Fortunate Wife

Extra 155 Coat

Yan Jin raised her eyebrows and remained silent.

This look provoked Li Man.

"Yan Jin, listen to me. I did this just to give you a chance to see your heart clearly. Think about it for yourself, do you really have no feelings for Xue'er? Really not Like it a little? If that's the case, can you hug her and kiss her? Don't tell me, it's to stimulate me, I don't believe it. "

Even though he nominally wanted to stimulate her, but subconsciously, he definitely wanted to do it. Otherwise, there are many ways to stimulate her, so why not choose this one?

Didn't he think about the consequences?

Or, he didn't expect that kind of consequence at all.

Just like Li Yan, when he was with Mudan, he also used Chinese medicine to stimulate her and make her submit, but he refused to have anything to do with Mudan.

If he dared to have the slightest affection with Mudan back then, she would never want him.

However, Yan Jin didn't do that, he did everything with Xue'er directly, how can he still say that he doesn't have her in his heart?

"..." Yan Jin was speechless.

Li Man said again, "I do my best, so don't be ignorant of good and evil. Besides, what's good about marrying you? Apart from being good-looking, you are bad-tempered, playful, and have no sense of responsibility. She doesn't want people like Xue'er and you. But, what can I do? This girl is determined, she said, since she was a child, she has liked a man like you, and she doesn't want to marry another man in this life except you She said that she would be willing to be with you even if she was a substitute for her sister. As long as you treat her well, she will be happy all the time. If one day in the future, you despise her, she will be able to Spend the rest of your life with nostalgia."

Yan Jin was stunned, he almost didn't dare to think that that girl would say such a stupid thing, but, except her, who would say such a stupid thing?

That was a silly and troublesome girl.

Li Man laughed mockingly, "Right? You think she's stupid, right? I think so too. Besides, with our Xue'er's appearance, what kind of man can we find? What's more, she has a pure and kind personality. Lively and cute, any man with a wink will regard her as a treasure. Hey, stubborn girl."

Hearing these words, Yan Jin's expression darkened again, "Are you still planning to find a man for her?"

"Of course." Li Man curled her lips, with a look of course, "Don't think that you, Yan Jin, are the only ones who are popular, and our Xue'er is no worse than you. If you don't want it, it doesn't mean that others don't want it either. Hmph, When her child is born, I will take her back to Shennvgou. We are poorer there, but, men, one is better than the other. It is not worse than your men in Beijing. If you don’t believe me, look at my house. Just a few gentlemen will know."

Mentioning the brothers of the Li family made Yan Jin furious, "Could it be that you also want Xueer to be like you?"

"What's wrong? Xue'er will be sixteen next year, and she can get married. Then I will choose a few outstanding husband-in-law for her. Someone loves her and loves her, isn't it good? Besides, the child must have a father." Ah." Li Man said.

"How dare you?" Yan Jin's eyes burst into flames, and he actually asked his child to call someone else's father? Is this woman looking for death?

Li Man laughed, "Why not? I just wanted to find a husband-in-law for my sister and a father for that nephew, and I didn't break the law. Why? You still want to chop off my head?"

"Li Man, don't just rely on my king's kindness to you to speak freely and unscrupulously." Yan Jin clenched her hands into fists, trying to hold back the anger in her chest.

Li Man didn't take it seriously, and sneered, "Oh, then I still have to be grateful to you, my lord? Beat you up. Scumbag."

"What did you say?" Yan Jin didn't understand what the scumbag meant, but she knew that what she said was definitely not good.

"I said you're a scumbag." Li Man yelled loudly, "You covet a married woman, and that's me. Besides, you don't want to be responsible for letting an innocent girl conceive your child. People like you are everywhere. to be despised."

"Li Man." Yan Jin's face was livid.

"Why? Am I wrong?" Li Man raised her face and looked at him with contempt.

"Sister." At this time, Shangguanxue stood by the door and called her, "Stop talking, he's not a scumbag."

"Why are you up?" Li Man hurried over.

Yan Jin moved a little, but stopped again, with a sullen face.

Shangguanxue grabbed Li Man and eagerly wanted to clarify for Yan Jin, "Sister, brother Jin is not a scumbag, he likes you, he has liked you since he was a child, and he hasn't changed until now, which just shows his loyalty to love and love to you." My sister's single-mindedness. As for me, that night was a mistake, and he was drunk, so he didn't know it was me, so I can't blame him. At least, it wasn't all his fault. What happened like this For him to accept a woman he doesn't love, it's a difficult task."

The corner of Li Man's mouth twitched, "Xue'er, you... are really a silly girl."

A woman who falls in love is likely to have low IQ, and black people can turn into white people when they come to her.

"Sister, I'll go back with you." Shangguan Xue said.

"Now?" Li Man was a little worried about her body.

"Yeah." Shangguan Xue looked at Yan Jin, "Thank you Brother Jin for taking care of me this day, in the future, Xueer won't come to bother you again, don't worry."

Yan Jin's heart ached for some reason, her lips moved, but she didn't speak.

"Well, we've come to this point, let's go back," Li Man helped her sister, and comforted her, "Don't worry, when the baby is born, we will go back to Shennvgou together, and then I will give you more money." Find some husbands, just like your brothers-in-law, they all love their wives."

"En." Shangguan Xue snorted.

Seeing that she agreed, Yan Jin got angry and shouted, "Stop."

Shangguan Xue stopped immediately, and Li Man pulled her away, "Where are you standing? What does he have to do with us? Why should we listen to him? Let's go."

Shangguan Xue showed a look of embarrassment, but still instinctively listened to Yan Jin's words, and turned to look at him, "Brother Jin, do you have anything else to do?"

"Where do you want to go with this king's child? Who else do you want to marry?" Yan Jin asked suspiciously.

Shangguan Xue's heart choked, "I didn't think..."

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Li Man asked helpfully.

Yan Jin didn't say a word, but rushed over with a stride, pulled Shangguan Xue away from Li Man, and then said viciously: "Listen to me, you are pregnant with my king's child now, so you have to be obedient." Stay in this palace and wait for the child to be born."

"Me?" Shangguan Xue was stunned, unable to tell whether it was surprise or shock.

Li Man was in a hurry, and stepped forward to grab Yan Jin, "What are you doing? You want to rob someone? Let me tell you, it has nothing to do with Yan Jin if you were born with the surname Shangguan. Besides, it is right to separate the child from the mother. The cruelest thing in the world—"

As soon as she heard her words, she knew that she had misunderstood. Yan Jin was furious. In her eyes, would he always be just a bad person?

"Listen up." He restrained his temper and said to Li Man again, "This matter has nothing to do with you. She is the woman this king has slept with. In this life, I will never want to be with other men besides me."

"Huh?" So overbearing? "She didn't even marry you, but she fell asleep, so why does she have to belong to you? Besides, can you never be with other women except her for the rest of your life?"

"What's wrong?" Yan Jin replied in a deep voice.

At this moment, Li Man was speechless, Shangguan Xue was stunned, Yan Jin was taken aback, it seemed that she realized that she had been tricked...

After a weird silence, Li Man said, "Okay, what you said is that a man keeps his word, so don't lose your word, otherwise—"

"Sister, don't." Afraid that she would say something that would hurt Yan Jin, Shangguan Xue quickly covered her mouth.

Li Man cast a resentful glance at the little girl, "White-eyed wolf, your sister almost got into a fight with someone for helping you like this. You are a little heartless, but you will still help him."

Shangguan Xue quickly let go, "Sister, I'm sorry, me."

"Explain what, what's wrong with you helping this king?" Yan Jin pulled her behind him.

This domineering attitude of absolute possession stunned Li Man for a moment, and then nodded helplessly, "Okay, okay, the water poured out by a married girl, so be it, Xue'er, if you are wronged in the future, you will Find him, I'm too lazy to take care of it, so leave."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left in a fit of anger.

"Sister." Thinking that Li Man was really angry, Shangguan Xue wanted to rush over to explain.

Yan Jin grabbed her, then hugged her horizontally, and sent her into the room, "Lie down honestly, who told you to get up?"

"But my sister is angry. I want to explain to her that I didn't want to help you. I just don't want your relationship to become strained." Shangguanxue said aggrievedly.

Yan Jin glanced at her, "No wonder she called you stupid. If she was really angry, she would take you away with her and would not leave you behind."

"Why?" Shangguan Xue didn't understand.

Yan Jin explained to her lazily, but he knew that from the beginning to the end, that woman Li Man played aggressive games with him, and she even talked about finding some husbands for Xueer...

But God knows, he was so annoyed by such unreliable words.

Could it be that he really fell in love with Shang*shang, this stupid girl?


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