Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 787: Shattered

Pregnant women have changeable and unpredictable tempers.

A few days ago, Lu Ya was angry with Xiao Jue because apples are called apples instead of other fruits, and made him kneel for an hour. When Tang Ning heard about this, he was a little bit unbelievable.

"That's not all." Xiao Jue sighed when he mentioned this matter, and shook his head and said, "I refuted her and she said I was not considerate. I agreed with her and she said I had no opinion. Now I think it's a mistake for me to live in this world..."

Tang Ning looked at him and comforted him, "After a woman is pregnant, her temper will become strange. It will be fine after she gives birth."

Xiao Jue worriedly said, "She is pregnant now and has difficulty moving. I'm afraid she will take action after she gives birth..."

In the room, Tang Yaoyao looked at Lu Ya and asked in horror, "Will all pregnant women become like this?"

"Of course not." Lu Ya shook her head and said, "I was just angry that he didn't draw my eyebrows. Others can do it. Why can't he do it? "

"In fact, it's more than just drawing eyebrows..." Tang Yaoyao showed a happy expression on her face, and said: "He can also help me dress up, cook for me, and..."

Lu Ya showed an envious expression on her face and said: "They are together all day long, and Xiao doesn't learn something good from them. No, if he doesn't change his stubborn temper, I won't let him go!"

"It's so hard to be a human being..." In the yard, Xiao Jue sighed, looked at Tang Ning, and said: "It's not all bad that you can't give birth to a child. At least you don't have to serve so many ancestors..."

Tang Ning had a blank expression on his face, and his knuckles creaked. He took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the idea of ​​throwing Xiao Jue into the well.

Xiao Jue suddenly looked at him and asked, "You are the best at coaxing women. How about you teach me how to coax a pregnant woman?"

"It's very simple." Tang Ning looked at him, smiled slightly, and said, "To coax a woman, you rely on your masculinity. If she wants you to help her draw her eyebrows, you don't help her draw them. If she wants you to go east, you go west. If she wants you to chase dogs, you go to catch chickens. Do everything the opposite of what she does. Sooner or later, she will be convinced by your masculinity."

Xiao Jue showed doubt on his face and asked, "Will this work?"

"You will know if you try it?" Tang Ning glanced at him and said, "Anyway, she can't beat you now..."

Xiao Jue pondered his words carefully, and his face gradually showed a look of desire. He nodded and said, "I believe you again."


It is simply unforgivable that a man like Xiao Jue can find a wife.

If he hadn't done a favor to Lu Ya when he was a child, the incense of the old Xiao family would have been cut off by his generation.

When you really like someone, you will forget about masculinity and face, and she will be the only one in your eyes and heart. You will even create some small surprises from time to time to make her happy.

What does it matter if you draw eyebrows or put on makeup? If you can, you will want to pick the moon and give it to her.

Although Tang Ning and Tang Yaoyao have been married for a short time, they have just entered the honeymoon period for a few days. Tang Ning is happy to make her happy in various ways.

Xiu'er ran in from outside and said, "Son-in-law, the young lady should be back soon. Are you ready?"

Tang Ning gestured to her, closed the door, and Xiu'er ran out quickly.

Outside the door, Lu Ya, who walked in side by side with Tang Yaoyao, glanced back at Xiao Jue, who was a dozen steps away, and complained to Tang Yaoyao: "I don't know what's wrong with him these days. He always goes against me. I told him to go east, but he insisted on going west. He went against me everywhere. If it weren't for my physical disability, I would have broken his legs..."

Tang Yaoyao said: "He may have encountered something unhappy outside."

Lu Ya felt a little comforted and turned around to ask: "Is your husband like this when he encounters something unhappy outside?"

Tang Yaoyao shook her head and said: "He never does this..."

Lu Ya felt better, and she felt even worse after hearing this. Depressed, the two walked into the mansion. Xiu'er ran over from the yard and said happily: "Miss..., why is Miss Lu here too?"

Lu Ya glanced at her and said unhappily: "Why, can't I come here?"

Xiu'er shook her head repeatedly: "No, no..."

Tang Yaoyao looked at her and asked: "Where is the son-in-law."

"In the room." Xiu'er replied subconsciously, and then realized that something was wrong. It was too late to change her words, and hurriedly said: "I'll go call the son-in-law out."

Tang Yaoyao waved her hand and said: "No, we will go find him ourselves."

She walked to the door of the room, pushed the door open, and a faint and elegant floral fragrance came to her nose.

Tang Ning handed a carefully selected bouquet to Tang Yaoyao. Just as she was about to speak, she looked at Lu Ya standing beside her, her expression was stunned, and she said awkwardly: "Miss Lu is also..."

Lu Ya smelled the fragrance of flowers, looked at the flowers blooming in the room, the red ribbons floating in the air, and the fine wine and delicacies on the table, and stood there in a daze.

Tang Yaoyao looked at Tang Ning and asked quietly, "What is this?"

Tang Ning said embarrassedly, "I thought you were alone. Miss Lu, do you want to eat something together..."

Lu Ya knew that she had disturbed someone else's world of two, so she simply turned around and said, "I have something to do, so I'll go back first. You guys continue..."

After Lu Ya left in a hurry, Tang Yaoyao walked into the room, took the bouquet from Tang Ning, looked at the room decorated like a sea of ​​flowers, her eyes sparkled, and asked: "Is this prepared for me? So beautiful..."

Tang Ning handed the bouquet to her and said: "No matter how beautiful it is, it is not as beautiful as you..."

When Tang Yaoyao blushed and took the bouquet, at the door of the Tang Mansion, Xiao Jue looked at Lu Ya who came out and asked in surprise: "Why are you back again? Not eating at their house?"

The room she saw just now was decorated more beautifully than their wedding room. The same two people, one was so attentive to the wife, and the other was against the wife everywhere, Lu When Ya saw Xiao Jue, she felt a nameless anger in her heart and said angrily: "I'm full!"

"Then you go back first." Xiao Jue looked at her and said: "I'll go in and eat something. I haven't eaten yet today..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was grabbed by the ear by Lu Ya. Lu Ya looked at him and gritted her teeth and said: "Go back and eat. I'll cook it for you myself!"

Xiao Jue looked at her and said in surprise: "Can you cook?"

Lu Ya looked at him and said with a gloomy face: "Yes, bamboo shoots fried with meat, do you want to eat it?"

"Eat it." Xiao Jue showed a smile on his face and said: "I like bamboo shoots the most..."


Lu Ya's bamboo shoots fried with meat made the Xiao Mansion a mess.

At the same time, the imperial study seemed extremely quiet.

Emperor Chen was playing chess with Prince Fu. After thinking for a moment, he was about to make a move when he suddenly asked, "Isn't tomorrow the anniversary of Concubine Yang's death?"

Prince Fu looked up at him and said, "My brother must have remembered it wrong. Concubine Yang's death has been several days in the past."

Emperor Chen was stunned and held the chess piece in his hand for a long time without dropping it.

After a long time, he stood up and said, "No more."

Prince Fu also stood up, bowed, and said, "I will take my leave first."

Emperor Chen stood in the hall for a long time before looking at Wei Jian and said, "Did a country in the Western Regions pay tribute to a piece of top-quality mutton-fat jade a few days ago?"

Wei Jian nodded and said, "Your Majesty, there is such a thing."

Emperor Chen said, "Let someone send it to Prince Huai's Mansion."

Wei Jian was stunned and reminded, "Your Majesty, this piece of jade was specifically requested by Concubine Hui."

Emperor Chen waved his hand and said, "There are a few inferior pieces. Pick two and give them to her."

Wei Jian nodded and said, "As ordered."


Prince Huai's Mansion.

Your Majesty just sent a palace servant to give Prince Huai a piece of top-quality mutton-fat jade. The servants in Prince Huai's Mansion were fortunate to see this jade. The jade was mutton-fat white, soft and uniform, and dense in texture. It was a rare piece of good jade, and there might not be a second one in the world.

In the study of Prince Huai, Princess Huai played with the piece of Hetian jade and said, "This jade is really top-grade jade. This is the first time I have seen such good jade..."

Prince Huai took it in his hand, stroked it for a few times, and nodded, "It is indeed good jade..."

The next moment, the piece of jade slipped from his hand and fell to the ground. With a bang, it broke into several pieces.

He looked at the fragments on the ground and shook his head, saying, "What a pity..."

Princess Huai looked at him, pursed her lips, and said softly, "Your Highness..."

Prince Huai smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter. I will give you a better one in the future."

He stroked Princess Huai's hair and whispered in a voice that only he could hear, "We don't want his things..."

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