Fortunate Wife

Extra Story 143 Comparison (one more)

Yun Yan and others lifted the curtain of the car, and saw such a scene.

Li Man's upper body fell to the ground, but her legs were still tightly wrapped around Li Yan's waist.

And Li Yan half-kneeled between her legs, with his hands on her waist.

What was even more outrageous was Li Hua, whose whole body was crooked, as if he was about to pounce on Li Man, but before he had time, one leg was hooked on the stool.

Such a scene is not so much an accident as it is more like an ambiguous scene where two men compete for one woman...

Tian Ningying hurriedly covered her eyes and screamed, "I didn't see anything. Fall"

With this shout, the other two, Yunyan and Shangguanxue also hurriedly turned their backs.

In the carriage, Li Yan and Li Hua's face darkened.

Only Li Man really fell just now, her head hit the ground first, and she is still blindfolded.

Li Hua got up quickly, held her head nervously, leaned into his arms, and asked, "Man'er, how are you? Did you hurt from the fall?"

Li Yan was also very regretful, how could he let her fall down so well?

Li Man raised her eyelids, looked at Li Yan's worried face, and said suddenly, "By the way, I remembered, the wound on my forehead must have been accidentally splashed by charcoal while cooking."

"It's not the forehead, it's the head." Li Hua asked anxiously, "You just hit your head on the ground, is it okay?"

"How?" Li Man frowned suddenly, "It hurts."

Li Hua quickly reached out and touched the back of her head, and sure enough, it was a big bag.

"Don't rub it, it hurts." Li Man hurriedly pulled his hand away.

Li Yan's hand took advantage of the situation to touch the back of her head, and it was indeed a little swollen, so he quickly told the driver, "Go to the doctor's office."

"No need." Li Man felt a little fussed.

Li Yan pulled her up, hugged her and sat in his arms and said, "Is there anything wrong, I'll see the doctor."

The car moved, and the three girls behind the car looked at each other in blank dismay.

It turned out that they were thinking too much.

"My sister is injured, let's go and have a look." Shangguan Xue suggested.

Tian Ningying nodded, "Well, let's go."

"Ying'er." Yun Yan hesitated, Li Yan was present, if she went, would she doubt her motives?

"I won't go, you go first, and let me know if there is something else."

"Sister Yun, let's go together, it's nothing." Shangguan Xue held Yun Yan's hand, and she also knew about Yun Yan from Tian Ningying.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with liking someone, it's just that cousin Yun was pitiful, falling in love with a man who could never fall in love with her was destined to be hurt.


"Let's go." Seeing the car go far away, Tian Ningying also pulled Yunyan, and chased forward.

Fortunately, there is a medical clinic not far from the Prince's Mansion. The carriage stopped, and Li Yan rushed into the medical clinic with his daughter-in-law in his arms. The people inside were so frightened that they thought they were seriously ill patients, so they all gave way to let the patients Get timely treatment.

The old doctor was also taken aback by this battle, and hastily put down other things at hand, and rushed to the small hall to diagnose and treat Li Man.

After realizing that Li Man just fell, her gray beard trembled slightly.

Li Man was also a little embarrassed, it wasn't a big deal at first, it was just a bit dizzy when he fell down, and he recovered soon.

After seeing the lump on the back of her head, the old doctor didn't even prescribe any medicine, but said, don't touch it, it will disappear by itself in two days.

"How is it? Did I say it's all right?" Seeing the old doctor helplessly go out to work again, Li Man glanced at Li Yan lightly.

Li Yan also looked at her, his expression finally calmed down, and he smiled, "Is it okay? Do you still hope that something will happen?"

"I mean you made a big fuss." Li Man shot him a look, but in her heart, she was reminiscing about the way he rushed in with her in his arms just now. It felt so good to be cared about.

Li Hua stood aside, also pursing his lips and smiling, as if the second brother was very calm when encountering the daughter-in-law.

"Oh, sister-in-law, are you alright?" Tian Ningying and the others who chased in after a long time stood at the door, panting heavily.

Li Man looked at them curiously, "Why are you here?"

"Ah?" Shangguanxue was taken aback for a moment, sister Ganqing didn't know they had appeared?

"I saw you in the carriage just now, oh, you were injured, so we were worried about my sister-in-law, so we chased after you together." Tian Ningying explained with a blushing face. In other words, at first, she really thought that the two brothers were too enthusiastic. I can't hold back during the day, so I want to make out with my sister-in-law in the car, hehe.

"Oh." Li Man nodded, suddenly felt that her posture was wrong, and quickly broke free from Li Yan's arms, "I'm fine, so I'm going back home. Yeah, Yun Yan is here too? Why are you two together?"

Yun Yan was only standing under the eaves of the corridor, unexpectedly Li Man saw her, she looked slightly embarrassed, and replied in a low voice, "In the morning, Xue'er and Ying'er went to Yun Mansion to look for me, saying they wanted to go out for a stroll together."

"I wanted to call you, sister-in-law, but you're not here." Tian Ningying frowned as she said, holding Li Man's arm, and complained, "Sister-in-law, why don't you tell us when you go to the prince's residence?" ?”

"What are you talking about?" Li Man was puzzled.

"Take us with you." Tian Ningying opened her eyes wide, with an envious look on her face, "Think about it, that's the prince.

I've only heard about it in dramas before, but it would be great if I could meet a real person. When I go back to Shennvgou one day, I can also show off to others. Besides, even if you can't see the prince himself, it is good luck to go to the place where he lived and feel the feeling. "

"Aren't you afraid that you won't come back?" Li Man teased her with a smile.

Tian Ningying was at a loss, "Why didn't you come back?"

Li Man leaned close to her ear and whispered, "What if the crown prince takes a fancy to our young and beautiful Yinger and wants to keep you as his wife?"

"Then I am honoring the Tian family's ancestors?" Tian Ningying said happily, her eyes were bright, obviously, if that was the case, it would definitely be smoke from the family's ancestral grave.

Li Man was choked, and said with a smile, "Damn girl, are you in a hurry to get married?"

"Not really." Tian Ningying was finally shy when asked this question, she blushed and denied it, but her heart was pounding like a deer.

In other words, the men in the capital are different. Even the ordinary people they meet on the street always have a condescending nobility and a sense of superiority in their gestures. The girls who come here are the most envied and loved.

If you can find a man here, it's also good.

However, the premise is that if you treat her well, even if it's not as good as your cousins ​​treat Sister-in-law Man'er, at least you can get by.

"Okay, do you still want to go shopping?" Li Man asked.

Yun Yan hurriedly said, "No, I've been shopping for half the morning, and I should go back."

As she spoke, she turned around to leave.

"Yunyan." Li Man stopped her, "Come with us, it's lunch time."

Yunyan turned her head and wanted to decline, but Shangguanxue stepped forward to hold her, and said with a smile, "Let's go, didn't you say last time that you want to learn how to cook with my sister? Just right, I want to learn too, let's go together."

"You want to learn too?" Yun Yan was surprised.

Shangguan Xue blushed slightly, and nodded shyly, "I am so old, but I still can't cook a delicious dish. Compared with my sister, I am really ashamed."

"Really?" Tian Ningying teased, "It's not because of someone that you have to learn how to cook seriously, right?"

"Oh, don't talk nonsense, I don't have one." Shangguanxue was caught in the center of her mind, and she quickly reached out to cover Tian Ningying's mouth, while guiltily glanced at Li Man, fearing that she would see something.

In fact, Li Man had already seen her intentions.

It must be that she saw Yan Jin come to eat several times, and she wanted to learn the craft well to please him.

Hey, pure and persistent little girl, I hope God can take care of her, so that Yan Jin can treat her better, at least, don't let the love in her heart be disillusioned.

"Okay, you all learn, Yinger, you have to learn too." Li Man said with a smile.

Shangguan Xue breathed a sigh of relief because of her words.

Tian Ningying wanted to learn it a long time ago, and today she brought in two accomplices, and her sister-in-law personally mentioned it, so there is no reason not to take advantage of such advantages.

The three girls were very excited to learn cooking together, especially Yun Yan, she did not expect that Li Man would really teach her, and she was grateful and moved.

Li Yan saw that they had a good chat, but it was not so good in other people's clinics, so he said, "Let's go, go home."

"Yes." Li Man nodded, and everyone left the clinic together.

However, suddenly there were three more girls, the carriage seemed crowded, and it was a very hot day, adding two men would be a bit bad.

Li Yan ordered the coachman to take them to the Shangguan Mansion, while he and Li Hua walked home.

"Sister-in-law," Tian Ningying asked Li Man enthusiastically in the carriage, "tell me about the Prince's Mansion."

"What can I say?" Li Man lost interest.

"Just say, the crown prince is good-looking, right?" Tian Ningying asked curiously, logically speaking, he should be good-looking, after all, his brother Yan Jin's appearance was there.

Li Man nodded slightly, "It's pretty."

"What do you mean by calculation?" Tian Ningying was obviously dissatisfied with such a vague answer.

Li Man lifted the curtain of the car and looked at the two men walking behind. The weather was hot and it was noon, so don't get sunstroke.

Seeing this, Tian Ningying pursed her lips and smiled, "Sister-in-law, are you prettier than my second and fourth cousins?"

"Well, it depends on what angle you look at it from." Li Man stared at her man, and her thoughts were all on her man, but her answer didn't change at all.

Shangguan Xue became interested, "What angle? Sister, tell me."

"Well, judging from the appearance alone, these three people have their own strengths, and they are equal." Li Man put down the curtain of the car, looked at the three little nymphomaniacs with glowing eyes, and said with a smile.

"That's about the same?" Tian Ningying was a little disappointed. If so, looking at the prince would be better than looking at her cousin.

"The temperament is different." Li Man said.

"Why is it different?" Tian Ningying wanted to get to the bottom of it, "What is the prince's temperament?"

"It's extravagant." Shangguanxue answered with a smile on behalf of her sister.

"What about my second and fourth cousins?"

"This?" Li Man laughed, "Your fourth cousin is bookish, but your second cousin is a ruffian."

"Ah?" Tian Ningying was stunned. If Li Huashu was angry, she thought it would be appropriate, but why is Wen Run's second cousin a ruffian?

Li Man shrugged her eyebrows, Li Yan's ruffian air was hidden in his bones, and it was difficult for ordinary people to detect it.

"You have been asking me for a long time,

Tell me about you too, what kind of husband do you want to find in the future? "

"Me?" Tian Ningying was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to act coquettishly and fool around.

Li Man said, "We are the only ones here, what are you afraid of? Tell me."

"I..." Tian Ningying really tilted her head to think about it, but after thinking for a long time, she shook her head, "I can't tell, I like good-looking men."

"This? How good is it?" It's hard to find someone like Yan Jin and Situ Qing.

Tian Ningying smiled, and said, "Just look good, well, no matter what, you can't be worse than my elder brother."

"Heh." Li Man smiled, "Ning An will definitely turn against you after hearing your words."

"I was praising him." Tian Ningying said hastily. However, when it comes to appearance, Tian Ning'an can be regarded as good-looking at most. Compared with several cousins, it is still a lot worse, let alone compared with Yan Jin and others. .

Therefore, Tian Ningying felt that her requirements were not high, only a little higher than that of Zhou Zheng with facial features.

"Okay, is there nothing else?" Li Man asked.

Tian Ningying thought for a while, then shook her head, "It's gone."

"Ah?" Shangguan Xue was surprised, "Why did he disappear? Don't you consider his age, whether he is married, where he is from, and his family background?"

"Huh?" Li Man was surprised that Shangguan Xue could ask such a question. This girl knows how to ask others, but has she considered it herself?

However, it seems that when a woman is emotionally impulsive, these things really can't be considered, just like her back then.

The Li family is so poor, with two thatched huts, two kangs, and five bachelors, wouldn't she follow suit?

Tian Ningying shook her head, "It's not too late to think about these things when you like them."

"Silly girl, it won't be too late when you like it." Li Man reminded, after all, there is a lesson from her past.

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