Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 90 You wait...

The 90th chapter of the main text of Ruyi Xiaolangjun, you wait... The dispute between the sweet and salty tofu pudding parties is a joke to Fang Xiaopang.

This morning, she ate a bowl of sweet tofu pudding, a bowl of salty tofu pudding, and a tray of buns. If Tang Ning hadn't stopped her, she would have wanted to try the taste of mixing sweet and salty tofu pudding with some vinegar.

The breakfast shop's business has declined in the past two days because another major case happened in Lingzhou City.

The impact of the case was huge. Almost all of Lingzhou was mobilized. The constables and runners of the governor's mansion, Yi'an County Office, and Yong'an County Office were all dispatched, causing panic in the city.

The commotion was so big, but in fact, the case itself was just a small theft case.

The person who was robbed was an envoy of the State of Chu. He was robbed on the street in Lingzhou. In addition to losing silver, he also lost a very important thing.

Tang Ning didn't know what the Chu envoy had lost, but he knew it was very important, otherwise the Lingzhou governor wouldn't be so impatient and give a three-day deadline to solve the case.

If someone else had lost something, the local government could slowly investigate, and if they couldn't find out, the case would be left unsolved after a long time.

But the person who lost the thing was the Chu envoy, and the Chu envoy's things were stolen on the territory of Chen State, which was a loss of face for Chen State. If there was any diplomatic dispute because of this, the severity of the matter would be beyond the reach of even the Lingzhou governor.

This was bad news, but there was also good news.

The good news was that the Chu envoy lost the things on the territory of Yi'an County, and the one who was ordered by Governor Dong to solve the case within three days was Yi'an County Magistrate Zhao Zhijie, not Yong'an County Magistrate Zhong Mingli.

There was nothing to worry about. Tang Ning was not idle enough to worry about other people's things. There was still half a year before the provincial examination, and the time seemed to be sufficient, but excluding the time spent on the road and various miscellaneous matters, there was not much time left for him.

In the past two days, the police and yamen runners were dispatched in large numbers. The people in Lingzhou City were in a panic. The ones who were more panicked than them were the ruffians and habitual thieves in the city.

All the habitual thieves with criminal records in the yamen were arrested and taken to the Yi'an County Yamen.

A policeman walked in quickly from outside, looked at Zhao Zhijie, and said, "Sir, they have also been ruled out. When the envoy lost something, they were not on that street. There are witnesses who can testify."

Zhao Zhijie picked up a pen and crossed out two names on a piece of paper in front of him. He counted and said, "There are five left."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone else came in from outside and said, "Sir, it has been found that the other two were not present."

Zhao Zhijie crossed out the first two names again and looked at the last three people left.

The constable looked at him and said, "Sir, these three are brothers. They are often arrested for stealing things, but they all insist that they did not steal the envoy's things..."

"Which thief would admit that he stole things?" A man who looked like a constable snorted coldly and said, "Take all the eighteen kinds of torture and I don't believe they won't confess!"

Zhao Zhijie looked at him and frowned slightly.

This person was sent by Governor Dong from the Governor's Office to help him solve the case. Even he couldn't be too negligent. He relaxed his brows and said, "Captain Xiu's move is inappropriate. Several Chu envoys are outside. If they are tortured, they will be laughed at. It's good to find the envoys' lost things. If they are not found, the Lingzhou government abuses torture and tortures them into confessing, and the whole country will know about it."

The court has made up its mind to punish cruel officials since a year ago. It has made clear regulations on the implementation of punishments. It is not allowed to use torture without evidence...

Another constable came up to him and whispered, "Sir, this case is of great importance and is a special case. As long as you don't use those tortures, the higher-ups won't blame you."

Zhao Zhiju looked outside, pondered in his heart, and nodded, "Use torture."

Captain Xiu nodded and said, "It should have been done long ago!"

The constable responded and withdrew. Several people waited patiently in the hall.

"How is the case going?" Just then, a voice came from outside.

Zhao Zhijie looked at Zhong Mingli who came in from outside, and said lightly: "It will be solved soon, don't worry about it, Lord Zhong."

As soon as he finished speaking, the constable who had just left came in from outside, with a somewhat ugly face, looking at Zhao Zhijie, shaking his head and said: "Sir, they still have no confession, is it really not them who did it?"

The constable's face was still a little worried. The people they caught were all well-known habitual thieves in the city, but it only meant that they were more likely to commit crimes than ordinary people, but they were not necessarily them.

If the last three people were not, the case would immediately fall into a deadlock.

There was only one day left before the three-day deadline of Governor Dong. After one day, even if Governor Dong did not blame, the envoy of Chu would not let it go, and there was a great possibility that he would report the case.

Zhong Mingli ignored Zhao Zhijie and looked at the constable, asking, "How far have you investigated this case? Tell the truth."

"Yes, Mr. Zhong!" The constable looked at him, nodded immediately, and said, "We have checked all the habitual thieves in the city..."

The county jail.

In a cell, three people leaned against the wall, their faces extremely pale.

One wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked around, looked at the man next to him, and whispered, "Brother, what should we do?"

The man gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "If you want to live, remember this. This case has nothing to do with us. We didn't do it!"

The two men showed extremely regretful expressions on their faces and nodded with difficulty.

If they knew that the man was an envoy of the State of Chu and stole his things, the government would turn the whole Lingzhou upside down. They would never do that job...

But it's too late to say anything now. If they don't confess, it's fine. Once they confess, they don't know how the government will deal with them. Compared with losing their heads, what is a little bit of physical pain?

In the county government, Zhong Mingli had listened to the description of the constable and understood the progress of the case.

In the end, there were only three suspects left, and these three people were not necessarily the real criminals. If this case was in his hands, the current situation would not be much better than Zhao Zhijie.

There is only one day left before the three-day deadline. If the case cannot be solved by this time tomorrow, the local government of Lingzhou will not be able to cover this matter.

Zhong Mingli looked at him and asked, "There's still one day left. Can you make it?"

Zhao Zhijie glanced at him and said, "If you're here to watch the fun, go back to where you came from."

Zhong Mingli glanced at him indifferently and turned to walk out.

When he reached the door, he paused, but didn't look back. He whispered, "Wait..."


During lunch, Tang Ning found that his father-in-law was a little strange. He wanted to say something several times but didn't say anything.

He felt a little strange. Nothing big happened in Yong'an County Government these days, and he didn't need to worry about anything.

Since the Luming Feast, Governor Dong has also been much quieter. Not only did he not embarrass him, but he showed goodwill many times. With everything going smoothly, what else could make him so entangled?

"Ning'er..." Zhong Mingli had put down his chopsticks, looked at him, and said, "There is a case that needs your help."

Tang Ning thought that his father-in-law had encountered another case, but he didn't expect that he was talking about the theft of the Chu envoy.

The person directly responsible for this case should be Zhao Zhijie, the magistrate of Yi'an County. It doesn't matter if the case cannot be solved. It's better to let a friend die than to let me die. I don't know why my father-in-law asked him for help.

But since he had already asked, Tang Ning couldn't refuse. Without hesitation, he nodded and agreed.

After all, there were no outsiders here. He didn't need to be modest or perfunctory like Li Tianlan. He was familiar with various detective dramas and some of the ancient and modern interrogation methods he knew were indeed more scientific and advanced.

After lunch, he accompanied his father-in-law to the Yi'an County Government.

As soon as he entered the county government, he saw Li Tianlan standing in the yard.

Li Tianlan looked at him and asked, "What is Tang Jieyuan doing here?"

Tang Ning thought for a while and said, "Just strolling around..."

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