.

Yan Dan was still eating the skewers, and looked at him with raised eyebrows, "Does this make you restless when you're with the Crown Prince?"

"No." Li Man laughed dryly, "I just don't know what to do."

"Tell me something about you? I heard that you intend to open a gourmet restaurant?" Yan Dan asked.

Li Man nodded, "Yes, it is under preparation."

"Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked enthusiastically.

Li Man thought for a while, "Not yet, I will mention it to you, the prince, when it is necessary."

"Okay, that's the deal." Yan Dan looked very happy.

Li Man saw that he was smiling, and he smiled very nicely, so she also smiled knowingly, "Prince, in fact, you should smile often."

"Oh?" Yan Dan seemed very interested in what she said.

Li Man said, "It's been ten years since you smiled. Laughing more is not only good for yourself, but also good for the people around you."

"It makes sense." Yan Dan agreed.

Li Man was overjoyed, so she also told about the maids learning art from her in the morning.

Yan Dan still had a smile on his face when he heard the words, but there was an expression that people couldn't see clearly in his deep eyes.

Based on her intuition, Li Man felt that he was unhappy? Afraid that he would anger those maids, she hurriedly said.

"Actually, they are also kind. They want to make it for you, the prince, after learning it well. You should be happy when you think about their intentions."

Yan Dan hooked her lower lip noncommittally.

Li Man sighed inwardly.

, I really feel sorry for those girls.

Suddenly, she thought of an idea, so she said:

"Prince, in fact, this barbecue is only lively when there are many people eating it. Anyway, you have all the equipment here. Why don't you ask your wives to eat together so that everyone can eat together to be happy."

"Cough." Yan Dan choked on the words ladies, he put down the skewers in his hand, and raised his eyebrows to look at her, "Do you really want to call them over?"

"Eh?" Li Man was slightly stunned, and quickly explained, "They are your wives, and they are not familiar with me. If you don't want to, then forget it. However, I always feel that food is only for people who are closest to me and love me most. It tastes better when you share it together. Isn’t the prince tired of eating alone every day? Anyway, you have so many wives, why don’t you ask them to join you? Husbands and wives follow suit, eating together is like a family.”

"Family?" Yan Dan was very unfamiliar with this word, he never thought that those women in the backyard would be his family.

"Naturally, you live under the same roof. They are your women and you are their man. What is it that you are not a family?" Li Man said clearly, "However, if you have children, your family will be complete." gone."

"Cough." These words... Yan Dan felt very strange, he had never thought about a woman, let alone a child?

"What's the matter? Drink some juice." Thinking that he was choking, Li Man offered the juice.

Yan Dan took a big sip, then motioned her to continue.

Li Man thought that her words had an effect on him, and began to persuade him, "You are a prince, and you always want to spread your branches and leaves for your royal family. Why don't you give birth to a few more little princes and princesses while you are young?" How nice."

"Cough." Yan Dan choked on the fruit juice again sadly.

In fact, Li Man has been watching it all the time, suppressing a smile, and continued, "I'm serious, you might as well try it, get in touch with your wives, accept their goodness, and slowly you will discover the goodness of women, Then......"

"Okay." Afraid that she would say something shocking if she continued speaking, Yan Dan quickly stopped her and said, "Okay, it's up to you. It's better to be happy alone than to be happy together. The prince wants to send someone to call them." come over."

"Yeah." Li Man was very surprised. She was just afraid of the embarrassment of the atmosphere, so she made up nonsense to ease the atmosphere. Unexpectedly, the blind cat met the dead mouse, and this man was really hit.

She felt a little proud in her heart, maybe this time it really led to a good thing.

"Come here." Yan Dan ordered in a deep voice, and Li Man saw a man who looked like a eunuch appearing from nowhere, standing by the side of the gazebo quietly waiting for orders, his head was covered with black lines, and he dared to believe that there were people around. , just kept avoiding like air?

"Go, the crown prince is hosting a banquet here, let the wives come over." Yan Dan said.

"Yes." The eunuch answered, and hurried away with a few maids.

Li Man raised her eyebrows, she was very curious about how beautiful the crown prince's women are.

However, after waiting and waiting, but no women came for a long time, Li Man felt a little anxious.

Yan Dan's complexion also slowly sank, and he ordered again, "Tell me, if you don't come here again within a stick of incense, you will never see this prince again."

"Yes." Another eunuch went down to deliver the message.

Soon, more than a dozen women rushed towards this side, some with untied belts, some with uncombed hair buns, some with only half of their faces painted with rouge, and one with only painted eyebrow on one side...

Seeing the distressed appearance of these women, Li Man finally understood the reason for their delay in coming.

Maybe the prince finally summoned him once. In order to impress him, the women naturally had to dress up, wanting to show their most beautiful side, so they rummaged through the box, tried on clothes, tried on jewelry, painted eyebrows and eyes, This is what it is now.

"The concubine pays respects to the crown prince." When they finally arrived, the women didn't have time to catch their breath, so they knelt down in front of Yan Dan to pay their respects.

"Get up." Yan Dan raised his hand.

However, although these women got up, they all lowered their heads, none of them dared to look up at Yan Dan.

Li Man thought to herself, it's time to give them a time to put on makeup.

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