Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 11: Also a god!

"Tang Ning."

Unexpectedly, Tang Ning would agree. Zhong Mingli stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

Tang Yaoyao didn't say anything, but grabbed his arm.

"It's okay." Tang Ning smiled slightly at Zhong Mingli and patted Tang Yaoyao's hand.

He walked to the front, took the white paper from the old man's hand, and asked, "What should I do?"

The old Taoist smiled and said, "As long as you hold this piece of paper, the rest will be left to me."

Tangning nodded, stood up the white paper, and held it in her hands.

Zhong Mingli looked at him, his eyes moved slightly, and Tang Yaoyao looked worried.

The villagers in Guojia Village breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, as long as they are not allowed to have close contact with evil spirits...

In front of the altar, the old Taoist picked up the mahogany sword again, stepped on a certain footwork, and muttered something.

"The Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of ten thousand qi, has cultivated extensively for ten thousand eons, and proved my magical powers. Within and outside the three realms, only Tao is the most respected..., the guards of the three realms, the five emperors' greetings, the gods paying homage, controlling the thunder, ghosts and monsters are frightened, and the spirits have lost their form. , there is a thunderbolt inside, the name of the thunder god is hidden!”

Everyone's eyes were on the peach wood sword in the old Taoist hand.

Zhong Mingli's expression changed slightly, Tang Yaoyao's face turned pale, and the nails of his hands were embedded in his flesh.

"You monster, you haven't shown yourself yet!"

The old man shouted again, his aura suddenly changed, and the mahogany sword in his hand shook rapidly, aiming to point at the white paper in Tang Ning's hand.

Tangning seemed to be frightened by his formation. She shook her hands and the white paper fell to the ground.

The old Taoist was startled and stopped his sword movement.

Tangning looked at him and asked worriedly: "Old fairy, this paper fell to the ground, can it still be used?"

"It doesn't matter, just pick it up." The old man smiled slightly.

Tangning took a step forward and accidentally stepped on the piece of paper.

He looked at the old man and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

He turned around and waved to the person next to Zhong Mingli, and said, "Scribe Qin, please lend me a piece of paper..."

The clerk standing next to Zhong Mingli was stunned. After coming to his senses, he hurriedly tore a piece of white paper from the record book he carried with him and handed it to Tang Ning.

Tangning raised the piece of paper, looked at the old Taoist, and said solemnly: "Old god, come on, I'm ready."


The veteran smile froze on his face.

The paper he had tampered with in advance was trampled under his feet. How could an ordinary piece of white paper make evil appear?

He looked at the white paper that Tang Ning stepped on, and then at the paper in his hand. He suddenly took a few steps back, put down the peach wood sword in his hand, and let out a long sigh.

He looked at Tang Ning and said leisurely, "The delay was too long. The evil thing has already escaped."

Muramasa's expression changed, he looked at Tang Ning with a very resentful look, then looked at the old Taoist, and asked, "Old god, what should I do?"

"Don't worry..." The old Taoist smiled and said: "It has been damaged by my evil-killing sword. It cannot make too big a storm and dare not come back."

The old man Muramasa was relieved.

Outside the crowd, Zhong Mingli looked at the white paper that Tang Ning stepped on, thoughtfully.

Tang Yaoyao pulled Tang Ning aside and frowned: "Are you crazy? What if you get possessed by that evil thing?"

Tangning smiled and said nothing.

Tang Yaoyao became even more angry: "You can still laugh, but you are already a fool who doesn't remember anything. If you are possessed by evil things again, I won't care about you..."

She muttered beside Tang Ning, but the old man had already picked up the white paper with the ghost's head on it, looked at everyone, and said: "This ghost dares to cause trouble in the human world, which is against the laws of heaven. I will do it this time." A fried evil spirit is coming to warn the evil beings within a thirty-mile radius. This Guojia Village is not a place where they can run wild!"

"It all depends on the old god."

The whole village of Guojiacun is in a state of elation. From now on, all evil creatures will no longer dare to come to Guojiacun. This time, the whole village finally managed to collect the dozens of taels of silver, and it was well spent...

Next to the altar, an oil pan has already been set up. At this moment, the fire is raging under the pot, and the oil in the pot is boiling.

Tang Yaoyao looked at Tang Ning, suddenly sniffed, and said in surprise: "What does it smell like? It's so sour..."

Tangning said nothing.

The old man walked to the oil pan, put his palm in and stirred it, shook his head, and said calmly: "Bake it for a while longer, the oil is not hot enough..."

Seeing this, Zhong Mingli's expression changed.

Tang Yaoyao looked shocked.

Tang Ning's face showed pain, not because of shock or fear, but because she was caught by Tang Yaoyao.

What's wrong with this woman? She grabs people's arms when she's scared. You can't tell that she has slender arms and long legs, but her hands are quite strong...

Seeing this scene of "exploring the oil pot", the village leader and the villagers of Guojia Village had already knelt down and worshiped on the ground, shouting "Old God"...

The old Taoist waved his hand, and everyone immediately became silent.

A smile appeared on his face, he crumpled the paper into a ball, looked at everyone, and asked: "Now someone needs to take this monster, put his hand into the oil pan, and fry it for at least three breaths. Is anyone willing?" Try it?”

The onlookers couldn't help but take two steps back, with frightened expressions on their faces.

There is boiling oil in this pot. They don't have the skills of old gods. They put their hands into the hot oil pot and they are not fried yet?

The old Taoist smiled and looked at Muramasa: "Are you willing to give it a try?"

Muramasa looked at him, suddenly held his forehead, took a few steps back, and said in a weak voice: "My head suddenly feels dizzy, Daniu, Daniu, help me quickly..."

The old Taoist walked up to Zhong Mingli and asked, "Sir, are you willing to give it a try?"

Zhong Mingli kept silent.

He walked up to Tang Yaoyao again and asked, "Where is this girl?"

Tang Yaoyao hid behind Tang Ning.

He looked at Tang Ning for the last time, stretched out his palm, and the paper ball lay in his palm.

He smiled and asked, "Sir, are you willing to give it a try?"


Tang Ning nodded, took the paper ball from him, walked forward quickly, and put his hand into the boiling oil pan.

The old Taoist was stunned.

Zhong Mingli's face changed drastically.

Tang Yaoyao's face turned pale, and she subconsciously reached out to grab him, but she grabbed nothing.

The whole place was silent.

The villagers of Guojia Village looked at this scene in shock. This young man was just like the old immortal. He dared to put his hand into the boiling oil pan. Could he also be an immortal?

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

After three breaths, Tang Ning's hand was still in the oil pan. He turned to look at the old Taoist priest and asked, "Old Immortal, is it ok?"

The first person to react was Tang Yaoyao. She appeared beside Tang Ning almost instantly, and suddenly pulled his hand out of the oil pan, angrily saying, "Are you crazy? You don't want your hand anymore!"

"It's okay, look..." Tang Ning shook his hand, shook it in front of her eyes, grabbed her hand again, put it into the "oil pan", and said, "If you don't believe me, try it."

Tang Yaoyao subconsciously wanted to scream, but when she found that her hand did not feel hot when it was put into the oil pan, but felt very warm, she could not help but stand still.

Tang Ning was of course not crazy, but it was just that the old Taoist's cheating method was too outdated. Who can smell the vinegar smell from a few feet away in the oil pan?

He looked at the boiling oil pan, shook his head and said, "Who is so careless that he mistook vinegar for oil? Change it quickly. If you delay and let the evil spirits run away, Guojia Village will be finished!"

"I'll go change it!"

A big man heard the words, his face changed, and he ran into the village quickly, endangering Guojia Village.

Tang Ning let go of Tang Yaoyao's hand, walked to the old Taoist, and asked, "Vinegar can't fry evil spirits, old immortal, do you think I'm right?"

The man had already poured out the vinegar in the pot and set up the pot again.

The old Taoist nodded his stiff head and began to sweat on his forehead.

Tang Ning waved over there and said, "Add more firewood and burn it faster."

Seeing that the man added a few more handfuls of firewood, the old Taoist trembled and sweated more on his forehead.

He looked up at the young man opposite him, thinking that he looked handsome, could he be a fool?

He had been cheating for many years, but this was the first time he encountered someone who put his hand into the "oil pan" without hesitation...

This person's behavior was completely, completely unreasonable!

Not only did he act unreasonably, but he also completely disrupted his thinking...

What should he do now?

Originally, there was only a layer of oil floating on the upper layer of the pot, and the bottom was full of vinegar. Now it was all real oil. He couldn't really put his hand in, could he?

The man added firewood desperately, and the fire burned very vigorously. The oil in the pot soon began to boil. Tang Ning pulled the old Taoist's arm and walked over, smiling: "Old immortal, please try the oil temperature now."

The old Taoist shook his head: "No."

"Try it."


"How do you know if the oil is hot if you don't try it?"

"I said I won't try it!" The old Taoist shook his hand and said angrily: "Why are you like this? Do you have any manners..."

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