Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 321 Everything is ready

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Three days after Tang Ning handed over "Xiyuan Jilu", the palace received news that Tangrenzhai was ordered to print a thousand copies first. After printing, the court would send people to distribute them to local government offices.

A mere thousand copies did not make much profit, but as the first officially authorized bookstore in the capital, this significance could not be replaced by silver.

As the first printing bookstore, Tangrenzhai will be responsible for the revision and compilation of "Xiyuan Jilu" in the future, as well as the accompanying "Case in Case", "Case Investigation", and "Five Years County Magistrate Three Years Solving Cases".

Since then, Tangrenzhai has an official background, and if it wants to do something else in the future, the resistance will be much smaller.

In addition, with this spring breeze, Tangrenzhai will also launch such public case novels as "My Years as the Minister of the Ministry of Justice", "Self-cultivation of a Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice" and "How the God of Detectives Was Made".

Among them, the first two volumes of "My Years as the Minister of Justice" have been sold. It tells the story of a minister of justice named Song Ci, who, during his tenure, stood up for the people, repeatedly solved strange cases, and fought against various evil forces in the court. It is full of mainstream positive energy and conforms to the core values ​​that the current court has always advocated.

There were no such public case novels on the market before, and Tang Ning was worried that this type of book would not sell well. Unexpectedly, the people had great enthusiasm for this new form of public case novels, and even completely reversed the situation that female readers have always occupied half of the sky since the establishment of Tangrenzhai.

Tomorrow is a holiday, and the gong sounded. Tang Ning walked out of the Ministry of Justice and saw the assistant minister of the Ministry of Justice walking out of it.

Tang Ning took the initiative to greet him: "Minister Xu."

"Thank you for your hard work in compiling the "Xiyuan Jilu". Minister Xu looked at him with a forced smile on his face and said: "Minister Tang, take a good rest these days, and put aside the cases in the Ministry of Justice for the time being."

Tang Ning cupped his hands: "Thank you for your concern, Minister Xu."

In fact, he had not been assigned any cases in the past few days. It seemed that everything was calm, as if nothing had happened.

But the more restless it is, the more complicated it is.

The Tang family and Prince Duan are already in a precarious situation. If they are not careful, they will become stepping stones for Prince Kang's success. How could they miss such an opportunity?

The only possibility is that they are waiting. If they don't strike, they will hit. Calculating the time, they have not made any big moves for so long. It seems that Prince Kang will have to pay a heavy price this time.

"Goodbye, Minister Xu."

"Goodbye, Minister Tang."

After saying goodbye to Tang Ning, Xu Cheng's smile disappeared and his face showed a worried look.

After deciding to get closer to King Kang, he suppressed many cases in the past few days. However, he initially thought that it would only involve the case of Marquis Yanping, but he did not expect that it was just the beginning. In this way, the risk is much greater than before.

But now he can't turn back. If he ignores it, then all his previous efforts will be in vain. For now, he can only follow King Kang and go all the way.

Recreation always makes people happy. Perhaps it is because he feels bored with the repetitive life in his previous life. Tang Ning does not like this kind of day of clocking in and out at work every day.

Being able to accompany his family every day, walking around, fishing and cooking, even watching Tang Yaoyao jumping up and down with a sword, is much better than calculating all day long.

Tang Yaojing seemed to be worried today. She was absent-minded when practicing sword, and even Tang Ning saw a few flaws.

After a while, she put away her sword and walked over, wanting to say something but stopping.

Tang Ning was still trying to figure out what moves he could use to defeat her in her previous state. When he saw her coming over, he raised his head and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Miss Lian'er..."

Tang Ning looked at her and said, "Don't worry, this matter will soon have a result."

"That's not what I meant." Tang Yaoyao shook her head and said, "I heard from the princess that those people have a strong background. If you go against them, will there be any trouble..."

Tang Ning glanced at her and now knew that she was worried about him. A few days ago, he was indignant and scolded the dog officials of the Ministry of Justice...

Whether this happened to their friends or ordinary people, he, as the head of the Ministry of Justice, would not care about it. His conscience would not let it go. However, he would not act on impulse like Tang Yaojing, and would not use himself and his family as a gamble.

He looked at Tang Yaoyao and said, "At worst, I can just quit being an official. I won't starve to death anyway."

Tang Yaoyao's face changed, "Is it that serious?"

"Marquis of Yanping, Marquis of Changxing, Earl of Yongchuan, Earl of Huining..., which one of these people is not more powerful than our family, not to mention that they have King Kang behind them. Who else in the court can be more powerful than King Kang?"

Tang Yaoyao's face turned pale and asked, "Then, what should we do?"

"I don't know..." Tang Ning shook his head and said, "King Kang will be the emperor in the future. Even if we win this time, he will retaliate in the future. Demotion is the lightest punishment. There is also the possibility of confiscating the property and exiling..."

Looking at Tang Yaoyao's pale face, Tang Ning glanced at her: "Are you scared now?"

Tang Yaoyao's lips trembled and said, "I'm sorry, I, I..."

"I lied to you!" Tang Ning couldn't help laughing, looking at her, and said, "Why would I gamble with Xiaoyi and the others? Those people will soon pay the price for their actions. You just wait and see."

Tang Yaoyao was stunned, took a deep breath, looked at him, and asked, "Is it funny?"

Seeing her pinching her knuckles until they creaked, Tang Ning's face was solemn and he said, "Not funny."

Tang Yaoyao put his arm around his shoulders and said, "Come to my room, I have something to say to you."

Tang Ning grabbed a corner of the stone table and asked, "Is there anything we can't say here?"

Tang Yaoyao pried his hands apart and said, "It's not good to be here if others see it..."




Tang Ning didn't go anywhere on this day of rest. He accidentally twisted his waist yesterday and couldn't move, so he had to stay at home.

Fortunately, Zhao Man didn't come to see him today. Thinking that she didn't come yesterday, he didn't know what she was doing in the mansion. In case she did something crazy, Tang Ning went to find her after dinner.

"You, why are you here?"

When Tang Ning walked into the room, she looked a little flustered. It was unknown what she was doing just now. Her eyes looked to the side vaguely. If Tang Ning guessed correctly, there should be something there that she didn't want to see.

Tang Ning looked at her and said, "We are going to listen to the opera tonight. Princess, do you want to go with us?"

Zhao Man shook her head and said, "I'm a little tired and want to rest early. You go."

Tang Ning looked at her and finally shook her head and said, "Then I'll leave."

After he left, Zhao Man breathed a sigh of relief and took out the things hidden in the quilt.

A maid stepped forward and whispered, "Princess, let me do it. What if you get hurt by accident..."

"No need." Zhao Man shook her head and said, "Anyway, it's only this time. I want to do it myself and give it to him personally..."


Tang Family

It was late at night. Tang Qi walked to the door of a study, knocked on the door, pushed it open and saw Tang Huai sitting inside. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Is it almost done?"

Tang Huai thought for a while and said, "Everything is ready, except for King Kang."

Tang Qi said, "Then I will inform Jing'er. Once the impeachment letter from the censor is submitted, King Kang will have to come forward."

Tang Huai nodded.

Tang Qi thought for a while and said, "Zhou Qing's rank is too low. Even if it is an impeachment, the letter must go through the Shangshu Province. Zheng Dong, the left doctor, is in charge of the six ministries. He is originally from the line of King Kang. The letter may not be accepted by him."

"Of course it won't be accepted by him." Tang Huai didn't care at all and said, "Zhou Qing is not qualified, but he has a father-in-law who is the imperial censor..."

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