Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 769: A sudden turn of events

Grand Scholar Zhang's words were very tactful, but his meaning was very clear.

He could teach Prince Run, who was still young and whose mind was not yet fully mature, but he had no way to teach Prince Duan, who was already an adult.

In other words, Prince Duan was beyond help.

Grand Scholar Zhang mentioned Prince Run inadvertently today, and the seed that had long been planted in Emperor Chen's heart began to take root and sprout.

The throne is passed on to the legitimate son, not the illegitimate son, and the eldest son is passed on, not the youngest son. This is the royal family's patriarchal law. The queen died early and did not give birth to a prince, so there is no possibility of passing it on to the legitimate son.

The three princes, Prince Kang, Prince Duan, and Prince Huai, are of similar age and can all be regarded as the eldest. If the three of them were still alive, it would be unlikely that the position would be passed on to Prince Run.

He wanted to pass the throne to Prince Duan the most. However, after Prince Duan took power, he became complacent and arrogant. His actions disappointed him greatly. The great country of Chen could not be passed on to a person without talent and virtue.

If it really came to that, Prince Run would take over this position, which would be much better than Prince Duan.

But before he was completely disappointed with Prince Duan, he couldn't give up hope.

Emperor Chen was silent for a long time, turned his head and looked at Wei Jian, and said: "Let the Hanlin Academy draft an edict to restore Prince Kang's princely title..."


Although Tang Ning did not go to the Shangshu Province, he also knew that in the past few days, Prince Duan's party had impeached him all over the place.

He didn't feel anything about it, but guessed that Emperor Chen might be helpless about his stupid son. An old fox like him actually gave birth to a pig. Only he could understand this feeling.

Tang Ning did not wait for Emperor Chen to deal with these memorials, but only waited for an oral order from the eunuch.

If he did not go to the Shangshu Province in three days, Emperor Chen would let him heal his real wounds for three months.

In addition, he heard a surprising news.

Emperor Chen issued an imperial edict to restore Prince Kang's princely title. Prince Kang changed from heir to prince again.

Although it was up to Emperor Chen to decide whether these princes were heirs or real princes, he was the emperor and would not treat it as a game. He would demote them today and promote them tomorrow. He had his own purpose for everything he did.

And it was not difficult to guess his purpose this time.

He told Prince Duan clearly that if you were capable, you could sit on the throne. If you were not capable, there would be others.

When Prince Kang was the heir, it was most beneficial to Prince Duan because no one competed with him for the position of crown prince. Prince Duan was also the one who suffered the most when Prince Kang resumed his real prince position.

This meant that all their previous efforts had gone to waste. Prince Kang was still the same Prince Kang. Prince Duan had just stepped into the East Palace with one foot, and when he turned around, he found that Prince Kang had also stepped in with one foot.

Although Prince Kang was now almost penniless, the Tang family was gone, and Prince Duan was not much better than him. In the past few years, the two princes had fought for the throne, and there were so many conspiracies and plots, and after going around in circles, everything returned to the starting point.

Of course, even the starting point was very different from the past.

Three years ago, Prince Duan and Prince Kang were evenly matched in power. They formed cliques in the court, one gathered the powerful and the other made friends with the civil officials.

Three years later, Prince Duan and Prince Kang were evenly matched in power. They had almost nothing. What Prince Kang didn't have, Prince Duan didn't have either. Their fates were completely controlled by Emperor Chen.

Even Tang Ning had to admit that although Prince Duan and Prince Kang were useless, their fathers were great heroes.

The entire court, including the princes who were competing for the throne, was manipulated by him.

He used Jiangnan to balance the capital, and used Prince Kang to balance Prince Duan. Without destroying this balance, he could infinitely weaken the power of both parties and strengthen centralization...

The scary thing is that in this process, the two parties had ups and downs, wins and losses, and they didn't realize that although they were still evenly matched, someone had benefited behind the scenes...

The news that Prince Kang had restored the throne was like a hurricane, sweeping across the capital in an instant.

Compared with this incident, the fall of the Marquis Dingguo, which has been making a lot of noise in the past two days, is nothing.

After King Kang was demoted to the heir, everyone from officials and dignitaries to ordinary people thought that the battle for the throne had come to an end. Who could have thought that a year later, things would turn around like this?

His Majesty would not restore King Kang to the throne for no reason. The only explanation is that his mind on establishing the crown prince has wavered. The performance of Prince Duan has disappointed him so much that he has to consider taking King Kang back into his sight.

Of course, this may also be a warning to Prince Duan. Since there is no opponent like King Kang, Prince Duan has been acting more and more unscrupulously. He needs an opponent to calm himself down.

The emperor's heart is unpredictable. No matter what the reason is for His Majesty to issue this decree, the position of the crown prince, which was already clear, has become confusing again.

Prince Duan's Mansion

"What is this, what is this!"

Prince Duan was so angry that his face turned pale and his body trembled. He smashed everything he saw and everything he could smash. He gasped and fear was revealed from the depths of his eyes.

He thought he had taken the position ahead of Prince Kang, but he didn't expect that the princely throne that Prince Kang had lost could be regained. In this way, all the advantages he had gained so far would become a dream bubble?

This feeling of falling from the clouds to the dust made him more terrified than angry.

At this time, a servant of the palace came in and whispered: "Your Highness, the two Lords Tang want to see you."

"No!" Prince Duan waved his hand and said loudly: "Let him go back, I won't see anyone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Huai strode in from outside and asked, "You don't see anyone, and you don't want the throne anymore?"

Prince Duan looked at him, gritted his teeth and said, "What do you mean, Father!"

Tang Huai looked at him and said gloomily: "Concubine Hui asked me to ask Your Highness, what do you mean?"

Prince Duan's expression changed and he said, "I..."

Tang Huai did not give Prince Duan any face, and said with a cold face: "I asked you to stay in the palace well, who asked you to impeach King Huai, who asked you to impeach Tang Ning, you ended up today, not because of others, but because of Your own stupidity!"

"Do you think you will be safe if King Kang becomes the heir?"

"Your Majesty hasn't passed on the title of crown prince to you yet, so you don't know how much you weigh?"

"Don't tell me that you are not the prince yet. Even if you have already taken the position of prince, His Majesty can take it back at any time!"

"Concubine Hui has done so much for you, and the Tang family has lost so much for you. Because of your stupidity, all our hard work has been in vain!"

Tang Huai's face was extremely gloomy, and every sound became more severe. King Duan knew that this was what his mother-in-law meant, and his face became even paler. Finally, he became depressed and asked: "What should I do?"

"You have to admit when you make mistakes, and you have to stand firm when you are beaten..." Tang Zhao stood behind Tang Qi and Tang Huai and interjected: "A fool, as long as he does nothing, others will not see that he is a fool. Don't worry about the court." For things in class, read more, read more newspapers, and enrich yourself more..."

"Shut up!" Tang Qi glared at him, turned to look at Prince Duan, and said: "Now we can only take one step at a time. In my opinion, His Majesty just wants to beat you, not to establish Prince Kang as the crown prince." Thoughts, but if you don’t listen to the advice, insist on going your own way, and continue to do such stupid things, the fate of King Kang before will be your fate..."

Although he was judged as stupid by others, King Duan could not refute this fact at present. He gritted his teeth unwillingly and said: "I know..."

Tang Qi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Now we can only wait and see what His Majesty will do next..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a servant from the palace hurriedly walked in and said: "Your Highness, Your Majesty has summoned..."

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