Fortunate Wife

Extra Story 141 Lifetime Free


These words sounded very awkward, I don't blame Li Man for being sensitive, but when girls hear these words, they will always think wrongly unconsciously.

"It's just a barbecue, it's not a big deal." Li Man smiled and said, "Besides, it's my honor for His Royal Highness to eat the barbecue I made."

Such polite and distant words are not what Yan Dan wants to hear.

However, he is also very clear that what he wants to hear will never come out of this girl's mouth in this life.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of her lips, Yan Dan snorted, "You have worked hard today, what reward do you want?"

These words echoed his status as the crown prince. Li Man's heart calmed down a little, and she smiled, "It's just a barbecue for His Royal Highness, where do you need rewards? Besides, you have done so much for our family. Let me You have a family with Xue'er, and you made an exception to let my little five attend the Imperial College. I haven't thanked you very much. Zhi"

"Then how do you plan to thank me?" Yan Dan suddenly interrupted her with a smile.

Li Man was taken aback, "Thank you..." Then she smiled slyly, "One barbecue is not enough, how about this, when my shop opens, we will provide all the barbecues of His Royal Highness in the future, as long as you want to eat, Just say it, and I'll ask the guy to deliver it to you, how about it? It's free for life."

"Hey, so generous." Yan Dan laughed, "Okay, since you said that, the prince will accept it. But, I don't want the ones in your shop."

"Ah?" Li Man didn't understand.

Yan Dan looked straight into her eyes and said with a smile, "I want you to do it yourself."

"Ah? No, I..."

"If you want to thank me, you have to show sincerity. How can I let this prince eat the same food as others?" Yan Dan said.

Li Man thought, if every time he wanted to eat, she had to cook it herself, wouldn't she become his cook?

"I don't want to?" Seeing her drooping face, Yan Dan suddenly felt a little sad, in fact, it was just a joke, he really asked her to come every day.

"No." Li Man shook her head lightly, and explained, "I won't stay in the capital for too long. We will go home when the things here come to an end."

"Isn't this your home?" Yan Dan frowned and asked.

"Hehe." Li Man smiled shyly, "This is my natal family, but I am a married daughter, so I have to go back to my in-laws' house with my husbands."

"..." Yan Dan was at a loss for words, especially when she mentioned the husbands, the tenderness in her eyes flashed unconsciously, and her heart throbbed slightly.

But it was only for a moment, he quickly adjusted, and smiled, "Yeah, you have to go home."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, "If I go back to Shennvgou and the prince wants to eat again, I can't do it myself. So, the lifetime free card I gave you is still useful."

"Lifetime free card?" Yan Dan was curious.

Li Man explained with a smile, "With this card, you can spend in my shop anytime and anywhere without any money."

"Sounds really good. However, if you are always so generous and send out a few more copies, won't this shop be dragged down?" Yan Dan asked funny.

Li Man hurriedly said earnestly, "How can this kind of disadvantaged card be issued more often? In heaven and earth, you are the only one, His Royal Highness. To be honest, even your father, if the emperor wants to eat it now, he has to pay for it." .”

Yan Dan was amused by her words, and because of this uniqueness, her slightly sore heart became warm and harmonious.

"Okay, then it's settled. When your shop opens, the crown prince will give you a plaque with your own inscription as a congratulatory gift, how about it?"


There was no excitement as imagined, but Li Man looked embarrassed.

Yan Dan suppressed her smile, and reminded seriously, "The prince's writing is what many people want."

"I know, but," Li Man bit her lip slightly, and explained in embarrassment, "I have already agreed with Li Hua to use his calligraphy. Because of this, he now has to practice calligraphy for an extra hour every day."

"Is the prince's handwriting inferior to his?" Yan Dan asked with a half-smile.

Li Man quickly waved his hands, "Then how could it be? His Royal Highness must have read poetry and books since he was a child, and his masters must also be famous contemporary Confucians. How could this handwriting be bad? My Li Hua only got the opportunity to study when he was a teenager, and he can practice calligraphy." There are not many opportunities. However, he likes calligraphy, and his writing has gotten better and better in the past two years. Someday, I will ask him to write a set of calligraphy and show it to you, okay?"

She is still praising her man in disguise, hey.

Yan Dan felt sour when she heard that, even if he was honored as a prince, this woman didn't care at all, and she might be able to flatter him about other things, but as long as it was related to her man, there was almost no need to guess, it must be hers. Men had the upper hand in her mind.

Everyone envies that he was born in a royal family, has an extraordinary status, and is more likely to control the world in the future.

However, he was inexplicably envious of the brothers of the Li family. Even if they were penniless and born in the countryside, they might not achieve much in the future, but at least they had a woman who truly loved them.

As for him, there are many people around him, how many of them are sincere in flattering him and flattering him?

"Prince?" Seeing him in a daze, Li Man thought he was upset.

That's right, he is a prince, and he has the pride and self-esteem of a prince. It is natural for him to be unhappy when she rejects him like this.

Li Man hurriedly coaxed, "Why don't I do this?

There are still a few shops in our house. When it opens next time, please ask His Royal Highness to write a plaque for us, okay? This time, because I told Li Hua in advance, it is not good to use it. Oh, Prince, you don't know, Li Hua is good at everything, but he is very sensitive. If he doesn't use it this time, he might feel that his handwriting is poor, and his confidence in calligraphy practice will be hit. "

"What's this saying? Is it okay if I can't send the prince's words?" Yan Dan looked at her with a serious expression.

Li Man's heart skipped a beat, "I didn't mean that, I just..."

Well, it seems that I can't explain it clearly.

The fact is that the crown prince wanted to give her a plaque with his own inscription, but she didn't want it.

But it's just that the prince's words can't be sent out.

She was silent, not saying yes.

However, Yan Dan asked, "What are you?"

"I just wanted to comfort you, but the more I said it, the more I made you angry." Li Man said angrily.

Yan Dan looked at her, "Who made you so speechless."

"I'm stupid." Li Man lowered her eyes, dissatisfied.

Obviously he misinterpreted her intentionally, but she explained it so clearly.

"They are really blessed." Knowing that he was angry, she was not afraid, and she didn't have a soft word. Yan Dan felt sour in her heart, but he liked her more and more like this.

If she was really like those women in his mansion, they would be able to kneel on the ground just because of his displeased expression, and even if they were right, they would keep saying, "Prince calm down, the concubine knows it's wrong." irritable.

"Huh?" Li Man didn't hear his words clearly.

Yan Dan smiled, "It's nothing, it's getting late, I'll ask someone to take you back."

"Okay." Li Man was really looking forward to it, "By the way, where is Zhang Jing?"

"Him? Maybe he went back beforehand." Yan Dan laughed.

It doesn't matter to Li Man, as long as someone sends her back.

Yan Dan got up and walked out of the gazebo together with her, "By the way, that is free for life, right?"

"Of course." Li Man said, patting her chest.

Yan Dan tilted her head and looked at her with a smile, "Then, before you go back to your husband's house, will you come over and cook for me whenever I want to eat?"

"This?" Li Man thought for a while, then smiled, "Success, as long as you want to eat, I'll come over."

"Okay, it's a deal." Yan Dan smiled heartily, and suddenly felt that this is very good.

This was the first time he showed such a smile in front of her, and Li Man's heart was bright when she saw it, "Prince, if you often smile like this, you will definitely be able to fascinate the women around you."

"Really?" But she was beside him, but she was not fascinated at all, so Yan Dan didn't believe her words.

"Really." Li Man said, "However, Prince, before you fall in love with a woman, you need to be cured even if you are sick, so you can't wait."

Yan Dan's complexion changed slightly, Li Man hurriedly took a step away, and said, "Okay, this is the last time, I won't say anything in the future. Prince take care."

After speaking, she ran forward.

Yan Dan originally wanted to follow her, but seeing that she was running in the wrong direction, he chased after her.

"Why are you chasing me?" Li Man blushed anxiously.

Yan Dan tugged at her and said with a smile, "This is the latrine, if you want to leave the house, go over there."

"I'm going to the toilet, please let go first." Li Man pushed him away, blushing and ran towards the toilet.

Only Yandan was left in a mess under the sun, this girl...

After packing up and coming out, seeing Yan Dan still standing there, his handsome face was a little red from the sun, Li Man smiled, "Why are you standing here so stupidly? Do you want to go to the toilet too?"

"Cough, no." After all, Yan Dan is a noble son who was born in the royal family. Normally, even if he had to go to the toilet, he wouldn't say such rude words, but seeing Li Man say it so casually at this moment, he is really not used to it.

"If it's not, let's go." Li Man walked ahead, and suddenly saw him following her side, and said, "Prince, don't send me off, just find a little girl to send me off."

"Yeah." Yan Dan also felt that it was a bit inseparable to see her off like this all the time, and it was indeed inappropriate, so he called a maid to see her off.

However, just after leaving the Prince's Mansion, Li Man saw the carriage of the Shangguan Mansion, hehe, it turned out that her men had been waiting for her at the door.

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