Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 703: The First Khan

"No matter whether the fourth princess's food falls from the sky or is stolen, as long as you follow her, you will have ten kilograms of food every month. How can you not refuse the food that is given to you for free?"

"With this food, at least the children will not go hungry..."

"If the eldest prince can give us food, we will follow him..."

After hearing what these tribesmen said, Wu's face darkened and he said angrily: "Do you want to betray the eldest prince?"

A man said: "It was Wu Da you who wanted to follow the eldest prince at first. You said that if you followed the eldest prince, you would not have to go hungry in the future, so everyone listened to you. But after you follow the elder prince, he will only ask for people and food from us." , When did you take care of our life and death?"

"Kule is right!"

"In addition to asking for food from us, what else can the eldest prince do?"

"It's better to follow the eldest prince than the fourth princess!"

"Shut up!" Wu Da looked at them and said solemnly: "I am the leader and I have the final say. No one is allowed to go to the Fourth Princess, otherwise the clan rules will apply!"

Everyone's faces showed anger. If they could enjoy the blessings with the fourth princess, who would be willing to be treated as a human being by the eldest prince? Wu Da himself wanted to be treated like a dog to the eldest prince and completely ignored their feelings...

One person gritted his teeth, looked at Wu Da, and said, "Chief, I want to challenge you!"

Wu Da looked at him with a look of disbelief on his face and said, "Kule, what did you say?"

All grassland tribes advocate absolute force. Only the strongest warriors can become leaders. Wu Da is the number one warrior of the Nipanggu tribe. He used his iron fists to wrest the title of leader from the previous leader. Bit.

In the past few years, the young warriors of the Nipanggu tribe challenged him many times, but no one could beat him. The Nipanggu tribe members were convinced by him, and over time, no one challenged him anymore.

The man named Kule looked at him and said seriously: "Leader Wuda, I want to challenge you!"

Wu Da's ribs were broken just a few days ago, and he is still recovering. It is difficult to even get up. At this time, he can't even beat a child, let alone the second warrior Kule?

His face turned red and he said, "You are taking advantage of others' danger and will be laughed at by everyone!"

"No, we support Culler!"

"We want to follow the fourth princess!"

"If Leader Wuda wants to follow the eldest prince, just go and follow him yourself!"

Wu Da looked at Kuller with a fighting spirit on his face, his face turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice: "If you have something to say, say it well, if you have something to say, say it well..."

Many of the Sushen tribes do not have hereditary systems.

The Wanyan Tribe has absolute power in the tribe because of the Wanyan clan's strength. Like the Nipanggu Tribe, the tribe itself is not large and the leader is not fixed. Generally, the capable person takes over.

Yesterday, hundreds of warriors from the Nipanggu tribe came over and declared their allegiance to Wanyan Yan. Their original leader was overthrown, and the new leader led a group of warriors to join Wanyan Yan's bodyguard.

Coincidentally, the Orle tribe and the Usazha tribe that had come over from the third prince also changed their leaders within one day and led their warriors to join them.

For a tribe that is starved of food and precarious, the eldest prince and the third prince combined are not as useful as ten pounds of rice.

Wan Yanyan hummed a light song, stood on the grassland, looked at Tang Ning on the horse, and said, "I'm so stupid. How many times have I told you that you have to move forward when going uphill..."

Just as Tang Ning was about to adjust, Wan Yanyan climbed onto the horse's back, pressed tightly against his body, and said, "I'll take you to ride!"

"No, no, no..." Tangning waved her hands hurriedly and said, "I can do it alone..."

Men and women are not close to each other. Although Xiao Manniu's figure is not as exaggerated as Su Mei and Li Tianlan, she is still better than Tang Yaoyao. She has as much bulge as she should have. She clings tightly to Tang Ning's back like this. He What else are you thinking about riding a horse?

"How long will it take for you to learn this way?" Wan Yanyan didn't care. She grabbed the reins from his hand and said, "Go further down..."

When she said this, her body pressed closer to her. Tang Ning always reminded him that he came to the grassland for the sake of national justice and world peace. He silently recited the Pure Heart Mantra several times - but he could not withstand her constant blows.

After being distracted for a while, Tangning jumped off the horse and said, "That's it for today..."

Prairie women don't have so many taboos, but he has to avoid it a little. If Tang Yaoyao knows that he is riding a horse with a little man girl on the grassland, keeping company in the world of mortals, lingering together, Tang Ning will never want to be with her in the future. She slept together.

When he led the horse back, Wan Yanyan looked at him and asked: "You said, if the eldest brother and the third brother also share food with them..."

Tangning shook her head and said, "No."

Seeing how determined he was, Wanyan Yan was surprised and asked, "Why?"

Tang Ning said: "Because they are poor."

Ten kilograms of grain may not sound like much, but it is enough for a family of three for one month. Plus their own grain, it is enough for these tribes to not have to scrimp on food and clothing during the winter. The eldest prince and the third prince themselves cannot take care of it. What will be done to support these tribes?

The eldest prince paced in the tent, frowning and asked: "The Nipang Gu tribe has completely defected to the fourth princess, where is Wuda?"

The man named Butai said: "Wuda is no longer the leader of the Nipangu tribe. He was injured last time in the Wuyan tribe. Under the temptation of the fourth princess's food, the Nipangu tribe took him away. The right..."

Butai looked at him and said, "Prince, our tribes have also made some unusual movements after hearing that the fourth princess distributed food..."

"I don't have that much food to give them." The prince showed doubt on his face and asked, "Where did she get so much food?"

Butai said, "It is said that the people of Wuyan tribe robbed the grain transport team of Chen State. Chen State has stationed troops north of Yinshan Mountain and will need to transport food frequently in the future..."

The prince thought for a while and said, "If she can rob, why can't we? She used 500 people to rob food, and we used 1,000 people. You lead 1,000 people and ambush on the way to Chen State to transport grain..."

Butai thought for a while and said, "Prince, they were robbed once, and now they must be more careful and will definitely send more troops..."

The prince frowned and said, "If 1,000 people are not enough, then 2,000 people. This is the grassland. Would the warriors on the grassland be afraid of a few two-legged sheep?"

Butai cupped his hands and said, "Yes."


The situation on the grassland changes so quickly that it is always unexpected.

When Tang Ning came to the grassland, Wanyan Yan had only 14 tribes under her command, the third prince had 18 tribes, and the eldest prince had 22 tribes.

He had been in the grassland for only about a month, and Wanyan Yan had already mastered 18 tribes. This mastery was not the nominal mastery before, but a thorough mastery. All the able-bodied men of the 18 tribes had become her personal guards, and the leaders of the 18 tribes also followed her lead.

Because of the fight, the third prince was deducted two tribes by the Khan, leaving only 16 tribes.

The eldest prince now has only 18 tribes, and has no advantage over Wanyan Yan.

Like the third prince, he was deducted two tribes. The reason why he had two fewer tribes was that he sent two tribes to rob the grain transport troops of the Chen Kingdom, but only two people ran back.

The eldest prince was punished for this and is still unable to get out of bed. So far, the Wanyan tribe has two princes and one princess. The tribes under Wanyan Yan are equal to those of the eldest prince, but the cohesion of his subordinates is not as good as that of the eldest prince and the third prince combined, and he became the first Khan under Wanyan Khan.

At this time, the first Khan, who had no dignity of a Khan, wore Han Chinese clothes and rouge. He came to a tent and looked at the figure sitting at the table and asked, "Did you find anything different about me today?"

Tang Ning looked up at her and said, "I changed my clothes and put on rouge."

Wan Yanyan asked again, "Does it look good?"

Tang Ning retracted her gaze and said casually, "It's OK..."

Wan Yanyan frowned and asked, "What do you mean it's OK?"

Tang Ning explained without raising her head, "It's OK, it's OK..."

Wan Yanyan glared at him, walked out angrily, returned to her tent, and sat in front of the bronze mirror angrily.

Ayina leaned against the door and said, "No matter how beautiful you dress, he doesn't have you in his heart and can't see your beauty."

Wanyan Yan looked back at her and asked, "Are all his wives beautiful?"

Ayina thought for a while and said, "Except for the fourth wife, the others can only be compared with the princess in their own ways..."

Wanyan Yan said, "Isn't his fourth wife beautiful?"

Ayina looked at her and said, "If the princess was half as beautiful as her, she could walk sideways and he wouldn't even look at you..."

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